Bug #63059 [Com]: Failed to build PHP-FPM

2012-12-07 Thread rainer dot jung at kippdata dot de
Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=63059&edit=1

 ID: 63059
 Comment by: rainer dot jung at kippdata dot de
 Reported by:nam dot nh at nd24 dot net
 Summary:Failed to build PHP-FPM
 Status: Closed
 Type:   Bug
 Package:Compile Failure
 Operating System:   OpenIndiana 151a6
 PHP Version:5.4.6
 Block user comment: N
 Private report: N

 New Comment:

Problem still unfixed in PHP 5.4.9 on Solaris 10. Same error as seen by the OP.

The patch proposed here wasn't applied, so the problem still exists. Please 
apply the patch. It is a followup to Bug #62654. There the 
sapi/fpm/fpm/fpm_sockets.c file was fixed, but the sapi/fpm/fpm/fpm_sockets.h 
was forgotten.

Previous Comments:

[2012-10-14 01:43:21] nam dot nh at nd24 dot net

Compile successful, then the case is closed

[2012-10-14 01:41:58] nam dot nh at nd24 dot net

The problem fixed. Thanks.

[2012-10-13 17:47:35] mike at maytech dot net

See patch attached; should fix the compilation problem.

[2012-10-13 15:57:49] nam dot nh at nd24 dot net

Found similar to bug #62654, but still get error when "make"

[2012-09-11 06:00:16] nam dot nh at nd24 dot net


I'm building PHP 5.4.6 on a fresh machine that run OpenIndiana 151a6 OS, gcc 
version 4.6.3, error happens when do "make"

Test script:
./configure --prefix=/usr/php --with-gd --with-mcrypt --with-zlib 
--enable-mbstring --with-mysql=mysqlnd --with-mysqli=mysqlnd  
--enable-inline-optimization --with-bz2 --enable-sockets --enable-mbregex 
--with-mhash --enable-zip --with-png-dir=/usr/include 
--with-jpeg-dir=/usr/include --with-freetype-dir=/usr/include 
--with-xpm-dir=/usr/include --enable-gd-native-ttf --with-pear=/usr/php/lib/php 
--disable-ipv6 --enable-fpm

Expected result:


Actual result:
/bin/sh /usr/src/php-5.4.6/libtool --silent --preserve-dup-deps --mode=compile 
gcc -I/usr/src/php-5.4.6/sapi/fpm -Isapi/fpm/ -I/usr/src/php-5.4.6/sapi/fpm/ -
DPHP_ATOM_INC -I/usr/src/php-5.4.6/include -I/usr/src/php-5.4.6/main -
I/usr/src/php-5.4.6 -I/usr/src/php-5.4.6/ext/date/lib -I/usr/src/php-
5.4.6/ext/ereg/regex -I/usr/include/libxml2 -I/usr/X11R6/include -
I/usr/include/freetype2 -I/usr/src/php-5.4.6/ext/mbstring/oniguruma -
I/usr/src/php-5.4.6/ext/mbstring/libmbfl -I/usr/src/php-
5.4.6/ext/mbstring/libmbfl/mbfl -I/usr/src/php-5.4.6/ext/sqlite3/libsqlite -
I/usr/src/php-5.4.6/TSRM -I/usr/src/php-5.4.6/Zend  -D_POSIX_PTHREAD_SEMANTICS  
-I/usr/include -g -O2 -fvisibility=hidden  -c /usr/src/php-
5.4.6/sapi/fpm/fpm/fastcgi.c -o sapi/fpm/fpm/fastcgi.lo
/bin/sh /usr/src/php-5.4.6/libtool --silent --preserve-dup-deps --mode=compile 
gcc -I/usr/src/php-5.4.6/sapi/fpm -Isapi/fpm/ -I/usr/src/php-5.4.6/sapi/fpm/ -
DPHP_ATOM_INC -I/usr/src/php-5.4.6/include -I/usr/src/php-5.4.6/main -
I/usr/src/php-5.4.6 -I/usr/src/php-5.4.6/ext/date/lib -I/usr/src/php-
5.4.6/ext/ereg/regex -I/usr/include/libxml2 -I/usr/X11R6/include -
I/usr/include/freetype2 -I/usr/src/php-5.4.6/ext/mbstring/oniguruma -
I/usr/src/php-5.4.6/ext/mbstring/libmbfl -I/usr/src/php-
5.4.6/ext/mbstring/libmbfl/mbfl -I/usr/src/php-5.4.6/ext/sqlite3/libsqlite -
I/usr/src/php-5.4.6/TSRM -I/usr/src/php-5.4.6/Zend  -D_POSIX_PTHREAD_SEMANTICS  
-I/usr/include -g -O2 -fvisibility=hidden  -c /usr/src/php-
5.4.6/sapi/fpm/fpm/fpm.c -o sapi/fpm/fpm/fpm.lo
In file included from /usr/src/php-5.4.6/sapi/fpm/fpm/fpm.c:16:0:
/usr/src/php-5.4.6/sapi/fpm/fpm/fpm_sockets.h:28:54: error: expected ';', ',' 
')' before numeric constant
make: *** [sapi/fpm/fpm/fpm.lo] Error 1

Edit this bug report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=63059&edit=1

Bug #63714 [Nab]: incorrect global statement

2012-12-07 Thread laruence
Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=63714&edit=1

 ID: 63714
 Updated by: larue...@php.net
 Reported by:axdr at bk dot ru
 Summary:incorrect global statement
 Status: Not a bug
 Type:   Bug
 Package:Scripting Engine problem
 Operating System:   Windows
 PHP Version:5.4.9
 Block user comment: N
 Private report: N

 New Comment:

try this:

$gvar = 'aaa';
$var = 'bbb';

unset($gvar);   //reset the environment

$gvar = 'aaa';
$var = 'bbb';

Previous Comments:

[2012-12-08 00:17:26] axdr at bk dot ru

Please, ignore previous comment

function func1() {
  global $gvar;
  $var = &$GLOBALS['var'];
  $GLOBALS['var'] = &$gvar;
  var_dump($var, $GLOBALS['var'], $gvar);
function func2() {
  global $gvar;
  global $var;
  $GLOBALS['var'] = &$gvar;
  var_dump($var, $GLOBALS['var'], $gvar);

$gvar = 'aaa';
$var = 'bbb';
echo '';
$gvar = 'aaa';
$var = 'bbb';


string 'bbb'
string 'aaa'
string 'aaa'

string 'bbb'
string 'bbb'
string 'bbb'

[2012-12-08 00:00:31] axdr at bk dot ru

global $var is reference to $GLOBALS['var']
but is not equivalent to $var = &$GLOBALS['var']

$gvar = 'aaa';
$var = 'bbb';
function func2() {
  global $gvar;
  global $var;
  $GLOBALS['var'] = &$gvar;
  var_dump($var, $GLOBALS['var']);
function func1() {
  global $gvar;
  $var = &$GLOBALS['var'];
  $GLOBALS['var'] = &$gvar;
  var_dump($var, $GLOBALS['var']);
function func3() {
  $gvar = 'aaa';
  $var1 = 'bbb';  // вместо global $var
  $var = &$var1;
  $var1 = &$gvar;
  var_dump($var, $var1);
echo '';
echo '';


[2012-12-07 04:08:02] axdr at bk dot ru

Sorry. You are right.
But I think this is irrational. 
It's impossible to read all documentation and to remember word for word.
This is a kind of underwater mine.

[2012-12-07 02:54:35] larue...@php.net

also see:

http://www.php.net/manual/ and the instructions on how to report
a bug at http://bugs.php.net/how-to-report.php

global $a;
  make a local variable 'a' reference to $GLOBALS['a'];

also thinking of:

$b = &$a;  // b reference to a
$b = &$c;  // change reference to c

  global $a, $b;   //b reference to $GLOBALS['b']
  $a = 'aaa';
  $b = &$a;//b now reference to local $a with GLOBALS['b'] unchanged

The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at


Edit this bug report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=63714&edit=1

Bug #63708 [Opn->Nab]: imagefttext or imagettftext both function are return a blank image

2012-12-07 Thread sixd
Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=63708&edit=1

 ID: 63708
 Updated by: s...@php.net
 Reported by:rameezsoomro dot pk at live dot com
+Summary:imagefttext or imagettftext both function are return
 a blank image
-Status: Open
+Status: Not a bug
 Type:   Bug
 Package:GD related
 Operating System:   Win 7
 PHP Version:5.4.9
 Block user comment: N
 Private report: N

 New Comment:

Sorry, but your problem does not imply a bug in PHP itself.  For a
list of more appropriate places to ask for help using PHP, please
visit http://www.php.net/support.php as this bug system is not the
appropriate forum for asking support questions.  Due to the volume
of reports we can not explain in detail here why your report is not
a bug.  The support channels will be able to provide an explanation
for you.

Thank you for your interest in PHP.

Previous Comments:

[2012-12-06 11:42:48] rameezsoomro dot pk at live dot com


Note: I i've choose wrong version on PHP Version list because my php version 
available on list option...

I am using xampp on localhost/computer with Apache/2.4.3 (Win32) OpenSSL/1.0.1c 

imagefttext or imagettftext both function are return a blank image (null) and 
gd library was also enable ...tell me what should i do... 

Test script:
// Set the content-type
header('Content-Type: image/png');

// Create the image
$im = imagecreatetruecolor(400, 30);

// Create some colors
$white = imagecolorallocate($im, 255, 255, 255);
$grey = imagecolorallocate($im, 128, 128, 128);
$black = imagecolorallocate($im, 0, 0, 0);
imagefilledrectangle($im, 0, 0, 399, 29, $white);

// The text to draw
$text = 'Testing...';
// Replace path by your own font path
$font = 'arial.ttf';

// Add some shadow to the text
imagefttext($im, 20, 0, 11, 21, $grey, $font, $text);

// Add the text
imagefttext($im, 20, 0, 10, 20, $black, $font, $text);

// Using imagepng() results in clearer text compared with imagejpeg()

Edit this bug report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=63708&edit=1

Bug #63714 [Nab]: incorrect global statement

2012-12-07 Thread axdr at bk dot ru
Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=63714&edit=1

 ID: 63714
 User updated by:axdr at bk dot ru
 Reported by:axdr at bk dot ru
 Summary:incorrect global statement
 Status: Not a bug
 Type:   Bug
 Package:Scripting Engine problem
 Operating System:   Windows
 PHP Version:5.4.9
 Block user comment: N
 Private report: N

 New Comment:

Please, ignore previous comment

function func1() {
  global $gvar;
  $var = &$GLOBALS['var'];
  $GLOBALS['var'] = &$gvar;
  var_dump($var, $GLOBALS['var'], $gvar);
function func2() {
  global $gvar;
  global $var;
  $GLOBALS['var'] = &$gvar;
  var_dump($var, $GLOBALS['var'], $gvar);

$gvar = 'aaa';
$var = 'bbb';
echo '';
$gvar = 'aaa';
$var = 'bbb';


string 'bbb'
string 'aaa'
string 'aaa'

string 'bbb'
string 'bbb'
string 'bbb'

Previous Comments:

[2012-12-08 00:00:31] axdr at bk dot ru

global $var is reference to $GLOBALS['var']
but is not equivalent to $var = &$GLOBALS['var']

$gvar = 'aaa';
$var = 'bbb';
function func2() {
  global $gvar;
  global $var;
  $GLOBALS['var'] = &$gvar;
  var_dump($var, $GLOBALS['var']);
function func1() {
  global $gvar;
  $var = &$GLOBALS['var'];
  $GLOBALS['var'] = &$gvar;
  var_dump($var, $GLOBALS['var']);
function func3() {
  $gvar = 'aaa';
  $var1 = 'bbb';  // вместо global $var
  $var = &$var1;
  $var1 = &$gvar;
  var_dump($var, $var1);
echo '';
echo '';


[2012-12-07 04:08:02] axdr at bk dot ru

Sorry. You are right.
But I think this is irrational. 
It's impossible to read all documentation and to remember word for word.
This is a kind of underwater mine.

[2012-12-07 02:54:35] larue...@php.net

also see:

http://www.php.net/manual/ and the instructions on how to report
a bug at http://bugs.php.net/how-to-report.php

global $a;
  make a local variable 'a' reference to $GLOBALS['a'];

also thinking of:

$b = &$a;  // b reference to a
$b = &$c;  // change reference to c

  global $a, $b;   //b reference to $GLOBALS['b']
  $a = 'aaa';
  $b = &$a;//b now reference to local $a with GLOBALS['b'] unchanged

[2012-12-07 02:44:58] axdr at bk dot ru

'global'-declaration kills referencies

  function func() {
global $a, $b;
$a = 'aaa';
$b = &$a;
echo "$a, $b", '';
global $a, $b;
echo "$a, $b";

  aaa, aaa

The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at


Edit this bug report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=63714&edit=1

Bug #63714 [Nab]: incorrect global statement

2012-12-07 Thread axdr at bk dot ru
Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=63714&edit=1

 ID: 63714
 User updated by:axdr at bk dot ru
 Reported by:axdr at bk dot ru
 Summary:incorrect global statement
 Status: Not a bug
 Type:   Bug
 Package:Scripting Engine problem
 Operating System:   Windows
 PHP Version:5.4.9
 Block user comment: N
 Private report: N

 New Comment:

global $var is reference to $GLOBALS['var']
but is not equivalent to $var = &$GLOBALS['var']

$gvar = 'aaa';
$var = 'bbb';
function func2() {
  global $gvar;
  global $var;
  $GLOBALS['var'] = &$gvar;
  var_dump($var, $GLOBALS['var']);
function func1() {
  global $gvar;
  $var = &$GLOBALS['var'];
  $GLOBALS['var'] = &$gvar;
  var_dump($var, $GLOBALS['var']);
function func3() {
  $gvar = 'aaa';
  $var1 = 'bbb';  // вместо global $var
  $var = &$var1;
  $var1 = &$gvar;
  var_dump($var, $var1);
echo '';
echo '';


Previous Comments:

[2012-12-07 04:08:02] axdr at bk dot ru

Sorry. You are right.
But I think this is irrational. 
It's impossible to read all documentation and to remember word for word.
This is a kind of underwater mine.

[2012-12-07 02:54:35] larue...@php.net

also see:

http://www.php.net/manual/ and the instructions on how to report
a bug at http://bugs.php.net/how-to-report.php

global $a;
  make a local variable 'a' reference to $GLOBALS['a'];

also thinking of:

$b = &$a;  // b reference to a
$b = &$c;  // change reference to c

  global $a, $b;   //b reference to $GLOBALS['b']
  $a = 'aaa';
  $b = &$a;//b now reference to local $a with GLOBALS['b'] unchanged

[2012-12-07 02:44:58] axdr at bk dot ru

'global'-declaration kills referencies

  function func() {
global $a, $b;
$a = 'aaa';
$b = &$a;
echo "$a, $b", '';
global $a, $b;
echo "$a, $b";

  aaa, aaa

[2012-12-07 02:37:38] axdr at bk dot ru


'global'-declaration inside a function dosn't affect referencies.

Test script:
function func() {
global $a, $b;
$a = 'aaa';
$b = &$a;
$GLOBALS['c'] = &$a;
echo "$a, $b, $c"; 

Expected result:

aaa, aaa, aaa

Actual result:
aaa, , aaa

Edit this bug report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=63714&edit=1

[PHP-BUG] Bug #63724 [NEW]: MessageFormatter buggy when using select formats with nested parameters

2012-12-07 Thread eskwayrd at gmail dot com
From: eskwayrd at gmail dot com
Operating system: Linux
PHP version:  5.4.9
Package:  I18N and L10N related
Bug Type: Bug
Bug description:MessageFormatter buggy when using select formats with nested 


When a message formatter formats selects with nested variables, its
behaviour is 

Test script:
// attempting to translate file size
$locale = 'en_US';
$args = array(1.23435, 'M');
$format = "{1, select, k {{0} kB} M {{0} MB} other {{0} B}}";
echo "#1: ". msgfmt_format_message($locale, $format, $args) ."\n";

$format = "{1, select, k {{0} kB} M {{0, number, #.##} MB} other {{0}
echo "#2: ". msgfmt_format_message($locale, $format, $args) ."\n";
echo "Error? ". intl_get_error_message() ."\n";

Expected result:

#1: 1.23435 MB
#2: 1.23 MB

Actual result:
#1: 1.23435 MB
Error? Creating message formatter failed: U_ARGUMENT_TYPE_MISMATCH

Edit bug report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=63724&edit=1
Try a snapshot (PHP 5.4):   
Try a snapshot (PHP 5.3):   
Try a snapshot (trunk): 
Fixed in SVN:   https://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=63724&r=fixed
Fixed in release:   https://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=63724&r=alreadyfixed
Need backtrace: https://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=63724&r=needtrace
Need Reproduce Script:  https://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=63724&r=needscript
Try newer version:  https://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=63724&r=oldversion
Not developer issue:https://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=63724&r=support
Expected behavior:  https://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=63724&r=notwrong
Not enough info:
Submitted twice:
register_globals:   https://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=63724&r=globals
PHP 4 support discontinued: https://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=63724&r=php4
Daylight Savings:   https://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=63724&r=dst
IIS Stability:  https://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=63724&r=isapi
Install GNU Sed:https://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=63724&r=gnused
Floating point limitations: https://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=63724&r=float
No Zend Extensions: https://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=63724&r=nozend
MySQL Configuration Error:  https://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=63724&r=mysqlcfg

Bug #45282 [Com]: SoapClient has namespace issues when WSDL is distributed

2012-12-07 Thread thorgal_fr at yahoo dot fr
Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=45282&edit=1

 ID: 45282
 Comment by: thorgal_fr at yahoo dot fr
 Reported by:Martin dot Bosslet at googlemail dot com
 Summary:SoapClient has namespace issues when WSDL is
 Status: Verified
 Type:   Bug
 Package:SOAP related
 Operating System:   *
 PHP Version:5.*, 6CVS (2009-04-28)
 Block user comment: N
 Private report: N

 New Comment:

Same "already defined" problem, different cause : methods are defined for two 
distinct versions of SOAP.


Previous Comments:

[2012-01-03 22:57:40] pumuckel at metropolis dot de

Any progress on this issue?

[2008-12-12 18:13:38] clwells at nocworx dot com

This WSDL exhibits this behavior:


[2008-06-16 15:54:52] Martin dot Bosslet at googlemail dot com


I have tried to access a web service whose WSDL is distributed among several 
files each of which contains references to several further XSDs. Now the WSDL 
itself is valid, as .NET or Java clients have accessed the services without any 
problems. But when creating a new instance of SoapClient it fails because I'm 
told that a certain element has already been defined. The problem is, that 
there are  elements with the same name, but they DO differ in 

Reproduce code:
$client = new SoapClient('someURI');

/* Please email me to get a copy of the WSDLs producing the error. They're too 
large to be posted here (although I tried to keep them small already) and I 
have no facility to make them available online. */

Expected result:

No error when parsing the WSDL.

Actual result:
SoapFault exception: [WSDL] SOAP-ERROR: Parsing WSDL:  '' already 
defined in 

Edit this bug report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=45282&edit=1

[PHP-BUG] Req #63723 [NEW]: make use of UID EXPUNGE

2012-12-07 Thread slim at inbox dot lv
From: slim at inbox dot lv
Operating system: l
PHP version:  5.3.19
Package:  IMAP related
Bug Type: Feature/Change Request
Bug description:make use of UID EXPUNGE


c-client supports UID EXPUNGE feature from RFC 4315
Following patch adds the functionality to imap_expunge() when UID is set as

second argument:

diff -ur php-5.3.17.orig/ext/imap/php_imap.c
--- php-5.3.17.orig/ext/imap/php_imap.c 2012-10-29 17:49:28.0
+++ php-5.3.17/ext/imap/php_imap.c  2012-12-06 11:11:41.0
@@ -166,7 +166,8 @@
 ZEND_BEGIN_ARG_INFO_EX(arginfo_imap_expunge, 0, 0, 1)
-   ZEND_ARG_INFO(0, stream_id)
+ZEND_ARG_INFO(0, stream_id)
+ZEND_ARG_INFO(0, sequence)
 ZEND_BEGIN_ARG_INFO_EX(arginfo_imap_gc, 0, 0, 1)
@@ -1137,6 +1138,7 @@
php_info_print_table_row(2, "Kerberos Support", "enabled");
+   php_info_print_table_row(2, "IMAP UIDEXPUNGE Support", "enabled");
 /* }}} */
@@ -1553,18 +1555,23 @@
Permanently delete all messages marked for deletion */
-   zval *streamind;
-   pils *imap_le_struct;
+   zval *streamind;
+   char *sequence;
+   long flags = 0x1;
+   int sequence_len;
+   int argc = ZEND_NUM_ARGS();
-   if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "r",
&streamind) == 
-   return;
-   }
+pils *imap_le_struct;
-   ZEND_FETCH_RESOURCE(imap_le_struct, pils *, &streamind, -1, "imap",

+if (zend_parse_parameters(argc TSRMLS_CC, "r|s", &streamind,
&sequence_len) == FAILURE) {
-   mail_expunge (imap_le_struct->imap_stream);
+ZEND_FETCH_RESOURCE(imap_le_struct, pils *, &streamind, -1,
+mail_expunge_full (imap_le_struct->imap_stream, (argc == 2 ?
sequence : 
NIL), (argc == 2 ? flags : NIL));
 /* }}} */

Test script:
imap_expunge(resource $imap_stream, int $uid)

Edit bug report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=63723&edit=1
Try a snapshot (PHP 5.4):   
Try a snapshot (PHP 5.3):   
Try a snapshot (trunk): 
Fixed in SVN:   https://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=63723&r=fixed
Fixed in release:   https://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=63723&r=alreadyfixed
Need backtrace: https://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=63723&r=needtrace
Need Reproduce Script:  https://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=63723&r=needscript
Try newer version:  https://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=63723&r=oldversion
Not developer issue:https://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=63723&r=support
Expected behavior:  https://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=63723&r=notwrong
Not enough info:
Submitted twice:
register_globals:   https://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=63723&r=globals
PHP 4 support discontinued: https://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=63723&r=php4
Daylight Savings:   https://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=63723&r=dst
IIS Stability:  https://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=63723&r=isapi
Install GNU Sed:https://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=63723&r=gnused
Floating point limitations: https://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=63723&r=float
No Zend Extensions: https://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=63723&r=nozend
MySQL Configuration Error:  https://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=63723&r=mysqlcfg

Bug #61467 [Com]: New "callable" typehint does not work (autoloading)

2012-12-07 Thread ni...@php.net
Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=61467&edit=1

 ID: 61467
 Comment by: ni...@php.net
 Reported by:david at grudl dot com
 Summary:New "callable" typehint does not work (autoloading)
 Status: Not a bug
 Type:   Bug
 Package:Class/Object related
 PHP Version:5.4.0
 Block user comment: N
 Private report: N

 New Comment:

@paladin / @honza: We certainly won't introduce another type hint just to cover 
some minority use case. Type hints are there to simplify the most common type 
checks and callability-without-actual-callability is certainly not one of the 
common cases. If you have special needs you can always just do the manual 
is_callable call.

Previous Comments:

[2012-12-07 11:19:16] honza at mujserver dot net

I agree with paladin, but I don't think that *callable* is useful.

[2012-07-16 22:33:06] paladin at jstation dot cz

Hmm... I agree with David Grudl that current behavior is not ideal... so what 
about two typehints? callback and callable?

function testA(callback $a)
//callback checks only syntax

function testB(callable $a)
//callable checks if it is really callable

[2012-03-27 16:58:41] david at grudl dot com

1) "Yes, something other than a string was expected." Really? What exactly is 
expected? When a string points to something that _is_ callable, then it is not 
a string? 

call_user_func('xxx') triggers error 'expects parameter 1 to be a valid 
callback, function 'xxx' not found or invalid function name' which is perfectly 
understandable. Why the same function with typehint callable will not trigger 
the same error message? It will trigger 'Argument 1 passed to call_user_funct() 
must be callable, string given', which says that I shouldn't use the string. 
And that's not simply true.

2) I would totally agree with you, if PHP was static language. But PHP is 
dynamic language and it makes sense to have stored in the variable name of 
class/function that has not yet been loaded. And most importantly: the life 
cycle of PHP is a single HTTP request, lazy loading is very important for good 

[2012-03-24 23:41:57] jan at skrasek dot com

There is no logic to check is_callable by typehint - these typehint is useless, 
brings no new functionality. The only one possibile benefit is just check 
validity of the callback structure, not the callabality self.

> A callable isn't a basic type like a string.
So, this typehint behaves differently than others. Yeah, so you prefer to mix 
things together and make php much more chaotic.
> This is what most users expect when they check if something is callable.
Some research available? Or just empty words?

>From my point of view php is heading to hell by making these type of 
>shortcuts. Yes, we are lazy programmers, but there is no need to rewrite if 
>(is_callable(..)) as a typehint.

[2012-03-23 23:47:03] ras...@php.net

1) Yes, something other than a string was expected. When a string points to 
something that isn't a callable function, then it is just a string, so I 
consider the message correct.

2) Yes, I consider it correct. A callable isn't a basic type like a string. It 
has to have a couple of characteristics, one of which is being actually 
which you can't know unless you check. This is what most users expect when they 
check if something is callable. If something just looks like a callable 
and it isn't, then you end up with an uncatchable fatal when you try to call 
so knowing that something looks like it might be a callable function isn't very 
useful to most. They want to write robust code and catch any errors and that 
only be done if we check for the existence of the callable function which is 
it is the default.

And your example with array just reinforces this. An array typehint fully 
if an array is an array because it is a simple type that has no other 
characteristics. An array can't pass the array typehint and then fatal out when 
you try to use it as an array.

The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at


Edit this bug report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=61467&edit=1

Bug #63638 [Com]: Cannot connect to SQL Server 2008 with PDO dblib

2012-12-07 Thread wdmeldon at gmail dot com
Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=63638&edit=1

 ID: 63638
 Comment by: wdmeldon at gmail dot com
 Reported by:pmeunier at cybergeneration dot com
 Summary:Cannot connect to SQL Server 2008 with PDO dblib
 Status: Open
 Type:   Bug
 Package:PDO related
 Operating System:   Linux Slackware 13
 PHP Version:5.4.9
 Block user comment: N
 Private report: N

 New Comment:

I've tested this in SQL Server 2012, 2008 and 2005 with similar results.  The 
warnings do not always manifest however.  I've noticed returning output will 
prevent the warning as will calling other functions, but it's a crap shoot. 

The connection seems to be fine and the data returned is as well, so more 
than anything else.

Running Ubuntu Server 12.04 with PHP 5.4.9.

Previous Comments:

[2012-12-05 16:49:09] f dot marquis at of2m dot fr

same problem here, but only from time to time (not all connections are failing 
like with pmeunier)

seems related to #63258

[2012-11-28 21:43:00] pmeunier at cybergeneration dot com

We made a compare between the /ext/pdo_dblib/ php 5.4.7 and php 5.4.9 and found 
only one file was changed. Line 318 in dblib_driver.c went from :

// In PHP 5.4.7

To :

// In PHP 5.4.9

For fun, we tried to revert to passing 1 for the last parameter... and guess 
what ? It worked. Since we don't actually understand what this function makes, 
and why the parameter was changed, we don't find this solution very clean, 
unless it is eventually confirmed by a PHP developper.

[2012-11-28 21:09:02] pmeunier at cybergeneration dot com


We are relying on PDO_DBLIB to connect to our SQL Server 2008 Server in PHP, 
hosted on a Linux platform. We were running PHP 5.4.7 and everything was fine. 
When we upgraded to 5.4.9, all connections to SQL Server were failing with the 
following error : Warning: PDO::__construct(): Called dbsetopt with parameter 3 
NULL (severity 11). We tried with different logins to be sure that it was not a 
permission issue, but the bug also occurs when trying to log with 'sa'.

Test script:
$connection = new PDO('dblib:host=myServerHost;dbname=MyDatabase', 'username', 

Expected result:

We expect no warnings to be thrown and connection to SQL Server to work

Actual result:
A warning is thrown : Warning: PDO::__construct(): Called dbsetopt with 
3 NULL (severity 11)

Edit this bug report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=63638&edit=1

Bug #63719 [Opn]: mail function becomes slow until apache restart

2012-12-07 Thread skunk at ipfrom dot com
Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=63719&edit=1

 ID: 63719
 User updated by:skunk at ipfrom dot com
 Reported by:skunk at ipfrom dot com
 Summary:mail function becomes slow until apache restart
 Status: Open
 Type:   Bug
 Package:Mail related
 Operating System:   gentoo linux
 PHP Version:5.3.19
 Block user comment: N
 Private report: N

 New Comment:

i forgot to say the sendmail command works fine and even executing from the 
command line a script containing the mail() function is practically 
instantaneous, it happens only if apache (2.2.23) executes the script.

Previous Comments:

[2012-12-07 13:12:58] skunk at ipfrom dot com


i'm seeing this on more than one production servers:
after some days of uptime the mail() function starts to take about a minute to 
execute and only a restart of apache (prefork) makes it fast again.
one of the web servers is running roundcube which has the possibility to either 
use the mail() function or to connect directly to a smtp server, with the 
after few days sending a mail becomes very slow while with the latest it's 
on a side note, when the slowness starts happening apache takes a long time to 
kill all processes on restart.
thank you.

Test script:
sorry, i'm unable to replicate this issue because it happens on production 
servers with real traffic.

Expected result:

mail() function should exec fast

Actual result:
when mail() slows down a restart of apache is required

Edit this bug report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=63719&edit=1

[PHP-BUG] Bug #63719 [NEW]: mail function becomes slow until apache restart

2012-12-07 Thread skunk at ipfrom dot com
From: skunk at ipfrom dot com
Operating system: gentoo linux
PHP version:  5.3.19
Package:  Mail related
Bug Type: Bug
Bug description:mail function becomes slow until apache restart


i'm seeing this on more than one production servers:
after some days of uptime the mail() function starts to take about a minute
execute and only a restart of apache (prefork) makes it fast again.
one of the web servers is running roundcube which has the possibility to
use the mail() function or to connect directly to a smtp server, with the
after few days sending a mail becomes very slow while with the latest it's
on a side note, when the slowness starts happening apache takes a long time
kill all processes on restart.
thank you.

Test script:
sorry, i'm unable to replicate this issue because it happens on production
servers with real traffic.

Expected result:

mail() function should exec fast

Actual result:
when mail() slows down a restart of apache is required

Edit bug report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=63719&edit=1
Try a snapshot (PHP 5.4):   
Try a snapshot (PHP 5.3):   
Try a snapshot (trunk): 
Fixed in SVN:   https://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=63719&r=fixed
Fixed in release:   https://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=63719&r=alreadyfixed
Need backtrace: https://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=63719&r=needtrace
Need Reproduce Script:  https://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=63719&r=needscript
Try newer version:  https://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=63719&r=oldversion
Not developer issue:https://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=63719&r=support
Expected behavior:  https://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=63719&r=notwrong
Not enough info:
Submitted twice:
register_globals:   https://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=63719&r=globals
PHP 4 support discontinued: https://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=63719&r=php4
Daylight Savings:   https://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=63719&r=dst
IIS Stability:  https://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=63719&r=isapi
Install GNU Sed:https://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=63719&r=gnused
Floating point limitations: https://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=63719&r=float
No Zend Extensions: https://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=63719&r=nozend
MySQL Configuration Error:  https://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=63719&r=mysqlcfg

Bug #43327 [Opn->Asn]: wrong return value from mail(), if sendmail_path is wrong

2012-12-07 Thread pajoye
Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=43327&edit=1

 ID: 43327
 Updated by: paj...@php.net
 Reported by:carsten_sttgt at gmx dot de
 Summary:wrong return value from mail(), if sendmail_path is
-Status: Open
+Status: Assigned
 Type:   Bug
 Package:Mail related
 Operating System:   win32 only (?)
 PHP Version:5.*, 6 (2009-08-07)
-Assigned To:
+Assigned To:pajoye
 Block user comment: N
 Private report: N

Previous Comments:

[2009-08-20 10:39:59] j...@php.net

Reopened, fix was reverted.

[2009-08-20 09:03:20] s...@php.net

Automatic comment from SVN on behalf of pajoye
Revision: http://svn.php.net/viewvc/?view=revision&revision=287495
Log: - revert fix for #43327, it breaks system&co functions

[2009-08-20 01:56:05] carsten_sttgt at gmx dot de

Hi Garrett,

> Can you retest with the latest 5.3 snapshot, and post feedback?

I can do this. Just some remarks first:

> This occurs because popen_ex executes the command using the comspec
> ('cmd.exe'), which will always create a valid process--but intended
> actual child process fails.

That's correct. No error during creation of the process ("cmd.exe" / 
"GetLastError == 0"). But in this case, "cmd.exe" returns an exit code != 0, 
which is available with "GetExitCodeProcess()".  So you know there's a problem.

Regarding mail():
- mail() does not detect that "cmd.exe" can't start "sendmail.exe"

- it also does not detect, if "cmd.exe" can start "sendmail.exe",
  but "sendmail.exe" is returning an exit code != 0
  --> if "cmd.exe" can start a program, it's returning the exit
  code from that program, and so this is available with 

So there is the question, why does mail() does not test the return value of 
pclose() in a correct way on windows? At the moment it looks like:
| #ifdef PHP_WIN32
| if (ret == -1)
| {
| MAIL_RET(0);
| } else {
| }

But I think it should be also something like?:
| if (ret != 0)

> I'm patching this so that it skips using cmd.exe--there is really
> no reason this should be here,

Some hints:
- If you want start an executable with just the name and without the
  extension (like ".com, *.pl"), you must do this through "cmd.exe"
  (only for "*.exe" files you can use just the name).
- In the MSDN you can read, that you have to use "cmd.exe" to start
  a batchfile with CreateProcess. Ok, for me that's working without
  "cmd.exe". But maybe this depends on the Windows version or


[2009-08-19 18:56:08] garre...@php.net


Can you retest with the latest 5.3 snapshot, and post feedback?


[2009-08-19 18:43:46] s...@php.net

Automatic comment from SVN on behalf of pajoye
Revision: http://svn.php.net/viewvc/?view=revision&revision=287480
Log: - fixed #43327, wrong return value from mail(), if sendmail_path is wrong

The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at


Edit this bug report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=43327&edit=1

Bug #61467 [Com]: New "callable" typehint does not work (autoloading)

2012-12-07 Thread honza at mujserver dot net
Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=61467&edit=1

 ID: 61467
 Comment by: honza at mujserver dot net
 Reported by:david at grudl dot com
 Summary:New "callable" typehint does not work (autoloading)
 Status: Not a bug
 Type:   Bug
 Package:Class/Object related
 PHP Version:5.4.0
 Block user comment: N
 Private report: N

 New Comment:

I agree with paladin, but I don't think that *callable* is useful.

Previous Comments:

[2012-07-16 22:33:06] paladin at jstation dot cz

Hmm... I agree with David Grudl that current behavior is not ideal... so what 
about two typehints? callback and callable?

function testA(callback $a)
//callback checks only syntax

function testB(callable $a)
//callable checks if it is really callable

[2012-03-27 16:58:41] david at grudl dot com

1) "Yes, something other than a string was expected." Really? What exactly is 
expected? When a string points to something that _is_ callable, then it is not 
a string? 

call_user_func('xxx') triggers error 'expects parameter 1 to be a valid 
callback, function 'xxx' not found or invalid function name' which is perfectly 
understandable. Why the same function with typehint callable will not trigger 
the same error message? It will trigger 'Argument 1 passed to call_user_funct() 
must be callable, string given', which says that I shouldn't use the string. 
And that's not simply true.

2) I would totally agree with you, if PHP was static language. But PHP is 
dynamic language and it makes sense to have stored in the variable name of 
class/function that has not yet been loaded. And most importantly: the life 
cycle of PHP is a single HTTP request, lazy loading is very important for good 

[2012-03-24 23:41:57] jan at skrasek dot com

There is no logic to check is_callable by typehint - these typehint is useless, 
brings no new functionality. The only one possibile benefit is just check 
validity of the callback structure, not the callabality self.

> A callable isn't a basic type like a string.
So, this typehint behaves differently than others. Yeah, so you prefer to mix 
things together and make php much more chaotic.
> This is what most users expect when they check if something is callable.
Some research available? Or just empty words?

>From my point of view php is heading to hell by making these type of 
>shortcuts. Yes, we are lazy programmers, but there is no need to rewrite if 
>(is_callable(..)) as a typehint.

[2012-03-23 23:47:03] ras...@php.net

1) Yes, something other than a string was expected. When a string points to 
something that isn't a callable function, then it is just a string, so I 
consider the message correct.

2) Yes, I consider it correct. A callable isn't a basic type like a string. It 
has to have a couple of characteristics, one of which is being actually 
which you can't know unless you check. This is what most users expect when they 
check if something is callable. If something just looks like a callable 
and it isn't, then you end up with an uncatchable fatal when you try to call 
so knowing that something looks like it might be a callable function isn't very 
useful to most. They want to write robust code and catch any errors and that 
only be done if we check for the existence of the callable function which is 
it is the default.

And your example with array just reinforces this. An array typehint fully 
if an array is an array because it is a simple type that has no other 
characteristics. An array can't pass the array typehint and then fatal out when 
you try to use it as an array.

[2012-03-23 19:34:44] david at grudl dot com

Rasmus we're talking about two different things:

1) Error message "Must be callable, string given" means, that something other 
than string was expected. Do you agree? I think current message is confusing.

2) The behavior of typehint is subjective, of course. But it would be nice if 
you could consider, if it is really correct. We are talking about "type hint" - 
and checking of validity of a *type*. 

Type hint "array" means that the argument must be array. It's just about the 
type. Validity of array must be checked by function itself. The type hint 
"callable" I expect checks if argument is valid callable type (valid syntax), 
nothing more.

The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at


Req #43845 [Com]: Function can no longer be called both statically and as instance method

2012-12-07 Thread php dot net at site dot lanzz dot org
Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=43845&edit=1

 ID: 43845
 Comment by: php dot net at site dot lanzz dot org
 Reported by:ms419 at freezone dot co dot uk
 Summary:Function can no longer be called both statically and
 as instance method
 Status: Open
 Type:   Feature/Change Request
 Package:Feature/Change Request
 PHP Version:5.2.5
 Block user comment: N
 Private report: N

 New Comment:

Since PHP does actually distinguish between static and non-static methods, it 
makes no sense (as external interface) to disallow _both_ calling the same 
as static and non-static _and_ having same-named static and non-static methods. 
At run time PHP knows if you're calling a static or a non-static method, so it 
can pick the correct one.

Here is an example where same-named static and non-static methods might make 

class Foo {

  static public function defaultInstance() {
static $instance = null;
if (is_null($instance)) {
  $instance = new self();

  static public function bar() {
$instance = self::defaultInstance();
return $instance->bar();

  public function bar() {
// do something


Foo::bar() // no need to explicitly request the default instance
$f = new Foo();
$f->bar() // but now it is clear that we're doing the same thing with a 

Previous Comments:

[2011-08-09 03:20:10] klaussantana at gmail dot com

Actually, you must declare your method static. It will not produce any warning, 
but you will cannot be able to use $this.

Instead, you must always use the first parameter.

So this will be like this:

Remember.. You will always need to pass the instance for your method to work 


[2008-01-14 20:15:20] ms419 at freezone dot co dot uk


I understand that, unlike some other languages, PHP does not support 
overloading: I can't implement two functions with the same name but different 
signatures. However I can simulate overloading using func_get_args() and 
testing with which arguments the function was called.

Now what I want is a function which can be called either as an instance method 
with no arguments, or statically with one argument: an instance of the class. I 
test whether the function was called statically or not using isset($this)

However in PHP5, this produces an error:

Non-static method BaseTaxonomy::getTerms() should not be called statically in...

Like it is possible to simulate overloading in PHP without generating errors, I 
wish it were possible to define a function which can be called either 
statically or as an instance method, without generating errors.

Much thanks, Jack

Reproduce code:
Toy example:

class BaseTaxonomy
  protected $terms = null;

  public function getTerms()
if (!isset($this))
  $args = func_get_args();

  return $args[0]->terms;

return $this->terms;

Actual result:
Non-static method BaseTaxonomy::getTerms() should not be called statically in...

Edit this bug report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=43845&edit=1

Bug #63709 [Ana]: flock() doesn't trigger mandatory locks on linux

2012-12-07 Thread eric dot saintetienne at gmail dot com
Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=63709&edit=1

 ID: 63709
 User updated by:eric dot saintetienne at gmail dot com
 Reported by:eric dot saintetienne at gmail dot com
 Summary:flock() doesn't trigger mandatory locks on linux
 Status: Analyzed
 Type:   Bug
 Package:Filesystem function related
 Operating System:   Linux
 PHP Version:5.3.19
 Block user comment: N
 Private report: N

 New Comment:

You're right, Python is smart and the trick is simple: fnctl module functions 
are coded such that they detect the type of the object they're given as 
argument. If it's an integer they assume it is a file descriptor otherwise they 
call its fileno() method to retrieve the file descriptor integer.

So it's a matter of adding your own fileno() method to the PHP standard file 
object and making the dio_* routines calling it, when not provided with an 

Does that makes sense to you?

It's a suggestion, at the end of the day it's your decision of how to handle 
this issue, even though it seems to, I'm actually not pushing to get direct io 
integrated at any cost (I don't have any stake) but I just feel it's the way to 

Previous Comments:

[2012-12-07 09:08:01] ahar...@php.net

That's true, but they're still somewhat interchangeable in Python — higher 
level file objects returned by open() work with fcntl methods. That wouldn't be 
the case if we bundled dio without further work.

[2012-12-07 08:55:27] eric dot saintetienne at gmail dot com

You're right, dio is a plain inteface to the underlying C function hence 
real file descriptors (integers).

That's also what Python does: it exposes two different types of file objects: 
standard file objects via the builtin open() and file descriptors via os.open()

Is that is feasible with php?

[2012-12-07 08:48:41] ahar...@php.net

My worry there is that dio resources are (as I recall, anyway) completely 
distinct from normal file resources, so you couldn't fopen() a file and then 
dio_fcntl() it: it's all or nothing.

[2012-12-07 08:42:12] eric dot saintetienne at gmail dot com

A fifth option is to pull the "Direct IO" extension into the mainline.

This extension already expose fcntl() as well as a few other low-level
POSIX routines, and have some amount of testing as it's in its fourth
version already (though it's said to be in beta state)

[2012-12-07 03:24:16] larue...@php.net

I like 3 :)

change the behavior of flock will intruduce a  visible bc break

The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at


Edit this bug report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=63709&edit=1

Bug #63709 [Ana]: flock() doesn't trigger mandatory locks on linux

2012-12-07 Thread aharvey
Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=63709&edit=1

 ID: 63709
 Updated by: ahar...@php.net
 Reported by:eric dot saintetienne at gmail dot com
 Summary:flock() doesn't trigger mandatory locks on linux
 Status: Analyzed
 Type:   Bug
 Package:Filesystem function related
 Operating System:   Linux
 PHP Version:5.3.19
 Block user comment: N
 Private report: N

 New Comment:

That's true, but they're still somewhat interchangeable in Python — higher 
level file objects returned by open() work with fcntl methods. That wouldn't be 
the case if we bundled dio without further work.

Previous Comments:

[2012-12-07 08:55:27] eric dot saintetienne at gmail dot com

You're right, dio is a plain inteface to the underlying C function hence 
real file descriptors (integers).

That's also what Python does: it exposes two different types of file objects: 
standard file objects via the builtin open() and file descriptors via os.open()

Is that is feasible with php?

[2012-12-07 08:48:41] ahar...@php.net

My worry there is that dio resources are (as I recall, anyway) completely 
distinct from normal file resources, so you couldn't fopen() a file and then 
dio_fcntl() it: it's all or nothing.

[2012-12-07 08:42:12] eric dot saintetienne at gmail dot com

A fifth option is to pull the "Direct IO" extension into the mainline.

This extension already expose fcntl() as well as a few other low-level
POSIX routines, and have some amount of testing as it's in its fourth
version already (though it's said to be in beta state)

[2012-12-07 03:24:16] larue...@php.net

I like 3 :)

change the behavior of flock will intruduce a  visible bc break

[2012-12-07 01:48:08] ahar...@php.net

The key difference between Python and PHP here is that Python always uses 
fcntl() internally, whereas PHP will use flock() if it's available (which it 
obviously is on Linux) and will only fall back to fcntl() if it's not. flock() 
will never create a mandatory lock, so the manual page is wrong, which I'm 
pretty sure is my fault. Mea culpa.

We can probably fix this by switching to preferring fcntl() within our flock() 
function as Python does, since that's actually the more useful behaviour, but 
that would be a (mild) BC break in how flock() behaves in practice — although 
it would actually bring it into line with what's documented.

The options I see are:

1. Change the behaviour of flock() as described above to prefer fcntl().
2. Add a new lockf() function, as suggested.
3. Just bite the bullet and expose fcntl() as a PHP function on POSIX platforms.
4. Do nothing and update the manual. :)

Does anyone have any thoughts? I'm happy to do the donkey work, but am not 
really sure on the best way to proceed.

The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at


Edit this bug report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=63709&edit=1

Bug #63709 [Ana]: flock() doesn't trigger mandatory locks on linux

2012-12-07 Thread eric dot saintetienne at gmail dot com
Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=63709&edit=1

 ID: 63709
 User updated by:eric dot saintetienne at gmail dot com
 Reported by:eric dot saintetienne at gmail dot com
 Summary:flock() doesn't trigger mandatory locks on linux
 Status: Analyzed
 Type:   Bug
 Package:Filesystem function related
 Operating System:   Linux
 PHP Version:5.3.19
 Block user comment: N
 Private report: N

 New Comment:

You're right, dio is a plain inteface to the underlying C function hence 
real file descriptors (integers).

That's also what Python does: it exposes two different types of file objects: 
standard file objects via the builtin open() and file descriptors via os.open()

Is that is feasible with php?

Previous Comments:

[2012-12-07 08:48:41] ahar...@php.net

My worry there is that dio resources are (as I recall, anyway) completely 
distinct from normal file resources, so you couldn't fopen() a file and then 
dio_fcntl() it: it's all or nothing.

[2012-12-07 08:42:12] eric dot saintetienne at gmail dot com

A fifth option is to pull the "Direct IO" extension into the mainline.

This extension already expose fcntl() as well as a few other low-level
POSIX routines, and have some amount of testing as it's in its fourth
version already (though it's said to be in beta state)

[2012-12-07 03:24:16] larue...@php.net

I like 3 :)

change the behavior of flock will intruduce a  visible bc break

[2012-12-07 01:48:08] ahar...@php.net

The key difference between Python and PHP here is that Python always uses 
fcntl() internally, whereas PHP will use flock() if it's available (which it 
obviously is on Linux) and will only fall back to fcntl() if it's not. flock() 
will never create a mandatory lock, so the manual page is wrong, which I'm 
pretty sure is my fault. Mea culpa.

We can probably fix this by switching to preferring fcntl() within our flock() 
function as Python does, since that's actually the more useful behaviour, but 
that would be a (mild) BC break in how flock() behaves in practice — although 
it would actually bring it into line with what's documented.

The options I see are:

1. Change the behaviour of flock() as described above to prefer fcntl().
2. Add a new lockf() function, as suggested.
3. Just bite the bullet and expose fcntl() as a PHP function on POSIX platforms.
4. Do nothing and update the manual. :)

Does anyone have any thoughts? I'm happy to do the donkey work, but am not 
really sure on the best way to proceed.

[2012-12-06 14:19:38] eric dot saintetienne at gmail dot com

Note that dio_fcntl() of the "Direct IO" extension can successfully exclusively 
lock the file, but this shouldn't be considered as a workaround as it's not 
possible to install extensions.

If flock() couldn't be modified for backward compatibility reasons, options 
be added to alter its behaviour, or a new call lockf() would be welcome too.

The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at


Edit this bug report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=63709&edit=1

Bug #63709 [Ana]: flock() doesn't trigger mandatory locks on linux

2012-12-07 Thread aharvey
Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=63709&edit=1

 ID: 63709
 Updated by: ahar...@php.net
 Reported by:eric dot saintetienne at gmail dot com
 Summary:flock() doesn't trigger mandatory locks on linux
 Status: Analyzed
 Type:   Bug
 Package:Filesystem function related
 Operating System:   Linux
 PHP Version:5.3.19
 Block user comment: N
 Private report: N

 New Comment:

My worry there is that dio resources are (as I recall, anyway) completely 
distinct from normal file resources, so you couldn't fopen() a file and then 
dio_fcntl() it: it's all or nothing.

Previous Comments:

[2012-12-07 08:42:12] eric dot saintetienne at gmail dot com

A fifth option is to pull the "Direct IO" extension into the mainline.

This extension already expose fcntl() as well as a few other low-level
POSIX routines, and have some amount of testing as it's in its fourth
version already (though it's said to be in beta state)

[2012-12-07 03:24:16] larue...@php.net

I like 3 :)

change the behavior of flock will intruduce a  visible bc break

[2012-12-07 01:48:08] ahar...@php.net

The key difference between Python and PHP here is that Python always uses 
fcntl() internally, whereas PHP will use flock() if it's available (which it 
obviously is on Linux) and will only fall back to fcntl() if it's not. flock() 
will never create a mandatory lock, so the manual page is wrong, which I'm 
pretty sure is my fault. Mea culpa.

We can probably fix this by switching to preferring fcntl() within our flock() 
function as Python does, since that's actually the more useful behaviour, but 
that would be a (mild) BC break in how flock() behaves in practice — although 
it would actually bring it into line with what's documented.

The options I see are:

1. Change the behaviour of flock() as described above to prefer fcntl().
2. Add a new lockf() function, as suggested.
3. Just bite the bullet and expose fcntl() as a PHP function on POSIX platforms.
4. Do nothing and update the manual. :)

Does anyone have any thoughts? I'm happy to do the donkey work, but am not 
really sure on the best way to proceed.

[2012-12-06 14:19:38] eric dot saintetienne at gmail dot com

Note that dio_fcntl() of the "Direct IO" extension can successfully exclusively 
lock the file, but this shouldn't be considered as a workaround as it's not 
possible to install extensions.

If flock() couldn't be modified for backward compatibility reasons, options 
be added to alter its behaviour, or a new call lockf() would be welcome too.

[2012-12-06 13:12:43] eric dot saintetienne at gmail dot com


Locking exclusively via flock a file opened for writing doesn't trigger a 
mandatory lock.
The python script below could trigger the mandatory lock.

Maybe it's because PHP flock() is built on the C function call flock():
"When a program attempts to lock a file with lockf or fcntl that has mandatory 
locking set, the kernel will prevent all other programs from accessing the 
Processes which use flock will not trigger a mandatory lock."
source: http://www.hackinglinuxexposed.com/articles/20030623.html

Python script:

import os, fcntl

fd = os.open('mandlock-file', os.O_RDWR, 0755)
print 'fd=', fd
fcntl.lockf(fd, fcntl.LOCK_EX)

a = raw_input() # during that time, any attempt to open the file will hang
os.write(fd, a+'\n')

fcntl.lockf(fd, fcntl.LOCK_UN)
# now any attempt to open the file will succeed


# eof

Test script:

Expected result:

once the file is created and the mandatory lock setup for it:
during the 10 sec timer, opening the file (with or without explicit locking) 
should hand until the php script terminates.

Actual result:
it's possible to opening the locked file during the 10s timer for reading and 

Edit this bug report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=63709&edit=1

Bug #63709 [Ana]: flock() doesn't trigger mandatory locks on linux

2012-12-07 Thread eric dot saintetienne at gmail dot com
Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=63709&edit=1

 ID: 63709
 User updated by:eric dot saintetienne at gmail dot com
 Reported by:eric dot saintetienne at gmail dot com
 Summary:flock() doesn't trigger mandatory locks on linux
 Status: Analyzed
 Type:   Bug
 Package:Filesystem function related
 Operating System:   Linux
 PHP Version:5.3.19
 Block user comment: N
 Private report: N

 New Comment:

A fifth option is to pull the "Direct IO" extension into the mainline.

This extension already expose fcntl() as well as a few other low-level
POSIX routines, and have some amount of testing as it's in its fourth
version already (though it's said to be in beta state)

Previous Comments:

[2012-12-07 03:24:16] larue...@php.net

I like 3 :)

change the behavior of flock will intruduce a  visible bc break

[2012-12-07 01:48:08] ahar...@php.net

The key difference between Python and PHP here is that Python always uses 
fcntl() internally, whereas PHP will use flock() if it's available (which it 
obviously is on Linux) and will only fall back to fcntl() if it's not. flock() 
will never create a mandatory lock, so the manual page is wrong, which I'm 
pretty sure is my fault. Mea culpa.

We can probably fix this by switching to preferring fcntl() within our flock() 
function as Python does, since that's actually the more useful behaviour, but 
that would be a (mild) BC break in how flock() behaves in practice — although 
it would actually bring it into line with what's documented.

The options I see are:

1. Change the behaviour of flock() as described above to prefer fcntl().
2. Add a new lockf() function, as suggested.
3. Just bite the bullet and expose fcntl() as a PHP function on POSIX platforms.
4. Do nothing and update the manual. :)

Does anyone have any thoughts? I'm happy to do the donkey work, but am not 
really sure on the best way to proceed.

[2012-12-06 14:19:38] eric dot saintetienne at gmail dot com

Note that dio_fcntl() of the "Direct IO" extension can successfully exclusively 
lock the file, but this shouldn't be considered as a workaround as it's not 
possible to install extensions.

If flock() couldn't be modified for backward compatibility reasons, options 
be added to alter its behaviour, or a new call lockf() would be welcome too.

[2012-12-06 13:12:43] eric dot saintetienne at gmail dot com


Locking exclusively via flock a file opened for writing doesn't trigger a 
mandatory lock.
The python script below could trigger the mandatory lock.

Maybe it's because PHP flock() is built on the C function call flock():
"When a program attempts to lock a file with lockf or fcntl that has mandatory 
locking set, the kernel will prevent all other programs from accessing the 
Processes which use flock will not trigger a mandatory lock."
source: http://www.hackinglinuxexposed.com/articles/20030623.html

Python script:

import os, fcntl

fd = os.open('mandlock-file', os.O_RDWR, 0755)
print 'fd=', fd
fcntl.lockf(fd, fcntl.LOCK_EX)

a = raw_input() # during that time, any attempt to open the file will hang
os.write(fd, a+'\n')

fcntl.lockf(fd, fcntl.LOCK_UN)
# now any attempt to open the file will succeed


# eof

Test script:

Expected result:

once the file is created and the mandatory lock setup for it:
during the 10 sec timer, opening the file (with or without explicit locking) 
should hand until the php script terminates.

Actual result:
it's possible to opening the locked file during the 10s timer for reading and 

Edit this bug report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=63709&edit=1