Bug #64354 [Opn]: Unserialize array of objects whose class can't be autoloaded fail

2013-03-05 Thread laruence
Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=64354&edit=1

 ID: 64354
 Updated by: larue...@php.net
 Reported by:alan at klestoff dot ru
 Summary:Unserialize array of objects whose class can't be
 autoloaded fail
 Status: Open
 Type:   Bug
 Package:Scripting Engine problem
 Operating System:   Debian
 PHP Version:5.3.22
 Block user comment: N
 Private report: N

 New Comment:

there is one thing I am not sure now.

that is, if such exception threw, an notice of parse error will also be trigged

which is a little confused. since it is not actually an unserializing error

Previous Comments:

[2013-03-05 08:08:05] larue...@php.net

the similar problem maybe also exists in wakeup/sleep etc , will check them 

[2013-03-05 08:07:07] larue...@php.net

The following patch has been added/updated:

Patch Name: bug64354.patch
Revision:   1362470827

[2013-03-05 08:06:37] larue...@php.net

hmm, this is because one serializing triggered more than one exception.

quick patch attached.

[2013-03-05 07:27:04] alan at klestoff dot ru


We have serialized object of class A and array with 2 such objects

Then we write autoload function which throws exception if can't find a file 

And in first case - we have a normal behaviour (we can catch exception).
In second we have uncaughted exception. 

Test script:

Bug #64349 [Fbk->Nab]: serialize don't work with class/object

2013-03-05 Thread rasmus
Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=64349&edit=1

 ID: 64349
 Updated by: ras...@php.net
 Reported by:pprem at pprem dot net
 Summary:serialize don't work with class/object
-Status: Feedback
+Status: Not a bug
 Type:   Bug
 Package:Class/Object related
 Operating System:   Ubuntu 12.10
 PHP Version:5.4.12
 Block user comment: N
 Private report: N

 New Comment:

Nope, not a bug. From a security perspective it is safer to not output anything 
when the input cannot be parsed. You were feeding it invalid UTF8. You should 
always specify which charset your input is in when calling 

Previous Comments:

[2013-03-05 22:19:18] pprem at pprem dot net

Sorry Rasmus, I find the real problem and it's not unserialize or serialize.

I'm in France and my source files are by default in ISO-8859-1. New projects 
in UTF-8, like yours by default I suppose.

I didn't see that htmlentities() has UTF-8 by default nor ISO-8859-1.

In the past,

encoded in ISO-8859-1 worked. Now, it didn't display anything (perhaps a bug in 
htmlentities ?). If you encode in UTF-8, it works correctly.

I changed my program as this :

and all is good.

[2013-03-04 15:15:00] ras...@php.net

Your test script works fine here for me with PHP 5.4.13-dev

Do you have any special extensions loaded that might be affecting this?
Try it from the command line with php -n

[2013-03-04 14:54:48] pprem at pprem dot net


serialize don't work on stdClass anymore: nothing is get as return of 
serialize($test) when $test is an object

Test script:
$test = new stdClass(); $test->bidule="57geré"; $test->truc=547; 
$test->machin=54.47; $test->chose="dsf24sdg"; test_($test);
$test2 = new stdClass(); $test2->first="dflgid"; $test2->second=$test; 
$test2->third=2; test_($test2);

Expected result:






Actual result:





Edit this bug report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=64349&edit=1

Bug #64349 [Com]: serialize don't work with class/object

2013-03-05 Thread pprem at pprem dot net
Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=64349&edit=1

 ID: 64349
 Comment by: pprem at pprem dot net
 Reported by:pprem at pprem dot net
 Summary:serialize don't work with class/object
 Status: Feedback
 Type:   Bug
 Package:Class/Object related
 Operating System:   Ubuntu 12.10
 PHP Version:5.4.12
 Block user comment: N
 Private report: N

 New Comment:

Sorry Rasmus, I find the real problem and it's not unserialize or serialize.

I'm in France and my source files are by default in ISO-8859-1. New projects 
in UTF-8, like yours by default I suppose.

I didn't see that htmlentities() has UTF-8 by default nor ISO-8859-1.

In the past,

encoded in ISO-8859-1 worked. Now, it didn't display anything (perhaps a bug in 
htmlentities ?). If you encode in UTF-8, it works correctly.

I changed my program as this :

and all is good.

Previous Comments:

[2013-03-04 15:15:00] ras...@php.net

Your test script works fine here for me with PHP 5.4.13-dev

Do you have any special extensions loaded that might be affecting this?
Try it from the command line with php -n

[2013-03-04 14:54:48] pprem at pprem dot net


serialize don't work on stdClass anymore: nothing is get as return of 
serialize($test) when $test is an object

Test script:
$test = new stdClass(); $test->bidule="57geré"; $test->truc=547; 
$test->machin=54.47; $test->chose="dsf24sdg"; test_($test);
$test2 = new stdClass(); $test2->first="dflgid"; $test2->second=$test; 
$test2->third=2; test_($test2);

Expected result:






Actual result:





Edit this bug report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=64349&edit=1

Bug #60890 [Opn->Nab]: Can not read tgz file through Phar class, but related path works

2013-03-05 Thread ralphschindler
Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=60890&edit=1

 ID: 60890
 Updated by: ralphschind...@php.net
 Reported by:cornelius dot howl at gmail dot com
 Summary:Can not read tgz file through Phar class, but
 related path works
-Status: Open
+Status: Not a bug
 Type:   Bug
 Package:PHAR related
 Operating System:   Mac OS 10.6
 PHP Version:5.3.9
 Block user comment: N
 Private report: N

 New Comment:

Thank you for taking the time to write to us, but this is not
a bug. Please double-check the documentation available at
http://www.php.net/manual/ and the instructions on how to report
a bug at http://bugs.php.net/how-to-report.php

The filename passed to the first parameter of the Phar constructor must contain 
.phar in the file's extension to be created/opened.

Previous Comments:

[2012-01-26 12:04:29] cornelius dot howl at gmail dot com


Can not read tgz file with realpath, offsetGet works, offsetSet doesnt work.

$p['file'] = 'content';  

will fail.

See: https://gist.github.com/1682446

Test script:

Actual result:
See: https://gist.github.com/1682446

Edit this bug report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=60890&edit=1

[PHP-BUG] Req #64359 [NEW]: strftime crash with php/vc11

2013-03-05 Thread a...@php.net
From: ab
Operating system: Windows
PHP version:  Irrelevant
Package:  Date/time related
Bug Type: Feature/Change Request
Bug description:strftime crash with php/vc11


PHP crashes only when compiled with VC11. I could track it back with 5.4.1
compiled with VC11. Another not obvious crash happens with 5.5/VC9 using
O+. Here's the backtrace 5.5/VC11:

 msvcr110d.dll!_invoke_watson(const wchar_t * pszExpression, const wchar_t
* pszFunction, const wchar_t * pszFile, unsigned int nLine, unsigned int
pReserved) Line 131C++
 msvcr110d.dll!_invoke_watson_if_error(int _ExpressionError, const wchar_t
* _Expression, const wchar_t * _Function, const wchar_t * _File, unsigned
int _Line, unsigned int _Reserved) Line 730C
 msvcr110d.dll!_W_expandtime(localeinfo_struct * plocinfo, wchar_t
specifier, const tm * timeptr, wchar_t * * string, unsigned int * left,
__lc_time_data * lc_time, unsigned int alternate_form) Line 722C++
 msvcr110d.dll!_Wcsftime_l(wchar_t * string, unsigned int maxsize, const
wchar_t * format, const tm * timeptr, void * lc_time_arg, localeinfo_struct
* plocinfo) Line 323C++
 msvcr110d.dll!_Strftime_l(char * string, unsigned int maxsize, const char
* format, const tm * timeptr, void * lc_time_arg, localeinfo_struct *
plocinfo) Line 285C++
 msvcr110d.dll!strftime(char * string, unsigned int maxsize, const char *
format, const tm * timeptr) Line 189C++
 php5_debug.dll!php_strftime(int ht, _zval_struct * return_value,
_zval_struct * * return_value_ptr, _zval_struct * this_ptr, int
return_value_used, int gmt) Line 1631C
 php5_debug.dll!zif_strftime(int ht, _zval_struct * return_value,
_zval_struct * * return_value_ptr, _zval_struct * this_ptr, int
return_value_used) Line 1657C
 php5_debug.dll!zend_do_fcall_common_helper_SPEC(_zend_execute_data *
execute_data) Line 542C
 php5_debug.dll!ZEND_DO_FCALL_SPEC_CONST_HANDLER(_zend_execute_data *
execute_data) Line 2321C
 php5_debug.dll!execute_ex(_zend_execute_data * execute_data) Line 356C
 php5_debug.dll!zend_execute(_zend_op_array * op_array) Line 381C
 php5_debug.dll!zend_eval_stringl(char * str, int str_len, _zval_struct *
retval_ptr, char * string_name) Line 1181C
 php5_debug.dll!zend_eval_stringl_ex(char * str, int str_len, _zval_struct
* retval_ptr, char * string_name, int handle_exceptions) Line 1228C
 php5_debug.dll!zend_eval_string_ex(char * str, _zval_struct * retval_ptr,
char * string_name, int handle_exceptions) Line 1239C
 php.exe!do_cli(int argc, char * * argv) Line 1028C
 php.exe!main(int argc, char * * argv) Line 1364C
 php.exe!__tmainCRTStartup() Line 536C
 php.exe!mainCRTStartup() Line 377C

Test script:

or this snippet

var_dump(strftime('%a %A %b %B %c %d %H %I %j %m %M %p %S %U %W %w %x %X %y
%Y %Z %z %%', mktime(0,0,0, 6, 27, 2013)));

Expected result:

no crash

Actual result:
PHP crash

Edit bug report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=64359&edit=1
Try a snapshot (PHP 5.4):   
Try a snapshot (PHP 5.3):   
Try a snapshot (trunk): 
Fixed in SVN:   https://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=64359&r=fixed
Fixed in release:   https://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=64359&r=alreadyfixed
Need backtrace: https://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=64359&r=needtrace
Need Reproduce Script:  https://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=64359&r=needscript
Try newer version:  https://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=64359&r=oldversion
Not developer issue:https://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=64359&r=support
Expected behavior:  https://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=64359&r=notwrong
Not enough info:
Submitted twice:
register_globals:   https://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=64359&r=globals
PHP 4 support discontinued: https://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=64359&r=php4
Daylight Savings:   https://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=64359&r=dst
IIS Stability:  https://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=64359&r=isapi
Install GNU Sed:https://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=64359&r=gnused
Floating point limitations: https://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=64359&r=float
No Zend Extensions: https://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=64359&r=nozend
MySQL Configuration Error:  https://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=64359&r=mysqlcfg

Bug #55514 [Nab]: Can't install PHP 5.2.17. Error code 2738

2013-03-05 Thread reeze
Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=55514&edit=1

 ID: 55514
 Updated by: re...@php.net
 Reported by:Chris_Walsh at Prodigy dot bet
 Summary:Can't install PHP 5.2.17.  Error code 2738
 Status: Not a bug
 Type:   Bug
 Package:Unknown/Other Function
 Operating System:   Windows Vista
 PHP Version:Irrelevant
 Block user comment: N
 Private report: N

 New Comment:

@iamjahid  your question seems nothing to do with the bug report.

PS: please refer: http://www.w3schools.com/tags/att_option_selected.asp
for what you looking for.

Previous Comments:

[2013-03-05 16:25:32] iamjahid at gmail dot com

Plz Help. In drop down menu it always show year 2005. But i want to set default 

echo"DATE";echo " ";
echo "";
for( $i=1;$i<=31;$i++)
echo "".$i."";
echo"";echo " ";

echo "";
$months = 

foreach( $months as $month )
echo "".$month."";
echo " ";

echo "";
for( $year=2005;$year<=2020;$year++) 
echo "".$year."";


[2011-08-26 22:56:48] johan...@php.net

Sorry, but your problem does not imply a bug in PHP itself.  For a
list of more appropriate places to ask for help using PHP, please
visit http://www.php.net/support.php as this bug system is not the
appropriate forum for asking support questions.  Due to the volume
of reports we can not explain in detail here why your report is not
a bug.  The support channels will be able to provide an explanation
for you.

Thank you for your interest in PHP.

The current version is 5.3.8. Windows downloads are on  

[2011-08-26 21:34:54] Chris_Walsh at Prodigy dot net

Did I commit a typo in my email address?? should be "dot net" not "dot bet" of 

[2011-08-26 21:23:34] Chris_Walsh at Prodigy dot bet


I have seen other bugs categorized as being in the "Windows Installer" package 
but I don't have that option in the dropdown menu so I have put it as 

I am trying to install 5.2.17 because, according to 
http://windows.php.net/download/ it is what I need to use with Apache. (I don't 
see a later version for Windows that looks usable)  The "PHP version" drop-down 
implies I should be using something more recent that 5.2.x but the Windows 
download page doesn't give me the options to use something more current.

I want to install php-5.2.17-Win32-VC6-x86.msi (as opposed to the "nts" 
version) because it has the option for Apache 2.2 in the Web Server Setup 

If I need to use a more recent version, then the info at 
http://windows.php.net/download/ is misleading at best: "Which version do I 
choose?  If you are using PHP with Apache 1 or Apache2 from apache.org you need 
to use the VC6 versions of PHP"

Here's my situation:
I get most of the way through the installation and I get an error pop-up saying 
"the installer has encountered an unexpected error installing this package.  
This may indicate a problem with this package. The error code is 2738"

I have done a great deal of searching on this and have found many references 
recommending doing some registry changes.  This page in particular seems to 
explain well what to do: 

I have done what it recommends yet I still get the error.

The keys mentioned are not in HKCU, which I checked using regedit.

VBScript, B54F3741-5B07-11CF-A4B0-00AA004A55E8 is in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
This dll is the one that causes the 2738 error, apparently.

JScript,  F414C260-6AC0-11CF-B6D1-00AA0058 is HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, which I 
mention because it is referenced in the link I cite above.

I have tried deleting and re-registering the dlls ("regsvr32 vbscript.dll) and 
that didn't help.

I have hit a dead end.

Expected result:

Would like to be able to get php installed on my Vista PC.

Actual result:

Edit this bug report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=55514&edit=1

Bug #64343 [Opn]: PharData::extractTo fails for tarball created by BSD tar

2013-03-05 Thread ralphschindler
Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=64343&edit=1

 ID: 64343
 Updated by: ralphschind...@php.net
 Reported by:njh at aelius dot com
 Summary:PharData::extractTo fails for tarball created by BSD
 Status: Open
 Type:   Bug
 Package:PHAR related
 Operating System:   Mac OS 10.7.5
 PHP Version:5.4.12
-Assigned To:
+Assigned To:ralphschindler
 Block user comment: N
 Private report: N

 New Comment:

How did you create these tar files?  On mac (10.8.2), I did:

tar cvf my-bsd.tar test.txt

This created a ustar format tar file.  Yours seems to be a pax format tar file, 
which I can't see how that is the default format on mac?

Previous Comments:

[2013-03-03 19:52:02] njh at aelius dot com


The extractTo() method in Phar doesn't seem to work with tar archives generated 
using the BSD version of the tar tool, which is the version that comes pre-
installed on Mac OS X.

I have uploaded two sample tar files, which both contain a single test.txt file:

When run the GNU generated tar file works correctly but the BSD generated tar 
file fails.

This problem came up with trying to install dependencies using composer, that 
had been generated using BSD tar on Mac OS X:

Test script:

  $phar = new PharData('test-bsd.tar.gz');

Expected result:

Both the test-bsd.tar.gz and test-gnu.tar.gz should extract the test.txt file.

Actual result:
Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'UnexpectedValueException' with message 'phar 
error: "/tmp/tartest/test-bsd.tar.gz" is a corrupted tar file (checksum 
of file "18 uid=1451698731
20 ctime=1362335175
20 atime=1362335267
24 SCHILY.dev=234881029
23 SCHILY.ino=1224")' in /tmp/tartest/test.php:5
Stack trace:
#0 /tmp/tartest/test.php(5): PharData->__construct('test-bsd.tar.gz')
#1 {main}
  thrown in /tmp/tartest/test.php on line 5

Edit this bug report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=64343&edit=1

Bug #55514 [Com]: Can't install PHP 5.2.17. Error code 2738

2013-03-05 Thread iamjahid at gmail dot com
Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=55514&edit=1

 ID: 55514
 Comment by: iamjahid at gmail dot com
 Reported by:Chris_Walsh at Prodigy dot bet
 Summary:Can't install PHP 5.2.17.  Error code 2738
 Status: Not a bug
 Type:   Bug
 Package:Unknown/Other Function
 Operating System:   Windows Vista
 PHP Version:Irrelevant
 Block user comment: N
 Private report: N

 New Comment:

Plz Help. In drop down menu it always show year 2005. But i want to set default 

echo"DATE";echo " ";
echo "";
for( $i=1;$i<=31;$i++)
echo "".$i."";
echo"";echo " ";

echo "";
$months = 

foreach( $months as $month )
echo "".$month."";
echo " ";

echo "";
for( $year=2005;$year<=2020;$year++) 
echo "".$year."";


Previous Comments:

[2011-08-26 22:56:48] johan...@php.net

Sorry, but your problem does not imply a bug in PHP itself.  For a
list of more appropriate places to ask for help using PHP, please
visit http://www.php.net/support.php as this bug system is not the
appropriate forum for asking support questions.  Due to the volume
of reports we can not explain in detail here why your report is not
a bug.  The support channels will be able to provide an explanation
for you.

Thank you for your interest in PHP.

The current version is 5.3.8. Windows downloads are on  

[2011-08-26 21:34:54] Chris_Walsh at Prodigy dot net

Did I commit a typo in my email address?? should be "dot net" not "dot bet" of 

[2011-08-26 21:23:34] Chris_Walsh at Prodigy dot bet


I have seen other bugs categorized as being in the "Windows Installer" package 
but I don't have that option in the dropdown menu so I have put it as 

I am trying to install 5.2.17 because, according to 
http://windows.php.net/download/ it is what I need to use with Apache. (I don't 
see a later version for Windows that looks usable)  The "PHP version" drop-down 
implies I should be using something more recent that 5.2.x but the Windows 
download page doesn't give me the options to use something more current.

I want to install php-5.2.17-Win32-VC6-x86.msi (as opposed to the "nts" 
version) because it has the option for Apache 2.2 in the Web Server Setup 

If I need to use a more recent version, then the info at 
http://windows.php.net/download/ is misleading at best: "Which version do I 
choose?  If you are using PHP with Apache 1 or Apache2 from apache.org you need 
to use the VC6 versions of PHP"

Here's my situation:
I get most of the way through the installation and I get an error pop-up saying 
"the installer has encountered an unexpected error installing this package.  
This may indicate a problem with this package. The error code is 2738"

I have done a great deal of searching on this and have found many references 
recommending doing some registry changes.  This page in particular seems to 
explain well what to do: 

I have done what it recommends yet I still get the error.

The keys mentioned are not in HKCU, which I checked using regedit.

VBScript, B54F3741-5B07-11CF-A4B0-00AA004A55E8 is in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
This dll is the one that causes the 2738 error, apparently.

JScript,  F414C260-6AC0-11CF-B6D1-00AA0058 is HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, which I 
mention because it is referenced in the link I cite above.

I have tried deleting and re-registering the dlls ("regsvr32 vbscript.dll) and 
that didn't help.

I have hit a dead end.

Expected result:

Would like to be able to get php installed on my Vista PC.

Actual result:

Edit this bug report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=55514&edit=1

Bug #64333 [Dup]: Can´t configure with LDAP

2013-03-05 Thread hudson dot melo at fazenda dot mg dot gov dot br
Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=64333&edit=1

 ID: 64333
 User updated by:hudson dot melo at fazenda dot mg dot gov dot br
 Reported by:hudson dot melo at fazenda dot mg dot gov dot br
 Summary:Can´t configure with LDAP
 Status: Duplicate
 Type:   Bug
 Package:LDAP related
 Operating System:   Solaris 10
 PHP Version:5.3.22
 Block user comment: N
 Private report: N

 New Comment:

Unfortunately, don´t work. I tried to compile without OCI, but the error 

./configure --with-apxs2=/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs 
--with-config-file-path=/usr/local/apache2/conf --enable-sigchild 
--enable-mbstring --with-gd --with-openssl=/usr/local/ssl 
--with-curl=/usr/local/bin/curl --with-ldap=/usr --with-xmlrpc


checking for LDAP support... yes
checking for LDAP Cyrus SASL support... no
checking for 3 arg ldap_set_rebind_proc... yes
checking for ldap_parse_result... no
checking for ldap_parse_reference... no
checking for ldap_start_tls_s... no
checking for ldap_bind_s... no
configure: error: LDAP build check failed. Please check config.log for more 

Previous Comments:

[2013-03-01 19:34:44] s...@php.net

See https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=61450

[2013-03-01 19:32:33] s...@php.net

See https://github.com/php/php-src/pull/19

[2013-03-01 18:21:11] hudson dot melo at fazenda dot mg dot gov dot br


in any version 5.3.x of php with solaris 10 sparc/x86 appear the same ERROR. I 
need help.

checking for ldap_parse_result... no
checking for ldap_parse_reference... no
checking for ldap_start_tls_s... no
checking for ldap_bind_s... no
configure: error: LDAP build check failed. Please check config.log for more 

My environment:

SunOS geia 5.10 Generic_118833-36 sun4v sparc SUNW,Sun-Fire-T200
SunOS amicoz2 5.10 Generic_147441-01 i86pc i386 i86pc


command line PHP:

./configure --with-apxs2=/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs 
--enable-sigchild --enable-mbstring --with-gd --with-openssl=/usr/local/ssl 
--with-curl=/usr/local/bin/curl --with-ldap=/usr --with-xmlrpc


Actual result:
checking for ldap_parse_result... no
checking for ldap_parse_reference... no
checking for ldap_start_tls_s... no
checking for ldap_bind_s... no
configure: error: LDAP build check failed. Please check config.log for more 

Edit this bug report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=64333&edit=1

Bug #52312 [Com]: PHP safe_mode/open_basedir - lstat performance problem

2013-03-05 Thread Terry at ellisons dot org dot uk
Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=52312&edit=1

 ID: 52312
 Comment by: Terry at ellisons dot org dot uk
 Reported by:v dot damore at gmail dot com
 Summary:PHP safe_mode/open_basedir - lstat performance
 Status: Analyzed
 Type:   Bug
 Package:Safe Mode/open_basedir
 Operating System:   Linux
 PHP Version:5.2.13
 Block user comment: N
 Private report: N

 New Comment:

Rasmus, picking up our 2013-02-22 23:17 / 23:26 UTC conversation, I've thought 
about this some further and gone through some test cases on the debugger.

Having walked through these call stacks, my view is that the PHP / Zend path 
scanning, file checking and opening is a tangled mess.  A typical open goes 
through sometimes 7 seven wrapping layers each of which can do compound path 
resolution.  The only reason that this doesn't end up slugging performance is 
because the lowest level tsrm_realparth_r() uses a resolution cache and 
short-circuits the actual I/O requests 95+% of the time. 

The CVE-2006-5178 advisory really to a vulerability in the open_basedir checks. 
 The root issue was that a key check in php_check_specific_open_basedir() was 
using this cached path resolution; this introduced the vulnerability because 
the caching enabled a race condition.  The fix was to turn of ALL realpath 
resolution caching.  Yes this addressed the vulnerability, but at the price of 
killing performance in the typical usecase where open_basedir might be used. 
This was unnecessary overkill.

If you think about it realpath caching itself doesn't introduce any 
vulnerability.  The issue is that the open itself -- or in this case the 
preceding php_check_specific_open_basedir() check must disable any caching for 
that one check alone.  Consider an example there the base dir is /a/b/c and 
some path needs to be checked by php_check_specific_open_basedir().  There's 
not vulnerability introduced by any previous resolution being used.  This will 
result in one of two scenarios:

  *  The resolved path is not of the form /a/b/c in which case the error is 
  *  The resolved path is of the form /a/b/c... but the actual path might 
contain raced symlinks, so it must be scanned (by tsrm_realparth_r) to ensure 
that no links are extant immediately prior to the open.  There is also a sound 
case for curtailing this scan on a root-owned directory, but this of second 

Implementing this is a small code change.
 (i)  First drop the open_basedir predicated clearing of 
CWDG(realpath_cache_size_limit) = 0 in  

 (ii) introduce a per-call mechanism for disabling the cache.  This could be 
done by adding a flag to realpath, but the two variants (ZTS and none-ZTS) and 
the wide use of the wrapper VCWD_REALPATH() macro might complicate this.  An 
alternative would be to add another flag to the PG() structure, checking this 
in tsrm_realparth_r() and setting it in php_check_specific_open_basedir() 
around the VCWD_REALPATH(path_tmp, resolved_name) call.

Reactions / Thoughts?  Is it worth me proposing a patch?

Previous Comments:

[2013-02-23 16:06:50] Terry at ellisons dot org dot uk

Yes Rasmus.  We both know that; but this won't be address without something 
like an LPC-style file-based cache to preserve context across image 
activations, but all this isn't that relevant to #52312 -- "PHP 
safe_mode/open_basedir - lstat performance problem".

What is relevant are my points about a require_once 6 sub-directories down 
taking 13 stats and 1 open with open_basedir unset and 60 stats and 1 open if 
it is set, and that the security requirement could still be implemented within 
the former stat number if done correctly. 

This isn't a material problem for single source file scripts, but MediaWiki, 
Wordpress and the like typically load in ~100 modules generating ~6K stats per 
request.  And this does become a problem.

[2013-02-23 15:22:59] ras...@php.net

First-request cli isn't going to have a populated realpath cache no matter what 
we do since this cache is per-process and in no way shared nor persistent 
different processes.

[2013-02-23 13:20:03] Terry at ellisons dot org dot uk

The above discussion was largely about the I/O overheads with open_basedir 
specified, so my figures where in that context, and dd2.inc is just an empty 
class, but this isnt relevant to its inclusion. Try:

   echo "">dummy.inc
   strace -tt -o /tmp/strace.log \
  php -d  realpath_cache_ttl= -d open_basedir=$(pwd) \
  -r '$x="./dummy.inc"; require_once($x);'

to see what I mean (I did this from 6 dir levels down which is pretty typical 
of web set ups.) sinc

Bug #43817 [Asn]: opendir() fails on Windows directories with parent directory unaccessible

2013-03-05 Thread pajoye
Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=43817&edit=1

 ID: 43817
 Updated by: paj...@php.net
 Reported by:losd at mail dot dk
 Summary:opendir() fails on Windows directories with parent
 directory unaccessible
 Status: Assigned
 Type:   Bug
 Package:Directory function related
 Operating System:   win32 only - Windows Server 2003
 PHP Version:5.3.0beta1
 Assigned To:pajoye
 Block user comment: N
 Private report: N

 New Comment:

@mindless at mindless999 dot net

That's correct, I forgot to add this info to this bug report (present in 
one). It is required to allow the underlying Windows API to get through the 
directories while it won't allow the user to access it.

Previous Comments:

[2013-03-05 12:08:05] mindless at mindless999 dot net

Issue still exists in 5.3.22

Workaround is to give the user under which the website is running (advanced) 
"list folder / read data" permissions on the parent folder.
this is the only permission required.

[2013-01-16 09:20:16] paj...@php.net

It does matter. The reasons are:

1. Windows support case sensitive filesystems (in any modern versions)
2. the real path stat cache is case sensitive, for portability and performance, 
by design.

However, no matter how the case is, you have to set the attributes permissions. 
If it is not allowed to read the attributes, php won't be able to load that 
or path. And again, it has absolutely nothing do with case sensitive paths.

Last but not least, if you see the bug status, it is still open as a bug, but 
is about other issues caused by FindFirstFile, not the case sensitivity.

[2013-01-16 06:42:04] d at hp23c dot dk

In Windows, it _does not matter_ if it is C:\fOo or c:\foo. If you do not 
lowercase (or uppercase, or whatever) to compare, it is a bug.

[2013-01-14 11:26:46] paj...@php.net

Ok, the actual issue is about setting the right permissions.

It is possible to block read&write and other operations but the read of the 
attribute of a given path must be allowed. It is used by almost all file 
functions(Find*, GetLong/ShortPathName, etc.). 

Without the permissions allowing to read attributes, we won't be able to fetch 
the actual name (ie: c:\Foo is given but the actual name is c:\fOo). We used 
actual to store it in the real cache and avoid to have to lower case all paths 
before each file operation.

Can you try to set the perms correctly and tell me if it works out for you? 
Should work on any windows supported version.

[2013-01-10 12:34:52] paj...@php.net

Quick notice to help to understand the problem describe here:

The main problem here is that FindFirstFile requires access to all elements of 
given path, which is not the case here.

To work around this limitation while keeping the realpath cache working nicely 
not that easy.

The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at


Edit this bug report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=43817&edit=1

Bug #43817 [Com]: opendir() fails on Windows directories with parent directory unaccessible

2013-03-05 Thread mindless at mindless999 dot net
Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=43817&edit=1

 ID: 43817
 Comment by: mindless at mindless999 dot net
 Reported by:losd at mail dot dk
 Summary:opendir() fails on Windows directories with parent
 directory unaccessible
 Status: Assigned
 Type:   Bug
 Package:Directory function related
 Operating System:   win32 only - Windows Server 2003
 PHP Version:5.3.0beta1
 Assigned To:pajoye
 Block user comment: N
 Private report: N

 New Comment:

Issue still exists in 5.3.22

Workaround is to give the user under which the website is running (advanced) 
"list folder / read data" permissions on the parent folder.
this is the only permission required.

Previous Comments:

[2013-01-16 09:20:16] paj...@php.net

It does matter. The reasons are:

1. Windows support case sensitive filesystems (in any modern versions)
2. the real path stat cache is case sensitive, for portability and performance, 
by design.

However, no matter how the case is, you have to set the attributes permissions. 
If it is not allowed to read the attributes, php won't be able to load that 
or path. And again, it has absolutely nothing do with case sensitive paths.

Last but not least, if you see the bug status, it is still open as a bug, but 
is about other issues caused by FindFirstFile, not the case sensitivity.

[2013-01-16 06:42:04] d at hp23c dot dk

In Windows, it _does not matter_ if it is C:\fOo or c:\foo. If you do not 
lowercase (or uppercase, or whatever) to compare, it is a bug.

[2013-01-14 11:26:46] paj...@php.net

Ok, the actual issue is about setting the right permissions.

It is possible to block read&write and other operations but the read of the 
attribute of a given path must be allowed. It is used by almost all file 
functions(Find*, GetLong/ShortPathName, etc.). 

Without the permissions allowing to read attributes, we won't be able to fetch 
the actual name (ie: c:\Foo is given but the actual name is c:\fOo). We used 
actual to store it in the real cache and avoid to have to lower case all paths 
before each file operation.

Can you try to set the perms correctly and tell me if it works out for you? 
Should work on any windows supported version.

[2013-01-10 12:34:52] paj...@php.net

Quick notice to help to understand the problem describe here:

The main problem here is that FindFirstFile requires access to all elements of 
given path, which is not the case here.

To work around this limitation while keeping the realpath cache working nicely 
not that easy.

[2012-10-18 11:49:00] y dot korotia at hotmail dot com

are you going to fix it for Windows or not?

I've wasted about 4 hours because of this bug!

installed ZendServer with 5.3x

To access folder I must give access to its parent. what a f..?

The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at


Edit this bug report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=43817&edit=1

Bug #64340 [ReO]: sockets tests failed

2013-03-05 Thread laruence
Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=64340&edit=1

 ID: 64340
 Updated by: larue...@php.net
 Reported by:re...@php.net
 Summary:sockets tests failed
 Status: Re-Opened
 Type:   Bug
 Package:Sockets related
 Operating System:   Mac OSX 10.8
 PHP Version:5.5.0alpha5
 Assigned To:laruence
 Block user comment: N
 Private report: N

 New Comment:

there is one workaround:

#ifdef  __APPLE__
#define IPV6_RTHDR  IPV6_2292RTHDR

will keep finding more better solution

Previous Comments:

[2013-03-05 10:47:57] re...@php.net

the attached patch is intend to fix IPV6_PKTINFO failure, the commit didn't 
contain all of the fix. but only the macro define.

The patch isn't break build. but the partially applied patch. 
only define __APPLE_USE_RFC is not enough. the rest of the changes 
should be applied too.

I couldn't figure out a better solution which didn't require header 
inclusion order, since the macro itself required to be defined first.

[2013-03-05 06:05:33] larue...@php.net

I revert the previous fix, since the build broken.

I am wondering, if don't fix that, what's the problem is?


[2013-03-05 06:04:06] larue...@php.net

Automatic comment on behalf of laruence
Log: Revert "Fixed Bug #64340  (sockets tests failed) Patch by Reeze"

[2013-03-05 05:58:56] larue...@php.net

Automatic comment on behalf of laruence
Log: Revert "Fixed Bug #64340  (sockets tests failed) Patch by Reeze"

[2013-03-04 18:21:21] re...@php.net

Hi, cataphract
   The macro __APPLE_USE_RFC_3542 must be defined before including netinet/in.h,
but not all of the our c files include php_sockets.h in the topmost, but by 
include other header files.

$ head -n 1 conversions.c

$ header -n 5 sockaddr_conv.h
#include "php_sockets.h" /* php_socket */

php_network.h wil be included  before the macro defined. and 
php_network.h has to been included
before php_sockets.h, so I have to  move conversion.h up instead.

in the mean time, in convesion.h   was included before 
php_sockets.h too, so I have to move it 
up to meet the requirement of the macro. 

The current partial patch breaks the build because of missing the left part:

Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
  "_from_zval_write_in6_pktinfo", referenced from:
  _init_ancillary_registry in sendrecvmsg.o
  _php_do_setsockopt_ipv6_rfc3542 in sendrecvmsg.o
  "_to_zval_read_in6_pktinfo", referenced from:
  _init_ancillary_registry in sendrecvmsg.o
  _php_do_getsockopt_ipv6_rfc3542 in sendrecvmsg.o
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64

The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at


Edit this bug report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=64340&edit=1

Bug #53437 [PATCH]: Crash when using unserialized DatePeriod instance

2013-03-05 Thread a...@php.net
Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=53437&edit=1

 ID: 53437
 Patch added by: a...@php.net
 Reported by:from dot php dot net at brainbox dot cz
 Summary:Crash when using unserialized DatePeriod instance
 Status: Assigned
 Type:   Bug
 Package:Date/time related
 Operating System:   Windows XP SP3
 PHP Version:5.3.3
 Assigned To:derick
 Block user comment: N
 Private report: N

 New Comment:

The following patch has been added/updated:

Patch Name: glopes_date_5.4.patch
Revision:   1362482416

Previous Comments:

[2013-03-05 11:19:39] a...@php.net

The following patch has been added/updated:

Patch Name: glopes_date_5.3.patch
Revision:   1362482379

[2013-03-04 12:43:19] a...@php.net

Here's the corresponding BT on windows,

 php5.dll!timelib_time_clone(timelib_time * orig) Line 52C
 php5.dll!date_period_it_rewind(_zend_object_iterator * iter) Line 1910C
 php5.dll!ZEND_FE_RESET_SPEC_CV_HANDLER(_zend_execute_data * execute_data) Line 
 php5.dll!execute(_zend_op_array * op_array) Line 107C
 php5.dll!zend_execute_scripts(int type, _zval_struct * * retval, int 
file_count, ...) Line 1259C
 php5.dll!php_execute_script(_zend_file_handle * primary_file) Line 2316C
 [Frames below may be incorrect and/or missing, no symbols loaded for php.exe]
 msvcr90.dll!_LocaleUpdate::_LocaleUpdate(struct localeinfo_struct *)Unknown

[2011-12-21 15:10:35] tony2...@php.net

<@Cataphrac> (the Date(Period|Interval) serialization patch is here btw: 
http://nebm.ist.utl.pt/~glopes/misc/date_period_interval_ser.diff )

[2011-12-06 06:07:24] der...@php.net

Automatic comment from SVN on behalf of derick
Revision: http://svn.php.net/viewvc/?view=revision&revision=320479
Log: - Added a test case for #53437.

[2011-01-09 06:00:35] cataphr...@php.net

Reassigning to Derick, as the patch I've written is under his consideration.

The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at


Edit this bug report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=53437&edit=1

Bug #53437 [PATCH]: Crash when using unserialized DatePeriod instance

2013-03-05 Thread a...@php.net
Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=53437&edit=1

 ID: 53437
 Patch added by: a...@php.net
 Reported by:from dot php dot net at brainbox dot cz
 Summary:Crash when using unserialized DatePeriod instance
 Status: Assigned
 Type:   Bug
 Package:Date/time related
 Operating System:   Windows XP SP3
 PHP Version:5.3.3
 Assigned To:derick
 Block user comment: N
 Private report: N

 New Comment:

The following patch has been added/updated:

Patch Name: glopes_date_5.3.patch
Revision:   1362482379

Previous Comments:

[2013-03-04 12:43:19] a...@php.net

Here's the corresponding BT on windows,

 php5.dll!timelib_time_clone(timelib_time * orig) Line 52C
 php5.dll!date_period_it_rewind(_zend_object_iterator * iter) Line 1910C
 php5.dll!ZEND_FE_RESET_SPEC_CV_HANDLER(_zend_execute_data * execute_data) Line 
 php5.dll!execute(_zend_op_array * op_array) Line 107C
 php5.dll!zend_execute_scripts(int type, _zval_struct * * retval, int 
file_count, ...) Line 1259C
 php5.dll!php_execute_script(_zend_file_handle * primary_file) Line 2316C
 [Frames below may be incorrect and/or missing, no symbols loaded for php.exe]
 msvcr90.dll!_LocaleUpdate::_LocaleUpdate(struct localeinfo_struct *)Unknown

[2011-12-21 15:10:35] tony2...@php.net

<@Cataphrac> (the Date(Period|Interval) serialization patch is here btw: 
http://nebm.ist.utl.pt/~glopes/misc/date_period_interval_ser.diff )

[2011-12-06 06:07:24] der...@php.net

Automatic comment from SVN on behalf of derick
Revision: http://svn.php.net/viewvc/?view=revision&revision=320479
Log: - Added a test case for #53437.

[2011-01-09 06:00:35] cataphr...@php.net

Reassigning to Derick, as the patch I've written is under his consideration.

[2010-12-01 21:50:03] fel...@php.net

Duplicated of #52113

The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at


Edit this bug report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=53437&edit=1

Req #29812 [Com]: rename() don't overwrite existing files at windows (as at linux)

2013-03-05 Thread tom at r dot je
Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=29812&edit=1

 ID: 29812
 Comment by: tom at r dot je
 Reported by:melker at kuh dot at
 Summary:rename() don't overwrite existing files at windows
 (as at linux)
 Status: Open
 Type:   Feature/Change Request
 Package:Feature/Change Request
 Operating System:   winxp
 PHP Version:4.3.8
 Block user comment: N
 Private report: N

 New Comment:

This isn't restricted to Windows XP but also affects other versions. I've 
tested Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008, both have this same problem.

Previous Comments:

[2004-08-24 12:36:20] melker at kuh dot at



rename ( 'file1', 'file2' ); 

behaviour at linux:

If there is a 'file2', the file2 will be overwritten by file1.

at windows xp:
If there is a 'file2', a warning is given and the file2 isn't overwritten with 

Reproduce code:
rename ( 'file1', 'file2' ); 

Expected result:

I would expect, that rename() works with the same behaviour at all operating 

So, please overwrite existing files or give a warning at all os.

Actual result:
at linux, existing files will be overwritten, at winxp, the rename-process 
fails, a php-warning is given.

Edit this bug report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=29812&edit=1

Bug #64340 [Csd->ReO]: sockets tests failed

2013-03-05 Thread reeze
Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=64340&edit=1

 ID: 64340
 Updated by: re...@php.net
 Reported by:re...@php.net
 Summary:sockets tests failed
-Status: Closed
+Status: Re-Opened
 Type:   Bug
 Package:Sockets related
 Operating System:   Mac OSX 10.8
 PHP Version:5.5.0alpha5
 Assigned To:laruence
 Block user comment: N
 Private report: N

 New Comment:

the attached patch is intend to fix IPV6_PKTINFO failure, the commit didn't 
contain all of the fix. but only the macro define.

The patch isn't break build. but the partially applied patch. 
only define __APPLE_USE_RFC is not enough. the rest of the changes 
should be applied too.

I couldn't figure out a better solution which didn't require header 
inclusion order, since the macro itself required to be defined first.

Previous Comments:

[2013-03-05 06:05:33] larue...@php.net

I revert the previous fix, since the build broken.

I am wondering, if don't fix that, what's the problem is?


[2013-03-05 06:04:06] larue...@php.net

Automatic comment on behalf of laruence
Log: Revert "Fixed Bug #64340  (sockets tests failed) Patch by Reeze"

[2013-03-05 05:58:56] larue...@php.net

Automatic comment on behalf of laruence
Log: Revert "Fixed Bug #64340  (sockets tests failed) Patch by Reeze"

[2013-03-04 18:21:21] re...@php.net

Hi, cataphract
   The macro __APPLE_USE_RFC_3542 must be defined before including netinet/in.h,
but not all of the our c files include php_sockets.h in the topmost, but by 
include other header files.

$ head -n 1 conversions.c

$ header -n 5 sockaddr_conv.h
#include "php_sockets.h" /* php_socket */

php_network.h wil be included  before the macro defined. and 
php_network.h has to been included
before php_sockets.h, so I have to  move conversion.h up instead.

in the mean time, in convesion.h   was included before 
php_sockets.h too, so I have to move it 
up to meet the requirement of the macro. 

The current partial patch breaks the build because of missing the left part:

Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
  "_from_zval_write_in6_pktinfo", referenced from:
  _init_ancillary_registry in sendrecvmsg.o
  _php_do_setsockopt_ipv6_rfc3542 in sendrecvmsg.o
  "_to_zval_read_in6_pktinfo", referenced from:
  _init_ancillary_registry in sendrecvmsg.o
  _php_do_getsockopt_ipv6_rfc3542 in sendrecvmsg.o
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64

[2013-03-03 02:55:50] larue...@php.net

Thank you for your bug report. This issue has already been fixed
in the latest released version of PHP, which you can download at 

I commmitted, since reeze doesn't has PHP karma.

please verify the fix.

The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at


Edit this bug report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=64340&edit=1

[PHP-BUG] Bug #64357 [NEW]: PHP mangles expires header when session.cache_limiter is used

2013-03-05 Thread abxccd at msn dot com
From: abxccd at msn dot com
Operating system: Ubuntu 12.10
PHP version:  5.4.12
Package:  Output Control
Bug Type: Bug
Bug description:PHP mangles expires header when session.cache_limiter is used


If session.cache_limiter in php.ini has any of these values: public,
private,  or nocache, the expires header will be mangled if we try to set
one at a later stage.

To replication, first, set your session.cache_limiter to private or any of
the above values, or do it using session_cache_limiter. Then, run the test
script. Then, inspect the response headers with a tool like FireBug.

Test script:
Try a snapshot (PHP 5.4):   
Try a snapshot (PHP 5.3):   
Try a snapshot (trunk): 
Fixed in SVN:   https://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=64357&r=fixed
Fixed in release:   https://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=64357&r=alreadyfixed
Need backtrace: https://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=64357&r=needtrace
Need Reproduce Script:  https://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=64357&r=needscript
Try newer version:  https://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=64357&r=oldversion
Not developer issue:https://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=64357&r=support
Expected behavior:  https://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=64357&r=notwrong
Not enough info:
Submitted twice:
register_globals:   https://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=64357&r=globals
PHP 4 support discontinued: https://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=64357&r=php4
Daylight Savings:   https://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=64357&r=dst
IIS Stability:  https://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=64357&r=isapi
Install GNU Sed:https://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=64357&r=gnused
Floating point limitations: https://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=64357&r=float
No Zend Extensions: https://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=64357&r=nozend
MySQL Configuration Error:  https://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=64357&r=mysqlcfg

Bug #64354 [Opn]: Unserialize array of objects whose class can't be autoloaded fail

2013-03-05 Thread laruence
Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=64354&edit=1

 ID: 64354
 Updated by: larue...@php.net
 Reported by:alan at klestoff dot ru
 Summary:Unserialize array of objects whose class can't be
 autoloaded fail
 Status: Open
 Type:   Bug
 Package:Scripting Engine problem
 Operating System:   Debian
 PHP Version:5.3.22
 Block user comment: N
 Private report: N

 New Comment:

the similar problem maybe also exists in wakeup/sleep etc , will check them 

Previous Comments:

[2013-03-05 08:07:07] larue...@php.net

The following patch has been added/updated:

Patch Name: bug64354.patch
Revision:   1362470827

[2013-03-05 08:06:37] larue...@php.net

hmm, this is because one serializing triggered more than one exception.

quick patch attached.

[2013-03-05 07:27:04] alan at klestoff dot ru


We have serialized object of class A and array with 2 such objects

Then we write autoload function which throws exception if can't find a file 

And in first case - we have a normal behaviour (we can catch exception).
In second we have uncaughted exception. 

Test script:

Bug #64354 [PATCH]: Unserialize array of objects whose class can't be autoloaded fail

2013-03-05 Thread larue...@php.net
Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=64354&edit=1

 ID: 64354
 Patch added by: larue...@php.net
 Reported by:alan at klestoff dot ru
 Summary:Unserialize array of objects whose class can't be
 autoloaded fail
 Status: Open
 Type:   Bug
 Package:Scripting Engine problem
 Operating System:   Debian
 PHP Version:5.3.22
 Block user comment: N
 Private report: N

 New Comment:

The following patch has been added/updated:

Patch Name: bug64354.patch
Revision:   1362470827

Previous Comments:

[2013-03-05 08:06:37] larue...@php.net

hmm, this is because one serializing triggered more than one exception.

quick patch attached.

[2013-03-05 07:27:04] alan at klestoff dot ru


We have serialized object of class A and array with 2 such objects

Then we write autoload function which throws exception if can't find a file 

And in first case - we have a normal behaviour (we can catch exception).
In second we have uncaughted exception. 

Test script:

Bug #64354 [Opn]: Unserialize array of objects whose class can't be autoloaded fail

2013-03-05 Thread laruence
Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=64354&edit=1

 ID: 64354
 Updated by: larue...@php.net
 Reported by:alan at klestoff dot ru
 Summary:Unserialize array of objects whose class can't be
 autoloaded fail
 Status: Open
 Type:   Bug
 Package:Scripting Engine problem
 Operating System:   Debian
 PHP Version:5.3.22
 Block user comment: N
 Private report: N

 New Comment:

hmm, this is because one serializing triggered more than one exception.

quick patch attached.

Previous Comments:

[2013-03-05 07:27:04] alan at klestoff dot ru


We have serialized object of class A and array with 2 such objects

Then we write autoload function which throws exception if can't find a file 

And in first case - we have a normal behaviour (we can catch exception).
In second we have uncaughted exception. 

Test script: