ID:               16411
 Comment by:       atpires at terra dot com dot br
 Reported By:      vielina at hn dot vnn dot vn
 Status:           No Feedback
 Bug Type:         MSSQL related
 Operating System: Windows 2000
 PHP Version:      4.3.0
 New Comment:

Using FastCGI solve this problem.

Previous Comments:

[2004-01-22 11:21:56] silvercrow13 at hotmail dot com

I've got the same problem and I can't find a solution. I'm using 2
computers as I do some work at work and at home. My configs are pretty
much the same in both computers. Both work under Win Xp SP1 Pro, IIS
5.1, PHP 4.3.4 and MySql 4.0.

This only happens at work, at home it works just fine, never had any
problem. I'm scared I will have to reinstall my system anytime for some
other reason and see this issue bothering me at home too.

Some say it is CPU speed related but I don't know. My home PC is P4
with HT and at work I use an AMD Duron based system. Doesn't seem that

Most of the comments refer to a MSSQL issue but I use Mysql and I have
this same problem too. I read somewhere it's related to the use of
frames. I thought so but when using header redirection I encounter the
same annoying message.

I even tought of installing Apache instead of IIS but the MS web server
seems a lot less scary, I'm just a newbie. I can't find a reason for
this to happen only at my work PC. Please help


[2004-01-15 06:58:52] abanet at pas dot ucm dot es

After a lot of time trying redirection with header

and always getting "CGI application misbehaved by not returning a
complete set of ..." error after an SQL 2000 insert instruction I tried
this with success:

print "<html><head><META HTTP-EQUIV='Refresh'


[2003-05-12 07:23:03] pedro at fundacaounimed dot com dot br

I think I find the solution for this problem...

Just put this line "cgi.rfc2616_headers = 1" on php.ini.

Please, send us a message if it works. I had this problem during much
time and looking for solution, I saw that many others have it too.

PS.: sorry if there is some english error.


[2003-02-08 20:26:16] xd1013 at 163 dot com

part for my connection class as fllow


class Connection{

        var $CID;

        var $Status=0;

        //Establish Connection to SQL Server

        function open($Host=CON_HOST,$User=CON_USER,$Pwd=CON_PWD){

          if($this->Status==1) return $this->CID;

      $this->CID=mssql_connect($Host, $User, $Pwd); 



          return $this->CID;


        function execute($sql){


          return mssql_rows_affected($this->CID);


        //Close Connection

        function close(){

          return mssql_close($this->CID);


} // end class


[2003-02-08 20:24:41] xd1013 at 163 dot com

I change connection to ODBC,but this appear too.

when I press F5 button,It work well.

can u solute it? 

It's a serious problem.

now,I had to change my script from php to jsp\asp

But I really did't want to give up php.

:((( it 's hard to write english for me.


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