ID:               43901
 Comment by:       cvolny at gmail dot com
 Reported By:      t03 at springtimesoftware dot com
 Status:           Open
 Bug Type:         Feature/Change Request
 Operating System: Irrelevant
 PHP Version:      5.2.5
 New Comment:

I wrote two functions to display ways of accomplishing this already
(although a built-in function would be nice).

This function is very restrictive and requires you to pass a hash
(name=>value) as $vars.  I prefer and use this function to build page
layout with predefined variables to be placed in a template file (I put
stuff like <div id="content">$content</div> where a page's specific
content should go).  I consider this a safer way to string expand as you
are explicitly limiting what can be expanded.  Some improvements can be
done to it to handle arrays, but I haven't had a need for it yet.

function stringExpand($subject, array $vars) {
        // loop over $vars map
        foreach ($vars as $name => $value) {
                // use preg_replace to match ${`$name`} or $`$name`
                $subject = preg_replace(sprintf('/\$\{?%s\}?/', $name), $value,
        // return variable expanded string
        return $subject;

This second function accomplishes the same task only using eval() and
variables in the current symbol table (with the help of extract()).  I
opted to use heredoc with optionally a randomly generated delimiter.
This allows access to all variables available to the function (static
members, globals, $vars, etc) so it could potentially allow access to
preferably private data.  I won't even go into the security implications
of using eval() to accomplish this, it's probably better to use
something like the above.  here it is:
function stringExpandDangerous($subject, array $vars = array(), $random
= true) {
        // extract $vars into current symbol table
        // if requested to be random (default), generate delim, otherwise use
predefined (trivially faster)
        if ($random)
                $delim = '___' . chr(mt_rand(65,90)) . chr(mt_rand(65,90)) .
chr(mt_rand(65,90)) . chr(mt_rand(65,90)) . chr(mt_rand(65,90)) .
                $delim = '__ASDFZXCV1324ZXCV__';  // button mashing...
        // built the eval code
        $statement = "return <<<$delim\n\n" . $subject . "\n$delim;\n";
        // execute statement, saving output to $result variable
        $result = eval($statement);
        // if eval() returned FALSE, throw a custom exception
        if ($result === false)
                throw new EvalException($statement);
        // return variable expanded string
        return $result;
As you can see you can easily (and dangerously) accomplish this task
using eval() or you can cautiously accomplish it using a variant of
regex.  I would recommend limiting the access of your string expansion
script as well as avoiding eval(), you can capture variable names &
values easily using compact().  I wouldn’t allow your script access to
$GLOBALS like the above comment, you might not want that data as
accessible as you’re making it.

Previous Comments:

[2008-01-24 20:02:40] t03 at springtimesoftware dot com

In case anyone else reads this and needs a workaround, here is function
to expand any embedded variables of the form "$name" found inside a
given string. Note: this uses the global scope, even if called from
inside a function.

// Expand global variables if found in a string
// ExpandVars ver=1/24/08
function ReplaceVarCallback($M)
        if (!isset($GLOBALS[$M[1]]))
                die("Variable "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" is undefined.");
        return $GLOBALS[$M[1]];
        } // ReplaceVarCallback
function ExpandVars($Str)
        for (;;)
                if ($Res==$Str)
        return $Str;
        } // ExpandVars


[2008-01-21 01:56:50] t03 at springtimesoftware dot com

(Note: This feature request is similar to some existing ones, but
provides much clearer explanation, motivation, and details. I hope it
will be considered on its own and that this proposal gets elevated to
the PHP design team for serious consideration.)

In PHP, string literals that are specified using quotation marks (") or
HEREDOC syntax are implicitly expanded in several ways, including
translation of backslash-escaped characters and substitution of the
actual values of variables, as indicated by leading left brace or dollar

There are many common programming situations where a string contains
backslash sequences or variables that need to be expanded in this way,
such as when the string is read in from a text file.

The most frequent solution adopted by PHP programmers is a simple use
of the eval function. However, this solution represents a large security
risk if the string to be expanded comes from an external and possibly
malicious user, since such a string can contain arbitrary code that will
be executed by the eval function.

There are many safe solutions, including the use of the str_replace
function in a loop to expand each possible variable.

However, all these solutions involve inefficient and error-prone coding
that could be avoided simply by exposing the Zend mechanism used in the
implicit expansion of string literals. The mechanism is already there;
it merely needs to be exposed to the programmer.

Therefore, I hereby request that the PHP team consider adding a new
function to PHP that would expand a given string as is done in the
implicit expansion of string literals, returning the expanded string. I
leave it up to the team to determine the specifics (the name of the
function and possible flags to limit the expansion to certain kinds,
such as backslash-escaped characters and variables).

The PHP team has made many intelligent decisions throughout the history
of the development of PHP, including adding new and useful functions. I
hope they will consider my proposal seriously, forgiving me if I have
made mistakes or overlooked something that I should have been

David Spector
Springtime Software

Reproduce code:
(Note: this is not a bug report, but a new feature request.)


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