Bug #64571 [Com]: PDO CREATE TRIGGER

2013-08-26 Thread email at philsturgeon dot co dot uk
Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=64571&edit=1

 ID: 64571
 Comment by: email at philsturgeon dot co dot uk
 Reported by:jehoshua02 at gmail dot com
 Status: Not a bug
 Type:   Bug
 Package:PDO related
 Operating System:   Ubuntu 12.10 Desktop 64bit
 PHP Version:5.4.13
 Block user comment: N
 Private report: N

 New Comment:

This should actually be $pdo->exec('CREATE TRIGGER...');

Previous Comments:

[2013-04-06 15:43:25] fel...@php.net

DELIMITER is not a mysql statement, but a mysql client command.

Use a separated statement for create trigger part. e.g. $pdo->query("CREATE 
TRIGGER ...");

[2013-04-03 00:28:44] jehoshua02 at gmail dot com

Could the root of this problem be somehow related to the multiple-query problem?

[2013-04-03 00:09:02] jehoshua02 at gmail dot com


I'm using PDO in some simple script to do database migrations and realized that 
my triggers weren't being created. I checked to make sure the triggers were 
correct by first copying and pasting them into mysql interactive console, then 
by using `SOURCE ...`, then by passing the file name into mysql command, each 
time verifying the trigger was created by using "SHOW TRIGGERS WHERE `Trigger` 
= :trigger". I concluded that the problem was not with my trigger statements, 
or with mysql, but with PDO.

The actual PHP version is 5.4.6-1ubuntu1.2 so I chose the closest one.

Test script:

Expected result:

I would expect to see the trigger printed as an associative array.

Actual result:
The trigger is not created even though the script completes without any errors 
or exceptions.

Edit this bug report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=64571&edit=1

Req #40296 [Com]: "unless" control structure

2013-02-20 Thread email at philsturgeon dot co dot uk
Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=40296&edit=1

 ID: 40296
 Comment by: email at philsturgeon dot co dot uk
 Reported by:mail at tobyinkster dot co dot uk
 Summary:"unless" control structure
 Status: Wont fix
 Type:   Feature/Change Request
 Package:*General Issues
 Operating System:   All
 PHP Version:5.2.0
 Block user comment: N
 Private report: N

 New Comment:

It looks like this conversation dried up after the rather out-of-context 
over unless somehow meaning "more".

Can we move past that please, as it's a ridiculous non-issue.

Previous Comments:
[2012-07-30 15:09:00] email at philsturgeon dot co dot uk

Rasmus: toby was not suggesting that "uniqid" is the opposite of "iqid", he is 
saying that you can have "un" at the start of a function or keyword without it 
automatically flipping the meaning of the next few letters and confusing people 
as you suggested in your comment yesterday.

In neither situation does "un" switch the meaning of the following letters, so 
it is ok for one function/keyword it should be ok for another, right?

I don't want to argue, I just want to make sure people are clear. I would hate 
see this conversation derailed by confusion or people loudly agreeing.

[2012-07-30 15:00:31] ras...@php.net

Now you are just being silly. "uniqid" is "unique id" from the latin root "uni" 
meaning one or singular. Makes perfect sense . It isn't "un" anything.

[2012-07-30 13:19:47] mail at tobyinkster dot co dot uk

FWIW, while Perl does allow

unless (foo) { bar }
else { baz }

I've never seen it in the wild. I've only ever seen unless used without any 
trailing else conditions. (And although Perl syntax allows else following 
unless, it explicitly disallows elsif following unless.) I'd be perfectly happy 
for PHP to forbid both elseif and else after unless.

> It also isn't a very common feature in other languages 

Latin had "nisi". Modern languages derived from Latin are all the poorer for 
having lost this concept.

> It is an odd word that essentially means not-if even though 
> it logically should be equivalent to "more" as in the 
> opposite of "more" would be "less" and sticking "un" in
> front of it suddenly completely changes the meaning entirely.

By that logic, uniqid() should return the opposite of the iqid() function.

[2012-07-29 21:42:28] email at philsturgeon dot co dot uk

In regards to double negatives, I agree. If I see a developer do this unless a 
7 then I would block their PR and instantly go and have a talk with them about 
writing sane code.

As for else it really shouldn't be used that much but it should be possible.

unless (foo === 'bar') {
// do something
else {
// do something else

Is that really a confusion?

Unlesselse might become a dog though, not sure about that:

unless (foo === 'bar') {
// do something
unlesselse (foo === 'baz') {
// do something
else {
// do something else

At that point you'd just want to be using a switch, but that is the same for 

As I said unless should not really use an else, otherwise you'd be better off 
using an if and swapping it around, but having it doesn't hurt.

[2012-07-29 21:35:45] kinghfb+php at gmail dot com

The structure adds sugar without necessarily breaking anything (with the 
exception of existing unless() functions, as Rasmus mentioned). I really don't 
think the double-negatives argument works here, as we're already doing that 
with 'if', meaning that the readability is quite low in some cases.

My only concern is that the structure seems to be more easily convoluted than 
'if', potentially leading to nightmarish comprehension tasks.

The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at


Edit this bug report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=40296&edit=1

Req #40296 [Com]: "unless" control structure

2012-07-30 Thread email at philsturgeon dot co dot uk
Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=40296&edit=1

 ID: 40296
 Comment by: email at philsturgeon dot co dot uk
 Reported by:mail at tobyinkster dot co dot uk
 Summary:"unless" control structure
 Status: Wont fix
 Type:   Feature/Change Request
 Package:*General Issues
 Operating System:   All
 PHP Version:5.2.0
 Block user comment: N
 Private report: N

 New Comment:

Rasmus: toby was not suggesting that "uniqid" is the opposite of "iqid", he is 
saying that you can have "un" at the start of a function or keyword without it 
automatically flipping the meaning of the next few letters and confusing people 
as you suggested in your comment yesterday.

In neither situation does "un" switch the meaning of the following letters, so 
it is ok for one function/keyword it should be ok for another, right?

I don't want to argue, I just want to make sure people are clear. I would hate 
see this conversation derailed by confusion or people loudly agreeing.

Previous Comments:

[2012-07-30 15:00:31] ras...@php.net

Now you are just being silly. "uniqid" is "unique id" from the latin root "uni" 
meaning one or singular. Makes perfect sense . It isn't "un" anything.

[2012-07-30 13:19:47] mail at tobyinkster dot co dot uk

FWIW, while Perl does allow

unless (foo) { bar }
else { baz }

I've never seen it in the wild. I've only ever seen unless used without any 
trailing else conditions. (And although Perl syntax allows else following 
unless, it explicitly disallows elsif following unless.) I'd be perfectly happy 
for PHP to forbid both elseif and else after unless.

> It also isn't a very common feature in other languages 

Latin had "nisi". Modern languages derived from Latin are all the poorer for 
having lost this concept.

> It is an odd word that essentially means not-if even though 
> it logically should be equivalent to "more" as in the 
> opposite of "more" would be "less" and sticking "un" in
> front of it suddenly completely changes the meaning entirely.

By that logic, uniqid() should return the opposite of the iqid() function.

[2012-07-29 21:42:28] email at philsturgeon dot co dot uk

In regards to double negatives, I agree. If I see a developer do this unless a 
7 then I would block their PR and instantly go and have a talk with them about 
writing sane code.

As for else it really shouldn't be used that much but it should be possible.

unless (foo === 'bar') {
// do something
else {
// do something else

Is that really a confusion?

Unlesselse might become a dog though, not sure about that:

unless (foo === 'bar') {
// do something
unlesselse (foo === 'baz') {
// do something
else {
// do something else

At that point you'd just want to be using a switch, but that is the same for 

As I said unless should not really use an else, otherwise you'd be better off 
using an if and swapping it around, but having it doesn't hurt.

[2012-07-29 21:35:45] kinghfb+php at gmail dot com

The structure adds sugar without necessarily breaking anything (with the 
exception of existing unless() functions, as Rasmus mentioned). I really don't 
think the double-negatives argument works here, as we're already doing that 
with 'if', meaning that the readability is quite low in some cases.

My only concern is that the structure seems to be more easily convoluted than 
'if', potentially leading to nightmarish comprehension tasks.

[2012-07-29 20:36:46] hi at brennannovak dot com

I like this idea quite a bit- of course I am a native english speaker as well 
(American), but considering this is used in Ruby & Python the language barrier 
not too great that it hinders use. Additionally there are *many* abbreviations 
PHP that consist of multiple "english" words which developers are able to 
understand such as strcmp()

Once I memorize what a group of characters *do* I stop thinking about the words 
that make up the function.

The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at


Edit this bug report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=40296&edit=1

Req #40296 [Com]: "unless" control structure

2012-07-29 Thread email at philsturgeon dot co dot uk
Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=40296&edit=1

 ID: 40296
 Comment by: email at philsturgeon dot co dot uk
 Reported by:mail at tobyinkster dot co dot uk
 Summary:"unless" control structure
 Status: Wont fix
 Type:   Feature/Change Request
 Package:*General Issues
 Operating System:   All
 PHP Version:5.2.0
 Block user comment: N
 Private report: N

 New Comment:

In regards to double negatives, I agree. If I see a developer do this unless a 
7 then I would block their PR and instantly go and have a talk with them about 
writing sane code.

As for else it really shouldn't be used that much but it should be possible.

unless (foo === 'bar') {
// do something
else {
// do something else

Is that really a confusion?

Unlesselse might become a dog though, not sure about that:

unless (foo === 'bar') {
// do something
unlesselse (foo === 'baz') {
// do something
else {
// do something else

At that point you'd just want to be using a switch, but that is the same for 

As I said unless should not really use an else, otherwise you'd be better off 
using an if and swapping it around, but having it doesn't hurt.

Previous Comments:

[2012-07-29 21:35:45] kinghfb+php at gmail dot com

The structure adds sugar without necessarily breaking anything (with the 
exception of existing unless() functions, as Rasmus mentioned). I really don't 
think the double-negatives argument works here, as we're already doing that 
with 'if', meaning that the readability is quite low in some cases.

My only concern is that the structure seems to be more easily convoluted than 
'if', potentially leading to nightmarish comprehension tasks.

[2012-07-29 20:36:46] hi at brennannovak dot com

I like this idea quite a bit- of course I am a native english speaker as well 
(American), but considering this is used in Ruby & Python the language barrier 
not too great that it hinders use. Additionally there are *many* abbreviations 
PHP that consist of multiple "english" words which developers are able to 
understand such as strcmp()

Once I memorize what a group of characters *do* I stop thinking about the words 
that make up the function.

[2012-07-29 20:25:43] email at philsturgeon dot co dot uk

Thanks for stopping by Rasmus, that was a really quick follow up.

I think you might have pointed out the crux of the confusion: being a native 
English speaker. To me it makes perfect sense, but I am British.

Unless the condition is true, do this.

I like the post: https://37signals.com/svn/posts/2699-making-sense-with-rubys-

A new keyword just to replace "if ( ! (condition))" might seem like a hassle, 
the objective of the game is not always to make PHP "nice", but it is readable 
logical to many, and is easy to ignore if you don't like it - unless you have 
function unless(), but the chances are that function is doing something similar 

[2012-07-29 20:16:53] ras...@php.net

Any new keyword breaks BC to some extent because it will break any code that 
an existing unless() function. I agree with others here that unless() can be 
quite confusing. A negated conditional keyword lends itself to double negatives.

It also isn't a very common feature in other languages and definitely not 
obvious to non-native English speaking people like myself. It is an odd word 
that essentially means not-if even though it logically should be equivalent to 
"more" as in the opposite of "more" would be "less" and sticking "un" in front 
of it suddenly completely changes the meaning entirely.

[2012-07-29 20:00:40] email at philsturgeon dot co dot uk

I am surprised to see such a lack of interest on this feature request. 

Ruby and Perl both have "unless", and while that is certainly not a reason on 
own, it does show that this is used. 

There are two people here saying that unless is confusing. How so? If something 
matches false then do whatever. It has an else too, so if something is true it 
will be used.

The main point here is not to remove a single !, but to make much cleaner 

if ( ! (isset($foo) or ($foo !== 'bar')) exit('invalid value');


unless (isset($foo) and $foo === 'bar') exit('invalid value');

Its a minor difference as I cannot remember a more compelling exa

Req #40296 [Com]: "unless" control structure

2012-07-29 Thread email at philsturgeon dot co dot uk
Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=40296&edit=1

 ID: 40296
 Comment by: email at philsturgeon dot co dot uk
 Reported by:mail at tobyinkster dot co dot uk
 Summary:"unless" control structure
 Status: Wont fix
 Type:   Feature/Change Request
 Package:*General Issues
 Operating System:   All
 PHP Version:5.2.0
 Block user comment: N
 Private report: N

 New Comment:

Thanks for stopping by Rasmus, that was a really quick follow up.

I think you might have pointed out the crux of the confusion: being a native 
English speaker. To me it makes perfect sense, but I am British.

Unless the condition is true, do this.

I like the post: https://37signals.com/svn/posts/2699-making-sense-with-rubys-

A new keyword just to replace "if ( ! (condition))" might seem like a hassle, 
the objective of the game is not always to make PHP "nice", but it is readable 
logical to many, and is easy to ignore if you don't like it - unless you have 
function unless(), but the chances are that function is doing something similar 

Previous Comments:

[2012-07-29 20:16:53] ras...@php.net

Any new keyword breaks BC to some extent because it will break any code that 
an existing unless() function. I agree with others here that unless() can be 
quite confusing. A negated conditional keyword lends itself to double negatives.

It also isn't a very common feature in other languages and definitely not 
obvious to non-native English speaking people like myself. It is an odd word 
that essentially means not-if even though it logically should be equivalent to 
"more" as in the opposite of "more" would be "less" and sticking "un" in front 
of it suddenly completely changes the meaning entirely.

[2012-07-29 20:00:40] email at philsturgeon dot co dot uk

I am surprised to see such a lack of interest on this feature request. 

Ruby and Perl both have "unless", and while that is certainly not a reason on 
own, it does show that this is used. 

There are two people here saying that unless is confusing. How so? If something 
matches false then do whatever. It has an else too, so if something is true it 
will be used.

The main point here is not to remove a single !, but to make much cleaner 

if ( ! (isset($foo) or ($foo !== 'bar')) exit('invalid value');


unless (isset($foo) and $foo === 'bar') exit('invalid value');

Its a minor difference as I cannot remember a more compelling example, but 
have been numerous times I have wished to reverse this and have unless instead 
an extremely complex if statement.

Unless just makes sense, it's optional, it doesn't break BC, it makes syntax 
easier to read in some situations and it is easy to document. If I knew enough 
I'd send in a patch right now as PHP would be better off for having this.

[2011-12-30 13:50:47] joke at nakhon dot net

I vote against this request. Both perl and ruby's 'unless' confuse me so much. 
It can be easy to abuse.

I often encounter someone wrote code like this:

unless a != 7
  b = 3
  b = 6

[2011-08-04 20:59:24] achaia3 at gmail dot com

This would be a convenient feature for sure with no down sides for anybody not 
wishing to use it.

[2011-06-05 22:47:45] mattr dot smith at gmail dot com

I also request this feature. 

Ruby has this structure too and really adds to the readability of code.

I don't see any argument at against this that is valid other than the fact that 
PHP programmers don't want to change.

The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at


Edit this bug report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=40296&edit=1

Req #40296 [Com]: "unless" control structure

2012-07-29 Thread email at philsturgeon dot co dot uk
Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=40296&edit=1

 ID: 40296
 Comment by: email at philsturgeon dot co dot uk
 Reported by:mail at tobyinkster dot co dot uk
 Summary:"unless" control structure
 Status: Open
 Type:   Feature/Change Request
 Package:Feature/Change Request
 Operating System:   All
 PHP Version:5.2.0
 Block user comment: N
 Private report: N

 New Comment:

I am surprised to see such a lack of interest on this feature request. 

Ruby and Perl both have "unless", and while that is certainly not a reason on 
own, it does show that this is used. 

There are two people here saying that unless is confusing. How so? If something 
matches false then do whatever. It has an else too, so if something is true it 
will be used.

The main point here is not to remove a single !, but to make much cleaner 

if ( ! (isset($foo) or ($foo !== 'bar')) exit('invalid value');


unless (isset($foo) and $foo === 'bar') exit('invalid value');

Its a minor difference as I cannot remember a more compelling example, but 
have been numerous times I have wished to reverse this and have unless instead 
an extremely complex if statement.

Unless just makes sense, it's optional, it doesn't break BC, it makes syntax 
easier to read in some situations and it is easy to document. If I knew enough 
I'd send in a patch right now as PHP would be better off for having this.

Previous Comments:

[2011-12-30 13:50:47] joke at nakhon dot net

I vote against this request. Both perl and ruby's 'unless' confuse me so much. 
It can be easy to abuse.

I often encounter someone wrote code like this:

unless a != 7
  b = 3
  b = 6

[2011-08-04 20:59:24] achaia3 at gmail dot com

This would be a convenient feature for sure with no down sides for anybody not 
wishing to use it.

[2011-06-05 22:47:45] mattr dot smith at gmail dot com

I also request this feature. 

Ruby has this structure too and really adds to the readability of code.

I don't see any argument at against this that is valid other than the fact that 
PHP programmers don't want to change.

[2007-12-31 23:19:51] michael at chunkycow dot com dot au


Perl has lots of 'features' in it, although I cannot see how an 
'unless' control structure adds to anything but confusion for existing/new 

[2007-01-31 12:26:42] mail at tobyinkster dot co dot uk


It would be nice if PHP had an "unless" control structure so that:

unless (...) { ... }

would be equivalent to:

if (!(...)) { ... }

Although the "unless" control structure is actually slightly more verbose (in 
bytes) than "if", it is arguably a lot more readable in the following examples:

unless ($a==0 || $b==0)


if (!($a==0 || $b==0))

or, equivalently using De Morgan's Law (Google for it):

if ($a!=0 && $b!=0)

The "unless" structure uses less punctuation, and more human syntax. I can't 
imagine how this extra syntax would break any existing scripts.

For what it's worth, Perl already has an "unless" control structure.

Edit this bug report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=40296&edit=1