ID:               25876
 Comment by:       henmarrina at gmail dot com
 Reported By:      golden at riscom dot com
 Status:           No Feedback
 Bug Type:         Session related
 Operating System: freebsd 4.8
 PHP Version:      4.3.9-4.3.10
 Assigned To:      sniper
 New Comment:

while i was working on joomla admin module i got this error:
Fatal error: session_start(): Failed to initialize storage module. in
/var/www/html/workspace/joomla/administrator/index2.php on line 34
as suggested by may forum i have changed  session.save_handler 
in php.ini to files.
but error is still there any concrete solution for this

Previous Comments:

[2005-12-02 13:11:04] ts at dreamcoder dot dk

Without knowing about the code side of it, this bug reminds me of the
php_value leak there was amoung virtualhosts in apache once - where the
php_value_* from one virtualhost was leaked in to another.


[2005-10-30 16:11:13] support3 at futurahost dot com


We "solved" it by adding an auto_prepend file to every .php executed on
our servers:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] lib]$ cat php.ini.prepend
<? session_module_name("files"); ?>

[EMAIL PROTECTED] lib]$ grep auto_prepend_file php.ini
auto_prepend_file = /usr/local/lib/php.ini.prepend

Anyway, we are very concerned about php developers completely ignoring
this bug.


[2005-09-30 20:32:42] dan at nitro dot com

I was experiencing this problem on my server, and have managed to make
it go away after reading comments in this post and experimenting a bit.

original setup:
owner root:apache
permissions: 770

test script from gul_murjani at yahoo dot com would fail after between
1 and 30 or so counts

modified permissions on directory to:
owner apache:apache
permissions 700

test script ran on five client computers to over 10,000 cycles without

this fix is strange though as I have since changed the permissions back
to the origial setup:

owner root:apache
permissions: 770

and the script has run without failing - no more errors - even after
another thousands of cycles.

strange but true!


[2005-09-08 01:42:04] info at ruudgoedhart dot nl

I'm experiencing the same problem, strange enough NOTHING i tried so
far has solved it. I tried: 

Recompiling PHP
Downgrading PHP
Reinstalling Zend
Upgrading Zend

At a certain moment a harddrive of the server with this error went bad,
and i had to do a complete reinstall on a different drive.. Strange
enough.. the SAME error occured, while I have different servers with
identical hardware and settings which run just fine.. without errors.

Is it possible this error has somehow got anything to do with hardware?
bad memory or something? I simply find it too strange that i'm only
experiencing this error on 1 of the 8 machines, and that even a
COMPLETE re-install didn't work.

I'm using FC3 with Cpanel
PHP 4.4.0 with Zend Optimizer 2.5.10a


[2005-08-26 07:11:32] smbukas at gmail dot com

I have this problem too and adding the the code with setting
"session.save_handler", "session.save_path", "session.use_cookies" does
not solve this problem. 

I use PHP Version 4.4.0


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