ID:               45191
 User updated by:  info at organicdata dot co dot za
 Reported By:      info at organicdata dot co dot za
 Status:           Bogus
 Bug Type:         Date/time related
 Operating System: Centos el5
 PHP Version:      5.2CVS-2008-06-05 (snap)
 New Comment:

Thanks very much for the feedback - I understand that my "bug"
interpretation may have been wrong. My concern is really a result of a
combination of the following:

1. the PHP recommendations I've seen is that you don't rely on system
time zone and set the time zone explicitly in PHP
2. I want to have a single central logging file containing all system
3. The custom error handling routine I use does not catch all errors
that PHP can throw, some are only captured by the internal error handler
used by setting log_errors=On

Because of 3, the only way I can achieve 2 that I can see is to set the
output file in my custom error handler to be the same as the value set
in the inifile parameter error_log. This means that the errors I trap
are then inserted into the same file as the ones I am unable to trap due
to the limitation of 3 and they occur in a sensible sequence.

As per your reply however, the only way for me to ensure that the
errors written to the file by my custom error handler have meaningful
timestamps relative to the ones written as a result of the log_errors=On
parameter means that i have to set my PHP explicit timezone to the same
as that of the server.

...which means that I'm setting the value on the server and again in
PHP and that if there is some change in the server timezone for whatever
reason at a later stage, my log file will become "a mess" of
inconsistent timestamps (depending on whether the error written to the
file was as a result of my custom error handling routine or whether
handled by the internal error logging.

...which in turn from my perspective means that it is in fact dangerous
to explicitly set the PHP internal timezone and actually safer to allow
everything to rely only on the system timezone - at least this way I can
guarantee consistency in the timestamps of the errors written to the log

well that's the way I see it anyway - not sure whether I'm missing
something big here

thanks again for the feedback

Previous Comments:

[2008-07-14 10:06:39] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thank you for taking the time to write to us, but this is not
a bug. Please double-check the documentation available at and the instructions on how to report
a bug at

This is normal. The error log is not *written* by PHP, but by syslog.
Syslog doesn't care about PHP's internal timezone, and thus formats the
log message according to the system timezone. Just change the system
timezone if it's incorrect.


[2008-06-05 23:50:30] info at organicdata dot co dot za

I've noticed that changing the default PHP timezone using either
php.ini date.timezone or date_default_timezone_set appears to have no
effect on the timestamp used for each entry PHP writes to the file set
by php.ini value error_log (when php.ini log_errors = On)

It seems to use the system timestamp regardless. I've done some
searching on the web but found nothing and am afraid I'm not sure
whether a bug or by design but it seems strange enough to submit here

Reproduce code:
log_errors = On
error_log = myerrors.log


resulting myerrors.log
[06-Jun-2008 00:41:34] PHP Notice:  Use of undefined constant
SOMEBADCONSTANT - assumed 'SOMEBADCONSTANT' in /prj/mycode.php on line
[06-Jun-2008 00:41:34] PHP Notice:  Use of undefined constant
line 5

Expected result:
As Africa/Johannesburg is 2 hours ahead of UTC, I would have expected
the second myerrors.log entry to read
[06-Jun-2008 02:41:34] PHP Notice:  Use of undefined constant
line 5

And even if the comment is that date_default_timezone_set has no
effect, I saw the same when changing date.timezone in php.ini 

The error logging appears to ignore it completely and simply use the
system time


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