ID:               15198
 Comment by:       jcarlos at wysiwyg dot net
 Reported By:      ivo at ibuildings dot nl
 Status:           No Feedback
 Bug Type:         OCI8 related
 Operating System: Redhat Linux 6.1
 PHP Version:      4.1.1
 Assigned To:      thies
 New Comment:

I had the same problem with Solaris+Apache server.
Oracle crashed and the DBA rebooted it, but Apache kept opened Oracle
connections. These connections was broken but Apache tried to query
Oracle at the same time the new PHP connections did.

The solution was rebooting Apache, and then all worked ok.
PHP version is 4.3

Previous Comments:

[2003-05-18 11:52:03] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

And way too old php version..


[2003-05-11 08:41:47] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please try using this CVS snapshot:
For Windows:


[2002-12-04 09:38:18] ldixon at mail dot communityconnect dot com

I've narrowed down a cause of this error to a lockwait on one or more
rows that a query is trying to modify.  This is the simplest way to

1) in sqlplus: update table_name set column_2 = column_2_val where
column_1 = column_1_val; (do not commit)
2) run the same query from php
3) immediately run this query from another session (a client with a GUI
is best for viewing results of this query).  Pay attention to the
lockwait column, it will not be null:

        count(*) instances,
        v$sqlarea sa,
        v$session se
        sa.address = se.sql_address
        sa.hash_value = se.sql_hash_value
        sa.executions > 0
        se.status = 'ACTIVE'
group by
order by instances desc;

4) after a while your php script will come back with OCI8 Recursive
5) don't forget to rollback your update in sqlplus!

This is the most simple scenario causing the bug.  The problem also
happens on queries I use that operate (DML) on the same data and take a
while.  Possible causes of this are users clicking multiple times on
links to pages that execute DML queries.  However, sometimes I get this
error when there is only one query with a non-null lockwait value..
very strange.

I've tried registering shutdown functions and wrapping the queries that
most often produce this error with checks on connection_status() to
prevent running the query if user has abandoned the request.  None of
these measures have helped the problem.

It's disturbing that the entire apache process has to die because of
this.  Any suggestions are welome.


[2002-04-13 09:07:32] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

No feedback was provided for this bug, so it is being suspended.
If you are able to provide the information that was requested,
please do so and change the status of the bug back to "Open".

if this itches you too badly you can just take out the exit(-1) call
from oci8.c and recompile. but it might kill your oracle MTS


[2002-02-28 13:31:40] smkelly at rooster dot creighton dot edu

I've also got a PHP application that suffered from the OCI8 Recursive
call! error after an upgrade to PHP 4.1.1.  It worked fine with PHP
4.0.x, but with 4.1.x it randomly chokes with that error.  There is
nothing special going on.  I'm not using bindings, I've just got
scripts that logon, parse, execute, insert, delete, logoff, etc. 
Because of this, I'm forced to stick with the 4.0.x tree.  I'd give you
more debugging information, but it is a deployed system and I don't
want to introduce the bugs into it.


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