ID:               19714
 User updated by:  jomar at hafro dot is
 Reported By:      jomar at hafro dot is
 Status:           Wont fix
 Bug Type:         Feature/Change Request
 Operating System: SunOS
 PHP Version:      4.2.2
 Assigned To:      maxim
 New Comment:

External logon can be in many ways. 
It seems to me that you are defining a LAN like it is ,,external logon"
with the Database on a different machine than the web server but does
not logon through the internet or the web. 

So I would like to have a feture OCI8 that says "allow_external_logon"
or something like that. This is mainly a historical problem because
many of old perl programs and the oldest php programs are using this
feture and its very hard to go and change both the oracle configuration
and the programs.

Previous Comments:

[2004-04-19 08:10:40] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

That seems to be a useful feature, which makes PHP more secure, so I'm
changing this to Won't fix.


[2004-04-19 06:05:10] cjbj at hotmail dot com


"Allowing externally authenticated database connections over the web
would be a potential security risk for most configurations. Luckily
PHP's OCI8 extension will not allow external authentication where the
username is "/" and the password an empty string. The call in PHP's
oci8.c to Oracle's OCISessionBegin() always sets the credential flag to
OCI_CRED_RDBMS. To support operating system authentication the PHP
source code would have to be changed to pass Oracle the OCI_CRED_EXT
flag when appropriate."


[2002-11-11 13:08:10] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Oracle does not seem to read user/pass if it is passed to it as the
username via OCILogon.

When second parameter is an empty strng OCISessionBegin() complains
about the "NULL password Given" while if username contains '/' it is 1)
unparsed by API, 2) will still leave OCISessionBegin() without a

I will take a look at it.


[2002-10-02 08:04:17] jomar at hafro dot is

I´m using Apache enviroment :
SetEnv ORACLE_HOME /usr/oracle
SetEnv ORA_NLS33 /usr/oracle/ocommon/nls/admin/data
SetEnv NLS_LANG icelandic_america

I also set the tns_names and more env within root enviroment before I
execute apachectl start running php as a module. 
I also compiled Php with Oci8.

I´m having trouble with ocilogon function when I use the 
ocilogon("/","") (default user/nopass,server)

If I logon using a valid username and password then it is ok, but when
I use this method it returns an ora error :
ORA-01005: null password given; logon denied 

I also have the ora libs and if I use ora_logon("/","") that seems to


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