ID:          23929
 Comment by:  matt at matts dot org
 Reported By: philip at cornado dot com
 Status:      Bogus
 Bug Type:    *General Issues
 PHP Version: 4.3.2
 Assigned To: helly
 New Comment:

Philip is right, it's a stupid and cryptic error message.

The error returned should be useful at least.

Bad call.

Previous Comments:

[2003-06-01 12:11:44] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I'm sorry, I didn't realize that Unknown() and line #0 were  official,
I'll add this to the documentation.


[2003-06-01 10:44:56] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

No bug here. Philip, ask such questions on the mailing list and stop
spamming the bug system with these..


[2003-05-31 21:15:03] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I don't understand the answer, and this is certainly not documented. 
Also, why did you assign it to yourself and mark it as bogus?


[2003-05-31 17:00:26] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thank you for taking the time to write to us, but this is not
a bug. Please double-check the documentation available at and the instructions on how to report
a bug at

When some engine facility tries to call a non existing functions you
receive such errors.


[2003-05-31 15:55:47] philip at cornado dot com

register_shutdown_function() provides a warning instead of a fatal
error when calling an undefined function.  Not sure if this is
intentional or not but here's a test script:

echo 'hello';

And next, the strange looking error.  Same result for both Apache
module and CLI:

Warning: Unknown(): Unable to call do_not_exist() - function does not
exist in Unknown on line 0

A PHP5 CLI demonstrates this same error.


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