ID:               22947
 Comment by:       phpbugs at pligplob dot com
 Reported By:      me at mattbeale dot plus dot com
 Status:           Bogus
 Bug Type:         Mail related
 Operating System: Windows 2000 SP4
 PHP Version:      4CVS-2003-04-29 (stable)
 New Comment:

This does seem to be a fault in the Windows code, the Ack() function in

        if ((buf[Received - 4] == ' ' && buf[Received - 3] == '-') ||

It is specifically disallowing SPACE HYPHEN at the end of the SMTP
reply text that PlusNet's server is sending, but that seems to be
allowed by RFC2821.

However, since someone has deliberately blocked this pattern there must
be a reason for it, but it seems invalid to me.

When I modifed the php4ts.dll to use EHLO instead of HELO the SMTP
exchange completed successfully.  PlusNet's server avoids the "illegal"
SPACE HYPHEN in its extended reply, so the hangup doesn't occur.

Previous Comments:

[2003-07-30 15:39:46] me at mattbeale dot plus dot com

In addition to my previous message: 

This PHP code works fine on both machines that have problems. I doubt I
need to tell you what it does?:


    function bytesleft($fp) {
        $status = socket_get_status($fp);
        $bytes  = $status['unread_bytes'];
        return $bytes;

    function sendtext($str) {
        global $fp;
        echo $str;
        fwrite($fp, $str);
        $ret = fread($fp, 1);
        $ret.= fread($fp, bytesleft($fp));
        return $ret;

    $fp = false;

    if ($fp = fsockopen('', 25, $errno, $errstr, 1)) {

        socket_set_timeout($fp, 1);

        $hash = md5(uniqid(rand()));

        echo sendtext("HELO server\r\n");
        echo sendtext("MAIL FROM: [EMAIL PROTECTED]");
        echo sendtext("RCPT TO: [EMAIL PROTECTED]");
        echo sendtext("DATA\r\n");
        echo sendtext("From: Matt Beale <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>\r\n");
        echo sendtext("Subject: [PHP] Test Subject - {$hash}\r\n");
        echo sendtext("To: Matt Beale <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>\r\n");
        echo sendtext("\r\n");
        echo sendtext("This is a test message sent from PHP\r\n");
        echo sendtext("\r\n");
        echo sendtext("Hash: {$hash}\r\n");
        echo sendtext(".\r\n");
        echo sendtext("QUIT\r\n");


If Andrew happens to read this, I'd be interested to know if it works
for him. Plus I'd be very interested in what the PHP developers think
might be going on.


[2003-07-30 07:54:51] me at mattbeale dot plus dot com

I wouldn't know what else to try and eliminate. I've tried two
operating systems with different service packs and two methods of
Internet Connection (Router and USB Modem). The only thing I can't
change is my ISP.

I can only conclude that there must be something 'up' with my ISPs mail
server, but if that is the case why do I only get problems with PHP?
Everything else works fine - I can send mail from Outlook/Outlook
Express/Mozilla fine and I also use POPFile 0.19.1 on my server which
has no problems with communicating with my ISPs mail server. If there
were really problems with my ISPs mail server, wouldn't I experience
similar problems in the other applications I use?


[2003-07-30 02:05:33] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I can't reproduce this either, must be local problem to you only. (we'd
have hundreds of reports about this if it really was a bug)


[2003-07-29 16:05:54] me at mattbeale dot plus dot com

There does appear to be a very slight change. PHP now appears to be
replying to the server after the initial HELO <machinename> command,
but the reply always consists of just header and no data. I have
created a second csv export which shows the changes if it is of any

I have also tested this snapshot on my Windows XP machine, as well as
on my Windows 2000 machine (which has now been upgraded to Service Pack
4) both running Apache 1.3.28 and the latest PHP snapshot and have also
tried using a non-NAT connection via ye-olde-faithful Alcatel
Speedtouch USB Modem rather than my DSL router, but the same problems
still occur on both machines.


[2003-07-29 12:58:22] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I can't replicate this on win98 with either 4.3.2-RC3-dev
or 5.0.0b2-dev (though it's noticeably faster with PHP 5).

Can someone on a later version of windows please test with a recent PHP
snapshot and confirm whether there's still a problem?


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