Bug #53881 [Wfx]: nl2.php.net IPv6 broken

2012-05-15 Thread tozz at kijkt dot tv
Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=53881&edit=1

 ID: 53881
 User updated by:tozz at kijkt dot tv
 Reported by:tozz at kijkt dot tv
 Summary:nl2.php.net IPv6 broken
 Status: Wont fix
 Type:   Bug
 Package:Unknown/Other Function
 Operating System:   Irrelevant
 PHP Version:Irrelevant
 Assigned To:danbrown
 Block user comment: N
 Private report: N

 New Comment:

I understand IPv6 is not a requirement. However, some mirrors do have an 
-Address but fail to provide working connectivity to that address. The net 
result is that the PHP website is down for anyone with IPv6 connectivity if 
he/she is redirected to a mirror with bad IPv6 connectivity.

So either the  records should be removed or PHP.net should require mirrors 
to have decent IPv6 connectivity.

Previous Comments:

[2012-05-15 21:04:28] danbr...@php.net

At this time, we do not require IPv6 capabilities on official php.net mirrors.  
We will begin to phase-in this requirement once the majority of the ISPs and 
which host the official mirrors have IPv6 support permanently enabled, and 
to see an increase in that number on 6 June, 2012 (World IPv6 Day), as is the 
norm each year.

Thank you for submitting this report.

[2011-01-30 00:04:33] tozz at kijkt dot tv

IPv6 traceroute to the SinnerG broken mirror (to indicate its not a routing 
issue on my side):

# traceroute6 2a00:f10:111::1337:1000
traceroute to 2a00:f10:111::1337:1000 (2a00:f10:111::1337:1000) from 
2a01:1b0:7999:402::3, 30 hops max, 24 byte packets
 1  2a01:1b0:7999:402::e (2a01:1b0:7999:402::e)  0.854 ms  0.952 ms  0.99 ms
 2  2a01:1b0:2:6::1 (2a01:1b0:2:6::1)  4.985 ms  4.979 ms  4.991 ms
 3  bit.telecity2.nlsix.net (2001:7f8:13::a501:2859:2)  5.987 ms  5.968 ms  
5.99 ms
 4  tengig-1-1-0.bcr2.ams02.nl.as25525.net (2001:7f8:1::a502:5525:1)  6.987 ms  
5.974 ms  5.988 ms
 5  2001:16f8:bb2:197:0:a504:8635:2 (2001:16f8:bb2:197:0:a504:8635:2)  6.989 ms 
 7.972 ms  6.99 ms
 6  2a00:f10:10a:2::4 (2a00:f10:10a:2::4)  6.987 ms  6.977 ms  6.99 ms
 7  2a00:f10:10a:2::4 (2a00:f10:10a:2::4)  3010.85 ms !H  3010.81 ms !H  
3007.83 ms !H

[2011-01-29 23:58:16] tozz at kijkt dot tv


nl.php.net has some  records which are very often broken (currently 2 out 
of 3 are broken). From what I've read PHP checks its mirrors on regular 
intervals, but apparently does not check if both IP4 and IP6 work. The lack of 
this IPv6 check causes the PHP website to load very slow as it waits a few 
seconds for a timeout on v6 and then falls back to v4.

Perhaps this check can be extended to also check for correct IPv6 function and 
remove the mirror if its IPv6 connectivity is broken.

Test script:
# date
Sat Jan 29 23:20:16 CET 2011

# telnet -6 nl2.php.net 80
Trying 2a01:448:1::1036:64:164...
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused

# telnet -6 nl.php.net 80 
Trying 2a00:f10:111::1337:1000...
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: No route to host

Expected result:

I would expect that the PHP mirror check removes mirrors that have broken v6 

Edit this bug report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=53881&edit=1

Bug #53881 [Opn]: nl2.php.net IPv6 broken

2011-01-29 Thread tozz at kijkt dot tv
Edit report at http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=53881&edit=1

 ID: 53881
 User updated by:tozz at kijkt dot tv
 Reported by:tozz at kijkt dot tv
 Summary:nl2.php.net IPv6 broken
 Status: Open
 Type:   Bug
 Package:Unknown/Other Function
 Operating System:   Irrelevant
 PHP Version:Irrelevant
 Block user comment: N
 Private report: N

 New Comment:

IPv6 traceroute to the SinnerG broken mirror (to indicate its not a
routing issue on my side):

# traceroute6 2a00:f10:111::1337:1000

traceroute to 2a00:f10:111::1337:1000 (2a00:f10:111::1337:1000) from
2a01:1b0:7999:402::3, 30 hops max, 24 byte packets

 1  2a01:1b0:7999:402::e (2a01:1b0:7999:402::e)  0.854 ms  0.952 ms 
0.99 ms

 2  2a01:1b0:2:6::1 (2a01:1b0:2:6::1)  4.985 ms  4.979 ms  4.991 ms

 3  bit.telecity2.nlsix.net (2001:7f8:13::a501:2859:2)  5.987 ms  5.968
ms  5.99 ms

 4  tengig-1-1-0.bcr2.ams02.nl.as25525.net (2001:7f8:1::a502:5525:1) 
6.987 ms  5.974 ms  5.988 ms

 5  2001:16f8:bb2:197:0:a504:8635:2 (2001:16f8:bb2:197:0:a504:8635:2) 
6.989 ms  7.972 ms  6.99 ms

 6  2a00:f10:10a:2::4 (2a00:f10:10a:2::4)  6.987 ms  6.977 ms  6.99 ms

 7  2a00:f10:10a:2::4 (2a00:f10:10a:2::4)  3010.85 ms !H  3010.81 ms !H 
3007.83 ms !H

Previous Comments:

[2011-01-29 23:58:16] tozz at kijkt dot tv


nl.php.net has some  records which are very often broken (currently
2 out of 3 are broken). From what I've read PHP checks its mirrors on
regular intervals, but apparently does not check if both IP4 and IP6
work. The lack of this IPv6 check causes the PHP website to load very
slow as it waits a few seconds for a timeout on v6 and then falls back
to v4.

Perhaps this check can be extended to also check for correct IPv6
function and remove the mirror if its IPv6 connectivity is broken.

Test script:
# date

Sat Jan 29 23:20:16 CET 2011

# telnet -6 nl2.php.net 80

Trying 2a01:448:1::1036:64:164...

telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused

# telnet -6 nl.php.net 80 

Trying 2a00:f10:111::1337:1000...

telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: No route to host

Expected result:

I would expect that the PHP mirror check removes mirrors that have
broken v6 connectivity.

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=53881&edit=1

[PHP-BUG] Bug #53881 [NEW]: nl2.php.net IPv6 broken

2011-01-29 Thread tozz at kijkt dot tv
Operating system: Irrelevant
PHP version:  Irrelevant
Package:  Unknown/Other Function
Bug Type: Bug
Bug description:nl2.php.net IPv6 broken


nl.php.net has some  records which are very often broken (currently 2
out of 3 are broken). From what I've read PHP checks its mirrors on regular
intervals, but apparently does not check if both IP4 and IP6 work. The lack
of this IPv6 check causes the PHP website to load very slow as it waits a
few seconds for a timeout on v6 and then falls back to v4.

Perhaps this check can be extended to also check for correct IPv6 function
and remove the mirror if its IPv6 connectivity is broken.

Test script:
# date

Sat Jan 29 23:20:16 CET 2011

# telnet -6 nl2.php.net 80

Trying 2a01:448:1::1036:64:164...

telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused

# telnet -6 nl.php.net 80 

Trying 2a00:f10:111::1337:1000...

telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: No route to host

Expected result:

I would expect that the PHP mirror check removes mirrors that have broken
v6 connectivity.

Edit bug report at http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=53881&edit=1
Try a snapshot (PHP 5.2):
Try a snapshot (PHP 5.3):
Try a snapshot (trunk):  
Fixed in SVN:
Fixed in SVN and need be documented: 
Fixed in release:
Need backtrace:  
Need Reproduce Script:   
Try newer version:   
Not developer issue: 
Expected behavior:   
Not enough info: 
Submitted twice: 
PHP 4 support discontinued:  http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=53881&r=php4
Daylight Savings:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=53881&r=dst
IIS Stability:   
Install GNU Sed: 
Floating point limitations:  
No Zend Extensions:  
MySQL Configuration Error:   

#23808 [Com]: Different behaviour of gd in blend images with 4.3.2rc4 than 4.3.1

2003-07-16 Thread tozz at kijkt dot tv
 ID:   23808
 Comment by:   tozz at kijkt dot tv
 Reported By:  i dot a at signalsystem-bz dot it
 Status:   Closed
 Bug Type: GD related
 Operating System: Win2k server
 PHP Version:  4.3.2RC4
 New Comment:

I just upgraded to 4.3.3RC1, and the problem is still there. The
problem is a bit different now.

In my previous report the blending went wrong, and the image looked
like crap. Now the image is not blend at all, its just on top of the
other image.

Looks like this bug is not fixed, or it has not been fixed in 4.3.3RC1!

Previous Comments:

[2003-07-02 06:26:15] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This bug has been fixed in CVS.

In case this was a PHP problem, snapshots of the sources are packaged
every three hours; this change will be in the next snapshot. You can
grab the snapshot at http://snaps.php.net/.
In case this was a documentation problem, the fix will show up soon at

In case this was a PHP.net website problem, the change will show
up on the PHP.net site and on the mirror sites in short time.
Thank you for the report, and for helping us make PHP better.


Fixed in both php5 and php 4.3 branches.

Merci Christophe :)


[2003-07-01 16:34:54] christophe dot bidaux at netcourrier dot com

i made new tests with several php versions and i've putted the results
on this page :

the first image is the original image and the others are made with the
same php program shown at the bottom.

the php version is written in the top-left corner of the images.

only the 4.3.1 version gives me a good result.

i use the binaries as they are and i use the same php.ini for all my

i run php on an Apache/1.3.20 Server on Windows 98.

[2003-06-03 07:35:26] tozz at kijkt dot tv

I experience the same bug on Linux with PHP 4.3.2, on PHP 4.3.1
everything works fine.

Configure line:
'./configure' '--with-apxs' '--with-mysql' '--enable-ftp'
'--with-openssl' '--with-gd' '--enable-bcmath' '--enable-dbase'
'--with-freetype-dir' '--with-ttf' '--with-jpeg-dir=/usr/lib'
'--with-png-dir=/usr/lib' '--with-zlib-dir=/usr/lib/' 

The code:

imagecopymerge ($board, $pawn, $w1, $h1, 0, 0, $w, $h, 30);
imagecopymerge ($board, $pawn, $w2, $h2, 0, 0, $w, $h, 30);
imagedestroy ($pawn);

[2003-06-03 02:01:27] i dot a at signalsystem-bz dot it

I putted the images as you requested ..

image1.jpg is the main image;
image2.png is the image that's "slitted" in trasnparency over the

image_431.jpg is the result of it in 4.3.1 (nice and good)
image_432.jpg is the result of it in 4.3.2 (wrong and ugly)

[2003-06-01 04:28:05] phpuser at panoramas dot de

I was going to file this as a new bug, but thought i'd rather add it
here, since it's the same basic problem:

After upgrading to 4.3.2, the imagecopymerge function is broken.
Reverting to 4.3.1 removes the error.

My configure line: (unchanged since 4.3.1)
'./configure' '--with-mysql' '--prefix=/mysrv/php' '--enable-ftp'
'--with-config-file-path=/mysrv/php-conf' '--disable-pear'
'--enable-track-vars' '--with-gd' '--with-jpeg-dir=/usr/local'
'--with-png-dir=/usr/local' '--with-zlib-dir=/usr/local'
'--disable-cli' '--with-t1lib=/usr/local'

Summary of script function:
- Takes one image A from file (JPEG 24bit).
- generates another image B with same dimensions, 24 bit, and fills it
with 50 percent gray
- (left out: gets a set of imagemap coordinates from a database and
draws them as black outline, white area inside the image B)
- merges image B on top of image A with 40 percent transparency
- returns the result.

Effect of error:
No blending occurs with 4.3.2. Only image B is returned, albeit
"weaker" or "stronger" depending on the transparency setting in
Leaving out the imagecopymerge() command returns the original image A,
as expected.
Moving the coordinates results in a black background being visible
(should be image A). 

My unqualified guess:
Looks as if imagecopymerge() takes a black image instead of image A.

Side notes:
replacing imagecopymerge with imagecopymergegray actually returns the
both images overlaid, but with pa

#23808 [Com]: Different behaviour of gd in blend images with 4.3.2rc4 than 4.3.1

2003-06-03 Thread tozz at kijkt dot tv
 ID:   23808
 Comment by:   tozz at kijkt dot tv
 Reported By:  i dot a at signalsystem-bz dot it
 Status:   Open
 Bug Type: GD related
 Operating System: Win2k server
 PHP Version:  4.3.2RC4
 New Comment:

I experience the same bug on Linux with PHP 4.3.2, on PHP 4.3.1
everything works fine.

Configure line:
'./configure' '--with-apxs' '--with-mysql' '--enable-ftp'
'--with-openssl' '--with-gd' '--enable-bcmath' '--enable-dbase'
'--with-freetype-dir' '--with-ttf' '--with-jpeg-dir=/usr/lib'
'--with-png-dir=/usr/lib' '--with-zlib-dir=/usr/lib/' 

The code:

imagecopymerge ($board, $pawn, $w1, $h1, 0, 0, $w, $h, 30);
imagecopymerge ($board, $pawn, $w2, $h2, 0, 0, $w, $h, 30);
imagedestroy ($pawn);

Previous Comments:

[2003-06-03 02:01:27] i dot a at signalsystem-bz dot it

I putted the images as you requested ..

image1.jpg is the main image;
image2.png is the image that's "slitted" in trasnparency over the

image_431.jpg is the result of it in 4.3.1 (nice and good)
image_432.jpg is the result of it in 4.3.2 (wrong and ugly)

[2003-06-01 04:28:05] phpuser at panoramas dot de

I was going to file this as a new bug, but thought i'd rather add it
here, since it's the same basic problem:

After upgrading to 4.3.2, the imagecopymerge function is broken.
Reverting to 4.3.1 removes the error.

My configure line: (unchanged since 4.3.1)
'./configure' '--with-mysql' '--prefix=/mysrv/php' '--enable-ftp'
'--with-config-file-path=/mysrv/php-conf' '--disable-pear'
'--enable-track-vars' '--with-gd' '--with-jpeg-dir=/usr/local'
'--with-png-dir=/usr/local' '--with-zlib-dir=/usr/local'
'--disable-cli' '--with-t1lib=/usr/local'

Summary of script function:
- Takes one image A from file (JPEG 24bit).
- generates another image B with same dimensions, 24 bit, and fills it
with 50 percent gray
- (left out: gets a set of imagemap coordinates from a database and
draws them as black outline, white area inside the image B)
- merges image B on top of image A with 40 percent transparency
- returns the result.

Effect of error:
No blending occurs with 4.3.2. Only image B is returned, albeit
"weaker" or "stronger" depending on the transparency setting in
Leaving out the imagecopymerge() command returns the original image A,
as expected.
Moving the coordinates results in a black background being visible
(should be image A). 

My unqualified guess:
Looks as if imagecopymerge() takes a black image instead of image A.

Side notes:
replacing imagecopymerge with imagecopymergegray actually returns the
both images overlaid, but with palette image color mixup effects.

Example source code
(requires a jpeg image "test.jpg" of arbitrary size to test)

-- begin code --

$uim = imagecreatefromjpeg("test.jpg")
or die ("Cannot Initialize new GD image stream");

imagealphablending ($uim, TRUE ); # leaving this out changes nothing

 fill overlay with gray

$im = imagecreatetruecolor( imagesx($uim) , imagesy($uim) ); #

$migra=imagecolorallocate ($im, 128,128,128);

imagefilledrectangle ( $im , 0,0 , imagesx($im)-1 , imagesy($im)-1 ,
$migra );

# database drawin left out here

imagecopymerge ( $uim, $im, 0, 0, 0, 0, imagesx($uim), imagesy($uim),

header ("Content-type: image/jpeg");
imagejpeg ($uim ,'', 75);


-- end code --

[2003-05-30 08:32:21] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Not enough information was provided for us to be able
to handle this bug. Please re-read the instructions at

If you can provide more information, feel free to add it
to this bug and change the status back to "Open".

Thank you for your interest in PHP.

Could you provide a copy of the images used in your example as well as
the expected output image.

[2003-05-26 04:24:58] i dot a at signalsystem-bz dot it

I had under php 4.3.1 some code to blend in transparency a logo over
some pictures before displaying them - all was working perfectly.
When i installed php 4.3.2rc4, i noticed that the same code stopped
working - where first was blending 2 images, now is acting this way:
- with high transparency value in imagecopymerge, the 2nd image covers