#19263 [Com]: huge POST data corrupt

2004-05-04 Thread richardks666 at hotmail dot com
 ID:   19263
 Comment by:   richardks666 at hotmail dot com
 Reported By:  erwin at isiz dot com
 Status:   Bogus
 Bug Type: Apache2 related
 Operating System: Solaris 8
 PHP Version:  4CVS-2002-09-06
 New Comment:

I removed /etc/httpd/conf.d/php.conf
and updated /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf with:
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .phtml .phtm .inc .oc
and restarted the webserver, things were back to normal. Was quite

Previous Comments:

[2004-05-03 12:46:40] richardks666 at hotmail dot com


I am on Apache 2.0.40 using PHP5 RC2, experiencing the same problems as
you guys did. Going to try these solutions later on today, but I wanted
to tell  you that as seen, this problem exist in PHP5 RC2 as well.

If these are not the solutions to my problem, which I hope they are,
wrongly linked LIBJPEGs and other libraries might interfere. 

Last night I sniffed the data between the webserver and my dev.
computer, which showed that the instant I choose to upload my image
(depends on filetype of course), that the appropriate library is linked
and executed even there, and at the time, my PHP code hasn't been ran.
In my case the Header dump contained the libjpeg version 1 addon.

One might also wish to comment that, in conjunction with the original
post, I too receive very odd FORM data. The size is somewhat correct (
I didn't doublecheck ) but extra objects are posted, for instance if I
got an array of id[], then it might contain awkward data. Solution for
that was to simply attach a INPUT TYPE HIDDEN nameing it "dummy" or
something with a dummy value, now the objects are passed correctly.

Staying in touch

[2003-11-21 11:11:38] contact at creation-online dot net

Hi !!!

You really help me because I had the same problem with Apache 2 and Php

Now it works very good because of you solution ;-)

Best regards, Aurélien

[2003-11-19 08:38:43] grall at mit dot edu

You are right erwin about this bug.

The bug is in Apache 2.0.40
Possibly upgrading to a newer version will solve this.
In any case, using the 'AddType application/x-httpd-php .php' didn't
work for me, but instead I had to just insert
into my httpd.conf:

SetOutputFilter PHP
SetInputFilter PHP
LimitRequestBody 1024

Some people report that you have to choose between one or the other,
but in my case the second choice is the only one that works.
Incidentally, if you are using MulitViews (as I am), using the 
approach, Multiviews no longer works. This is more of an Apache
problem, but whatever, this thread is about that problem. Any

[2003-10-02 21:07:44] josantri at hotmail dot com

Same experience with RedHat 7.3, Apache 2.0.45 & PHP 4.3.1.
The solution was disabling MIME type for PHP (I don't see new problems
by now with this issue):

#AddType application/x-httpd-php .php

And now, leaving enabled filtering method, but be care with above
example or you get a 'Syntax error [...]:
AddInputFilter requires at least two arguments, input filter name (or ;
delimited names) followed by one or more file extensions' when Apache2
is restarted. The code we use is:

 AddInputFilter PHP .php
 AddOutputFilter PHP .php

(Note the field naming the extension.)

I'm not sure how enable filtering for *php.*, because AddInputFilter
and AddOutputFilter seems not to accept wildcards on extensions (in
files section definition is fine). Probably, independent definitions
for each extension will work as well.

Thanks to all of the above for help provided.

[2003-07-01 02:35:35] php at gijs dot triple-it dot nl


On my configuration (RedHat 9.0, Apache 2.0.40, php-4.2.2), I had to
remove one of the following from the conf/httpd.conf or the

AddType application/x-httpd-php .php4 .php3 .phtml .php


SetOutputFilter PHP
SetInputFilter PHP
LimitRequestBody 1024

Either of these functions will work, but together they screw up and
create the problem as reported above.

Good Luck!

Gijs Zonneveld

The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=19263&edit=1

#19263 [Com]: huge POST data corrupt

2004-05-03 Thread richardks666 at hotmail dot com
 ID:   19263
 Comment by:   richardks666 at hotmail dot com
 Reported By:  erwin at isiz dot com
 Status:   Bogus
 Bug Type: Apache2 related
 Operating System: Solaris 8
 PHP Version:  4CVS-2002-09-06
 New Comment:


I am on Apache 2.0.40 using PHP5 RC2, experiencing the same problems as
you guys did. Going to try these solutions later on today, but I wanted
to tell  you that as seen, this problem exist in PHP5 RC2 as well.

If these are not the solutions to my problem, which I hope they are,
wrongly linked LIBJPEGs and other libraries might interfere. 

Last night I sniffed the data between the webserver and my dev.
computer, which showed that the instant I choose to upload my image
(depends on filetype of course), that the appropriate library is linked
and executed even there, and at the time, my PHP code hasn't been ran.
In my case the Header dump contained the libjpeg version 1 addon.

One might also wish to comment that, in conjunction with the original
post, I too receive very odd FORM data. The size is somewhat correct (
I didn't doublecheck ) but extra objects are posted, for instance if I
got an array of id[], then it might contain awkward data. Solution for
that was to simply attach a INPUT TYPE HIDDEN nameing it "dummy" or
something with a dummy value, now the objects are passed correctly.

Staying in touch

Previous Comments:

[2003-11-21 11:11:38] contact at creation-online dot net

Hi !!!

You really help me because I had the same problem with Apache 2 and Php

Now it works very good because of you solution ;-)

Best regards, Aurélien

[2003-11-19 08:38:43] grall at mit dot edu

You are right erwin about this bug.

The bug is in Apache 2.0.40
Possibly upgrading to a newer version will solve this.
In any case, using the 'AddType application/x-httpd-php .php' didn't
work for me, but instead I had to just insert
into my httpd.conf:

SetOutputFilter PHP
SetInputFilter PHP
LimitRequestBody 1024

Some people report that you have to choose between one or the other,
but in my case the second choice is the only one that works.
Incidentally, if you are using MulitViews (as I am), using the 
approach, Multiviews no longer works. This is more of an Apache
problem, but whatever, this thread is about that problem. Any

[2003-10-02 21:07:44] josantri at hotmail dot com

Same experience with RedHat 7.3, Apache 2.0.45 & PHP 4.3.1.
The solution was disabling MIME type for PHP (I don't see new problems
by now with this issue):

#AddType application/x-httpd-php .php

And now, leaving enabled filtering method, but be care with above
example or you get a 'Syntax error [...]:
AddInputFilter requires at least two arguments, input filter name (or ;
delimited names) followed by one or more file extensions' when Apache2
is restarted. The code we use is:

 AddInputFilter PHP .php
 AddOutputFilter PHP .php

(Note the field naming the extension.)

I'm not sure how enable filtering for *php.*, because AddInputFilter
and AddOutputFilter seems not to accept wildcards on extensions (in
files section definition is fine). Probably, independent definitions
for each extension will work as well.

Thanks to all of the above for help provided.

[2003-07-01 02:35:35] php at gijs dot triple-it dot nl


On my configuration (RedHat 9.0, Apache 2.0.40, php-4.2.2), I had to
remove one of the following from the conf/httpd.conf or the

AddType application/x-httpd-php .php4 .php3 .phtml .php


SetOutputFilter PHP
SetInputFilter PHP
LimitRequestBody 1024

Either of these functions will work, but together they screw up and
create the problem as reported above.

Good Luck!

Gijs Zonneveld

[2003-01-08 14:21:36] colreid at zasx dot com

People are asking me what I did, so here it is:
My Apache2 package has a directory which it uses for included files
with httpd.conf (the path to this directory in my installation is
In there is a file called php.conf, and basically I just commented out
the whole thing except for one line:

LoadModule php4_module modules/libphp4.so

This section here:
#SetOutputFilter PHP
#SetInputFilter PHP
#LimitRequestBody 524288
liked to munge uploads.

Also, in the httpd.conf file I added the line:
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .html .htm .inc

And that's it.  I restarted apache and uploads decided to be nice.  :)

The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bu

#19263 [Com]: huge POST data corrupt

2003-11-21 Thread contact at creation-online dot net
 ID:   19263
 Comment by:   contact at creation-online dot net
 Reported By:  erwin at isiz dot com
 Status:   Bogus
 Bug Type: Apache2 related
 Operating System: Solaris 8
 PHP Version:  4CVS-2002-09-06
 New Comment:

Hi !!!

You really help me because I had the same problem with Apache 2 and Php

Now it works very good because of you solution ;-)

Best regards, Aurélien

Previous Comments:

[2003-11-19 08:38:43] grall at mit dot edu

You are right erwin about this bug.

The bug is in Apache 2.0.40
Possibly upgrading to a newer version will solve this.
In any case, using the 'AddType application/x-httpd-php .php' didn't
work for me, but instead I had to just insert
into my httpd.conf:

SetOutputFilter PHP
SetInputFilter PHP
LimitRequestBody 1024

Some people report that you have to choose between one or the other,
but in my case the second choice is the only one that works.
Incidentally, if you are using MulitViews (as I am), using the 
approach, Multiviews no longer works. This is more of an Apache
problem, but whatever, this thread is about that problem. Any

[2003-10-02 21:07:44] josantri at hotmail dot com

Same experience with RedHat 7.3, Apache 2.0.45 & PHP 4.3.1.
The solution was disabling MIME type for PHP (I don't see new problems
by now with this issue):

#AddType application/x-httpd-php .php

And now, leaving enabled filtering method, but be care with above
example or you get a 'Syntax error [...]:
AddInputFilter requires at least two arguments, input filter name (or ;
delimited names) followed by one or more file extensions' when Apache2
is restarted. The code we use is:

 AddInputFilter PHP .php
 AddOutputFilter PHP .php

(Note the field naming the extension.)

I'm not sure how enable filtering for *php.*, because AddInputFilter
and AddOutputFilter seems not to accept wildcards on extensions (in
files section definition is fine). Probably, independent definitions
for each extension will work as well.

Thanks to all of the above for help provided.

[2003-07-01 02:35:35] php at gijs dot triple-it dot nl


On my configuration (RedHat 9.0, Apache 2.0.40, php-4.2.2), I had to
remove one of the following from the conf/httpd.conf or the

AddType application/x-httpd-php .php4 .php3 .phtml .php


SetOutputFilter PHP
SetInputFilter PHP
LimitRequestBody 1024

Either of these functions will work, but together they screw up and
create the problem as reported above.

Good Luck!

Gijs Zonneveld

[2003-01-08 14:21:36] colreid at zasx dot com

People are asking me what I did, so here it is:
My Apache2 package has a directory which it uses for included files
with httpd.conf (the path to this directory in my installation is
In there is a file called php.conf, and basically I just commented out
the whole thing except for one line:

LoadModule php4_module modules/libphp4.so

This section here:
#SetOutputFilter PHP
#SetInputFilter PHP
#LimitRequestBody 524288
liked to munge uploads.

Also, in the httpd.conf file I added the line:
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .html .htm .inc

And that's it.  I restarted apache and uploads decided to be nice.  :)

[2002-09-10 01:49:05] erwin at isiz dot com

I've found the problem:

don't add SetOutputFilter PHP and SetInputFilter PHP to the Apache
config. Only use AddType application/x-httpd-php .php

Grtz Erwin

The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=19263&edit=1

#19263 [Com]: huge POST data corrupt

2003-11-19 Thread grall at mit dot edu
 ID:   19263
 Comment by:   grall at mit dot edu
 Reported By:  erwin at isiz dot com
 Status:   Bogus
 Bug Type: Apache2 related
 Operating System: Solaris 8
 PHP Version:  4CVS-2002-09-06
 New Comment:

You are right erwin about this bug.

The bug is in Apache 2.0.40
Possibly upgrading to a newer version will solve this.
In any case, using the 'AddType application/x-httpd-php .php' didn't
work for me, but instead I had to just insert
into my httpd.conf:

SetOutputFilter PHP
SetInputFilter PHP
LimitRequestBody 1024

Some people report that you have to choose between one or the other,
but in my case the second choice is the only one that works.
Incidentally, if you are using MulitViews (as I am), using the 
approach, Multiviews no longer works. This is more of an Apache
problem, but whatever, this thread is about that problem. Any

Previous Comments:

[2003-10-02 21:07:44] josantri at hotmail dot com

Same experience with RedHat 7.3, Apache 2.0.45 & PHP 4.3.1.
The solution was disabling MIME type for PHP (I don't see new problems
by now with this issue):

#AddType application/x-httpd-php .php

And now, leaving enabled filtering method, but be care with above
example or you get a 'Syntax error [...]:
AddInputFilter requires at least two arguments, input filter name (or ;
delimited names) followed by one or more file extensions' when Apache2
is restarted. The code we use is:

 AddInputFilter PHP .php
 AddOutputFilter PHP .php

(Note the field naming the extension.)

I'm not sure how enable filtering for *php.*, because AddInputFilter
and AddOutputFilter seems not to accept wildcards on extensions (in
files section definition is fine). Probably, independent definitions
for each extension will work as well.

Thanks to all of the above for help provided.

[2003-07-01 02:35:35] php at gijs dot triple-it dot nl


On my configuration (RedHat 9.0, Apache 2.0.40, php-4.2.2), I had to
remove one of the following from the conf/httpd.conf or the

AddType application/x-httpd-php .php4 .php3 .phtml .php


SetOutputFilter PHP
SetInputFilter PHP
LimitRequestBody 1024

Either of these functions will work, but together they screw up and
create the problem as reported above.

Good Luck!

Gijs Zonneveld

[2003-01-08 14:21:36] colreid at zasx dot com

People are asking me what I did, so here it is:
My Apache2 package has a directory which it uses for included files
with httpd.conf (the path to this directory in my installation is
In there is a file called php.conf, and basically I just commented out
the whole thing except for one line:

LoadModule php4_module modules/libphp4.so

This section here:
#SetOutputFilter PHP
#SetInputFilter PHP
#LimitRequestBody 524288
liked to munge uploads.

Also, in the httpd.conf file I added the line:
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .html .htm .inc

And that's it.  I restarted apache and uploads decided to be nice.  :)

[2002-09-10 01:49:05] erwin at isiz dot com

I've found the problem:

don't add SetOutputFilter PHP and SetInputFilter PHP to the Apache
config. Only use AddType application/x-httpd-php .php

Grtz Erwin

[2002-09-06 08:03:33] erwin at isiz dot com


I've gave this the summary "huge POST data", because I've found two
bugs, which are, in my opinion, related.

The first one: 
If I upload a file using the file upload example from the php website,
all I get are corrupted files. The resulting files are about two times
bigger then the input files. The amount of bytes on the output varies a
little bit. This does not happens with files of 10 Kb, but different
files which vary from 60-120 Kb got corrupted.

The second one:
If I post text in a textarea, nothing goes wrong. But if I post a lot
of text in a textarea, parts of the text is copied into the text
itself. For instance, I copied the source of http://www.php.net (normal
HTML source) in a textarea. Posted the data to info.php (this script
only has the phpinfo() function, so I can see all data). The sourcecode
of the php website is 376 lines long. The result is about 734 lines.
This is around twice as big (The site looks really weird ;-))

Again, I think these two are related. They only occured in conjunction
with Apache 2.0.40 (didn't test other Apache 2 releases). I'm sure that
the bug is a PHP bug, because Perl code doesn't have this problem (but
I rather use PHP)
I did test it with php-4.2.2, which gave me the same results.

PHP Configure line:
'./configure' '--with-mysql=/usr/local/mysql' '--enable-track-vars'

#19263 [Com]: huge POST data corrupt

2003-10-02 Thread josantri at hotmail dot com
 ID:   19263
 Comment by:   josantri at hotmail dot com
 Reported By:  erwin at isiz dot com
 Status:   Bogus
 Bug Type: Apache2 related
 Operating System: Solaris 8
 PHP Version:  4CVS-2002-09-06
 New Comment:

Same experience with RedHat 7.3, Apache 2.0.45 & PHP 4.3.1.
The solution was disabling MIME type for PHP (I don't see new problems
by now with this issue):

#AddType application/x-httpd-php .php

And now, leaving enabled filtering method, but be care with above
example or you get a 'Syntax error [...]:
AddInputFilter requires at least two arguments, input filter name (or ;
delimited names) followed by one or more file extensions' when Apache2
is restarted. The code we use is:

 AddInputFilter PHP .php
 AddOutputFilter PHP .php

(Note the field naming the extension.)

I'm not sure how enable filtering for *php.*, because AddInputFilter
and AddOutputFilter seems not to accept wildcards on extensions (in
files section definition is fine). Probably, independent definitions
for each extension will work as well.

Thanks to all of the above for help provided.

Previous Comments:

[2003-07-01 02:35:35] php at gijs dot triple-it dot nl


On my configuration (RedHat 9.0, Apache 2.0.40, php-4.2.2), I had to
remove one of the following from the conf/httpd.conf or the

AddType application/x-httpd-php .php4 .php3 .phtml .php


SetOutputFilter PHP
SetInputFilter PHP
LimitRequestBody 1024

Either of these functions will work, but together they screw up and
create the problem as reported above.

Good Luck!

Gijs Zonneveld

[2003-06-23 10:11:32] jan at smartbit dot be

The bug also occurs on RedHat 9.0 - Apache 2.0.40 - PHP 4.3.2
Uploaded jpg files get corrupted (filesize incorrect)
Other filetypes (gif, png) works fine...

[2003-05-28 20:40:37] webmaster at webtechina dot com

this bug also occurs on Redhat Linux 8.0 with Apache 2

[2003-03-12 16:57:17] nvainio+phpnet at iki dot fi

For me, the solution was to leave SetOutputFilter and SetInputFilter
as-is and comment out AddType application/x-httpd-php .php instead.
Can't say why but it works for me (Apache 2.0.44 and PHP 4.3.1).

[2003-01-08 14:21:36] colreid at zasx dot com

People are asking me what I did, so here it is:
My Apache2 package has a directory which it uses for included files
with httpd.conf (the path to this directory in my installation is
In there is a file called php.conf, and basically I just commented out
the whole thing except for one line:

LoadModule php4_module modules/libphp4.so

This section here:
#SetOutputFilter PHP
#SetInputFilter PHP
#LimitRequestBody 524288
liked to munge uploads.

Also, in the httpd.conf file I added the line:
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .html .htm .inc

And that's it.  I restarted apache and uploads decided to be nice.  :)

The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=19263&edit=1

#19263 [Com]: huge POST data corrupt

2003-07-01 Thread php at gijs dot triple-it dot nl
 ID:   19263
 Comment by:   php at gijs dot triple-it dot nl
 Reported By:  erwin at isiz dot com
 Status:   Bogus
 Bug Type: Apache2 related
 Operating System: Solaris 8
 PHP Version:  4CVS-2002-09-06
 New Comment:


On my configuration (RedHat 9.0, Apache 2.0.40, php-4.2.2), I had to
remove one of the following from the conf/httpd.conf or the

AddType application/x-httpd-php .php4 .php3 .phtml .php


SetOutputFilter PHP
SetInputFilter PHP
LimitRequestBody 1024

Either of these functions will work, but together they screw up and
create the problem as reported above.

Good Luck!

Gijs Zonneveld

Previous Comments:

[2003-06-23 10:11:32] jan at smartbit dot be

The bug also occurs on RedHat 9.0 - Apache 2.0.40 - PHP 4.3.2
Uploaded jpg files get corrupted (filesize incorrect)
Other filetypes (gif, png) works fine...

[2003-05-28 20:40:37] webmaster at webtechina dot com

this bug also occurs on Redhat Linux 8.0 with Apache 2

[2003-03-12 16:57:17] nvainio+phpnet at iki dot fi

For me, the solution was to leave SetOutputFilter and SetInputFilter
as-is and comment out AddType application/x-httpd-php .php instead.
Can't say why but it works for me (Apache 2.0.44 and PHP 4.3.1).

[2003-01-08 14:21:36] colreid at zasx dot com

People are asking me what I did, so here it is:
My Apache2 package has a directory which it uses for included files
with httpd.conf (the path to this directory in my installation is
In there is a file called php.conf, and basically I just commented out
the whole thing except for one line:

LoadModule php4_module modules/libphp4.so

This section here:
#SetOutputFilter PHP
#SetInputFilter PHP
#LimitRequestBody 524288
liked to munge uploads.

Also, in the httpd.conf file I added the line:
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .html .htm .inc

And that's it.  I restarted apache and uploads decided to be nice.  :)

[2002-10-17 17:50:39] colreid at zasx dot com

never mind, I found it, in an included file.  Fixed.  You guys rule!

The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=19263&edit=1

#19263 [Com]: huge POST data corrupt

2003-06-23 Thread jan at smartbit dot be
 ID:   19263
 Comment by:   jan at smartbit dot be
 Reported By:  erwin at isiz dot com
 Status:   Bogus
 Bug Type: Apache2 related
 Operating System: Solaris 8
 PHP Version:  4CVS-2002-09-06
 New Comment:

The bug also occurs on RedHat 9.0 - Apache 2.0.40 - PHP 4.3.2
Uploaded jpg files get corrupted (filesize incorrect)
Other filetypes (gif, png) works fine...

Previous Comments:

[2003-05-28 20:40:37] webmaster at webtechina dot com

this bug also occurs on Redhat Linux 8.0 with Apache 2

[2003-03-12 16:57:17] nvainio+phpnet at iki dot fi

For me, the solution was to leave SetOutputFilter and SetInputFilter
as-is and comment out AddType application/x-httpd-php .php instead.
Can't say why but it works for me (Apache 2.0.44 and PHP 4.3.1).

[2003-01-08 14:21:36] colreid at zasx dot com

People are asking me what I did, so here it is:
My Apache2 package has a directory which it uses for included files
with httpd.conf (the path to this directory in my installation is
In there is a file called php.conf, and basically I just commented out
the whole thing except for one line:

LoadModule php4_module modules/libphp4.so

This section here:
#SetOutputFilter PHP
#SetInputFilter PHP
#LimitRequestBody 524288
liked to munge uploads.

Also, in the httpd.conf file I added the line:
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .html .htm .inc

And that's it.  I restarted apache and uploads decided to be nice.  :)

[2002-10-17 17:50:39] colreid at zasx dot com

never mind, I found it, in an included file.  Fixed.  You guys rule!

[2002-10-17 16:31:42] colreid at zasx dot com

I'm running php 4.2.2 and apache 2.0.40 on RedHat 8.0, and I don't have
those SetInputFilter or SetOutputFilter commands in my httpd.conf, yet
I am experiencing the problem originally reported.  Small files work
OK, but larger ones get mangled.  I've been banging my head against the
wall trying to figure out how to fix this, and have noticed others out
there posting to the newsgroups with the same problem, but none of the
suggested solutions work for me.

The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=19263&edit=1

#19263 [Com]: huge POST data corrupt

2003-05-29 Thread webmaster at webtechina dot com
 ID:   19263
 Comment by:   webmaster at webtechina dot com
 Reported By:  erwin at isiz dot com
 Status:   Bogus
 Bug Type: Apache2 related
 Operating System: Solaris 8
 PHP Version:  4CVS-2002-09-06
 New Comment:

this bug also occurs on Redhat Linux 8.0 with Apache 2

Previous Comments:

[2003-03-12 16:57:17] nvainio+phpnet at iki dot fi

For me, the solution was to leave SetOutputFilter and SetInputFilter
as-is and comment out AddType application/x-httpd-php .php instead.
Can't say why but it works for me (Apache 2.0.44 and PHP 4.3.1).

[2003-01-08 14:21:36] colreid at zasx dot com

People are asking me what I did, so here it is:
My Apache2 package has a directory which it uses for included files
with httpd.conf (the path to this directory in my installation is
In there is a file called php.conf, and basically I just commented out
the whole thing except for one line:

LoadModule php4_module modules/libphp4.so

This section here:
#SetOutputFilter PHP
#SetInputFilter PHP
#LimitRequestBody 524288
liked to munge uploads.

Also, in the httpd.conf file I added the line:
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .html .htm .inc

And that's it.  I restarted apache and uploads decided to be nice.  :)

[2002-10-17 17:50:39] colreid at zasx dot com

never mind, I found it, in an included file.  Fixed.  You guys rule!

[2002-10-17 16:31:42] colreid at zasx dot com

I'm running php 4.2.2 and apache 2.0.40 on RedHat 8.0, and I don't have
those SetInputFilter or SetOutputFilter commands in my httpd.conf, yet
I am experiencing the problem originally reported.  Small files work
OK, but larger ones get mangled.  I've been banging my head against the
wall trying to figure out how to fix this, and have noticed others out
there posting to the newsgroups with the same problem, but none of the
suggested solutions work for me.

[2002-09-10 01:49:05] erwin at isiz dot com

I've found the problem:

don't add SetOutputFilter PHP and SetInputFilter PHP to the Apache
config. Only use AddType application/x-httpd-php .php

Grtz Erwin

The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=19263&edit=1

#19263 [Com]: huge POST data corrupt

2003-03-12 Thread nvainio+phpnet at iki dot fi
 ID:   19263
 Comment by:   nvainio+phpnet at iki dot fi
 Reported By:  erwin at isiz dot com
 Status:   Bogus
 Bug Type: Apache2 related
 Operating System: Solaris 8
 PHP Version:  4CVS-2002-09-06
 New Comment:

For me, the solution was to leave SetOutputFilter and SetInputFilter
as-is and comment out AddType application/x-httpd-php .php instead.
Can't say why but it works for me (Apache 2.0.44 and PHP 4.3.1).

Previous Comments:

[2003-01-08 14:21:36] colreid at zasx dot com

People are asking me what I did, so here it is:
My Apache2 package has a directory which it uses for included files
with httpd.conf (the path to this directory in my installation is
In there is a file called php.conf, and basically I just commented out
the whole thing except for one line:

LoadModule php4_module modules/libphp4.so

This section here:
#SetOutputFilter PHP
#SetInputFilter PHP
#LimitRequestBody 524288
liked to munge uploads.

Also, in the httpd.conf file I added the line:
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .html .htm .inc

And that's it.  I restarted apache and uploads decided to be nice.  :)

[2002-10-17 17:50:39] colreid at zasx dot com

never mind, I found it, in an included file.  Fixed.  You guys rule!

[2002-10-17 16:31:42] colreid at zasx dot com

I'm running php 4.2.2 and apache 2.0.40 on RedHat 8.0, and I don't have
those SetInputFilter or SetOutputFilter commands in my httpd.conf, yet
I am experiencing the problem originally reported.  Small files work
OK, but larger ones get mangled.  I've been banging my head against the
wall trying to figure out how to fix this, and have noticed others out
there posting to the newsgroups with the same problem, but none of the
suggested solutions work for me.

[2002-09-10 01:49:05] erwin at isiz dot com

I've found the problem:

don't add SetOutputFilter PHP and SetInputFilter PHP to the Apache
config. Only use AddType application/x-httpd-php .php

Grtz Erwin

[2002-09-06 08:03:33] erwin at isiz dot com


I've gave this the summary "huge POST data", because I've found two
bugs, which are, in my opinion, related.

The first one: 
If I upload a file using the file upload example from the php website,
all I get are corrupted files. The resulting files are about two times
bigger then the input files. The amount of bytes on the output varies a
little bit. This does not happens with files of 10 Kb, but different
files which vary from 60-120 Kb got corrupted.

The second one:
If I post text in a textarea, nothing goes wrong. But if I post a lot
of text in a textarea, parts of the text is copied into the text
itself. For instance, I copied the source of http://www.php.net (normal
HTML source) in a textarea. Posted the data to info.php (this script
only has the phpinfo() function, so I can see all data). The sourcecode
of the php website is 376 lines long. The result is about 734 lines.
This is around twice as big (The site looks really weird ;-))

Again, I think these two are related. They only occured in conjunction
with Apache 2.0.40 (didn't test other Apache 2 releases). I'm sure that
the bug is a PHP bug, because Perl code doesn't have this problem (but
I rather use PHP)
I did test it with php-4.2.2, which gave me the same results.

PHP Configure line:
'./configure' '--with-mysql=/usr/local/mysql' '--enable-track-vars'
'--with-openssl=/usr/local/ssl/' '--with-zlib' '--enable-ftp'
'--with-gd' '--enable-gd-native-ttf' '--with-pdflib'
'--with-jpeg-dir=/usr/local' '--with-png-dir=/usr/local'
'--with-freetype-dir=/usr/local' '--prefix=/usr/local/httpd/php'
'--with-zlib-dir=/usr' '--with-apxs2=/usr/local/httpd/bin/apxs'


Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=19263&edit=1

#19263 [Com]: huge POST data corrupt

2003-01-08 Thread colreid
 ID:   19263
 Comment by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Status:   Bogus
 Bug Type: Apache2 related
 Operating System: Solaris 8
 PHP Version:  4CVS-2002-09-06
 New Comment:

People are asking me what I did, so here it is:
My Apache2 package has a directory which it uses for included files
with httpd.conf (the path to this directory in my installation is
In there is a file called php.conf, and basically I just commented out
the whole thing except for one line:

LoadModule php4_module modules/libphp4.so

This section here:
#SetOutputFilter PHP
#SetInputFilter PHP
#LimitRequestBody 524288
liked to munge uploads.

Also, in the httpd.conf file I added the line:
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .html .htm .inc

And that's it.  I restarted apache and uploads decided to be nice.  :)

Previous Comments:

[2002-10-17 17:50:39] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

never mind, I found it, in an included file.  Fixed.  You guys rule!

[2002-10-17 16:31:42] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I'm running php 4.2.2 and apache 2.0.40 on RedHat 8.0, and I don't have
those SetInputFilter or SetOutputFilter commands in my httpd.conf, yet
I am experiencing the problem originally reported.  Small files work
OK, but larger ones get mangled.  I've been banging my head against the
wall trying to figure out how to fix this, and have noticed others out
there posting to the newsgroups with the same problem, but none of the
suggested solutions work for me.

[2002-09-10 01:49:05] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I've found the problem:

don't add SetOutputFilter PHP and SetInputFilter PHP to the Apache
config. Only use AddType application/x-httpd-php .php

Grtz Erwin

[2002-09-06 08:03:33] [EMAIL PROTECTED]


I've gave this the summary "huge POST data", because I've found two
bugs, which are, in my opinion, related.

The first one: 
If I upload a file using the file upload example from the php website,
all I get are corrupted files. The resulting files are about two times
bigger then the input files. The amount of bytes on the output varies a
little bit. This does not happens with files of 10 Kb, but different
files which vary from 60-120 Kb got corrupted.

The second one:
If I post text in a textarea, nothing goes wrong. But if I post a lot
of text in a textarea, parts of the text is copied into the text
itself. For instance, I copied the source of http://www.php.net (normal
HTML source) in a textarea. Posted the data to info.php (this script
only has the phpinfo() function, so I can see all data). The sourcecode
of the php website is 376 lines long. The result is about 734 lines.
This is around twice as big (The site looks really weird ;-))

Again, I think these two are related. They only occured in conjunction
with Apache 2.0.40 (didn't test other Apache 2 releases). I'm sure that
the bug is a PHP bug, because Perl code doesn't have this problem (but
I rather use PHP)
I did test it with php-4.2.2, which gave me the same results.

PHP Configure line:
'./configure' '--with-mysql=/usr/local/mysql' '--enable-track-vars'
'--with-openssl=/usr/local/ssl/' '--with-zlib' '--enable-ftp'
'--with-gd' '--enable-gd-native-ttf' '--with-pdflib'
'--with-jpeg-dir=/usr/local' '--with-png-dir=/usr/local'
'--with-freetype-dir=/usr/local' '--prefix=/usr/local/httpd/php'
'--with-zlib-dir=/usr' '--with-apxs2=/usr/local/httpd/bin/apxs'


Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=19263&edit=1

#19263 [Com]: huge POST data corrupt

2002-10-18 Thread colreid
 ID:   19263
 Comment by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Status:   Bogus
 Bug Type: Apache2 related
 Operating System: Solaris 8
 PHP Version:  4CVS-2002-09-06
 New Comment:

I'm running php 4.2.2 and apache 2.0.40 on RedHat 8.0, and I don't have
those SetInputFilter or SetOutputFilter commands in my httpd.conf, yet
I am experiencing the problem originally reported.  Small files work
OK, but larger ones get mangled.  I've been banging my head against the
wall trying to figure out how to fix this, and have noticed others out
there posting to the newsgroups with the same problem, but none of the
suggested solutions work for me.

Previous Comments:

[2002-09-10 01:49:05] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I've found the problem:

don't add SetOutputFilter PHP and SetInputFilter PHP to the Apache
config. Only use AddType application/x-httpd-php .php

Grtz Erwin

[2002-09-06 08:03:33] [EMAIL PROTECTED]


I've gave this the summary "huge POST data", because I've found two
bugs, which are, in my opinion, related.

The first one: 
If I upload a file using the file upload example from the php website,
all I get are corrupted files. The resulting files are about two times
bigger then the input files. The amount of bytes on the output varies a
little bit. This does not happens with files of 10 Kb, but different
files which vary from 60-120 Kb got corrupted.

The second one:
If I post text in a textarea, nothing goes wrong. But if I post a lot
of text in a textarea, parts of the text is copied into the text
itself. For instance, I copied the source of http://www.php.net (normal
HTML source) in a textarea. Posted the data to info.php (this script
only has the phpinfo() function, so I can see all data). The sourcecode
of the php website is 376 lines long. The result is about 734 lines.
This is around twice as big (The site looks really weird ;-))

Again, I think these two are related. They only occured in conjunction
with Apache 2.0.40 (didn't test other Apache 2 releases). I'm sure that
the bug is a PHP bug, because Perl code doesn't have this problem (but
I rather use PHP)
I did test it with php-4.2.2, which gave me the same results.

PHP Configure line:
'./configure' '--with-mysql=/usr/local/mysql' '--enable-track-vars'
'--with-openssl=/usr/local/ssl/' '--with-zlib' '--enable-ftp'
'--with-gd' '--enable-gd-native-ttf' '--with-pdflib'
'--with-jpeg-dir=/usr/local' '--with-png-dir=/usr/local'
'--with-freetype-dir=/usr/local' '--prefix=/usr/local/httpd/php'
'--with-zlib-dir=/usr' '--with-apxs2=/usr/local/httpd/bin/apxs'


Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=19263&edit=1

#19263 [Com]: huge POST data corrupt

2002-10-18 Thread colreid
 ID:   19263
 Comment by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Status:   Bogus
 Bug Type: Apache2 related
 Operating System: Solaris 8
 PHP Version:  4CVS-2002-09-06
 New Comment:

never mind, I found it, in an included file.  Fixed.  You guys rule!

Previous Comments:

[2002-10-17 16:31:42] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I'm running php 4.2.2 and apache 2.0.40 on RedHat 8.0, and I don't have
those SetInputFilter or SetOutputFilter commands in my httpd.conf, yet
I am experiencing the problem originally reported.  Small files work
OK, but larger ones get mangled.  I've been banging my head against the
wall trying to figure out how to fix this, and have noticed others out
there posting to the newsgroups with the same problem, but none of the
suggested solutions work for me.

[2002-09-10 01:49:05] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I've found the problem:

don't add SetOutputFilter PHP and SetInputFilter PHP to the Apache
config. Only use AddType application/x-httpd-php .php

Grtz Erwin

[2002-09-06 08:03:33] [EMAIL PROTECTED]


I've gave this the summary "huge POST data", because I've found two
bugs, which are, in my opinion, related.

The first one: 
If I upload a file using the file upload example from the php website,
all I get are corrupted files. The resulting files are about two times
bigger then the input files. The amount of bytes on the output varies a
little bit. This does not happens with files of 10 Kb, but different
files which vary from 60-120 Kb got corrupted.

The second one:
If I post text in a textarea, nothing goes wrong. But if I post a lot
of text in a textarea, parts of the text is copied into the text
itself. For instance, I copied the source of http://www.php.net (normal
HTML source) in a textarea. Posted the data to info.php (this script
only has the phpinfo() function, so I can see all data). The sourcecode
of the php website is 376 lines long. The result is about 734 lines.
This is around twice as big (The site looks really weird ;-))

Again, I think these two are related. They only occured in conjunction
with Apache 2.0.40 (didn't test other Apache 2 releases). I'm sure that
the bug is a PHP bug, because Perl code doesn't have this problem (but
I rather use PHP)
I did test it with php-4.2.2, which gave me the same results.

PHP Configure line:
'./configure' '--with-mysql=/usr/local/mysql' '--enable-track-vars'
'--with-openssl=/usr/local/ssl/' '--with-zlib' '--enable-ftp'
'--with-gd' '--enable-gd-native-ttf' '--with-pdflib'
'--with-jpeg-dir=/usr/local' '--with-png-dir=/usr/local'
'--with-freetype-dir=/usr/local' '--prefix=/usr/local/httpd/php'
'--with-zlib-dir=/usr' '--with-apxs2=/usr/local/httpd/bin/apxs'


Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=19263&edit=1