ID:               21123
 Updated by:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-Status:           Open
+Status:           Bogus
 Bug Type:         Feature/Change Request
 Operating System: All
 PHP Version:      4.2.3
 New Comment:

1) you can easily get around this with XForm::addByVal() /
2) I wonder how you got around writing a "very large application"
without ever looking in php.ini?

Previous Comments:

[2002-12-20 17:27:33] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In my opinion I do not think depreciating and removing the Call Time
Pass by Reference feature of PHP is a good idea. There are a number of
valid reasons to use this feature, to which this feature is the only
solution. While programming a very large web database application for
my employer, I've found where this feature is extremely useful. Yet
when I've upgraded to new versions of PHP I've come to find that it is

My example. In this application I've written a series of classes, I
call them XElements. Each XElement is essentially a class that is
dedicated to an XHTML 1.0 element.  So for example, I have an XForm,
XTable, XTd, XTr, etc.  They all inherit the XElement class. The
XElement class has a number of methods that are useful. The most
important two are add() and draw().  

The add() method takes one argument. This argument is then put into an
array variable of the object, maintaining the order by call to add(). 
So each time I call add() it adds this argument to the end of the
array. What are these arguments? They are the nested CDATA.  Consider

<form ...>
        <input ... />
        <input ... />

The way my code above would work is like this.

$myForm =& new XForm();
$myP =& new XP();


$myInput1 =& new XInput();


$myInput2 =& new XInput();


This is partially pseudo, since my real constructors have many
arguments for attributes of the XHTML code, I've left them out of this
example for clarity. Now with that in mind, onto draw().

The draw() method does one simple thing. It iterates through the array
of CDATA, and writes it out either by 1) if it's a string, echo it, 2)
if it's an object, assume its an XElement and call that XElement's
draw(). You can see how it then works. draw() manages the closing tags,
and knows which tags are allowed CDATA and which are not thus using />
instead of > as well. 

Now, with the above example we can see where Call Time Pass by
Reference comes into play.  If in the first part of my code, I did
$myForm->add($myP); instead of $myForm->add(&$myP); that would create a
copy of $myP and pass it to add().  Then any calls to $myP after that
add() won't reflect the $myP stored in the CDATA Array.  I could modify
the declaration of add() so that it takes a reference for the argument,
function add(&$arg) { ... }.  However, then I go to do
$myP->add("Name");, this would happen:

Fatal error: Cannot pass parameter 1 by reference

So what once would originally have only taken one function, would
require two if Call Time Pass by Reference was removed. I'd have to
create one function to add non-references, and one to add references. 
One could say I could have a function for adding string CDATA, and one
for adding XElements, however there comes a time when I don't want to
add a reference to a XElement, but rather have it store a copy. This
may come into play if say I wanted to construct one XInput then change
a field in the object and re-add it over and over, then I would omit
the Call Time Pass by Reference.

>From what I can gather, removing Call Time Pass by Reference was
suppose to make it easier to read code, however if I have to add an
additional function to manage non-references, I'm don't see the
benefits anymore.


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