ID:               21410
 Updated by:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Status:           Open
 Bug Type:         Filesystem function related
 Operating System: win
 PHP Version:      4.3.0
 New Comment:

To be clearer:  This happens with any bogus information, whether it be
a string, NULL, or otherwise.

Of course passing no arguments still results in the standard wrong
parameter count error.

Previous Comments:

[2003-01-04 15:12:16] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I experience this E_WARNING in linux but in Windows I always get the
following with 4.3.0/win2000:

var_dump( filetype(null) ); // string(3) "dir"

Which seems odd.  Basically instead of the E_WARNING error it shows the
bogus file as a dir.  This happens with CGI, CLI, and Apache2.

Marking this as a filesystem bug.


[2003-01-04 14:43:23] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The documentation now warns about the warnings :-)

Thank you for your report.


[2003-01-04 14:37:31] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Changing this bug to a documentation problem.

The warning are now expected for 2 cases: when stat or lstat have
failed and when the file type is unknown.

I'm working on fixing the documentation.


[2003-01-04 13:29:51] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In the filetype() doc, it says the function returns FALSE on error, but
says nothing about a warning being output if it fails. In 4.3.0, A
warning is printed:

Warning: filetype() [function.filetype]: Lstat failed for (null)
(errno=2 - No such file or directory) in
on line 431


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