ID:               22668
 User updated by:  rauf at ug dot bcc dot bilkent dot edu dot tr
 Reported By:      rauf at ug dot bcc dot bilkent dot edu dot tr
 Status:           Open
 Bug Type:         Unknown/Other Function
 Operating System: Windows 2000
 PHP Version:      4.3.1
 New Comment:

?/ should be */ in the previous post

Previous Comments:

[2003-03-12 18:20:15] rauf at ug dot bcc dot bilkent dot edu dot tr

This function (printer_write()) runs perfectly when i use the

  /* put some data on the screen ?/
  echo("some text to be written\n");
  echo("some other text to be written\n");
  echo("another text to be written\n");

  $handle = printer_open("Panasonic KX-P1150");
  printer_set_option($handle, PRINTER_MODE, "RAW");
  printer_set_option($handle, PRINTER_COPIES, 1);

  $string = ob_get_contents();
  /* I'm using the data on the screen buffer */

  printer_write($handle, $string);

I have the following error message when i use the following code:

Warning: couldn't allocate the printerjob [1804] in
c:\apache\htdocs\... on line 148

the code is:
  /* put some data on the screen ?/
  echo("some text to be written\n");
  echo("some other text to be written\n");
  echo("another text to be written\n");

  $handle = printer_open("Panasonic KX-P1150");
  printer_set_option($handle, PRINTER_MODE, "RAW");
  printer_set_option($handle, PRINTER_COPIES, 1);

  $string = ob_get_contents();
  /* I'm using the data on the screen buffer */

  /* this time i'm using this function that replaces
     the Turkish characters with the English ones.
     The function is given below */

  printer_write($handle, $string);

function replaceTurkish(&$text)
  $text = str_replace("Ð", "G", $text);
  $text = str_replace("Ü", "U", $text);
  $text = str_replace("Þ", "S", $text);
  $text = str_replace("Ý", "I", $text);
  $text = str_replace("Ö", "O", $text);
  $text = str_replace("Ç", "C", $text);
  $text = str_replace("ð", "g", $text);
  $text = str_replace("ü", "u", $text);
  $text = str_replace("þ", "s", $text);
  $text = str_replace("ý", "i", $text);
  $text = str_replace("ö", "o", $text);
  $text = str_replace("ç", "c", $text);

The same error occurs when I use:
  printer_write($handle, "$string");
instead of
  printer_write($handle, $string);

I've seen some similar bug reports closed because of the PHP version is
too old. I used the latest stable version but the same problem occurs.


Edit this bug report at

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