#24175 [Fbk->Opn]: String overflow? Segmentation faults

2003-06-13 Thread justinlong at strategicnetwork dot org
 ID:   24175
 User updated by:  justinlong at strategicnetwork dot org
 Reported By:  justinlong at strategicnetwork dot org
-Status:   Feedback
+Status:   Open
 Bug Type: Reproducible crash
 Operating System: KRUD/RedHat
 PHP Version:  4.3.2
 New Comment:

On the basis of your snippy reply I presume I have not communicated
clearly the error that I am encountering. This is the only script which
causes this problem. The point where it occurs is toward the end at the

if (strlen($story)>512) { echo $rec->headline,"\n"; }
pg_exec($db,"UPDATE story_headline SET
story_preprocessed=$todaySystem, story='".addslashes($story)."' WHERE

But obviously it's not these two lines which cause the problem since
the crash does not occur on one specific entry in the database but
rather at different points in the run each time. This the only script
which crashes; I don't encounter this problem anywhere else.

Previous Comments:

[2003-06-13 09:16:48] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

What in the 'short and _complete_ stand-alone script did you 
not understand? You must give us the exact piece of code that 
causes the crash, NOT the whole script.

[2003-06-13 09:09:47] justinlong at strategicnetwork dot org

#!/usr/local/bin/php -q
preprocessing > 0) {
} else {
$rs = pg_exec($db,"UPDATE story_progress SET

$rs = pg_exec($db,"SELECT count(storyid) from story_headline WHERE
article IS NOT NULL and story_preprocessed IS NULL");
$rec = pg_fetch_object($rs,0);
echo $rec->count,' records unprocessed',"\n";

//$rs = pg_exec($db,"SELECT storyid,headline,article from
story_headline WHERE storyid=80493 limit 1000");
$rs = pg_exec($db,"SELECT storyid,headline,article from story_headline
WHERE article IS NOT NULL and story_preprocessed IS NULL order by
storyid desc limit 100");
if ($rs && pg_numrows($rs)>0) {
for ($x=0;$xstoryid,' ',$rec->headline," ";
$article = trim(stripslashes($rec->article));
if (strlen($article)>512) {
$article = str_replace("]+>","\n\n\n",$article);
$article = eregi_replace("]+>","\n\n",$article);
$article = html_entity_decode($article);   
 // get rid of HTML
$article = eregi_replace("&[^;]+;"," ",$article);  
 // get rid of
control characters
if (!empty($article)) {
$article = strtr($article,

if (!empty($article)) {
$article = strip_tags($article,'');
$article = " ".$article;
$textlines = split("")>0) { $nextstory =
substr($nextstory,strpos($nextstory,">")+1); }
$checklines = split("\n",$nextstory);
if (count($checklines)>0) {
for ($y=0;$y0) 
$totallength = 
$totallength + strlen($checklines[$y]); 
if ($checklines[$y] == 
"") { $totalsingletones++; }
if ($totallength/$totallines>15 &&
$totalsingletons/$totallines<.5 && strlen($nextstory)>512) { $nextstory
= $story .= trim(strip_tags($nextstory))." \n\n"; }
if (strlen($story)>512) { echo $rec->headline,"\n"; }
pg_exec($db,"UPDATE story_headline SET
story_preprocessed=$todaySystem, story='".addslashes($story)."' WHERE

$rs = pg_exec($db,"UPDATE story_progress SET preprocessing=NULL");

pg_exec($db,"ANALYZE story_headline");
pg_exec($db,"ANALYZE story_site");


[2003-06-13 09:07:32] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please provide a short but _complete_ stand-alone script.

#24175 [Fbk->Opn]: String overflow? Segmentation faults

2003-06-13 Thread justinlong at strategicnetwork dot org
 ID:   24175
 User updated by:  justinlong at strategicnetwork dot org
 Reported By:  justinlong at strategicnetwork dot org
-Status:   Feedback
+Status:   Open
 Bug Type: Reproducible crash
 Operating System: KRUD/RedHat
 PHP Version:  4.3.2
 New Comment:

#!/usr/local/bin/php -q
preprocessing > 0) {
} else {
$rs = pg_exec($db,"UPDATE story_progress SET

$rs = pg_exec($db,"SELECT count(storyid) from story_headline WHERE
article IS NOT NULL and story_preprocessed IS NULL");
$rec = pg_fetch_object($rs,0);
echo $rec->count,' records unprocessed',"\n";

//$rs = pg_exec($db,"SELECT storyid,headline,article from
story_headline WHERE storyid=80493 limit 1000");
$rs = pg_exec($db,"SELECT storyid,headline,article from story_headline
WHERE article IS NOT NULL and story_preprocessed IS NULL order by
storyid desc limit 100");
if ($rs && pg_numrows($rs)>0) {
for ($x=0;$xstoryid,' ',$rec->headline," ";
$article = trim(stripslashes($rec->article));
if (strlen($article)>512) {
$article = str_replace("]+>","\n\n\n",$article);
$article = eregi_replace("]+>","\n\n",$article);
$article = html_entity_decode($article);   
 // get rid of HTML
$article = eregi_replace("&[^;]+;"," ",$article);  
 // get rid of
control characters
if (!empty($article)) {
$article = strtr($article,

if (!empty($article)) {
$article = strip_tags($article,'');
$article = " ".$article;
$textlines = split("")>0) { $nextstory =
substr($nextstory,strpos($nextstory,">")+1); }
$checklines = split("\n",$nextstory);
if (count($checklines)>0) {
for ($y=0;$y0) 
$totallength = 
$totallength + strlen($checklines[$y]); 
if ($checklines[$y] == 
"") { $totalsingletones++; }
if ($totallength/$totallines>15 &&
$totalsingletons/$totallines<.5 && strlen($nextstory)>512) { $nextstory
= $story .= trim(strip_tags($nextstory))." \n\n"; }
if (strlen($story)>512) { echo $rec->headline,"\n"; }
pg_exec($db,"UPDATE story_headline SET
story_preprocessed=$todaySystem, story='".addslashes($story)."' WHERE

$rs = pg_exec($db,"UPDATE story_progress SET preprocessing=NULL");

pg_exec($db,"ANALYZE story_headline");
pg_exec($db,"ANALYZE story_site");


Previous Comments:

[2003-06-13 09:07:32] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please provide a short but _complete_ stand-alone script.

[2003-06-13 08:55:57] justinlong at strategicnetwork dot org


Have a 50,000 record Postgres database of articles that this code is
attempting to process. CGI PHP program takes the HTML file and massages
it into a non-HTML subset. Occasional segmentation faults after long
runs, and sometimes the following error in the middle of a run:

ll [Fri Jun 13 09:34:23 2003]  Script:  './article-preprocess.php'
/usr/local/src/php-4.3.2/ext/standard/string.c(3521) : Block 0x084C9780
Beginning:  OK (allocated on
/usr/local/src/php-4.3.2/ext/standard/string.c:3330, 1024 bytes)
  End:  Overflown (magic=0x2A8FCC33 instead of 0x2A8FCC84)
1 byte(s) overflown

51613 Friday, June 6: Back in Court
/usr/local/src/php-4.3.2/ext/standard/string.c(3330) :  Freeing
0x084C97A4 (1024 bytes), script=./article-preprocess.php

Configure line:
./configure --with-pgsql=/usr2/local/pgsql
--with-curl=/usr/bin,/usr/shared --with-config-file=/etc --enable-s