#24282 [NoF->Opn]: Strange Open Base Dir Restriction Errors

2003-08-21 Thread matzrek at shw-networks dot de
 ID:   24282
 User updated by:  matzrek at shw-networks dot de
 Reported By:  matzrek at shw-networks dot de
-Status:   No Feedback
+Status:   Open
 Bug Type: Apache related
 Operating System: Suse Linux 8.2 / Apache 1.3.27
 PHP Version:  4.3.2
 New Comment:

Will send my config this evening.


Previous Comments:

[2003-08-21 11:40:14] fs at nessus dot at

ok, i just sent you my configuration files.
the php file is nonsense because it happens everywhere, phpinfo() for

i hope we can fix it as soon as possible.


Florian Schicker

[2003-08-20 23:59:48] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

No feedback was provided. The bug is being suspended because
we assume that you are no longer experiencing the problem.
If this is not the case and you are able to provide the
information that was requested earlier, please do so and
change the status of the bug back to "Open". Thank you.

[2003-08-15 11:07:33] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I say again: We need to get the httpd.conf, etc. with which you HAVE
been experiencing this problem. Read my previous comment.

[2003-08-15 10:48:00] matzrek at shw-networks dot de

Hi sniper,

This error cannot be reproduces exactly at the moment. It happens
sometimes. The only thin i realized : it does not appear directly after
restarting apache. I have to wait several hours until it happens the
first time.


[2003-08-15 09:52:48] dprado at floripa dot com dot br

Samething happens here. PHP 4.3.2, the bug only shows randomly when
accessing virtualhosts that DO NOT have open_basedir set on a machine
that has other vhosts with open_basedir set. Taking a wild guess, it
seems that an apache thread that server up a page for a vhost with
openbasedir set when it tries to serve a page for another vhost
whithout openbasedir it keeps the openbasedir settings. Setting 
open_basedir for all vhosts solved the problem.

The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=24282&edit=1

#24282 [NoF->Opn]: Strange Open Base Dir Restriction Errors

2003-08-02 Thread matzrek at shw-networks dot de
 ID:   24282
 User updated by:  matzrek at shw-networks dot de
 Reported By:  matzrek at shw-networks dot de
-Status:   No Feedback
+Status:   Open
 Bug Type: Apache related
 Operating System: Suse Linux 8.2 / Apache 1.3.27
 PHP Version:  4.3.2
 New Comment:

Setting an empty open Basedir doesnt help. The only Solution at the
moment is to activate teh safemode for the vhost.

Previous Comments:

[2003-07-29 07:25:46] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

No feedback was provided. The bug is being suspended because
we assume that you are no longer experiencing the problem.
If this is not the case and you are able to provide the
information that was requested earlier, please do so and
change the status of the bug back to "Open". Thank you.

[2003-07-24 20:59:15] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

If you set an empty open_basedir for virtual host 'a', does the problem
go away?

[2003-06-24 13:01:21] matzrek at shw-networks dot de

the error happend at two different configurations :


ServerName www.shw-network.de
ServerAlias shw-network.de
ServerAlias www.shw-networks.de
ServerAlias shw-networks.de
DocumentRoot /home/shw-network.de/htdocs
ErrorLog /home/shw-network.de/log/error_log.log
CustomLog /home/shw-network.de/log/access_log.log combined
CustomLog /var/log/httpd/access_log.log combined

an b ) 

DocumentRoot /home/cusomerdomain.de/htdocs/admin
ServerName admin.cusomerdomain.de
ServerAlias www.cusomerdomain.de
ServerAlias cusomerdomain.de
ErrorLog /home/cusomerdomain.de/log/error_log.log
CustomLog /home/cusomerdomain.de/log/access_log.log combined
CustomLog /var/log/httpd/access_log.log combined
php_admin_flag safe_mode off
php_admin_value open_base_dir "/home/cusomerdomain.de"
php_admin_value safe_mode_exec_dir /bin

if the error happens or not seems to depend on the apache process wich
handles the request.

The Apache uptime may also have some effect - it did not happen,
directly after an apache restart.

[2003-06-23 21:48:57] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Do you set open_basedir in every vhost? 
What is open_basedir set to in your php.ini?

What exactly is the open_basedir line like in your httpd.conf for the
vhost you get this everytime for the first page request? Do you set any
other php ini options there?

Do any .htaccess files set any php ini options?

[2003-06-21 20:49:35] matzrek at shw-networks dot de


Executing my PHP Script sometimes produces errors like this :

Warning: Unknown(): open_basedir restriction in effect.
File(/home/Domain1.com/htdocs/admin/index.php) is not within the
allowed path(s): (/home/Domain2.de/) in Unknown on line 0 

if i hit Reload the scripts will work fine. Of couse the script doesn't
try to include files from /home/Domain2.de. Its not a problem of a
spezial script, because many customers complained about this.

Setting php_admin_value open_base_dir to none or "/" or "/home" doesnt
solve this problem. safemode is disables (in vhost)

Seems to be the same bug discussed here
http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=19292 for a former Version

Reproduce code:
<% phpinfo() ; %>

Expected result:

PHP Info Page

Actual result:
requesting www.shw-networks.de/info.php : this error sems to apear only
at the first page request !!

Warning: Unknown(): open_basedir restriction in effect.
File(/home/shw-network.de/htdocs/info.php) is not within the allowed
path(s): (/home/xyz.de/) in Unknown on line 0

Warning: Unknown(/home/shw-network.de/htdocs/info.php): failed to open
stream: Operation not permitted in Unknown on line 0

Warning: (null)(): Failed opening
'/home/shw-network.de/htdocs/info.php' for inclusion
(include_path='.:/usr/share/php') in Unknown on line 0

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=24282&edit=1