#27156 [Com]: OCIFetchInto returns false as column value when column contains >1 umlaut

2005-08-12 Thread max at pict dot lviv dot ua
 ID:   27156
 Comment by:   max at pict dot lviv dot ua
 Reported By:  sanjok at pict dot lviv dot ua
 Status:   No Feedback
 Bug Type: OCI8 related
 Operating System: Linux SuSE 7.3&8.1
 PHP Version:  4.3.4
 Assigned To:  tony2001
 New Comment:

I have digged deeper into this problem and it seems that I have found a
solution, or at least a workaround for this problem. The reason for the
problem is that Oracle driver raises error 1406 ("fetched column value
was truncated") while the value is not really truncated, and this
situation is handled incorrectly by oci8 module (what I don't
understand is why SQLPlus, which uses same libs, doesn't raise this
error...). However, this solution requires changes in PHP source code
(oci8.c module), so this must be done by one of PHP developers.

So the solution looks this way:
In "ext/oci8/oci8.c" module there's a function "_oci_make_zval". In
this function there's following piece of code:

switch (column->retcode) {
case 0:
/* intact value */
if (column->piecewise) {
size = column->retlen4;
} else {
size = column->retlen;

/* XXX we SHOULD maybe have a different behaviour for
unknown results! */
return 0;

As far as I understand, here we set size of return string in case
execution completed successfully or return FALSE in other cases (like
in this case of this bug). However, in case of error 1406 we have
normal return, but it's set to false because retcode is not 0. If we
modify this piece of code this way:

switch (column->retcode) {
case 1406:
/*Protection from invalid behaviour*/
size = column->retlen;
case 0:
/* intact value */
if (column->piecewise) {
size = column->retlen4;
} else {
size = column->retlen;

/* XXX we SHOULD maybe have a different behaviour for
unknown results! */
return 0;

everying start to work fine.

It's a DIRTY solution, although it closes the bug, but it would be nice
to investigate the source of this error -- why error 1406 is raised
here. If this is a bug in Oracle, than this approach can be a
workaround for this bug.

Previous Comments:

[2005-08-11 14:27:24] max at pict dot lviv dot ua

One more investigation:
If I simply convert column from char to varchar2 using ALTER TABLE
statement, it doesn't help. OCIFetchInto behaves correctly only if
table was created with varchar2 type. But even with varchar2 column, if
I fill entire column with umlauts, OCIFetchInto and OCIFetch fail. 

SQL> desc test;
 Name  Null?Typ


SQL> select name, length(name) from test order by name;

ü 1
ü 5
üü   10

--So you see that Oracle shows length correctly.
Now I use the following php script:

$connection = OCILogon("", "", "");
$query = "SELECT * FROM TEST order by name";
$statement = OCIParse ($connection, $query);

while (OCIFetchInto ($statement, $row, OCI_ASSOC+OCI_RETURN_NULLS))


while(OCIFetch($statement)) {
   var_dump (OCIResult($statement, "NAME"));

And here's result of ociinternaldebug:

OCIDebug: _oci_open_server new conn=0 dname=
OCIDebug: _oci_open_session new sess=5 user=
OCIDebug: oci_do_connect: id=6
OCIDebug: oci_parse "SELECT * FROM TEST order by name" id=7 conn=6
array(1) {
  string(2) "ü"
array(1) {
  string(4) "üü"
array(1) {
  string(10) "ü"
OCIDebug: _oci_make_zval: NAME,retlen =   10,retlen4 =
0,storage_size4 =   11,indicator6, retcode = 1406
array(1) {
OCIDebug: _oci_make_zval: NAME,retlen =   10,retlen4 =
0,storage_size4 =   11,indicator   10, retcode = 1406
array(1) {
string(2) "ü"
string(4) "üü"
string(10) "ü"
OCIDebug: _oci_make_zval: NAME,retlen =   10,retlen4 =
0,storage_size4 =   11,indicator6, retcode =

#27156 [Com]: OCIFetchInto returns false as column value when column contains >1 umlaut

2005-08-11 Thread max at pict dot lviv dot ua
 ID:   27156
 Comment by:   max at pict dot lviv dot ua
 Reported By:  sanjok at pict dot lviv dot ua
 Status:   No Feedback
 Bug Type: OCI8 related
 Operating System: Linux SuSE 7.3&8.1
 PHP Version:  4.3.4
 Assigned To:  tony2001
 New Comment:

One more investigation:
If I simply convert column from char to varchar2 using ALTER TABLE
statement, it doesn't help. OCIFetchInto behaves correctly only if
table was created with varchar2 type. But even with varchar2 column, if
I fill entire column with umlauts, OCIFetchInto and OCIFetch fail. 

SQL> desc test;
 Name  Null?Typ


SQL> select name, length(name) from test order by name;

ü 1
ü 5
üü   10

--So you see that Oracle shows length correctly.
Now I use the following php script:

$connection = OCILogon("", "", "");
$query = "SELECT * FROM TEST order by name";
$statement = OCIParse ($connection, $query);

while (OCIFetchInto ($statement, $row, OCI_ASSOC+OCI_RETURN_NULLS))


while(OCIFetch($statement)) {
   var_dump (OCIResult($statement, "NAME"));

And here's result of ociinternaldebug:

OCIDebug: _oci_open_server new conn=0 dname=
OCIDebug: _oci_open_session new sess=5 user=
OCIDebug: oci_do_connect: id=6
OCIDebug: oci_parse "SELECT * FROM TEST order by name" id=7 conn=6
array(1) {
  string(2) "ü"
array(1) {
  string(4) "üü"
array(1) {
  string(10) "ü"
OCIDebug: _oci_make_zval: NAME,retlen =   10,retlen4 =
0,storage_size4 =   11,indicator6, retcode = 1406
array(1) {
OCIDebug: _oci_make_zval: NAME,retlen =   10,retlen4 =
0,storage_size4 =   11,indicator   10, retcode = 1406
array(1) {
string(2) "ü"
string(4) "üü"
string(10) "ü"
OCIDebug: _oci_make_zval: NAME,retlen =   10,retlen4 =
0,storage_size4 =   11,indicator6, retcode = 1406
OCIDebug: _oci_make_zval: NAME,retlen =   10,retlen4 =
0,storage_size4 =   11,indicator   10, retcode = 1406
OCIDebug: START php_rshutdown_oci
OCIDebug: END   php_rshutdown_oci
OCIDebug: START _oci_stmt_list_dtor: id=7 last_query="SELECT * FROM
TEST order by name"
OCIDebug: START _oci_column_hash_dtor: NAME
OCIDebug: END   _oci_column_hash_dtor: NAME
OCIDebug: START _oci_conn_list_dtor: id=6
OCIDebug: nothing to do..
OCIDebug: END   _oci_conn_list_dtor: id=6
OCIDebug: END   _oci_stmt_list_dtor: id=7
OCIDebug: START _oci_close_session: logging-off sess=5
OCIDebug: START _oci_close_server: detaching conn=4 dbname=
OCIDebug: START php_mshutdown_oci
OCIDebug: END   php_mshutdown_oci

Some thoughts on this error:
Combination of OCIFetch+OCIResult has the same problem.
The error occurs when length of column value in bytes exceeds length of
column defined in oracle + 1 byte. Length of column value differs from
length of field for multi-byte encodings like UTF8, so probably there's
an error with memory allocation (it's just a guess).

And P.S.: By the way, when I change environment variable NLS_LANG to
GERMAN_AUSTRIA.WE8DEC, everything's selected fine!

Previous Comments:

[2005-08-11 12:40:21] max at pict dot lviv dot ua

We have this problem on multiple configurations, everywhere situation
is the same.
DB Server Compaq Tru64Unix + Oracle
Client machines: 
A. SuSE 7.3 + Oracle Client 9.0.1
B. SLES 9 + Oracle Instant Client 10

DB Server SuSE 8.1 + Oracle 9.0.1
Oracle Client 9.0.1 running on the same machine.

We have tried PHP 4.3.10 and 4.3.11, and this doesn't change the
situation, problem persists.

In SQLPlus I see data correctly saved from a web application, but when
using OCIFetchInto in PHP script I receive FALSE instead of column
value when column contains more than one umlaut character.

Some details: 
Database encoding is WE8DEC.

[2005-04-02 01:00:04] php-bugs at lists dot php dot net

No feedback was provided for this bug for over a week, so it is
being suspended automatically. If you are able to provide the
information that was originally requested, please do so and change
the status of the bug back to "Open".


#27156 [Com]: OCIFetchInto returns false as column value when column contains >1 umlaut

2005-08-11 Thread max at pict dot lviv dot ua
 ID:   27156
 Comment by:   max at pict dot lviv dot ua
 Reported By:  sanjok at pict dot lviv dot ua
 Status:   No Feedback
 Bug Type: OCI8 related
 Operating System: Linux SuSE 7.3&8.1
 PHP Version:  4.3.4
 Assigned To:  tony2001
 New Comment:

We have this problem on multiple configurations, everywhere situation
is the same.
DB Server Compaq Tru64Unix + Oracle
Client machines: 
A. SuSE 7.3 + Oracle Client 9.0.1
B. SLES 9 + Oracle Instant Client 10

DB Server SuSE 8.1 + Oracle 9.0.1
Oracle Client 9.0.1 running on the same machine.

We have tried PHP 4.3.10 and 4.3.11, and this doesn't change the
situation, problem persists.

In SQLPlus I see data correctly saved from a web application, but when
using OCIFetchInto in PHP script I receive FALSE instead of column
value when column contains more than one umlaut character.

Some details: 
Database encoding is WE8DEC.

Previous Comments:

[2005-04-02 01:00:04] php-bugs at lists dot php dot net

No feedback was provided for this bug for over a week, so it is
being suspended automatically. If you are able to provide the
information that was originally requested, please do so and change
the status of the bug back to "Open".

[2005-03-25 01:42:42] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please try using this CVS snapshot:

For Windows:

[2004-02-11 04:13:23] sanjok at pict dot lviv dot ua

P.S.: Feedback was sent on Thu, 5 Feb 2004 15:25:01 (+0200) to mr.
Anatoly Dovgal, but there was no response from him.

[2004-02-11 04:06:06] sanjok at pict dot lviv dot ua

result of ociinternaldebug.

OCIDebug: oci_do_connect: id=3
OCIDebug: oci_parse "SELECT * FROM TEST" id=4 conn=3
array(1) { ["NAME"]=> string(11) "u " } OCIDebug: _oci_make_zval:
NAME,retlen = 11,retlen4 = 0,storage_size4 =
11,indicator 10, retcode = 1406
array(1) { ["NAME"]=> bool(false) } OCIDebug: START php_rshutdown_oci
OCIDebug: END php_rshutdown_oci
OCIDebug: START _oci_stmt_list_dtor: id=4 last_query="SELECT * FROM
OCIDebug: START _oci_column_hash_dtor: NAME
OCIDebug: END _oci_column_hash_dtor: NAME
OCIDebug: START _oci_conn_list_dtor: id=3
OCIDebug: nothing to do..
OCIDebug: END _oci_conn_list_dtor: id=3
OCIDebug: END _oci_stmt_list_dtor: id=4

[2004-02-05 05:31:08] sanjok at pict dot lviv dot ua


OCIFetchInto returns false as column value if table column contains
more than one umlaut character while combination of OCIFetch and
OCIResult functions returns correct result.
 OS: Linux SuSE 7.3/8.1;
 DB: Oracle 8.1.7/9.0.1i;
 PHP: 4.3.4 release


Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=27156&edit=1