ID:               28435
 User updated by:  ofirin at yahoo dot com
 Reported By:      ofirin at yahoo dot com
-Status:           Closed
+Status:           Open
 Bug Type:         Arrays related
 Operating System: Any
-PHP Version:      4CVS-2004-05-18 (stable)
+PHP Version:      5.0.1
 New Comment:

I'm opening back this bug again because I think the last user's
submition needs revision.

Previous Comments:

[2004-08-24 07:43:06] php_bugs at michaeldouma dot com

Why is this bug closed? I am now experiencing the same 
problem with 5.0.1. The array from array_count_values 
appears normal with vardump, but there is no way to 
access the elements; neither as arrayname["2"] nor 
arrayname[2]. This worked fine with 4.3.x. 

vardump of result from array_count_values

array(5) {

It looks like you'd be able to access the value with 
arrayname["2"], but you can't!


[2004-08-04 16:39:13] alexis dot bosson at medias dot cnes dot fr

As said in :
- bug #9307
- bug #21918
- bug #22201
- and documentation of arrays :

" If a key is the standard representation of an integer, it will be
interpreted as such (i.e. "8" will be interpreted as 8, while "08" will
be interpreted as "08"). "

So the array_count_values must cast the integers contained in strings
to integers.

Actually, with standard PHP behavior, it's impossible to access
directly to those array elements which keys are strings containing
integers, as said in comment of June 18


[2004-06-21 17:50:47] ofirin at yahoo dot com

Ok, I think you're right, we all should be looking forward working with
php5, rather than trying to fix old bugs in php4.


[2004-06-21 11:31:59] vladb at pseudo-infinity dot ro

The php5 result seems more accurate than the php4 one. You got strings
in the $books array, no?

Changing this in php4 may break some code out there so maybe it'd be
best to just mention it as a 4-5 inconsistency.


[2004-06-18 14:24:41] programmer at bardware dot de

I noticed this problem with PHP5 RC2 on a Win2k box as an
Apache2-module. I have some HMTL-Checkboxes and on the server side want
to check the selected values. My checkboxes are equally named
name="choice2[]" what lets PHP generate an array
$_POST["choice2"][2] etc. according to the selected values.
Each checkbox has it's unique value attribute.

To test for a certain value I "reverse" this array with

I now want to access $arrTmp[1] to check if the checkbox with the
attribute value="1" was selected. The respective value was - if
selected - 1, otherwise it's not existent in the
$_POST["choice2"]-Array. This did not work. $arrTmp["1"] didn't work
either. It was no way possible to access a member of the array.

The other poster mentioned the indexes are generated as strings, I want
to point they cannot be accessed at all.

It worked best on PHP 4.3.6



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