ID:               33249
 User updated by:  s dot araya at numisys dot com dot ar
 Reported By:      s dot araya at numisys dot com dot ar
 Status:           Bogus
 Bug Type:         Math related
 Operating System: Linux (Gentoo)
 PHP Version:      5.0.3
 New Comment:

> You can achieve similar thing with any other variable, 
> it's not GMP related at all.

Due to the short answer I recieved, I can't understand what're you
telling me... I use GMP functions 'cos I need to make more calculations
that I've exposed on the example, which I can't achieve in 32 bits

I see that when I issue mysql_query( 'Select * from Table1 limit 0,
1000') I need to call mysql_free_result() to free memory used to store
the result in memory. 

Consequently, with GMP functions which uses ZEND_REGISTER_RESOURCE
macro in gmp.c (wrapper for GMP functions), I suppouse that the
resource continue alloc'd, till a free() call releases it, according
with system memory test (experienced with a simple «top» in Linux).

Previous Comments:

[2005-06-06 00:00:39] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thank you for taking the time to write to us, but this is not
a bug. Please double-check the documentation available at and the instructions on how to report
a bug at

You can achieve similar thing with any other variable, it's not GMP
related at all.


[2005-06-05 18:15:48] s dot araya at numisys dot com dot ar


  I'm using gmp library to perform a function which uses a few
operations with large integer values. My script runs in console mode
(at least four hours of processing), scanning a big mysql table and
invoking the function to calculate big integer values that are stored
in the table. 

  But, in case the table has a lot of rows to process, the script halt
with 'out of memory' error. Studying the problem I realized that GMP
functions didn't free memory (when I issue unset( <resource> ) ) and
continue allocate memory in every function pass. There is no gmp_free()
in php manual. 

  Is there any workaround to avoid the problem? 

  Thank you, 

Sebastián Araya 
Numisys S.A. 

Reproduce code:
for( $i = 0; $i = 1000000; $i++)
   store_calc_value( $i );

function store_calc_value( $v )
  $a = gmp_mul( $v, "0x100000000" );
  $b = gmp_mul( $a, "0x1000" );

  $sql = "Insert into t (big, value) Values (";
  $sql.= gmp_strval( $a ) . ", " . gmp_strval( $b ) . ")";

  mysql_query( $sql );

  unset( $a ); // gmp_free( $a );
  unset( $b ); // gmp_free( $b );


Expected result:
I expect that memory has to be freed once returning from function
store_calc_value(). A simple top command in another Linux session, tell
me that php resource continue to grow.


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