ID:               38466
 Updated by:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:      roland dot augustsson at sbkvast dot com
-Status:           Open
+Status:           Wont fix
 Bug Type:         Unknown/Other Function
 Operating System: win xp sp2
 PHP Version:      4.4.3
 New Comment:

Things have changed. RM and release people does not want to do their
jobs. I cannot do it for them > won't fix.

Previous Comments:

[2006-08-17 12:36:20] roland dot augustsson at sbkvast dot com

i copied go-pear.php from and script not workt, same error

go-pear.php from php ver 4.4.2 work fine.



[2006-08-16 14:08:19] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please save the contents of as go-pear.php and check
if it works for you.


[2006-08-15 22:12:37] roland dot augustsson at sbkvast dot com

NO, but i copy go-pear.php from php 4.4.2 and it funktions correct.

thanks for the help.



[2006-08-15 20:18:35] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

can you fetch a recent go-pear.php here:

save it as C:\PHP\PEAR\go-pear.php and run again go-pear.bat.


[2006-08-15 14:25:58] roland dot augustsson at sbkvast dot com

same error !

* copy from dos window *

Welcome to go-pear!

Go-pear will install the 'pear' command and all the files needed by
it.  This command is your tool for PEAR installation and maintenance.

Use 'php PEAR\go-pear.php local' to install a local copy of PEAR.

Go-pear also lets you download and install the PEAR packages bundled
with PHP: MDB2, Net_Socket, Net_SMTP, Mail, XML_Parser, PHPUnit.

If you wish to abort, press Control-C now, or press Enter to continue:

HTTP proxy (http://user:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:port), or Enter for

Below is a suggested file layout for your new PEAR installation.  To
change individual locations, type the number in front of the
directory.  Type 'all' to change all of them or simply press Enter to
accept these locations.

 1. Installation prefix           : C:\PHP
 2. Binaries directory            : $prefix
 3. PHP code directory ($php_dir) : $prefix\pear
 4. Documentation base directory  : $php_dir\docs
 5. Data base directory           : $php_dir\data
 6. Tests base directory          : $php_dir\tests
 7. Temporary files directory     : $prefix\temp
 8. php.exe path                  : c:/php/cli/php.exe

1-8, 'all' or Enter to continue:

The following PEAR packages are bundled with PHP: MDB2, Net_Socket,
Net_SMTP, Mail, XML_Parser, PHPUnit.
Would you like to install these as well? [Y/n] : y

Loading zlib: ok
Using local package: PEAR-stable......ok
Using local package: Archive_Tar-stable....ok
Using local package: Console_Getopt-stable....ok
Using local package: XML_RPC-stable....ok
Bootstrapping: PEAR...................(remote) <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC
D XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<html xmlns=""; xml:lang="en" lang="en">
<!-- ViewVC :: -->
<title>ViewVC Exception</title>
<h3>An Exception Has Occurred</h3>

<h4>Python Traceback</h4>
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/viewvc-1.1-dev/lib/", line 3623, in main
  File "/usr/local/viewvc-1.1-dev/lib/", line 388, in
  File "/usr/local/viewvc-1.1-dev/lib/", line 2122, in
    fp, revision = request.repos.openfile(path, rev)
  File "/usr/local/viewvc-1.1-dev/lib/vclib/bincvs/", line
134, in op
    filename, revision = _parse_co_header(fp)
  File "/usr/local/viewvc-1.1-dev/lib/vclib/bincvs/", line
549, in _p
    raise COMalformedOutput, "Unable to find revision in co output
COMalformedOutput: Unable to find revision in co output stream

Bootstrapping: Archive_Tar............(local) ok
Bootstrapping: Console_Getopt.........(remote) ok
Downloading package: MDB2.............ok
Downloading package: Net_Socket.......ok
Downloading package: Net_SMTP.........ok
Downloading package: Mail.............ok
Downloading package: XML_Parser.......ok
Downloading package: PHPUnit..........ok

Fatal error: Undefined class name 'pear' in C:\PHP\PEAR\go-pear.php on
line 747
Tryck på en valfri tangent för att fortsätta...


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