#39946 [Com]: Native Singleton Implementation

2007-03-05 Thread toomuchphp-phpbugs at yahoo dot com
 ID:   39946
 Comment by:   toomuchphp-phpbugs at yahoo dot com
 Reported By:  scott dot mcnaught at synergy8 dot com
 Status:   Open
 Bug Type: Feature/Change Request
 Operating System: All
 PHP Version:  6CVS-2006-12-25 (CVS)
 New Comment:

Perhaps some nicer solutions to your got-cha's:

- What happens when $members = new members() is called

If the class is defined as a singleton, then PHP should create the
instance as
normal (this includes calling __construct() ) and store it in the hash
or return the cached instance if it's already created.

-- I say an exception being thrown and a suggestion to remove "new"

You should still be able to use 'new', with the expectation that if the
is a singleton, you might actually get a cached instance, rather than a
instance, but it's not very difficult to understand:

  $a = new members;
  $b = new members;
  $c = new members;
  // $a $b and $c are all the same instance because members is a

If you really think 'new' is too ambiguous, why not add a new token
such as
'only', which is used for instantiation of singletons?

  $a = only members;
  $b = only members;
  $c = only members;
  // it's a bit more obvious $a $b and $c are the same instance.

- Is it ok to go $members = members; ?

That's too ambiguous.  In that example 'members' could be a constant,
singleton, or simply the string 'members'.

- Singleton constructors should not have parameters

Perhaps they could (and it might be useful), if it's done like this:

singleton class members { ... }

$foo = new members(1, 2, 3); // arguments are passed to __construct()
$bar = new members(3, 2, 1); // arguments are ignored, object has
already been constructed
$baz = new members(4, 5, 6); // arguments are ignored, object has
already been constructed

- Perhaps a new function singleton_getobjects needs to be added to
enable access to the internal hash table 

Not a bad idea. Getting in 'through the back door' is really important.
Why not
also a 'singleton_is_loaded()', and an 'is_singleton()'?  Obviously
this would
eventually need to be visible through the Reflection classes (etc,

- Never have singleton abstract classes?

I think that would be an unfair limitation.

You should just need to:
 - add T_SINGLETON to the parser.
 - add an is_singleton flag for class definitions, activated by
 - overload the 'new' operator to retrieve from the hash table if the
class is
   a singleton (otherwise call __construct() as normal).
 - implement some of those helper functions such as

Previous Comments:

[2006-12-29 08:23:57] scott dot mcnaught at synergy8 dot com

But the term singleton and static class are two different things.

The problem with pure static classes is that you can't inherit because
an instance is never created.

With static classes, you arent invoking methods on an instance of a
class.  You are simply calling static functions in a static namespace.

[2006-12-29 07:59:22] me at bashkim dot com dot au

I think the term "singleton" itself is a little confusing for newbies
(considering that it's who you want to target here). Perhaps what
you're looking for is a "static class" ...

[2006-12-25 17:45:13] scott dot mcnaught at synergy8 dot com


# Introduction
This document is an RFC for adding a small patch to the zend engine to
allow for native singleton classes.  The problem 
is that currently theres no clean way to implement singleton classes in
user-land over the entirety of a project.

Singleton classes are beneficial because:

- Removes the overhead of having multiple instances of the one object
when there is no need
- Allows you to keep the objects state rather than always starting from
an initial state. 
- They provide namespaces with the benefits of polymorphism (eg -
singleton classes can override / inherit from each other)

Throughout this document, I will use an example of a singleton class
"members" which acts as an interface to a database table.  
This class can save and load members from this database table simply by
calling the following methods in this class.

members::get($member_id) Loads a member from a member id and returns an
associative array with info about that member
members::save($member) Saves a member to the database from an array of
properties about that member

With the recent phase of tiered and service oriented architecture, the
need for Singleton has become more and more apparent.

# Singleton in php5
In the past, I have implemented Singleton two different ways.  Both of
these have problems.

# Method 1:
The first method involves having a public static getInstance method in
every singleton class.  This

#39946 [Com]: Native Singleton Implementation

2006-12-28 Thread me at bashkim dot com dot au
 ID:   39946
 Comment by:   me at bashkim dot com dot au
 Reported By:  scott dot mcnaught at synergy8 dot com
 Status:   Open
 Bug Type: Feature/Change Request
 Operating System: All
 PHP Version:  6CVS-2006-12-25 (CVS)
 New Comment:

I think the term "singleton" itself is a little confusing for newbies
(considering that it's who you want to target here). Perhaps what
you're looking for is a "static class" ...

Previous Comments:

[2006-12-25 17:45:13] scott dot mcnaught at synergy8 dot com


# Introduction
This document is an RFC for adding a small patch to the zend engine to
allow for native singleton classes.  The problem 
is that currently theres no clean way to implement singleton classes in
user-land over the entirety of a project.

Singleton classes are beneficial because:

- Removes the overhead of having multiple instances of the one object
when there is no need
- Allows you to keep the objects state rather than always starting from
an initial state. 
- They provide namespaces with the benefits of polymorphism (eg -
singleton classes can override / inherit from each other)

Throughout this document, I will use an example of a singleton class
"members" which acts as an interface to a database table.  
This class can save and load members from this database table simply by
calling the following methods in this class.

members::get($member_id) Loads a member from a member id and returns an
associative array with info about that member
members::save($member) Saves a member to the database from an array of
properties about that member

With the recent phase of tiered and service oriented architecture, the
need for Singleton has become more and more apparent.

# Singleton in php5
In the past, I have implemented Singleton two different ways.  Both of
these have problems.

# Method 1:
The first method involves having a public static getInstance method in
every singleton class.  This sucks because you
need to manually copy and paste it into every singleton class you make.
 Using a singleton class in this way is also confusing
for novice programmers. Eg:

$arrMember['member_f_name'] = 'Scott';


# Method 2:
This method involves an associative array of class names to their
instances, probably via a helper function similar to this.

$arrMember['member_f_name'] = 'Scott';


This sucks because its slow, confusing for novices, and IDEs never pick
up the class for code hinting.

# Proposed new functionality

I propose that singleton classes become a native part of the php
language by adding the "singleton" class modifier T_SINGLETON.

I don't know if native singleton classes have been implemented in a
language before.  Most other languages eg - C++
you can use template classes or generics to implement a clean

The zend engine could feature a hash table and store the instances of

An example of the new way of using singleton classes would be:



# Edge cases / got-cha's
Some investigation will have to be performed as to how inheritence will
work with singletons.

- Never have singleton abstract classes?

- What happens when $members = new members() is called
-- I say an exception being thrown and a suggestion to remove "new"

- Is it ok to go $members = members; ?
-- I'd say yes

- Singleton constructors should not have parameters

- Perhaps a new function singleton_getobjects needs to be added to
enable access to the internal hash table 

- Dereferencing a non-singleton class should produce the same error

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=39946&edit=1