ID:               41518
 Updated by:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:      ruben dot willmes at emil2001 dot de
-Status:           Open
+Status:           Feedback
 Bug Type:         Safe Mode/open_basedir
 Operating System: Linux
 PHP Version:      5.2.2
 New Comment:

I don't think I get what you're talking about:
# ls -l /tmp/nosuch
ls: cannot access /tmp/nosuch: No such file or directory
#php -d open_basedir=/tmp -r 'var_dump(file_exists("/tmp/nosuch"));'

No warning whatsoever.

Previous Comments:

[2007-05-30 20:20:58] ruben dot willmes at emil2001 dot de

Sorry, but i have to reopen this bug again.

Thx for the reply, Tony, but i don't think you understood me. 

I don't want to generally remove this error message, it's just under 
your OWN open_basedir, where you shouldn't get this message since 
you should be able to check whether the file exists under your OWN 
open_basedir, or am i wrong?

Let's make an example:

Two users, user1 and user2, both locked in their homedirs with 

Both have one file in their directory, let's call it test.php

Now, if user1 checks whether test.php exists, he get's a true, as 
well as user2. If user1 checks user2's test.php, he'll get a false 
and an open_basedir warning since he's out of his open_basedir. 
That's correct. 

But what if user1 checks a file called test2.php under his own 
directory, /home/user1/? Should he get an open_basedir error? In my 
eyes he should only get a 'false' as the file does not exist, but no 
open_basedir warning, since he's still in his own open_basedir.

In the recent PHP5 release (5.2.2) one get's an open_basedir warning 
if you check a non-existent file under your OWN open_basedir. In a 
previous release the message was not present (i think it was 5.2.0 
or 5.2.1).

so, please reconsider this bug


[2007-05-29 20:39:47] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

If we remove this warning for non-existent files, it could be possible
to use file_exists() to detect which files exists (since it's perfectly
legal to print this warning when the file exists).


[2007-05-29 06:58:06] ruben dot willmes at emil2001 dot de

You're right, it does work correctly if i set my open_basedir to
www/localhost/htdocs' (without the trailing slash). But if i set it to

'/var/www/localhost/htdocs/' (with the trailing slash), it doesn't work

in my test case. Could you please try it once more setting your 
open_basedir to '/www/home/user/' (with the trailing slash)?

The system this is running on is PHP 5.2.2, with Apache 2.0.58.

thx in advance


[2007-05-28 22:09:25] xeo2001 at yahoo dot com

Ow. i forgot to mantion that the server also runs php 5 and 6. While
only tested in php 4 and 5.


[2007-05-28 22:05:11] xeo2001 at yahoo dot com

I have to disagree with you. 

I'v set a open base dir as /www/home/user and when i open (the by you
produced code) in /www/home/user/test.php as:
if (is_file('/www/home/user/index.phph')) {
 print "File exists";
}else {
 print "File does not exist";

I just get the text "File does not exist". I think you got a problem in
your server configuration?

Running system(s):
Debian 4.1
Apache 1.3.37
Php 4.4.7


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