#42613 [Opn]: Unable to load Dynamic Link Libraries

2007-10-18 Thread patrick at baynewmedia dot com
 ID:   42613
 User updated by:  patrick at baynewmedia dot com
 Reported By:  patrick at baynewmedia dot com
 Status:   Open
 Bug Type: *General Issues
 Operating System: Windows XP Pro  Windows Vista
 PHP Version:  5.2.4
 New Comment:

mfvivino at vivmedia dot net:
That's another interesting problem and frankly I don't expect the path
to be missing for seemingly no reason. I'll keep my eyes open for that
and see if it does the trick. Thanks for the research though I'm still
of the opinion that this shouldn't be required ;)

Previous Comments:

[2007-10-17 11:28:46] mfvivino at vivmedia dot net

Patrick at BayNewMedia:  Thanks for the suggestion.  That was not the
issue for me, however, it was close.  Evidently the sequence of events
went like this:

  (1) Automated install put c:\php52 (my install dir) in the path
  (2) Automated install otherwise screwed up royally
  (3) I uninstalled -- removing c:\php52 from the path! -- only this
was not going take effect for system services (like Apache) until after
a reboot, whenever I happened to do that 
  (4) Did manual install and configuration, tested; I've done enough of
these on Windows before to be sure the path is properly set, buy hey, it
was working, and I wasn't thinking! ;) All looked good for
awhile...except after a reboot some days later, the path was now

So the fix for me was simple:

  (5) Added c:\php52 back to the path and rebooted.

All appears well enough now...so far.

However, the win32 installer, as has been pointed out elsewhere here,
is a major train wreck and source of confusion.  I suspect unix/linux
platforms get the priority in terms of attention here, and perhaps
that's why responses have not been so forthcoming?  Still, I suggest
that PHP development folks either tighten up and clarify the win32
installer, or pull it entirely, in favor of one clear and simple win32
installation guide. After all, the PHP site already recommends a
manual installation in favor of the automated one in any case.  After
this experience, I very, very strongly second that recommendation.  

My $0.02.

[2007-10-16 15:50:27] patrick at baynewmedia dot com

[EMAIL PROTECTED]: I did in fact select everything to install. I was
under the assumption (mistaken, it seems), that installation doesn't
necessarily mean enabling. After all, if I don't install now but at some
point in the future decide that I need a new extension, I could simply
enable it instead of having to re-install or re-download another
package. But that's something to try so I'll give it a whirl. Still
doesn't seem like it should work this way though. Maybe the addition of
enabled extensions in the installation routine may be useful.

mfvivino at vivmedia dot net: Wow, that is a little slice of
frustration! The thing I found with the PHP.INI file is that, despite
loading from a specific location at the time of installation, that
location changes on subsequent executions or after reboots. For example,
my first installation was in C:\PHP and the INI file loaded from there.
I changed a variety of settings in the INI file which were reflected in
the next few rounds of execution. One of the suggestions in getting
MySQL going was re-booting so I did and after that, the INI file could
not be found. It was still there, but after some searching I discovered
it was trying to load from C:\WINDOWS. Why? Who knows...there was no
PATH environment variable pointing there (only to C:\PHP), and there
were no paths within the INI file itself to anything other than C:\PHP
and its subdirectories. Again, this was another case where people were
noting these bugs but the folks at PHP kept insisting there was nothing
for them to fix.

Look, I'm a developer and my work is often far from perfect. I tend to
suspect that there's misuse of my software when people report errors and
I can understand why the people at PHP would tend towards this as well.
At this point, however, it just seems like people are burying their head
in the sand. We've all been through the fixes here, I'm sure, and it's
still failing dismally. That part doesn't bother me at all; what I don't
like is that beside these relatively simple fixes, the issue seems to be
being ignored. I can run PHP but for most of the applications I need it
for now, it's useless. It's at a point where I simply *can't* run it for
any useful purposes so the entire PHP project is basically a brick. The
complete lack of concern (or if it's there, I'm not hearing a peep about
it), is the most troubling aspect of this whole fiasco. Again, is anyone
out there listening and looking at this problem? I'm referring to the
core PHP developers...does anyone even care that PHP just doesn't have
much useful functionality left? Has the PHP project simply been
abandoned? It's been two months since I 

#42613 [Opn]: Unable to load Dynamic Link Libraries

2007-10-16 Thread patrick at baynewmedia dot com
 ID:   42613
 User updated by:  patrick at baynewmedia dot com
 Reported By:  patrick at baynewmedia dot com
 Status:   Open
 Bug Type: *General Issues
 Operating System: Windows XP Pro  Windows Vista
 PHP Version:  5.2.4
 New Comment:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]: I did in fact select everything to install. I was
under the assumption (mistaken, it seems), that installation doesn't
necessarily mean enabling. After all, if I don't install now but at some
point in the future decide that I need a new extension, I could simply
enable it instead of having to re-install or re-download another
package. But that's something to try so I'll give it a whirl. Still
doesn't seem like it should work this way though. Maybe the addition of
enabled extensions in the installation routine may be useful.

mfvivino at vivmedia dot net: Wow, that is a little slice of
frustration! The thing I found with the PHP.INI file is that, despite
loading from a specific location at the time of installation, that
location changes on subsequent executions or after reboots. For example,
my first installation was in C:\PHP and the INI file loaded from there.
I changed a variety of settings in the INI file which were reflected in
the next few rounds of execution. One of the suggestions in getting
MySQL going was re-booting so I did and after that, the INI file could
not be found. It was still there, but after some searching I discovered
it was trying to load from C:\WINDOWS. Why? Who knows...there was no
PATH environment variable pointing there (only to C:\PHP), and there
were no paths within the INI file itself to anything other than C:\PHP
and its subdirectories. Again, this was another case where people were
noting these bugs but the folks at PHP kept insisting there was nothing
for them to fix.

Look, I'm a developer and my work is often far from perfect. I tend to
suspect that there's misuse of my software when people report errors and
I can understand why the people at PHP would tend towards this as well.
At this point, however, it just seems like people are burying their head
in the sand. We've all been through the fixes here, I'm sure, and it's
still failing dismally. That part doesn't bother me at all; what I don't
like is that beside these relatively simple fixes, the issue seems to be
being ignored. I can run PHP but for most of the applications I need it
for now, it's useless. It's at a point where I simply *can't* run it for
any useful purposes so the entire PHP project is basically a brick. The
complete lack of concern (or if it's there, I'm not hearing a peep about
it), is the most troubling aspect of this whole fiasco. Again, is anyone
out there listening and looking at this problem? I'm referring to the
core PHP developers...does anyone even care that PHP just doesn't have
much useful functionality left? Has the PHP project simply been
abandoned? It's been two months since I posted this report and no one
has mentioned Oh...it's being looked at now. As far as I can see,
absolutely zilch is being done about this. That is, if anyone is even
aware that these problems exist.

I'm not expecting quick fixes and maybe there's no simple solution, but
is anyone even aware? I greatly appreciate the community involvement in
trying to address these issues, but this is CORE, BASIC stuff, and no
one seems to be bothered by it in the least. Very, very discouraging.
Python, Ruby, or Java may be good alternatives. Sucks that I'm being
forced to switch because of just plain indifference :(

Previous Comments:

[2007-10-16 11:00:20] mfvivino at vivmedia dot net

It gets weirder for me.

I experienced tons of problems with the installer, so scrapped that
(did uninstall) and installed manually via .zip which was easy enough. I
ONLY enabled mysql, and amazingly enough, it worked!.  I ran a simple

   ?php phpinfo(); ?

which reported mysql as enabled; and I was subsequently able to install
PHP shopping cart software.  So far, so good...

Now for the fun part: after rebooting the machine, mysql is being
reported as not enabled anymore, so I checked the apache log and sure
enough, I see the same cryptic error as others have reported here:

   PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library
'c:/php52/etx\\php_mysql.dll' - The specified module could not be found.
\r\n in Unknown on line 0.

And now of course phpinfo() shows mysql indeed is missing

I thought perhaps the reference to '\r\n' had something to do with
windows linefeeds, so I ran a dos2unix conversion on the php.ini file --
no go.  Still the same problem. 

For fun, I tried disabling mysql and enabling a different module. 
Doesn't seem to matter, get the same problem with any and all.

As others have already noted, this is extremely frustrating -- and
atypical.  I am also a very long-time PHP user and have not ever
experienced this level of difficulty with basic PHP

#42613 [Opn]: Unable to load Dynamic Link Libraries

2007-10-11 Thread scottmac
 ID:   42613
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  patrick at baynewmedia dot com
 Status:   Open
 Bug Type: *General Issues
 Operating System: Windows XP Pro  Windows Vista
 PHP Version:  5.2.4
 New Comment:

During the installer you must have selected to install every extension
onto the hard disk, this in turn would have enabled all of those
extensions some of which don't work.

I'm under the impression that the extension maintainer removed the ones
that were broken, but one can still shoot themselves in the foot by
enabling everything.

Uninstall PHP and then re-install, when you do make sure you only
enable the modules that you need.

Previous Comments:

[2007-10-11 21:38:13] patrick at baynewmedia dot com

Good to see that absolutely no progress has been made. Does anyone
actually read these bug reports or what?

[EMAIL PROTECTED]: If you'd bothered to read what I'd posted, I said I
didn't know if I needed all these extensions. They're not listed
anywhere and the default php.ini file comes with all of them enabled.
Your suggestion How about the basic .zip file, just unpack that and try
it instead..?  is exactly the type of piddly suggestion I was
referring to. It's dismissive and insulting and yes, I tried that many

azlan01: Good suggestion and thank you for not assuming I'm a complete
idiot. Unfortunately, that didn't make any difference. The pear
extensions also give me some trouble though somewhat less than the
default ones. I've tried disabling all of the extensions erroneously
listed in pop-ups...I say erroneously because the pop-up messages don't
match the ones on the command line when I run PHP. That's just another
problem with the latest PHP release but hardly the biggest.

So, now I have a working PHP install once I've disable all of the
erroneous DLLs (not all are problematic...anyone care to explain why?).
Unfortunately, trying to access a MySQL database has proven to be a
complete dead-end. The libmysql.dll file simply fails to load. Period.
I put it in Windows, Windows/system, windows/system32, the php install
directory, the php extensions directory, the c:\ drive; added PATH
directions to it...heck, I pointed the php.ini file *directly* at it
using a full path. Simply, it doesn't load. I tried a myriad version of
the file ranging from the version 4 (PHP) DLL up to the version 5 one,
also including the newest ones from MySQL.org. Still nothing. 

Please please please don't keep ignoring these problems! Maybe there's
a very good reason why I can't run PHP successfully but so far the only
suggestion has been that it's somehow my fault or that during the last
two months I've somehow overlooked the glaringly obvious. No feedback
was provided for this bug for over a week, so it is
being suspended automatically. ... won't make it go away! Someone
please take some responsibility and look into this!

[2007-10-08 19:33:24] parasite84 at mail dot ru

Me too

PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library
'C:\\WebDev\\usr\\local\\PHP\\ext\\mysql.so' - The specified module
could not be found.\r\n in Unknown on line 0
PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library
'C:\\WebDev\\usr\\local\\PHP\\ext\\php_exif.dll' - The specified module
could not be found.\r\n in Unknown on line 0
PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library
'C:\\WebDev\\usr\\local\\PHP\\ext\\php_oci8.dll' - The specified module
could not be found.\r\n in Unknown on line 0
PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library
'C:\\WebDev\\usr\\local\\PHP\\ext\\php_openssl.dll' - The operating
system cannot run %1.\r\n in Unknown on line 0
PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library
'C:\\WebDev\\usr\\local\\PHP\\ext\\php_pdo_oci.dll' - The specified
module could not be found.\r\n in Unknown on line 0
PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library
'C:\\WebDev\\usr\\local\\PHP\\ext\\php_pdo_oci8.dll' - The specified
module could not be found.\r\n in Unknown on line 0
PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library
'C:\\WebDev\\usr\\local\\PHP\\ext\\php_pdo_sqlite_external.dll' - The
specified module could not be found.\r\n in Unknown on line 0
PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library
'C:\\WebDev\\usr\\local\\PHP\\ext\\php_pspell.dll' - The specified
module could not be found.\r\n in Unknown on line 0
PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library
'C:\\WebDev\\usr\\local\\PHP\\ext\\php_sybase_ct.dll' - The specified
module could not be found.\r\n in Unknown on line 0
PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library
'C:\\WebDev\\usr\\local\\PHP\\ext\\php_ibm_db2.dll' - The specified
module could not be found.\r\n in Unknown on line 0
PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library