ID:               44767
 User updated by:  ikickdogsforfun at hotmail dot com
 Reported By:      ikickdogsforfun at hotmail dot com
 Status:           Open
 Bug Type:         Scripting Engine problem
 Operating System: Gentoo Linux
 PHP Version:      5.2.6RC5
 New Comment:

In which case the comment is handled incorrectly if a second # appears,
note the code above which produces 2 errors. One of the errors refers to
a third line, even though there is only code on line. This suggests that
the interpretor has closed the comment and is attempting to handle the
rest of the code after the second # by treating it as a new line.

Previous Comments:

[2008-04-29 23:28:07] whitewolf24 at hotmail dot com

um, last I checked and have read in the manual
# comments to the end of the line OR the end of the php block, which
ever happens first. not to another #


[2008-04-17 20:49:53] ikickdogsforfun at hotmail dot com

A # comment can be closed by a second # causing PHP to act rather
oddly. Any errors that occur on the same line but after the closing #
are reported as an error on the next line, however if there are no
errors anything after the second # is ignored and not processed as if it
was a comment. I think based on this, there needs to be some concistency
about what happens when a second # is encountered. Are these intended to
be embedded comments which can be be closed? Or should everything being
ignored after the first # untill a new line character is encountered?

Reproduce code:
This produces 2 errors, one on line 2, one on line 3, though they are
both about line 3:
echo \"some ".# This is an imbedded comment#"text";
This only echos out 'some':
echo "some ".# This is an imbedded comment#"hi";

Expected result:
I would expect to see 'some text' echoed out, as I was under the
impression these kinds of comments were imbedded.

Actual result:
See the code section


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