ID:               45940
 Updated by:
 Reported By:      talmage dot news at gmail dot com
-Status:           Assigned
+Status:           Closed
 Bug Type:         MySQLi related
 Operating System: Centos 5
 PHP Version:      5.2.6
 Assigned To:      mysql
 New Comment:

This bug has been fixed in CVS.

Snapshots of the sources are packaged every three hours; this change
will be in the next snapshot. You can grab the snapshot at
Thank you for the report, and for helping us make PHP better.

Previous Comments:

[2009-01-10 10:23:30] nullhility at gmail dot com

Getting the same error with the following version:
PHP 5.2.4-2ubuntu5.4 with Suhosin-Patch

I was attempting to suppress errors so I could control
output/formatting etc. Thought i'd just re-iterate this for version
related purposes.

//a forced username/password mismatch
$dbo = @new mysqli('localhost', 'r00t', 'pass', 'my_db');



Warning: main(): Couldn't fetch mysqli in /home/default/php/mysqli.php
on line 4
string(63) "Access denied for user 'r00t'@'localhost' (using password:


[2008-12-25 21:17:22] ws at develtheory dot com

Was able to reproduce the error in the same method on php 5.2.8, both
with purposeful incorrect passwords and nonexistent host/port combos.

the object is created, connect_error returns NULL on var_dump, error
log dumps:
"Dec 25 15:12:18 dev01 httpd: PHP Warning:  dbo::__construct() [<a
href='dbo.--construct'>dbo.--construct</a>]: Couldn't fetch mysqli in
/nfs/beta/www/classes/ on line 88"


[2008-12-01 13:39:16] dannyrjohnston at msn dot com

Forget my previous comment.  I found some code between the new mysqli
statement in the example I was using which was setting the $dbObj to
false if mysql_connect_error was returning a value.


[2008-12-01 13:17:14] dannyrjohnston at msn dot com

I have duplicated this issue.

According to the manual mysqli::__construct should always return a
object, but the function is returning a false value on error.

I have tried three different possible error conditions and have the
following results:

   Bad user/password combo: mysqli_connect_error() returns "Access
denied for user 'xxx'@'xxx' (using password: YES)", return value is

   User does not have access to the db selected:
mysqli_connect_error()returns "Access denied for user 'xxx'@'xxx' to
database 'xxx'", return value is false.

   Bad port number: mysqli_connect_error() returns "Can't connect to
MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)", return value is false.

I have not checked any other cases such as bad socked name, but in each
of the above conditions I received a false value not an object.

test code:
    $dbObj = new mysqli( "localhost", "user", "pass", "db", 3306);

     echo "dbObj=";

error result:

sucess result:
dbObj==object(mysqli)#1 (0) {


[2008-11-29 00:22:45] valentin71 at gmail dot com

Not quite sure that mudroeb is right.  
According to manual the right call format must be following:
mysqli mysqli_connect ( [string host [, string username [, string
passwd [, string dbname [, int port [, string socket]]]]]] )

conn=new mysqli('localhost','user','password','my_db',3306);
works as expected.


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