ID:               47585
 Updated by:
 Reported By:      didomusicuk at hotmail dot co dot uk
 Status:           Feedback
 Bug Type:         Windows Installer
 Operating System: Vista
 PHP Version:      5.2.9
 New Comment:

As I said, it works here with 5.2.9 or snaps.

Have you tried it yourself? If yes, do you have previous versions
installed or from other packagers (wamp or other)?

Previous Comments:

[2009-03-06 10:05:35] didomusicuk at hotmail dot co dot uk

Every PHP installer since 5.2.3 just doesn't seem to work under Windows
Vista. They quit part way through with a message along the lines of
"there is something wrong with the installer package". A little Googling
revealed that it is down to the fact that PHP's installer uses custom
VBScript commands that the Windows Installer doesn't like, and will only
work in Vista if run from an elevated console.

I just wondered if this is true, why this information hasn't been put
on the download page.


[2009-03-06 08:37:32]

It works smoothly here on Vista as well as 2008/2003 or even win7.

What did not work?


[2009-03-06 08:27:57] didomusicuk at hotmail dot co dot uk

I'd just like to ask that since you clearly know the PHP installer
fails under Windows Vista, why don't you put some text on the download
page to warn people of the problem, and provide links to the articles
explaining why it fails and what can be done to work around it, until
you can fix your installer properly?

This would save a lot of people a lot of time and stress, and save
yourself a lot of "false" bug reports and forum postings.


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