Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=37220&edit=1

 ID:                 37220
 Updated by:         s...@php.net
 Reported by:        lbouteille dot ext at francetelecom dot com
 Summary:            LOB Type mismatch when using windows & oci8.dll
-Status:             Suspended
+Status:             No Feedback
 Type:               Bug
 Package:            OCI8 related
 Operating System:   Win 2000
 PHP Version:        5.1.2
 Assigned To:        sixd
 Block user comment: N
 Private report:     N

Previous Comments:
[2006-09-01 14:08:07] lbouteille dot ext at francetelecom dot com

why suspended ?

[2006-08-22 13:14:17] lbouteille dot ext at francetelecom dot com

Yes it is working with Oracle10G on Linux, but what about fixing it on windows ?

[2006-08-17 01:00:00] php-bugs at lists dot php dot net

No feedback was provided for this bug for over a week, so it is
being suspended automatically. If you are able to provide the
information that was originally requested, please do so and change
the status of the bug back to "Open".

[2006-08-09 13:17:48] tony2...@php.net

Okay, it works with Oracle 10g on Linux.

[2006-08-09 12:55:56] lbouteille dot ext at francetelecom dot com

Check the detail of the error message : Sounds like XML wasn't valid.. it's 
working on my Linux server anyway.. maybe some oracle configuration to deal 
with XML ?

Oracle Error :: LPX-00245 extra data after end of document
After the close of the top-level element, more data was found.
The end-element tag for the top-level element must be the last thing in the 


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Edit this bug report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=37220&edit=1

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