Edit report at http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=53182&edit=1

 ID:                 53182
 Updated by:         scott...@php.net
 Reported by:        william dot bessat at gmail dot com
 Summary:            imap_search not valid with RFC 3501 (still stuck
                     with IMAPv2)
 Status:             Wont fix
 Type:               Bug
 Package:            IMAP related
 Operating System:   All
 PHP Version:        5.3.3
 Block user comment: N
 Private report:     N

 New Comment:

PHP calls c-client with two functions, we don't have any control over
the syntax.

pgm = mail_criteria(search_criteria);

mail_search_full(imap_le_struct->imap_stream, (argc == 4 ? charset :
NIL), pgm, 


Previous Comments:
[2011-03-10 19:34:23] dkarp at zimbra dot com

The IMAP c-client certainly supports UID ranges.  This is a PHP issue.

   SEARCHSET *msgno;    a set of message sequence numbers

   SEARCHSET *uid;      a set of unique identifiers


[2010-10-29 12:44:04] ahar...@php.net

PHP's IMAP extension simply calls c-client, so it's entirely dependent
on what that library supports in terms of search syntax. There's nothing
we can really do on the PHP side to help.

[2010-10-27 21:50:30] william dot bessat at gmail dot com

The search string I provided in the example is to fetch all messages
where UID>=200.

The goal of this search is to keep up to date a webmail, without
retriving the whole mailbox content each time you want to synchronize
it, since you can't rely on the SEEN/RECENT flag (if the mailbox is
opened with another software in the meantime). Using dates to achieve
that is a dirty workaround...

imap_search() is stuck with the RFC 1176 (august 1990 !!111!!!)

PS: Sorry for the triple-post, this is my first bug report and I didn't
know we can't edit things.

[2010-10-27 12:49:28] william dot bessat at gmail dot com

There's a typo in the imap_search(), the resource is, of course, before
the search string :)

[2010-10-27 12:45:58] william dot bessat at gmail dot com


The imap_search function is not compliant with the RFC 3501.

We can not search messages using their UID.

Example : imap_search("UID 200:*, $link);

The output goes in the error_log with this message :

[27-Oct-2010 12:34:35] PHP Notice:  Unknown: Unknown search criterion:
UID (errflg=2) in Unknown on line 0

Imo, this functionnality should be implemented for building advanced

This is not a real *bug*, but more a lack of functionnality.


Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=53182&edit=1

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