Edit report at http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=53806&edit=1

 ID:                 53806
 Comment by:         nightstorm at tlen dot pl
 Reported by:        nightstorm at tlen dot pl
 Summary:            RangeException and OutOfRangeException extend
                     invalid classes
 Status:             Open
 Type:               Bug
 Package:            SPL related
 PHP Version:        5.3.5
 Block user comment: N
 Private report:     N

 New Comment:

I looked more deeply at the problem. If we follow the descriptions in
the official manual at docs.php.net, these classes extend invalid

However, I noticed that the descriptions at docs.php.net are all
completely wrong, after comparing them to the old documentation at
http://www.php.net/~helly/php/ext/spl/ . Here, this documentation
correctly describes, why RangeException extends RuntimeException, and
OutOfRangeException - LogicException. So this is a documentation
problem, and there is a different ticket started for it:


Previous Comments:
[2011-01-21 21:25:25] nightstorm at tlen dot pl

This is a rather minor problem. SPL defines two base exception classes:
LogicException for reporting problems with various
system/component/class/argument logic and RuntimeException for runtime
problems. LogicException is extended by a number of classes:

- DomainException

- InvalidArgumentException

- LengthException (entered length is not a valid length)

RuntimeException is extended by:

- OutOfBoundsException (value out of bounds)

- UnexpectedValueException (value was not expected)

- OverflowException

- UnderflowException

As we see, the problems with tested values are classified as runtime
exceptions, and problems with specifying constrains are classified as
logic exceptions. However, this is not true in case of RangeException
and OutOfRangeException, where the base classes are replaced:

- RangeException (constraint range is invalid) is RuntimeException,
should be: LogicException*

- OutOfRangeException (value is out of range) is LogicException, should
be: RuntimeException

* - Actually, the first version can be considered as runtime exception,
too, if the user has to enter some range, but then it should be clearly
pointed out in the documentation. However, the second exception is
definitely wrong.

There can be also an issue that I misunderstood the documentation, but
in this case the problem should be reclassified as a documentation
problem, and concern providing more information about the semantically
correct usage of the provided exceptions. Currently, the documentation
provides only a single and often very abstract sentence which results in
many misunderstandings - if you are interested, I can provide a
translation of the discussion I've recently found to show that the way
people are using and understanding these classes is very far away from
authors' intentions.

So, to sum up: either these classes extend invalid base classes, or the
documentation should be MUCH more precise here.

Test script:

// Assume we are sending the invalid age, i.e. "10"



   if($_POST['age'] < 13 || $_POST['age'] > 100)


      throw new OutOfRangeException('The specified age is not within the
accepted range 13 to 100 years.');



catch(RuntimeException $exception)


   echo 'Oops, you entered wrong data. Please correct them!';


catch(LogicException $exception)


   echo 'There is a problem with the system. Please contact the


Expected result:
Oops, you entered wrong data. Please correct them!

Actual result:
There is a problem with the system. Please contact the administrator.


Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=53806&edit=1

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