Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=53829&edit=1

 ID:                 53829
 Updated by:         bj...@php.net
 Reported by:        rilatonal at hotmail dot de
 Summary:            Compiling PHP with large file support will replace
                     function gzopen by gzopen64
 Status:             Open
 Type:               Bug
 Package:            Zlib related
 Operating System:   Linux
 PHP Version:        5.3.5
-Assigned To:        
+Assigned To:        skettler
 Block user comment: N
 Private report:     N

 New Comment:

skettler: Any need for that ifdef? Can't we always use the RAW macro?
And what about the other functions he mentioned in this report?

Previous Comments:
[2013-02-08 12:26:10] skett...@php.net

Added patch "zlib-largefile-function-renaming" that fixes the gzopen, gzseek 
gztell PHP function renaming.

[2013-02-08 12:24:51] skett...@php.net

The following patch has been added/updated:

Patch Name: zlib-largefile-function-renaming
Revision:   1360326291

[2012-08-26 11:07:08] comments at sentfrom dot com

I encountered the same problem with a 64-bit build of PHP on OpenIndiana
The symptom I saw was Wordpress automatic updates were failing silently, 
the class-pclzip.php module tests for the presence of gzopen. 
Patching that file is not a viable option since any WP update can overwrite it 

The gzopen patch attached fixes this at the PHP level by using lower-level ZEND 
macros that are not affected by zlib.h's #define gzopen gzopen64. It 
is preferable to using an undocumented zlib compilation flag ZLIB_INTERNAL, 
which may go away at some point in the future.

I had to use ZEND_RAW_FENTRY as it does not have a PHP_ equivalent, and we have 
to pass the first argument "gzopen" as a string, since cpp would 
replace gzopen with gzopen64 if passed as a C identifier.

[2011-09-07 07:09:20] tx-7-12 at tuxad dot com


I also got this "bug" with the latest zlib 1.2.5 as system lib and 

Dirty solution: Define ZLIB_INTERNAL.

# /usr/local/php/bin/php -r 'var_dump(function_exists("gzopen"));'
configure && make
# sapi/cli/php -r 'var_dump(function_exists("gzopen"));'

Matching lines in zlib.h:

#if !defined(ZLIB_INTERNAL) && _FILE_OFFSET_BITS-0 == 64 && _LFS64_LARGEFILE-0
#  define gzopen gzopen64
#  define gzseek gzseek64
#  define gztell gztell64
#  define gzoffset gzoffset64
#  define adler32_combine adler32_combine64
#  define crc32_combine crc32_combine64
     ZEXTERN gzFile ZEXPORT gzopen64 OF((const char *, const char *));
     ZEXTERN z_off_t ZEXPORT gzseek64 OF((gzFile, z_off_t, int));
     ZEXTERN z_off_t ZEXPORT gztell64 OF((gzFile));
     ZEXTERN z_off_t ZEXPORT gzoffset64 OF((gzFile));
     ZEXTERN uLong ZEXPORT adler32_combine64 OF((uLong, uLong, z_off_t));
     ZEXTERN uLong ZEXPORT crc32_combine64 OF((uLong, uLong, z_off_t));
#  endif
   ZEXTERN gzFile ZEXPORT gzopen OF((const char *, const char *));
   ZEXTERN z_off_t ZEXPORT gzseek OF((gzFile, z_off_t, int));
   ZEXTERN z_off_t ZEXPORT gztell OF((gzFile));
   ZEXTERN z_off_t ZEXPORT gzoffset OF((gzFile));
   ZEXTERN uLong ZEXPORT adler32_combine OF((uLong, uLong, z_off_t));
   ZEXTERN uLong ZEXPORT crc32_combine OF((uLong, uLong, z_off_t));


[2011-05-27 17:06:42] j dot henge-ernst at interexa dot de

I also encountered that problem compiling php on solaris x86_64 with zlib 
1.2.5. I used the following configure commmand:

#! /bin/sh
# Created by configure

CFLAGS='-xmodel=small -m64 -Kpic -O4' \
CXXFLAGS='-xmodel=small -m64 -Kpic -O4' \
LDFLAGS='-m64' \
CC='cc' \
'./configure' \
'--prefix=/opt/IXAGib64' \
'--with-config-file-path=/opt/IXAGib64/etc' \
'--with-config-file-scan-dir=/opt/IXAGib64/etc/php.ini.d' \
'--disable-debug' \
'--enable-inline-optimization' \
'--disable-all' \
'--enable-ctype' \
'--enable-dom' \
'--enable-libxml' \
'--with-libxml-dir=/opt/IXAGib64' \
'--with-openssl=/opt/IXAGib64' \
'--with-pcre-regex' \
'--enable-session' \
'--enable-simplexml' \
'--enable-wddx' \
'--enable-xml' \
'--enable-hash' \
'--enable-json' \
'--enable-filter' \
'--with-zlib=/opt/IXAGib64' \
'--with-apxs2=/opt/IXAGib64/bin/apxs' \
'--with-pear' \
'--with-layout=GNU' \


The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at


Edit this bug report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=53829&edit=1

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