Edit report at http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=39235&edit=1

 ID:                 39235
 Updated by:         u...@php.net
 Reported by:        mark dot 2391 at blueyonder dot co dot uk
 Summary:            Permit parameters in execute()
 Status:             Open
 Type:               Feature/Change Request
 Package:            MySQLi related
 Operating System:   Debian GNU/Linux
 PHP Version:        5.1.6
-Assigned To:        
+Assigned To:        mysql
 Block user comment: N
 Private report:     N

 New Comment:

What shall happen to bound parameters after the first execution (error
or not) of the statement? Shall mysqli try to use the same parameters
for a new call to execute even if no values are passed to the execute

  stmt->execute(bound_values) -> OK

  stmt->execute()             -> reuse bound_values?

  stmt->execute(bound_values) -> error

  stmt->execute()             -> reuse bound_values?


  stmt->execute(bound_values) -> OK

  stmt->execute()             -> error: no values given

What shall happen if parameters have been bound but execute gets called
with new parameters:

  stmt->bind(value)             -> use value

  stmt->execute(another_value)  -> use another_value?


  stmt->bind(value)             -> use value

  stmt->execute(another_value)  -> error: must not mix syntax


Previous Comments:
[2006-10-23 13:05:14] mark dot 2391 at blueyonder dot co dot uk

I want to convert to MySqli from PDO's MySql driver as I'm hitting a
known bug in PDO that isn't getting fixed and I figure MySqli would be
faster anyway.

However, MySqli appears to be restrictive when compared to PDO in its
insistence that I use bind_params(). PDO allows the alternative to pass
Mysql parameters as an array to its execute() method.

My Mysql parameters are passed to me as an array in my code.

I do not know a way in PHP of passing an array of these parameters to
MySQLi while it insists on using bind_params which in turn insists on a
fixed list of named variables.

As I say, PDO copes with this as it's execute() method offers the
alternative choice while params to MySqli's execute() are marked as
void, and so it seems to me impossible to implement my Data Access
Service layer (which manages DB access on similar lines to the PHP SDO
extension) with Mysqli at the moment unless I completely lose the
advantage of prepared statements.

The code below hopefully illustrates the kind of usage I need (and as I
say, PDO allows). Perhaps there is a workaround I have not thought of.

Thanks in advance for any comments/tips,


Reproduce code:

// I propose this change to the mysqli_stmt_execute() syntax allowing me
to do something like the following:

// bool mysqli_stmt_execute ( mysqli_stmt stmt [string types, array
input_parameters] )

$dbh = new mysqli("localhost", "my_user", "my_password", "world");

$sql = 'INSERT INTO TableA VALUES (?, ?)';

$mysqlParamsStringTypes = 'is';

$mysqlParams = array('1', 'a');

$myDasStmt = new MyDasStmt($dbh, $sql, $mysqlParamsStringTypes);


class MyDasStmt


    protected $mysqlParamsStringTypes;

    protected $stmt;

    public function __construct($dbh, $sql, $mysqlParamsStringTypes)


        $this->stmt = $dbh->stmt_init();



    public function execute(array $mysqlParams)



        // ...




Expected result:

Actual result:


Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=39235&edit=1

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