Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=60584&edit=1

 ID:                 60584
 Updated by:         cataphr...@php.net
 Reported by:        toms at mindboiler dot lv
 Summary:            headers_list() should return in a `$key => $value`
-Status:             Open
+Status:             Wont fix
 Type:               Feature/Change Request
 Package:            Network related
 Operating System:   CentOS 2.6.18-274.12.1.el5xen
 PHP Version:        Irrelevant
 Block user comment: N
 Private report:     N

 New Comment:

While I don't think HTTP allows repeated headers, they're common in the wild, 
so key => value is not an option (maybe if the value was an array, but in any 
case both options break backwards compatibility).

Thank you for the suggestion, anyway.

Previous Comments:
[2011-12-21 12:37:53] toms at mindboiler dot lv

Changed the summary a little, OS version.

[2011-12-21 12:34:34] toms at mindboiler dot lv

The function headers_list() returns the headers in a numeric array fashion, 
although, headers are, AFAIK, always in a `Key: Value` fashion, therefore, 
associative array would be a better choice.

More on this, header_remove() works by simply passing the key, therefore, in 
background, headers have their key representation, I suppose.

I've made an example function that uses this function, for a header lookup, but 
ends up in "lots of lines" compared to what could be replaced with one: 

P.S. This is my first file in PHP Bugs section, please guide me if I have given 
not enough information.

Test script:
header('Test-Header: A random result');

Expected result:
array(5) {
  string(23) "PHP/5.3.3"
  string(38) "Thu, 19 Nov 1981 08:52:00 GMT"
  string(77) "no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0"
  string(16) "no-cache"
  string(28) "A random result"

Actual result:
array(5) {
  string(23) "X-Powered-By: PHP/5.3.3"
  string(38) "Expires: Thu, 19 Nov 1981 08:52:00 GMT"
  string(77) "Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0, 
  string(16) "Pragma: no-cache"
  string(28) "Test-Header: A random result"


Edit this bug report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=60584&edit=1

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