Re: [PHP-DB] PHP4 to PHP3 problem

2001-04-11 Thread fabrizio . ermini

On 10 Apr 2001, at 13:49, Rob Griffiths wrote:

> **50**   print "{$A["fname"]}" .
>"{$A["lname"]}" . "
>{$A["dept"]}" . " {$A["manager"]}" .

Notation with "{" parenthesis is not used in PHP3. Use the string 
concatenation operator "." instead:

print "some string".$array["element"]."some other string\n";

you could also use printf(), but AFAIK, this is the most safe way 
from the "sintactical" point of view.

HTH, bye


Fabrizio Ermini   Alternate E-mail: Umberto, 7   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
loc. Meleto Valdarno  Mail on GSM: (keep it short!)
52020 Cavriglia (AR)  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[PHP-DB] OBDC date problems

2001-04-11 Thread Walter Franssen

Hello, i have some problems with date's in a query like

SELECT * FROM news WHERE fdate >= $date AND tdate >= #date

Can someone help me

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RE: [PHP-DB] images

2001-04-11 Thread Steve Brett

i'm pretty sure i read somewhere that is you use sessions php will not allow
an url that contains a path to a file typed in the address bar ...

may be wrong though ...

and apologies once again for the shopping cart debacle yesterday. some
poeple were complaining and rightly so. i received a dozen e-mails from the
two guys arguing at my works address, which was nice.

> -Original Message-
> From: Ron Brogden [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 10 April 2001 19:57
> To: bryan; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; db
> Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] images
> At 11:48 AM 4/10/2001 -0800, bryan wrote:
> >Maybe there is a way to use .htaccess more appropriately,
> >but, this site allows guest / non-members, to buy something.
> >Once they buy something, they are given a username of
> >email, and password (they choose).  If they log back in, they
> >should have access to ONLY the files they purchased.
> Easy enough.  Create a table that includes allowed download 
> file names 
> attached to a given user.  When the user logs in they are 
> given a list of 
> files they have permission to access.  The form does not send 
> the path but 
> the row *ID* of the entry from the SQL table.  When they choose the 
> appropriate link, the script looks it up in the database, 
> checks that the 
> user ID matches their authenticated one and if so uses 
> fread() to send out 
> the appropriate file.  Just include the appropriate MIME type 
> header and 
> that's that.
> The .htaccess file should just be used to enforce access 
> solely via the PHP 
> script (i.e. deny from all).
> Cheers,
> Ron
> --
> ---
> Island Net AMT Solutions Group Inc.  Telephone:   
>250 383-0096
> 1412 Quadra  Toll Free:   
>  1 800 331-3055
> Victoria, B.C.   Fax: 
>250 383-6698
> V8W 2L1  E-Mail:
> Canada   WWW:


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[PHP-DB] Uploading file into database

2001-04-11 Thread Zeus

I'm trying to do a filexchange script.

Does anyone know how to upload a file into the database such that when I do a 'select 
*' query, I can click on a link the download that file.

RE: [PHP-DB] OBDC date problems

2001-04-11 Thread Steve Brett

i think you need

SELECT * FROM news WHERE fdate >= '$date' AND tdate >= '$date'

the dates have to be single-quoted in your query string

i generally use

$query = "SELECT * FROM news WHERE fdate >= '".$date."' AND tdate >=

this may not be the best way and i would really appreciate it if someone
could give me the 'correct' way. it's the way i used when i first started
using php and have kinda kept it 


> -Original Message-
> From: Walter Franssen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 11 April 2001 10:47
> Subject: [PHP-DB] OBDC date problems
> Hello, i have some problems with date's in a query like
> SELECT * FROM news WHERE fdate >= $date AND tdate >= #date
> Can someone help me
> -- 
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[PHP-DB] mssql - unable to read large text fields

2001-04-11 Thread Manuel Prieur


I'd like to use PHP4 on IIS to access a MSSQL7 server, but i have problems
reading large text fields :

- "nvarchar" fields are truncated to 255 chars.

- "ntext" fields generated the following error message :

Warning: MS SQL message: Impossible d'envoyer les données ntext aux clients
utilisant DB-Library (par exemple ISQL) ou ODBC version 3.7 ou antérieure.
(severity 16)
(English : Unable to send ntext data to clients using DB-Library (for
instance ISQL) or ODBC version 3.7 or previous.)

I also tried to use built-in ODBC driver :

- "nvarchar" fields have correct size.

- "ntext" fields generate the following error message :

FATAL: emalloc(): Unable to allocate 1073741824 bytes

Thanks for help.

Manuel Prieur.

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[PHP-DB] MSSQL and @@identity

2001-04-11 Thread Daniel Fairs


I'm trying to insert a row into an MSSQL7 table using the SQL string:

INSERT INTO person (birthdate,deathdate,sname,othername,motherid,fatherid)
VALUES ('1978-10-06',NULL,'Fairs','Daniel',NULL,NULL) SELECT @@identity AS

The actual PHP code is
$oRes = mssql_query("SET NOCOUNT ON " . $sSQL, $this->iConnIndex) ;
if ($oRes) echo "yea" ; else echo "nay" ; die() ;

... and 'nay' gets printed

I've tried both SET NOCOUNT ON and SET NOCOUNT OFF, and also omitting the
SET NOCOUNT completely. Any ideas why I'm not getting the last id back?


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Re: [PHP-DB] Re: PostgreSQL versus MySQL

2001-04-11 Thread Bob Hall

>On Mon, 9 Apr 2001, Bob Hall wrote:
>  > >  MySQL is providing an SQL frontend to a
>  > >bunch of tables and indices, that is it ... it is up to the programmer to
>  > >handle the "managing of data" part where it revolves around being
>  > >relational ...
>  >
>  > I've developed database apps in which the data was inserted in
>  > batches, which meant that transactions were unnecessary. On the other
>  > hand, the apps needed an RDBMS to handle normalized tables.
>Okay, so you start the insert, and one of the records in the batch failed
>to insert ... then what?  You manually rollback the other ones?

Well, with MySQL, you start the batch over again, but use IGNORE in 
the INSERT statement, and MySQL passes over the records that are 
already inserted.

>   A
>"transaction" is effectively a batch ... if one of the batch fails, either
>the programmer has to manually remember and roll everything back, or you
>let the database itself handle it ..

No, a batch isn't very much like a transaction. In OLTP, the DBA 
doesn't initiate a transaction, has no control over it, and can't 
recover lost data. In batch processing, the DBA initiates and 
controls the batch, and any missing data is in the file.

>  > Futhermore, some datawarehousing and web projects involve relational
>  > databases that are inserted and updated in batches at night, making
>  > transactions unnecessary.
>See above ... I have an application that loads ACT! data into a database
>every night ... each contact in the system has something like 20-30 fields
>associated with them ... if, for some reason, *one* of those fields fail
>to insert properly, that contact is invalid, and the transaction that its
>wrap'd in automatically rolls back everything I've done since the start of
>the transaction, so that there is no record of that failed contact except
>in my error log file ... no "incomplete" data, no stray data ...

If your DBMS doesn't give you the capability to restart the batch at 
the point where it failed, then that's necessary. I have a hard time 
believing, though, that you can't do that in whatever DBMS you're 
using. I'll concede that transactions are preferable in that 
circumstance, but I also have experience with databases where 
transactions have nothing to offer.

>batch or interactive doesn't matter ... its the data integrity that is
>maintained by using transactions that is key ...
>  > I'm not trying to claim that MySQL can handle all types of db
>  > applications. MySQL is a niche product that was never designed to
>  > handle certain types of applications. My point is that whether a DBMS
>  > is relational depends on the structure of the data it deals with.
>  > Whether it needs to support transaction depends on the environment it
>  > operates in. I think that your point is that in an OLTP environment,
>  > lack of transaction support screws up the data to the point that the
>  > database becomes useless. I agree, but not all RDBMSs operate in an
>  > OLTP environment.
>No, my point is that in any environment that needs the features of being
>"relational" (data spread across multiple tables, link'd together), IMHO,
>transactions are required in order to maintain data integrity *unless* the
>programmer himself wants to take it upon himself to maintain this data
>integrity in the application layer ...
>... if data in table C requires that the data saved to table B was stored,
>then if table B fails, the transaction should fail and the changes to
>table A should be reversed automatically ... *shrug*  By extension, if the
>data to table C fails for whatever reason, the data put to Tables A and
>B should be automatically reversed ...

... or the missing data inserted. How did DBAs handle batch 
processing before there were transactions?

Bob Hall

Know thyself? Absurd direction!
Bubbles bear no introspection. -Khushhal Khan Khatak
MySQL list magic words: sql query database

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[PHP-DB] create type

2001-04-11 Thread Olivier Thauvin

Is somebody an example of create type under Postgres (v. 7) I have a probleme with the 
input function of the new type:

parcmicro=#  CREATE TYPE "macad" ( internallength = variable, externallength = 
variable, input = macadi, output = macado, PASSEDBYVALUE);
parcmicro=# create table toto (mac macad);
parcmicro=#  insert into toto (mac) values ('AA:AA:AA:AA:AA:AA');
NOTICE:  plpgsql: ERROR during compile of macadi near line 0
ERROR:  cache lookup for return type 0 failed

What i'm doing wrong ? Thanks a lot.

Olivier Thauvin-CNRS Service Aeronomie
01 64 47 43 60 à Verrières (lundi,mercredi et vendredi)
01 44 27 47 59 à Jussieu (Mardi et Jeudi)

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Re: [PHP-DB] MSSQL and @@identity

2001-04-11 Thread fabrizio . ermini

On 11 Apr 2001, at 11:40, Daniel Fairs wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm trying to insert a row into an MSSQL7 table using the SQL string:
> INSERT INTO person (birthdate,deathdate,sname,othername,motherid,fatherid)
> VALUES ('1978-10-06',NULL,'Fairs','Daniel',NULL,NULL) SELECT @@identity AS
> last_identity
> The actual PHP code is
> $oRes = mssql_query("SET NOCOUNT ON " . $sSQL, $this->iConnIndex) ;
> if ($oRes) echo "yea" ; else echo "nay" ; die() ;
> ... and 'nay' gets printed
> I've tried both SET NOCOUNT ON and SET NOCOUNT OFF, and also omitting the
> SET NOCOUNT completely. Any ideas why I'm not getting the last id back?
Maybe the problem is simpler: on some version of mssql API 
(maybe all?), I've verified that mssql_returns non-zero only for 
SELECT statements (returns the number of rows selected, to be 
more precise). All other statements return zero, so you could see 
that darn "nay" even if the query worked perfectly :-(...

HTH, bye!

Fabrizio Ermini   Alternate E-mail: Umberto, 7   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
loc. Meleto Valdarno  Mail on GSM: (keep it short!)
52020 Cavriglia (AR)  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [PHP-DB] MSSQL and @@identity

2001-04-11 Thread fabrizio . ermini

On 11 Apr 2001, at 13:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> > 
> (returns the number of rows selected, to be 
> more precise). 

Ehm... forget this part. I momentaneally disconnected the brain, I'm 
afraid :-)


Fabrizio Ermini   Alternate E-mail: Umberto, 7   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
loc. Meleto Valdarno  Mail on GSM: (keep it short!)
52020 Cavriglia (AR)  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [PHP-DB] Uploading file into database

2001-04-11 Thread Lucio Stoco

Have you done the file upload into the database?
I´m having some problem to put the file (like .doc or .xls) in a database...
I´m using 'text' field type, is it right?

Do you have any example about it?


""Zeus"" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escreveu na mensagem
I'm trying to do a filexchange script.

Does anyone know how to upload a file into the database such that when I do
a 'select *' query, I can click on a link the download that file.

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Re: [PHP-DB] Uploading file into database

2001-04-11 Thread Xsarus Internetdiensten

No things of all

Only upload the file, move to the right location and insert the file link
(location path) into the database.


Daniel Kieviet
Xsarus Internetservices

- Original Message -
From: "Lucio Stoco" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2001 4:11 AM
Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] Uploading file into database

> Have you done the file upload into the database?
> I´m having some problem to put the file (like .doc or .xls) in a
> I´m using 'text' field type, is it right?
> Do you have any example about it?
> Tks.
> ""Zeus"" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escreveu na mensagem
> 01e601c0c26e$6ccded80$735518d2@zeus">news:01e601c0c26e$6ccded80$735518d2@zeus...
> I'm trying to do a filexchange script.
> Does anyone know how to upload a file into the database such that when I
> a 'select *' query, I can click on a link the download that file.
> --
> PHP Database Mailing List (
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RE: [PHP-DB] Uploading file into database

2001-04-11 Thread Rubanowicz, Lisa

Hope this helps.
if (isset($fupload ))

if ($fupload_type == "image/gif")

copy ($fupload, "$file_dir/$fupload_name") or die ("Couldn't copy");



Home page

-Original Message-
From: Xsarus Internetdiensten [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2001 9:18 PM
To: Lucio Stoco; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] Uploading file into database

No things of all

Only upload the file, move to the right location and insert the file link
(location path) into the database.


Daniel Kieviet
Xsarus Internetservices

- Original Message -
From: "Lucio Stoco" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2001 4:11 AM
Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] Uploading file into database

> Have you done the file upload into the database?
> I´m having some problem to put the file (like .doc or .xls) in a
> I´m using 'text' field type, is it right?
> Do you have any example about it?
> Tks.
> ""Zeus"" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escreveu na mensagem
> 01e601c0c26e$6ccded80$735518d2@zeus">news:01e601c0c26e$6ccded80$735518d2@zeus...
> I'm trying to do a filexchange script.
> Does anyone know how to upload a file into the database such that when I
> a 'select *' query, I can click on a link the download that file.
> --
> PHP Database Mailing List (
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[PHP-DB] Cookies Stuff

2001-04-11 Thread Lisa Elita

Hi everybody,

I am trying to use cookies in my website and want to ask you these
1. Header("Set-Cookie") or SetCookie() is better? as the setcookie manual
comments said that Header("Set-Cookie") is better.
2. OR OR skip the domain argument
is better? (to make the cookie available whether visitors are coming to my
site with or )
3. What SetCookie statement must I use to make the cookie available in the
entire website? Is it Header(SetCookie: cookiename=cookievalue;
expires=Friday, 16-Jan-2037 00:00:00 GMT; path=/;; ?

Thank you!
Lisa Elita

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Re: [PHP-DB] mssql - unable to read large text fields

2001-04-11 Thread Anderson Sone

Did you try to use 'TEXT' field type?

""Manuel Prieur"" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escreveu na mensagem
> Hello,
> I'd like to use PHP4 on IIS to access a MSSQL7 server, but i have problems
> reading large text fields :
> - "nvarchar" fields are truncated to 255 chars.
> - "ntext" fields generated the following error message :
> >>>
> Warning: MS SQL message: Impossible d'envoyer les données ntext aux
> utilisant DB-Library (par exemple ISQL) ou ODBC version 3.7 ou antérieure.
> (severity 16)
> <<<
> (English : Unable to send ntext data to clients using DB-Library (for
> instance ISQL) or ODBC version 3.7 or previous.)
> I also tried to use built-in ODBC driver :
> - "nvarchar" fields have correct size.
> - "ntext" fields generate the following error message :
> >>>
> FATAL: emalloc(): Unable to allocate 1073741824 bytes
> <<<
> Thanks for help.
> Manuel Prieur.
> --
> PHP Database Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP-DB] Does anyone know, or is it even possible

2001-04-11 Thread Victor Foitzik

Hi Brian,

this really depends on what kind of user authentication you are using
by now. Apache is capable of doing authentication by many methods, not
only static .htaccess files, but also via MySQL, PAM or other. You
should speicify what kind of system you are using ...


> Okay,
> I have to jump in here because I've been having the same problem and have
> not found a solution. .htaccess is great for stuff like that, but how the
> heck do you integrate .htaccess into your User Authentication system so it
> uses the same login screen and authentication information? I don't want my
> users to have to authenticate twice. Even then they would be separate
> systems and could not track what the other is doing?  
> There's got to be some PHP/MySQL/Linux/Apache Guru out there!
> Someone help!
> Brian Grayless

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[PHP-DB] Blob or Link?

2001-04-11 Thread Anderson Sone

Blob or link?
Insert just the link is the better way?
Does the security is the same?

Anderson Sone

> No things of all
> Only upload the file, move to the right location and insert the file link
> (location path) into the database.
> Bey,
> Daniel Kieviet
> Xsarus Internetservices
> Holland
> - Original Message -
> From: "Lucio Stoco" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2001 4:11 AM
> Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] Uploading file into database
> > Have you done the file upload into the database?
> > I´m having some problem to put the file (like .doc or .xls) in a
> database...
> > I´m using 'text' field type, is it right?
> >
> > Do you have any example about it?
> >
> > Tks.
> >
> > ""Zeus"" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escreveu na mensagem
> > 01e601c0c26e$6ccded80$735518d2@zeus">news:01e601c0c26e$6ccded80$735518d2@zeus...
> > I'm trying to do a filexchange script.
> >
> > Does anyone know how to upload a file into the database such that when I
> do
> > a 'select *' query, I can click on a link the download that file.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > PHP Database Mailing List (
> > To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > To contact the list administrators, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> --
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[PHP-DB] quick question on max()

2001-04-11 Thread Liz Bander

Can you use max within a select function?

This is where I have it...

 $cd_qry = 'select max(code) from equipment';
   $result = mysql_query($cd_qry);
   $temp = mysql_fetch_row($result);
   $bcode = $BCODE_START . str_pad((substr($temp[0], -6) + 

However, I'm getting an error that says "Supplied argument is not a valid 
MySQL result resource in 
/usr/local/nusphere/apache/htdocs/ese-lab/Protect/add.php3 on line 
162".  The line beginning with $temp is line 162... would this be why?

I'm using MySQL 3.23.33 and PHP 4.0.4 .



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[PHP-DB] mysql and LIKE

2001-04-11 Thread Larry Hotchkiss

I am in the process of setting up some searches in php for a database.
Currently my test data consist of about 10k records. I am unsure what
the operational total will be but I would bet less than 1 million
records. The table in question has 13 fields and of these 13 fields I
would like to allow the user to be able to search on 7 of them. To
complicate things I would like to allow the user to use multiple colums
to do the search. I accomplish this by displaying a form where the user
can enter search criteria into all or none of the 7 fields. Obviously
the more accurate the returned data the faster and more correct the
search will be. 

In order to allow for the user to enter partial data I use a lot of
"like" in the search. I realize that in mysql LIKE uses indexes if it is
not prepended with a wildcard so performance should not be too big of an
issue there, but what if wildcards are used at the beginning of search
criteria? My searches are very acceptable with 10k records, but what can
I expect when I hit the 500,000 or even million mark? Please note, I
also use offset and limit to limit the returned records and supply
prev/next links at bottom of returned data.

Anyways, I am just looking for some ideas on a good compromise between
allowing users flexability without sacrificing performance. All input

Larry Hotchkiss

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[PHP-DB] Help with results output needed

2001-04-11 Thread COMMONS, PHILIP

Hi, first post :)

I have an interesting project. I have a basic form passing answers
into mysql. I have a db with multiple tables, each table contains
several fields, but I am only concerned with 16 of these fields
which contain the answers "A" "B" "C" "D" etc., not all fields 
contain the same number of answers (ie; some answers have A-G, 
some only have A-D to choose from). My problem is extracting the 
number of people that chose "A" for answer1, "B" for answer1, etc.

Here is the layout:

acct2301 (table)
answer1-answer16 are my fields

usernameanswer1 answer2 answer3 answer4 answer16

joeblow A F A   E C
someguy A E B B   C
joeuser B A E A   D
someone D C D A   A

I have everything completed as far as getting the answers into the 
tables,I just can't figure out the best way to extract the answers 
and determine how many chose a given answer for each question.

I have seen some examples using count(*), and (sum) I am thinking 
I need to first determine how many A's, B's etc. then perform a 
count on the result of that, but that is as far as I have been able
to get.

Ideally a percentage function would be nice (20% chose A for Answer1, 

Thanks for any help, I sure need it!


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RE: [PHP-DB] Help with results output needed

2001-04-11 Thread COMMONS, PHILIP

Hi Liz, thanks for the reply! I have tried this, as well as
added to this approach, but I am still not sure what to do
with the results of the query (count, sum(*)) to produce
the needed final output ("5 chose A for answer1", or "20%
chose A for answer1").

Using the code below with my additions quickly added up.
Something like 16 lines just for answer1 :(

$result1A=mysql_query("SELECT answer1 FROM $table_name WHERE answer1 LIKE
print $row1A;

$result1B=mysql_query("SELECT answer1 FROM $table_name WHERE answer1 LIKE
print $row1B;

etc. etc. 

I am getting '0' or '1' back from the db as my output, I think I need to
somehow get this into an array, or ? then perhaps add a while {} loop
but I am still quite lost :(

Thanks again,

-Original Message-
From: Liz Bander [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2001 9:42 AM
Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] Help with results output needed

I'm not sure if this will work (I'm pretty much new to this myself) but try 
something along the lines of the following (I have a similar query going in 
one of my scripts).

$query = 'select answer1 from acct2301 where answer1 like 'A'';
print $results;


(let me know if it works!)

At 10:30 AM 4/11/2001, COMMONS, PHILIP wrote:
>Hi, first post :)
>I have an interesting project. I have a basic form passing answers
>into mysql. I have a db with multiple tables, each table contains
>several fields, but I am only concerned with 16 of these fields
>which contain the answers "A" "B" "C" "D" etc., not all fields
>contain the same number of answers (ie; some answers have A-G,
>some only have A-D to choose from). My problem is extracting the
>number of people that chose "A" for answer1, "B" for answer1, etc.
>Here is the layout:
>acct2301 (table)
>answer1-answer16 are my fields
>usernameanswer1 answer2 answer3 answer4 answer16
>joeblow A F A   E C
>someguy A E B B   C
>joeuser B A E A   D
>someone D C D A   A
>I have everything completed as far as getting the answers into the
>tables,I just can't figure out the best way to extract the answers
>and determine how many chose a given answer for each question.
>I have seen some examples using count(*), and (sum) I am thinking
>I need to first determine how many A's, B's etc. then perform a
>count on the result of that, but that is as far as I have been able
>to get.
>Ideally a percentage function would be nice (20% chose A for Answer1,
>Thanks for any help, I sure need it!

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[PHP-DB] DOH! Is it so obvious that i cannot figure it out?

2001-04-11 Thread Michel Laine

I have PHP4 and MySQL running on a W98 PWS webserver.
My database is ported from Access and looks fine in MySQL.

I can query the database from a webbrowser window, but the result
("capital o with dots" for example) come out as "TM" (as in the
trademark symbol).

I know that this is because of the difference in the DOS and Windows
charset, but how / where do i solve it?

Should i do something with MySQL?
Should i write a routine in PHP that scan every text returned for the
characters and if found - change them before printing them to the
browser? This seems like a slow process.

Any suggestions?


Michel Laine

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Re: [PHP-DB] DOH! Is it so obvious that i cannot figure it out?

2001-04-11 Thread fabrizio . ermini

> Should i do something with MySQL?
> Should i write a routine in PHP that scan every text returned for the
> characters and if found - change them before printing them to the
> browser? This seems like a slow process.
There's already a function called HTMLentities() that could give you 
an help, try that...


Fabrizio Ermini   Alternate E-mail: Umberto, 7   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[PHP-DB] Really Dumb Question...

2001-04-11 Thread Brian Grayless

How do I create a table within my PHP? Heres what I currently have, but I
keep getting parse error on the "create" line...

$result = mysql_query($sql);

create table $propTable (
ID int not null auto_increment primary key,
TourName tinytext,
TourTitle tinytext,
ViewTitle tinytext,
TourNum tinyint not null,
Applet tinyint not null,
Desc text,
TourPath text,
SmFile text,
LgFile text

Any thoughts??? I know this shouldn't be so complicated, but I'm lacking


B R I A N   G R A Y L E S S

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Re: [PHP-DB] Really Dumb Question...

2001-04-11 Thread Darryl Friesen

> How do I create a table within my PHP? Heres what I currently have, but I
> keep getting parse error on the "create" line...

Because create is not a valid PHP command.  You have to assign the create
statement to a string, _then_ pass the string to mysql_query:

$sql = "create table $propTable (
  ID int not null auto_increment primary key,
  TourName tinytext,
  TourTitle tinytext,
  ViewTitle tinytext,
  TourNum tinyint not null,
  Applet tinyint not null,
  Desc text,
  TourPath text,
  SmFile text,
  LgFile text );

$result = mysql_query($sql);

- Darryl

  Darryl Friesen, B.Sc., Programmer/Analyst[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Education & Research Technology Services,
  Department of Computing Services,
  University of Saskatchewan
  "Go not to the Elves for counsel, for they will say both no and yes"

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[PHP-DB] Connect to MySQL from different computer

2001-04-11 Thread Paulson, Joseph V. \"Jay\"

I was wondering how do I connect to a MySQL database, using php, when php
and MySQL are on two separate computers?

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[PHP-DB] connection to database

2001-04-11 Thread Sharmad Naik

While writing dynamic pages I use pg_connect to connect to the database.
I wanted to know whether i alway need to close database connection or while 
closing the FORM or going to another page does the connect close automatically.
Is pg_close necessary to be given ? 

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[PHP-DB] element in the SELECT query

2001-04-11 Thread Sharmad Naik

say u say a query like 
SELECT * from user where user='sharmad';
Is there any variable like pg_Result that will count the number of differnet
values in * ?
like i wanted to give something like
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Re: [PHP-DB] Really Dumb Question...

2001-04-11 Thread CC Zona

In article <00c701c0c2af$be478f40$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ("Darryl Friesen") wrote:

> > How do I create a table within my PHP? Heres what I currently have, but I
> > keep getting parse error on the "create" line...
> Because create is not a valid PHP command.  You have to assign the create
> statement to a string, _then_ pass the string to mysql_query:
> $sql = "create table $propTable (
>   ID int not null auto_increment primary key,
>   TourName tinytext,
>   TourTitle tinytext,
>   ViewTitle tinytext,
>   TourNum tinyint not null,
>   Applet tinyint not null,
>   Desc text,
>   TourPath text,
>   SmFile text,
>   LgFile text );
> ";
> $result = mysql_query($sql);

And take out the semicolon immediately after the closing parenthesis in 
"LgFile text )".   :-)


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Re: [PHP-DB] element in the SELECT query

2001-04-11 Thread phobo

you should look at Having never used postgres, my imagination
thinks that perhaps
is what you're after.

and btw, if you're fetching a whole row, don't retreive a field at a time -
its very slow. use a fetch_array or something.


- Original Message -
From: "Sharmad Naik" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2001 7:59 AM
Subject: [PHP-DB] element in the SELECT query

> say u say a query like
> SELECT * from user where user='sharmad';
> Is there any variable like pg_Result that will count the number of
> values in * ?
> like i wanted to give something like
> for($i=0;$i for ($j=0;$j<***Tell me what to put here *** ;$j++){
> echo pg_Result($result,$i,$j);
> }
> }
> -Regards
> --
> The secret of the universe is @*&í!'ñ^#+ NO CARRIER
> ___  _  _  _
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[PHP-DB] Only part of a field SQL

2001-04-11 Thread Randall Barber

Our Xerox production printers export a log in ':' delimited format.  
No big deal, except that each field has a tag like so:

Job ID = 99
Job ID = 98
Job ID = 97

See what I mean?

I have simply imported the whole CSV file into Access and was now wondering if I could 
do the following?
Pull everything out of the field AFTER the '=' sign.

SELECT FIELD1, FIELD3, FIELD10 FROM ImportTable WHERE FIELD1=' everything after the = 
sign ' AND FIELD3=' same idea ' AND FIELD10=' same idea '

So when I execute the query all I get for Job IDs is:


Is there a way to do this in the query?  I am totally inexperienced.  

Thanks in advance,

Re: [PHP-DB] Only part of a field SQL

2001-04-11 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk

>Is there a way to do this in the query?  I am totally inexperienced.

Why not remove the part you don't want to import.. very easy in Access.



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[PHP-DB] date_format for Oracle

2001-04-11 Thread Richard Crawford

This isn't strictly a PHP question, I suppose... but is anyone aware of a 
date_format function for Oracle comparable to MySQL's date_format() function?

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Re: [PHP-DB] date_format for Oracle

2001-04-11 Thread Steve Farmer

Hi Richard,

try TO_DATE or TO_CHAR , depending upon what you are trying to do, 
there are about 2 pages of formatting options for these functions.

At 10:12 PM + 11/4/01, Richard Crawford wrote:
>This isn't strictly a PHP question, I suppose... but is anyone aware of a
>date_format function for Oracle comparable to MySQL's date_format() function?
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Re: [PHP-DB] Only part of a field SQL

2001-04-11 Thread W Clements


You should try...

SELECT * FROM table WHERE INSTR(field1, '97') > 0
[selects everything from 'table' where field1 has that job number within it]

Or, if you just wanted to run a query that would update every entry to not
include that "Job ID =" you could...

UPDATE table field1=SUBSTRING(field1, 10)
[modifies every field1 in 'table' to everything in field1 from the tenth
character until the end]

Hope this helps.  Let me know if you need anything else.  :)

- Will

- Original Message -
From: "Randall Barber" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2001 4:43 PM
Subject: [PHP-DB] Only part of a field SQL

Our Xerox production printers export a log in ':' delimited format.
No big deal, except that each field has a tag like so:

Job ID = 99
Job ID = 98
Job ID = 97

See what I mean?

I have simply imported the whole CSV file into Access and was now wondering
if I could do the following?
Pull everything out of the field AFTER the '=' sign.

after the = sign ' AND FIELD3=' same idea ' AND FIELD10=' same idea '

So when I execute the query all I get for Job IDs is:


Is there a way to do this in the query?  I am totally inexperienced.

Thanks in advance,

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[PHP-DB] I know this has been asked before, but....

2001-04-11 Thread SHAWN

I can't find the answer to this, I know it's easy.
What's the SELECT statment I want to use to find duplicate entries in a
specific field?
Thanks in Advance!
Shawn Sellars

Re: [PHP-DB] I know this has been asked before, but....

2001-04-11 Thread Ron Brogden

At 03:38 PM 4/11/2001 -0700, SHAWN wrote:
>What's the SELECT statment I want to use to find duplicate entries in a
>specific field?

SELECT column_name, count(*) AS doubles FROM some_table HAVING doubles > 1 
GROUP BY colname

This should grab all instances where there are multiple instances of 
"column_name" with the same value.



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Re: [PHP-DB] I know this has been asked before, but....

2001-04-11 Thread Ron Brogden

At 04:08 PM 4/11/2001 -0700, Ron Brogden wrote:
>SELECT column_name, count(*) AS doubles FROM some_table HAVING doubles > 1 
>GROUP BY colname

Ack, that GROUP BY should be "column_name" (was trying to make it more 
obvious and missed the last reference).


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Re: [PHP-DB] date_format for Oracle

2001-04-11 Thread Joe Brown

Also consider the oracle sql


or whichever format you prefer.

This sets the default format returned when selecting a date column.


"Steve Farmer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hi Richard,
> try TO_DATE or TO_CHAR , depending upon what you are trying to do,
> there are about 2 pages of formatting options for these functions.
> Steve
> At 10:12 PM + 11/4/01, Richard Crawford wrote:
> >This isn't strictly a PHP question, I suppose... but is anyone aware of a
> >date_format function for Oracle comparable to MySQL's date_format()
> >
> --
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[PHP-DB] select substring_index

2001-04-11 Thread Mike Baerwolf

I have a simple news manager and I would like to display the first two sentences of a 
news story. I got this select statement from the mysql mailing list:

SELECT substring_index( body, ".  ", 2) FROM news;
This works great from the mysql client but when I try it using php with this:

$result = mysql_query("SELECT substring_index(body, "." ,2) FROM news",$db) or die 
("Invalid Query");  
  if ($myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {

  do {
   printf("%s\n", $myrow["headline"]);
   printf("%s\n", $myrow["body"]);

  } while ($myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result));

} else {

  echo "Sorry, no records were found!"; 


It dies a cold death.  I looked at the mysqld.log and the above is not putting the . 
in the quotes. I'm stuck in the mud, don't really know if this is even possible.  I 
would appreciate any pointers.

Thanks in advance,

Re: [PHP-DB] select substring_index

2001-04-11 Thread Paul Burney

on 4/11/01 7:48 PM, Mike Baerwolf at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> SELECT substring_index( body, ".  ", 2) FROM news;
> This works great from the mysql client but when I try it using php with
> this:
> $result = mysql_query("SELECT substring_index(body, "." ,2) FROM news"

The way you have this written, PHP is using the . for concatenation.  To fix
the problem you need to alternate or escape the quotes, i.e. :

$result = mysql_query("SELECT substring_index(body, \".\" ,2) FROM news"


$result = mysql_query('SELECT substring_index(body, "." ,2) FROM news'


$result = mysql_query("SELECT substring_index(body, '.' ,2) FROM news"

Hope that helps,

Paul Burney

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Re: [PHP-DB] date_format for Oracle

2001-04-11 Thread Steve Farmer

Hi Joe,

Yes, I put this in as a standard statement immediately after i 
connect to the orcale database, it is also possible to put it in your 
init.ora file i believe

At 8:28 PM -0400 11/4/01, Joe Brown wrote:
>Also consider the oracle sql
>or whichever format you prefer.
>This sets the default format returned when selecting a date column.
>"Steve Farmer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>>  Hi Richard,
>>  try TO_DATE or TO_CHAR , depending upon what you are trying to do,
>>  there are about 2 pages of formatting options for these functions.
>>  HTH
>>  Steve
>>  At 10:12 PM + 11/4/01, Richard Crawford wrote:
>>  >This isn't strictly a PHP question, I suppose... but is anyone aware of a
>>  >date_format function for Oracle comparable to MySQL's date_format()
>>  >
>>  --
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Re: [PHP-DB] create type

2001-04-11 Thread Yasuo Ohgaki

Why you want to create MAC address type? It's already there in V7.

macaddr| XX:XX:XX:XX:XX, MAC address

Besides, do you have functions defined for INPUT and OUTPUT?
You must define them. Refer to PostgreSQL User Manual for details.

Yasuo Ohgaki

"Olivier Thauvin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Is somebody an example of create type under Postgres (v. 7) I have a probleme
with the input function of the new type:
> parcmicro=#  CREATE TYPE "macad" ( internallength = variable, externallength =
variable, input = macadi, output = macado, PASSEDBYVALUE);
> parcmicro=# create table toto (mac macad);
> parcmicro=#  insert into toto (mac) values ('AA:AA:AA:AA:AA:AA');
> NOTICE:  plpgsql: ERROR during compile of macadi near line 0
> ERROR:  cache lookup for return type 0 failed
> What i'm doing wrong ? Thanks a lot.
> --
> Olivier Thauvin-CNRS Service Aeronomie
> Téléphone:
> 01 64 47 43 60 à Verrières (lundi,mercredi et vendredi)
> 01 44 27 47 59 à Jussieu (Mardi et Jeudi)
> --
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Re: [PHP-DB] connection to database

2001-04-11 Thread Yasuo Ohgaki

PHP takes care of closing it, just like other resources. However, it seems there
is bug in closing none persistent PgSQL link in current version. 4.0.5 hopefully
fix this.

Yasuo Ohgaki

"Sharmad Naik" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hi,
> While writing dynamic pages I use pg_connect to connect to the database.
> I wanted to know whether i alway need to close database connection or while
> closing the FORM or going to another page does the connect close
> Is pg_close necessary to be given ?
> --
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[PHP-DB] how do i ignore sql state 00000 with db2?

2001-04-11 Thread Chris Book


DB2 returns a FALSE result when selects, updates and deletes return no rows.
I can suppress the error using my php.ini file, but I'd like a way of
knowing if the query failed or if no rows were affected.

Is there I way that I can differentiate between this in the code?

Chris Book

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Re: [PHP-DB] create type

2001-04-11 Thread Olivier Thauvin

Yesterday, I saw in Postgres User Manual that plpgsql cannot define function for 
create type. The function must be define in C language.
But i don't understand this language.

Thanks a lot.

Le Jeudi 12 Avril 2001 06:25, vous avez écrit :
> Why you want to create MAC address type? It's already there in V7.
> macaddr| XX:XX:XX:XX:XX, MAC address
> Besides, do you have functions defined for INPUT and OUTPUT?
> You must define them. Refer to PostgreSQL User Manual for details.
> Regards,
> --
> Yasuo Ohgaki
> "Olivier Thauvin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > Is somebody an example of create type under Postgres (v. 7) I have a
> > probleme
> with the input function of the new type:
> > parcmicro=#  CREATE TYPE "macad" ( internallength = variable,
> > externallength =
> variable, input = macadi, output = macado, PASSEDBYVALUE);
> > parcmicro=# create table toto (mac macad);
> > parcmicro=#  insert into toto (mac) values ('AA:AA:AA:AA:AA:AA');
> > NOTICE:  plpgsql: ERROR during compile of macadi near line 0
> > ERROR:  cache lookup for return type 0 failed
> >
> >
> > What i'm doing wrong ? Thanks a lot.
> >
> > --
> > Olivier Thauvin-CNRS Service Aeronomie
> > Téléphone:
> > 01 64 47 43 60 à Verrières (lundi,mercredi et vendredi)
> > 01 44 27 47 59 à Jussieu (Mardi et Jeudi)
> >
> >
> >
> > --
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Olivier Thauvin-CNRS Service Aeronomie
01 64 47 43 60 à Verrières (lundi,mercredi et vendredi)
01 44 27 47 59 à Jussieu (Mardi et Jeudi)

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