Re: [PHP-DB] mysqldump via php

2006-06-29 Thread Adrian Bruce

mysqldump is a .exe, and therefore it will not work within mysql_query();

You may be able to use  mysqldump from PHP using the system function

check out


Jeffrey wrote:
I would like to do a backup of an entire MySQL database via php. My 
thought was to use mysqldump, write the data to a file and save the 
file. However...

$query="mysqldump $dbase";
$result=mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());

...immediately results in an "error in your SQL syntax near mysqldump 
[database name]".

The reason I want to do a MySQL back up via php is that I have a web 
application in which the user can archive a project, which involves 
moving a lot data from one set of tables to another set of tables. The 
user can also delete a project, which removes lots of data from the DB 
altogether. Although there are lots of "Are you sure you really want 
to do this?" messages the user must click upon, I am sure I will 
eventually get a user telling me she accidentally archived/deleted 
stuff and can I help.

So, my thought was to do a incorporate a mysqldump in the 
archiving/delete page. That way there would be a snapshot of the 
pre-action db, making it easy to put things right.

Can you help with my query - or by suggesting an alternative solution?



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Re: [PHP-DB] PDF BLOB to Email

2006-05-11 Thread Adrian Bruce

No, not "Obviously", PHP is not well suited for many tasks (or has a 
high cost to get the suit tailored) :)


"Obviously " because i am posting to a PHP list,  numpty!  but thank you 
for the recommendation anyway. 

JupiterHost.Net wrote:

Adrian Bruce wrote:



I have pdf's stored as a blob in a MySQL database, how can i set a 
script (PHP obviously!) to email these blobs as pdf files.  The only way 

No, not "Obviously", PHP is not well suited for many tasks (or has a 
high cost to get the suit tailored) :)

If you branch out you'll find a whole world of alternatives that are 
easier to code and maintain server wise. All without the onslaught of 
PHP security vulnerabilities and performance bloats.

i can think of at the moment is to write them to disk and then attach 
them to the mail before sending it.  This doesn't seem that efficient 
but perhaps it is the only way??

Nope, its fine to attach it from a variable, in fact an example of how 
to do just that can be found at

under the "EXAMPLE" header.

you'd simply:

 my($pdf_guts) = $dbh->selectrow_array(q{SELECT pdf_guts FROM 
pdf_store WHERE id = '123'}); #

PHP's mail() is a lame lame function with limited ability and even 
higher hackability, don't use it.

HTH :)

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[PHP-DB] PDF BLOB to Email

2006-05-11 Thread Adrian Bruce


I have pdf's stored as a blob in a MySQL database, how can i set a 
script (PHP obviously!) to email these blobs as pdf files.  The only way 
i can think of at the moment is to write them to disk and then attach 
them to the mail before sending it.  This doesn't seem that efficient 
but perhaps it is the only way??

Any help greatly Appreciated


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Re: [PHP-DB] MySQL creating new tables using wrong engine...

2006-03-15 Thread Adrian Bruce
--default-storage-engine option in your options file (my.ini) where 
engine is the the type of table engine you want to use, in your case MYISAM.

If you cant change that then specify the engine type every time you 
create a table:

create table table_name{
} TYPE=myisam;


Mark Benson wrote:

I have run into an issue where I keep getting InnoDB tables everytime I create 
a new table in PHPMyAdmin, and I want MyISAM tables. It's very annoying. Anyone 
got any suggestions as to what I might have done that made MySQL or PHPMyAdmin 
do this?


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Re: [PHP-DB] css #2

2006-02-09 Thread Adrian Bruce


Not a php related question at all for starters but anywayi think you 
need to read up on CSS layout's if the site is properly structure using 
CSS then you will not have much to worry about regarding different 
resolutions.  Ever heard of floats?

google will show you the light!


JeRRy wrote:

Okay I did some more surfing, on a VERY popular website used by neally a 
million users.  I checked their CSS and they use px and pt meassurements.  So 
maybe that is not my issue than.  Maybe I don't have an issue to worry about?
 What are people's thoughts on this, all the input the better here as I am creating a website that will be viewed by alot of people so want it readable by the majority.  I know screen res of 600* is very old and few would use it, the site appears pretty big with it but things appears just about where it should.  However when you try and view the copyright notice it cuts the last line out, what causes this?  Would It be useful to add to breaks at the end?
 Hi everyone,
 I have created this website in PHP and mySQL at but have come accross an error I was not aware of before.
 Now I am using stylesheets and I have been surfing the net for about 90 minutes and yet to find a solution, so thought I'd post here, could be basic but i can't find it online anywhere.  Get alot of forum refrences but no solution.
 Here is the code below before I continue:
 html {
background : url(images/background3.jpg); } body { margin : 0; padding : 0 1px; border : 0; height : 100px; background : url(images/background3.jpg); } body { font-family : arial, serif; font-size : 16px; } #page { margin : 310px 0 50px 250px; display : block; width : 500px; border : 1 solid #000; background : url(images/background3.jpg); padding : 10px; } #page .right { font-size : 30px; float : right; } #menu { display : block; top : 110px; left : 20px; width : 130px; position : fixed; border : 0; padding : 10px; text-align : center; font-weight : bold; color : #fff; } * html #menu { position : absolute; } #menu a:visited, #menu a { display : block; width : 120px; height : 20px; margin : 0 auto; border-top : 0 solid #fff; border-bottom : 0 solid #000; text-align : center; text-decoration : none; line-height : 20px; color : #000; } #menu a:hover { background : #aaa; color : #fff; } .clear { clear : both; } p:first-letter { font-size : 25px; color : #cc; } #fixpic { display : block; width : 108px; height : 145px; position : fixed; bottom : 0; left : 0; } * html #fixpic { position : absolute; } #adsie { position : absolute; top : 10px; right : 30px; } Now I have been told NOT to use "px" but use "%" for meassurements because this is relient on resolution/screen_size. HOWEVER what does 1px equal in %? Some have said 30px equals 3% and some say 30px equals 30%. 30px and 30% don't seem right, I changed my CSS for this and it pushes everything only slightly to the RIGHT. But removes the menu altogether. Can anyone offer some help here? Also if a table is made like this: Is that default % or px or what? What is the best method to use that will work in people using screens of 600* and 1024* and both be able to view the site cleanly and easily? I will continue to surf. J -- PHP Database Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit:

Re: [PHP-DB] PDF generation on the fly

thanks a lot, i'll take a look at it

Bastien Koert wrote:


From: Adrian Bruce <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [PHP-DB] PDF generation on the fly
Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2006 15:31:48 +


Do any of you use pdflib for generating PDF files on the fly? Ive got 
the demo working and it looks good so far, i was expecting it be open 
source but found out that it has a price tag of 450 euros per 
processor, this is fairly reasonable of course but i was wandering if 
anyone knew of any alternatives (prefereably open source) out there 
that do a similar thing.


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[PHP-DB] PDF generation on the fly


Do any of you use pdflib for generating PDF files on the fly? Ive got 
the demo working and it looks good so far, i was expecting it be open 
source but found out that it has a price tag of 450 euros per processor, 
this is fairly reasonable of course but i was wandering if anyone knew 
of any alternatives (prefereably open source) out there that do a 
similar thing.


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WHERE (`date_created` = '$date_90_minutes_ago' AND
`time_created` <= '$time_90_minutes_ago') or 
(`date_created` < '$date_90_minutes_ago' AND

`time_created` > '01:30:00')


Ron Piggott (PHP) wrote:

Yesterday I asked how to get the date & time 90 minutes ago and I
received several responses.  Thanks.

I don't think this select statement is working "correctly".  (Correctly
being what I am intending it to do)

I took a look at the table this morning.  One record remains that was
created 2006-01-19 at 23:55:37.  These are the values of date_created
and time_created.  The current values are approximately 2006-01-20 and

This is the select statement I am writing about:

SELECT * FROM `table` WHERE `date_created` <= '$date_90_minutes_ago' AND
`time_created` <= '$time_90_minutes_ago'

Intellectually I know the problem: 05:50:00 is much earlier than
23:55:37 ... thus my AND is not allowing both conditions to exist

Is there a way that I may modify this SELECT statement so the present
conditions continue to exist and add a second part to the SELECT
statement that if the time is 01:30:00 or higher that records from the
previous day are selected?  This continues to allow the 90 minute time
frame for users logged into my web site ... I am not sure how you would
add an OR function to the above without messing up what presently
works :)

(I am writing a SESSION function for my web site using mySQL and a cron.
The select statement I quoted above is part of the cron.)



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Re: [PHP-DB] formatting a date from mysql

farily straight forward to withinn the query itself, check out

or for php



Eternity Records Webmaster wrote:

I need to figure out how to format the date format: year-month-day
(2005-12-06). It is a date(8) field in a mysql table that i pulled out of
the table with php 5.0.5. I need it in the format: Tue December 6, 2005 (or
in mysql's formatting: 6-12-2005). I am using the reformatting for display
only. So it would be something like this:

echo $journal['Date']; //with whatever formatting needed

If possible I need php to do the formatting for me. Thanks...


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[PHP-DB] Specific order by MySQL statement


I am trying to get results from a MySQL query in a specific order, just 
using ASC or DESC will not work.

For Example I have a field that can contain 4 possible values: 
'Current', 'Completed','Withdrawn' or 'Transferred',  I would like to 
order the results specifically like:


Is there any way i can do this using MySQL?  Any help will be much 

Thanks, Ade

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