[PHP-DB] Next, prev, records in MySql. Handler Function

2006-02-08 Thread Alvaro Cobo
Dear all:

I have been exploring about this issue quite a lot, and find no solution:

Platform: Debian, MySql 4.1.11, PHP 4.3.10-2, Apache.

Is there any way I can retrieve a set of values depending in a where clause:

For example:

from a set of values in one field: 1,2,5,8,9,11,13

I'd like to retrieve a record (8) and also the previous one (5) and the
next one (9) (so the record set would be: 5,8,9)

I have found the Handler function in the Manual, but it and keeps
giving me errors (I have also checked in the manual and it seems to work
with MySql 4.1.x)

/* --Start example
HANDLER tbl_sm04_indicador READ PK_indicador_id { FIRST | NEXT | PREV |

WHERE PK_indicador_id=8

LIMIT 0, 3
--End example (I know, I am completely lost)*/

Does anybody has tried this function before?.
Is it useful for the result I would like to accomplish?
Could anybody could share an example of how to use this function?

Thanks and best regards.

Alvaro Cobo

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[PHP-DB] Multiple query execution

2005-09-03 Thread Alvaro Cobo
Hi guys:

I need to execute two insert/update queries within a single statement string
from a PHP
application, but it keeps giving me an error.

For example, I have a listbox which has to insert or update two tables
whithin the same submit action:

INSERT INTO tbl_ISperson(NamePerson, Country) VALUES('John Smith',
INSERT INTO tbl_pais_src(name_country) VALUES('{var_country}');
/*Where {var_country}is a variable which stores the value of a country*/

I have found this page
(http://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql/en/c-api-multiple-queries.html), but I don´t
know how to implement it:

From version 4.1, MySQL supports the execution of multiple statements
specified in a single query string. To use this capability with a given
connection, you must specify the CLIENT_MULTI_STATEMENTS option in the flags
parameter of mysql_real_connect() when opening the connection. You can also
set this for an existing connection by calling MySQL Reference Manual ::
23.2.9 C API Handling of Multiple Query Execution mysql_set_server_option
MYSQL_OPTION_MULTI_STATEMENTS_ON) By default, mysql_query() and
mysql_real_query() return only the first query status and the subsequent
queries status can be processed using mysql_more_results() and

Does anybody has tried it in php?. Does anyone could share an example?

Thanks in advance and best regards.


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[PHP-DB] Function to create bar chart problem

2005-06-19 Thread Alvaro Cobo
Hi guys. I am a newbie triying to do grown-up people stuff :)

I am trying to write a function to create a bar chart using JPGraph where I 
have to pass two variables (query name, and x axis column name) and the 
function creates the graphic. It is because I have several queries with 
diferent length, so I would like to have a function to create lots of graphics 
without to much coding. 

I have two questions: 

a) How could I create an array which collects the result of a 
mysql_fetch_array() function (excluding only the first column). 

b) How can I execute the string from a variable as if it where part of the 
For example I have the following variable 

var1 = '$y_'.$row_query[$org_field_name].' = new BarPlot('.($row_query).');'; 

which creates a string like this: 

$y_org1=new BarPlot(array); 

/* $y_org1 is the result of the query  $row_query[$org_field_name] and 
$row_query is the array which contains the result of 

Any clue will be very, very, very appreciated. 

Best regards, 


Following is the whole code. 

1. The sample table is as follows 
| org_name | field1 | field2 | field3 |
| org1 |  1 |  5 | 10 |
| org2 | 12 |  4 |  8 |
| org3 | 45 | 12 | 20 |
| org4 | 40 | 30 |  4 |

2. The script as far as I've got it is: 
FILE: functions.inc.php

include ( ../../addons/jpgraph/src/jpgraph.php); 
include (../../addons/jpgraph/src/jpgraph_bar.php);

function fnc_y_name($query_name, $org_field_name)
$row_query=mysql_fetch_assoc($query_name);//Array que recoge los datos de las 
filas de la consulta. 
$total_rows=mysql_num_rows($query_name); //Nmero total de filas que devuelve 
la consulta
$total_fields=mysql_num_fields($query_name);//Nmero total de campos en la 

for($i=1; $i$total_fields; $i++) 
 $fieldname = mysql_field_name($query_name,$i);
 $array_fieldname[] = $fieldname;

 for($i=0; $i$total_fields-1; $i++) 
  $y_data[] = $row_query[$array_fieldname[$i]]; //Here is my bigger problem.
} while ($row_query=mysql_fetch_assoc($query_name));

//Creates the graphic
$graph = new Graph(900,400,auto);


//I will try to build this calls with a do..while loop from the data collected 
from the y_data array. This is why I need to pass the variable or array 
contents directly to the script. 

$b1plot = new BarPlot($y_data); 
$b2plot = new BarPlot($y_data);

// Joins the plots
$gbplot = new GroupBarPlot(array($b1plot, $b2plot));

// Executes the graphic

$graph-title-Set(Graphic Title);
$graph-yaxis-title-Set(Sales amount in thousands);

// Displays the graph
}; //End of the function

FILE: function_test.php (executes the function)

include (functions.inc.php); 
mysql_select_db($database_sis_mon_conn, $sis_mon_conn);
$query_rec_sql = SELECT * FROM test;
$rec_sql = mysql_query($query_rec_sql, $sis_mon_conn) or die(mysql_error());
$row_rec_sql = mysql_fetch_assoc($rec_sql);
$totalRows_rec_sql = mysql_num_rows($rec_sql);

mysql_data_seek($rec_sql, 0);
fnc_y_name($rec_sql, org_name);

//I know, the code is awful, but is the best I have got with my poor experience

[PHP-DB] mysql_data_seek problem

2005-04-29 Thread Alvaro Cobo
Hi all: 

I am having problems with the function mysql_data_seek when it refers to an 
array with an empty recordset (for example when the query does not returns 
data), so I keep receiving the following message in the browser: 

Warning: mysql_data_seek(): Offset 0 is invalid for MySQL result index 9 (or 
the query data is unbuffered) in /var/www/intranet/inform/view.php on line 146

I need this function to reset an array to use the same query several times in 
the same page. 

Does anybody knows how to avoid this message to be printed?

Thanks a lot. 


[PHP-DB] Managing Many2Many with PHP/JS

2005-01-26 Thread Alvaro Cobo
Hi guys: 

Thanks in advance for your help. I am newby in this
PHP stuff and I've got quite a problem here, and I’ve
spent several days (and nights) trying to solve this

I am trying to manage a many to many relationship in a
web database application. I have three tables:
tbl_project (which contains the name of a development
project), tbl_Contraparte(which contains the name of
the organisations which manage the project) and
tbl_ProyOrg (which contains two fields: proy_id and
OrgSigla) and is the join table for the many2many

I have created a form for the tbl_project table with
all the data referring to the project. Into this form
I´ve personalized some code (I have fetched from
internet) to create a table which dynamically creates
new rows into the tbl_ProyOrg table (in the client
side using JavaScript) with a drop down box, so the
page do not needs to reload every time the new row is

As you will see my problem stands in populate the
select box with a query from a MySql database made
using PHP into the JavaScript function. 

You can find the code following: 

Thanks a lot

Best regards, 


OS: Linux Debian Sarge
Apache: 2.0
PHP: 4.3.10-2
Mysql: 4.1.8

!--Here starts the code--

$hostname_monitoreo_conn = host;
$database_monitoreo_conn = database_name;
$username_monitoreo_conn = username;
$password_monitoreo_conn = password;
$monitoreo_conn =
$username_monitoreo_conn, $password_monitoreo_conn) or

$query_rs_contraparte = SELECT orgSigla FROM
tbl_02Contraparte ORDER BY orgSigla ASC;
$rs_contraparte = mysql_query($query_rs_contraparte,
$monitoreo_conn) or die(mysql_error());
$row_rs_contraparte =
$totalRows_rs_contraparte =


link rel=stylesheet href=monitoreo.css
type=text/css /

titleProjects by organisation/title

h4Projects by organisation/h4
form action=./ins_ProyOrg.php method=post

Project_Id: input name=tf_proyId type=text
id=tf_proyId /

pa href=javascript:add_row()Add an

!-- Here begins the function to create a new row for
a new organisation--

script type=text/javascript

 var rows = 1;
 function add_row() 
var counter;
var ptable = document.getElementById('tbl_ProyOrg');

var trow = document.createElement('tr');  //creates
the tag for a a new table row
trow.setAttribute('id', 'r' + rows); //Here IE 6.0
reports an error, but it works in Firefox1.0 and Opera

var ptd = new Array(4);

var arKind = Array('input', 'select', 'input');
//defines the kind of control
var arNames = Array('proyId[]','orgSigla[]','none');
//defines the name of the control
var arTypes = Array('hidden','text','button');
//defines de type of the control
for (counter = 0; counter  arTypes.length;
counter++) //Loop wchich creates one by one the
elements of the table
ptd[counter] = document.createElement('td');
var p = document.createElement('span')
var pinput =

pinput.setAttribute('name', arNames[counter]);
pinput.setAttribute('type', arTypes[counter]);
pinput.setAttribute('id', arNames[counter]);

THE MAIN PROBLEM IS HERE (at least I guess so :) ). I
am trying to give the option values to the select
from the query listed at the beginning of the file. I
suposse the big problem is in the array definition
but I have no idea of how to build a proper array.  

if (arKind[counter] == 'select')
var num_rec = ?php echo $totalRows_rs_contraparte;
var list_rec = ?php echo $row_rs_contraparte; ?;
var source_combo = new Array(num_rec);
for (i=0, i  num_rec, i++)
source_combo[i]= list_rec[i];

if (arTypes[counter] == 'button') 
pinput.setAttribute('value', 'x');
pinput.onclick = removeNode;
pinput.rId = 'r' + rows;
//This is the part which actually creates the table


[PHP-DB] Nested forms in php (subform)

2004-11-13 Thread Alvaro Cobo
Hi guys: 

I am a very newby in this php stuff and I need a huge
help from you: 

I am looking for the way to make a kind of nested form
(in the sense of the access subforms), to insert
information of a one to many relationaship. 

For example, I have to tables: 

tblProjects: with information about especific
tblDevelopers: with the information of all the
developers of each project. 

Any project can be developed by one or more developer.

So I need to design a form in which I have a textfield
for the project and many textfield for the developers.
So when I send the information it inserts the register
of the project into the tblProject table and the
registers of the developers into tblDeveloper. 

I have researched and tried a lot about this stuff and
it has been very difficult to find it. 

Thanks a lot, 


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