[PHP-DB] Keeping entries of a select-box after submitting the form

2003-06-13 Thread André Sannerholt
Hi everyone,

Well, I have already formulated my problem several times, always in a
different way, but yet I have no solution.

I try to say it as easy as it gets:

I simply want one specific selction-box to 'keep' ALL options present after
having submited the form!

I'm thinking about a variable or something that contains all that options,
and not just only ONE like the value-variable.

I hope this is clear now.



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[PHP-DB] Ignoring specific values in an inner join query?

2003-06-10 Thread André Sannerholt
Hi everybody.

How to let mysql ignore specific values in an inner join query? In this case
I want it to ignore Null-Values!

$abfrage3="select distinct Anschriften.ID as aid, Anschriften.PLZ as aplz,
Anschriften.STRASSE as astrasse, Anschriften.HNR as ahnr from Anschriften
inner join Master on Anschriften.ID=Master.A
inner join Master as m on Master.FN=m.FN
inner join Personen on m.NN=Personen.ID
where Personen.Name like '%$name%'";



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[PHP-DB] Third addition: 'Transfering variables'

2003-06-10 Thread André Sannerholt
Ok, now I have made a simple example of what I want:

My script is devided in a PHP and a HTML Part. I have kept out several
queries, connections, table-tags etc. in the HTML part. Just imagine there
are several entries in the -tag that is named "persona". What I want
is to keep all the entries in a particular box, in this case: of the
"persona"-option-box, AFTER the submit-button has been clicked and the page
has reloaded. I hope you understand now.

Regards and thanks,


//PHP Part
//If a person has been selected

if ($chg=='1') {

print "Suchabfrage für ausgewählte Person";
$abfrage4 = "select distinct Anschriften.ID as aid, Anschriften.PLZ as
aplz, Anschriften.STRASSE AS astrasse, Anschriften.HNR as ahnr from
inner join Master on Anschriften.ID=Master.A inner join Master as m on
where m.NN = '$persona'";

$ergebnis3=mysql_query($abfrage4) or die("Anfrage results1

$abfrage42 = "select distinct Firmennamen.ID as fid, Firmennamen.NAME as
fname from Firmennamen
inner join Master on Firmennamen.ID=Master.FN
inner join Master as m on Master.A=m.A
where m.NN='$persona'";

$ergebnis32=mysql_query($abfrage42) or die("Anfrage results2

$abfrage43 = "select distinct Anschriften.ID as aid, Anschriften.PLZ as
Anschriften.STRASSE AS astrasse, Anschriften.HNR AS ahnr FROM
INNER JOIN Master ON Anschriften.ID=Master.A
WHERE Master.NN = '$persona'";

$ergebnis33=mysql_query($abfrage43) or die("Anfrage results3

$abfrage44 = "select distinct Firmennamen.ID as fid, Firmennamen.NAME as
fname from Firmennamen
inner join Master on Firmennamen.ID=Master.FN
where Master.NN='$persona'";

$ergebnis34=mysql_query($abfrage44) or die("Anfrage results4

//HTML Part

print "

k.A. ";

while ($firm = mysql_fetch_array($ergebnis32, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
if ($chgf=='1') {
if ($firmaa==$firm[fid]) {

print "$firm[fname]";

while ($firm2 = mysql_fetch_array($ergebnis34, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
if ($chgf=='1') {

if ($firmaa==$firm2[fid]) {

print "$firm2[fname]";

 print "


while ($nsuche = mysql_fetch_array($ergebnis22, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
unset ($selp);
if ($persona==$nsuche[pid]) {

print "$nsuche[pvname] $nsuche[pname]


while ($nsuche2 = mysql_fetch_array($ergebnis23, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
if ($persona==$nsuche2[pid]) {
print "$nsuche2[pvname]
$nsuche2[pname] $nsuche2[GEBURTSTAG]";





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[PHP-DB] Seccond addition: 'Transfering variables'

2003-06-06 Thread André Sannerholt
Ok, the thing I accually want to do is to keep all the entries in one
specific selection-option-box after the form has been submitted. I hope that
is enough of explanation, because I cannot expect from you to go through my
whole project...

Regards, André

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[PHP-DB] In Addition to 'Transfering variables'

2003-06-06 Thread André Sannerholt
I'm not sure if its get/post I need, beacause the variables are not a part
of the form itself!

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[PHP-DB] Transfering variables

2003-06-06 Thread André Sannerholt
Hi everybody!

I'm wondering how to transfer variables in a php-document to the same script
after the form has been submitted!?



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[PHP-DB] Query takes to much time

2003-06-04 Thread André Sannerholt
Hi everybody,

now I have the following qery that still needs to much time:

select distinct Anschriften.ID as aid, Anschriften.PLZ as aplz,
Anschriften.STRASSE as astrasse, Anschriften.HNR as ahnr from Anschriften
inner join Master on Anschriften.ID=Master.A
inner join Master as m on Master.FN=m.FN
inner join Personen on m.NN=Personen.ID
where Personen.ID = "$id"

It gives me the correct results
I hope you can help me to get it faster!


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[PHP-DB] Optimize following Mysql-Query

2003-05-30 Thread André Sannerholt
Hi Everyone,

I have the following Mysql-Query that returns correct information, but it
just needs to much time (3-4 Minutes!!) Can you help me to optimize it?

"SELECT * FROM Firmennamen INNER JOIN Master ON Firmennamen.ID=Master.FN
Master.NN=Personen.ID WHERE Personen.NAME LIKE '%$name%')";
$result  =  mysql_query($abfrage2) or die("Anfrage results fehlgeschlagen");


André Sannerholt

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[PHP-DB] explode string variable

2003-03-08 Thread André Sannerholt
Hi everyone!

Does anybody know how to "stop" an "explosion" of a string: Let me explain:

$variable_aray=explode('-', $variable);

I want the variable to be devided in only two other ones! If for example:


I want to have an array that looks like this:

$variable_array[0] should be "Willy"
$variable_array[1] should be "Brandt-Platz"



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[PHP-DB] Delete duplications from a mysql-resultset

2003-02-22 Thread André Sannerholt
I know the SELECT DISTINCT function. But I need to delete duplications from
the finished resultset. Is that in any way possible? The result-set is not
like an usual array, is it? I've tried the unique_array function, but it
didn't work.

André Sannerholt

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