Re: [PHP-DB] how many databases should I create

2004-10-18 Thread Antoine
On Mon, 18 Oct 2004 14:53:41 -0500, Norland, Martin
 That all really depends on you.  I would certainly say that, in general,
 any given database should only have one users table (with a separate
 table holding roles, permissions, etc.)  In all likelihood - if all of
 these systems will be working together within a single company, and be
 built in a common way - you'll likely find it easier to have them all in
 one system.
 The counter to that, of course, is that information like payroll
 certainly shouldn't be easily accessed - so that might be one case where
 you might want a separate database.  You'll really just have to weigh
 the benefits of having the data together (generally convenience, though
 there are reasons along the lines of joins and such) with the costs of
 any lost security or lax in responsibility.

shouldn't a good rdbms take care of that though (with reasonable
security measures)? can't you get fine grained user privs, at least
with a proper db? postgres?

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Re: [PHP-DB] INNO tables - will I have problems?

2004-10-17 Thread Antoine
On Wed, 13 Oct 2004 15:26:12 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 right, so after you define the fields of the table,  you add type=innodb
 simple as that
 Gerard Samuel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 10/13/2004 02:34 PM
 Re: [PHP-DB] INNO tables - will I have problems?
 If the minimum requirement of mysql is version 4, then you
 will have no problems, as INNODB is the default type in mysql 4.x.x
  InnoDB is included by default in mysql 4 but the default is still MyISM.
 I looked over the manual, and I believe that you are correct.
 The default type is still MyISAM, but to create an INNODB table, one
 must specify it in the CREATE TABLE syntax...

You can convert very easily afterwards also. Just a matter of a couple
of lines of sql. You will have to add all the extra constraints and
functionality after too...
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Re: [PHP-DB] Dynamic pull down menus with PHP/Mysql

2004-10-08 Thread Antoine
On Fri, 8 Oct 2004 01:12:06 -0400, GH [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 For a project in college that I had once did using ColdFusion and
 MSAccess (please dont kill me :)) I had the simular situation
 What I did was when the First Drop Down was changed... it had an
 onChange action or something of that nature (do not have my exact code
 infront of me) that went to a JS function which sent the value to
 another frame (window) you can use a hidden 1x1 iframe to conduct
 this... it then returned the values to the other page via JS I
 have to Dig for the code which unfortinately is buried at the
 On Tue, 5 Oct 2004 08:22:22 -0700, Ed Lazor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   -Original Message-
   This may be a more javascript related topic, but it's also php/mysql.
   Apologies in advance if this is too far off topic.
   I'm trying to pull data from MySQL using PHP to sort the results into a
   form with a pull down menu. That works fine; I can do that.
   But I have a second pull down menu whose items need to display based on
   the item chosen from the first pull down menu.
   I can do two lists seperately, but I need the second pull down menu to be
   a result of the first, and I can't figure a way to do it in PHP without
   reloading the page, which I don't really want to do.
   Is this a javascript-dependent function, in that a js will have to make
   the call to the database via some sort of scripted php/mysql request? I
   really like to avoid javascript if possible, but I'm unsure there's an
  You're describing what I think is called Dynamic Options.  Doing a Google
  for javascript dynamic option or javascript dynamic select will pull-up
  a few examples.
  Most of these solutions will expect you to load all data into javascript
  arrays.  In other words, you don't have to reload the page, because all of
  the data is already present.
  This approach doesn't work well when dealing with large amounts of data.  If
  you're running into this, use javascript's window.opener feature.  It allows
  you to spawn a second window that retrieves data and sends it to the first

Cripes! People are a bit slow today... what you are describing sounds
like a hierselect to me:
In pear,...

If you want to do it yourself just look at their code and get your
inspiration from there - and yes, their solution is javascript based.
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[PHP-DB] Re: [PEAR] Pear installation error

2004-10-08 Thread Antoine
On 8 Oct 2004 17:03:15 -, Kevin Kraeer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm a one man band working for an ad agency...good times. At any rate, a
 client has requested that form values submitted through their website be
 written to an excel document.
 I investigated and decided PEAR was probably my best bet (there's an excel
 writer module if I understand correctly). So, I began what has become a
 quest to successfully install PEAR to our staging server.
 It's a Win2K Server running IIS and PHP 4.3.6. Whoever initially installed
 PHP 4 did not install PEAR along with it for some reason. So I decided to
 run the command line installer, with the following directories set up:
 Installation prefix - C:\PHP\pear
 Binaries Directory - $prefix\bin
 PHP code directory - $ prefix\docs
 Documentation base directory - $prefix\docs
 Data Base Directory - $prefix\data
 Tests Directory - $prefix\tests
 php.exe Path - C:\PHP\php.exe
 I then run the installer, and it does fine for a while. Then, after
 'Extracting Installer' appears I get this:
 Warning: main(PEAR.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory
 in C:\PHP\pear\Archive\Tar.php on line 21
 Fatal error: main(): Failed opening required 'PEAR.php'
 (include_path='/C:\DOCUME~1\ADMIN~1.ORB\LOCALS~1\Temp\3\gop1c.tmp') in
 C:\PHP\pear\Archive\Tar.php on line 21
 So it seems pretty clear that it's an include path problem to me. In my
 PHP.ini, go-pear added
 So maybe I need to change that to someplace else? But I'm also not so sure
 about that forward slash in front of 'C:\DOCUME~`.'
 Any ideas or advice would be greatly appreciated. As I said, I'm on a solo
 mission over here - no IT guys, no programming dept. Just ME. heh.

This is probably going to get me flamed terribly, or rather completely
If it is just you, why on earth don't you upgrade to a real operating
system? *nix + apache[1-2] + php is go beautifully together..., won't
cost you anything in licencing (assuming you don't get a proprietary
unix), and is much less likely to be troubled by viruses and
whatnot... I say this because usually the installation of these three
packages is done with about 5 clicks, and gets configured pretty much
by itself (of course, if you want security and stuff, you have to
change the config, but I am sure that is not different to IIS...).
Just a suggestion.

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Re: [PHP-DB] which DB to use?

2004-10-01 Thread Antoine
On Fri, 01 Oct 2004 11:24:10 -0500, Matthew Perry [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The latest version is still only alfa.
 Miles Thompson wrote:
  Check the MySQL docs - I *think* subqueries are  supported in the
  latest version, but not triggers or stored procedures. But as I say,
  Alternatives? PostgreSQL or Firebird.
  HTH - Miles Thompson
  At 11:07 AM 10/1/2004, Matthew Perry wrote:
  Thank you very much for your help.
  If I had to choose between MS SQL Server or or mysql, which would you
  recommend?  I prefer nested subqueries, triggers, procedures etc
  supported by SQL Server but am completely unfamiliar with any
  problems that may be accociated with using Microsoft's product and PHP.
  Ideally, I would use Oracle but it is probably outside of our budget.
  - matt

Though I think you would be better to use postgres, as if you use the
native tools you will get pretty good performance from php (instead of
using an abstraction layer, I saw some nasty stats for pear db and
postgres/mysql), don't dismiss oracle off-hand... I don't know what
your price range is but my understanding is that their prices have
dropped considerably in the last wee while. Otherwise use postgres, it
has everything but a coffee-maker, which oracle is offering now, but
is not really required.

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Re: [PHP-DB] Re: switch, if, or something to choose queries and echo formatting--PLEASE help

2004-09-29 Thread Antoine
did that fix it?

On Sun, 26 Sep 2004 18:56:59 +0200, Antoine [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  a href=subsections.php?section=design?page=animationimage/a
 I have just been testing and looking on a few fora (I know very little
 about php and html still) but you have two ?'s in that url. I believe
 the second one needs to be a . I did a little test of your logic and
 it seems to work if the second is replaced with the , but not if left
 as ?.
 G System, The Evolving GUniverse -

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Re: [PHP-DB] [Newbie] switch, if, or something to choose queries and echo formatting--PLEASE help

2004-09-25 Thread Antoine
 So I attempted to do this:
 $table = mysql_query(SELECT * FROM thumbs,$db);
 echo(table border='0' cellspacing='1' cellpadding='1' width='300'
 while ( $r = mysql_fetch_array($table) ) :
 if ($count==4){
echo (/trtrtd span='4'img src='images/spacer.gif' height='10'
 echo(td align='left' valign='top' width='100'a href='$pic'
 target='blank'img src='$thumb'
 border='0' align='left'/abr
 Which did not work.  I wondered if that was too much for the case or if
 you couldn't nest. says The switch statement executes line by line
 (actually, statement by statement). In the beginning, no code is executed.
 Only when a case statement is found with a value that matches the value of
 the switch expression does PHP begin to execute the statements. PHP
 continues to execute the statements until the end of the switch block, or
 the first time it sees a break statement.  Which made me think
 otherwise--but, hey, something's wrong.

Yip, the logic of the switch statement. You simply don't have a case
statement. I must confess I don't understand fully what you are trying
to do yet but I don't think this is the way to go. The above extract
should be enough to see what I mean... Only when a case statement is
found with a value that matches the value of the switch expression
does PHP begin to execute the statements. You don't have one so... it
won't ever start!

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[PHP-DB] mysql to postgres migration blues...

2004-09-23 Thread Antoine
I am trying to get skilled up on postgres and decided to port a little
movie database I wrote for mysql with php to access it.
I used an auto converter for the bulk and then tried to tweak. The
following code does not work but the error message it gives me is
strange. It tells me that the connection string used on line 82 (where
it calls pg_query in makelistboxentries) is invalid... but the same
string/connection works just great in another script... any pointers


/* Connect to database */
$link = pg_connect(dbname=movies host=localhost user=anton
or die(Could not connect :  . pg_result_error($link));

print TII
div id=mybody
Search by:
TABLE border=1 cellpadding=10 cellspacing=10TR
TD align=center
form name=input action=searchout.php method=post
input type=text name=mychoice
input type=hidden name = wherestring value= t1.ID = 
input type=hidden name = othertable value=movies
input type=submit value=Submit
TD align=center
form name=input action=searchname.php method=post
input type=text name=mychoice
input type=submit value=Submit
TABLE border=1 cellpadding=10 cellspacing=10TR
makelistboxentries(Audio Language, lang, lang,  audio , = t1.ID and t2.lang = );
makelistboxentries(Subtitle Language, lang, lang,  subtitles , = t1.ID and t2.lang = );
makelistboxentries(Genre, Genre, Genre,  moviegenre , = t1.ID and t2.genre = );

print TINI
PShow All:/P
form name=input action=allout.php
input type=submit value=Submit
div id=mymenu
PA href=index.phpH3Back to main page/H3/A/P
PA href=movie.phpAdd a movie/A/P
Pa href=audio.phpAdd a movie's audio languages/a/P
Pa href=subtitles.phpAdd a movie's subtitle languages/a/P 
Pa href=searchin.phpSearch the movies/a/P
/* Close connection */
function makelistboxentries($title, $mytable, $mycolumn, $othertable,

print TD align=\center\;

print $title:;
/* Perform SQL query */
$query = SELECT $mycolumn FROM $mytable;
$result = pg_query($link,$query)
or die(Query failed :  . pg_result_error($link));
print form name=\input\ action=\searchout.php\ method=\post\;
print SELECT NAME=\mychoice\;
print option value=\zz\ SELECTEDSelect $title/option;
while ($line = pg_fetch_array($result,$result_countt++,PGSQL_ASSOC)) {
foreach ($line as $col_value) {
print (OPTION VALUE=\.$col_value.\);
print $col_value;
print (/OPTION);

print /select;
print input type=hidden name = wherestring value=\$wherestring\;
print input type=hidden name = othertable value=$othertable;
print input type=\submit\ value=\Submit\;
print /form;



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Re: [PHP-DB] mysql to postgres migration blues...

2004-09-23 Thread Antoine
On Thu, 23 Sep 2004 22:27:38 +0400, M Saleh EG [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 define the connection object as a global var in ur function
 function ( params)
  global $ur_connection_obj;
Damn you guys are quick! I like this list...
declaring it as global didn't seem to work - 

global $link;
/* Connect to database */
$link = pg_connect(dbname=movies host=localhost user=anton
or die(Could not connect :  . pg_result_error($link));

still didn't get it but passing it to the function did. I'll get
there, but I pretty much copied and pasted all the php up until now so
I have a little way to go...

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Re: [PHP-DB] mysql to postgres migration blues...

2004-09-23 Thread Antoine
On Thu, 23 Sep 2004 12:23:32 -0700, Andrew Kreps [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Thu, 23 Sep 2004 20:51:52 +0200, Antoine [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  declaring it as global didn't seem to work -
  global $link;
  /* Connect to database */
  $link = pg_connect(dbname=movies host=localhost user=anton
 The global keyword works a little bit differently in PHP.  You need to
 inform your function that your variable is global, as opposed to
 declaring it as global outside the function.  Like:
 $link = database connection
 function processData () {
 global $link;

Like i said, I'll get there ;-). Cheers! I hope you folks don't mind
answering some rather basic questions... I am going to be starting
some serious development soon and promise to search the docs first
I have just followed up on the suggestion of pear and it looks like a
winner. That may mean a change of mailing list but all good for the

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[PHP-DB] updating several rows with a single form

2002-05-04 Thread Antoine Panier

Hi all,
Newbie's trouble:
I can't figure out how to build a form and a script to update/delete several
rows from a mysql table with a single form.
I would need to list all the rows of a table, and be able to change the
content of one column. With a single submission ...

Any idea would be much appreciated


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