Re: [PHP-DB] newbie: how to return one iteration *per unique date (DAY!)* in a timestamp column?

2009-08-03 Thread Ben Dunlap
Govinda wrote:
> .. so my thought is to want to do nested query(ies),  where:
>  *within* the while loop of the first recordset (which is now
> successfully returning just rows with unique dates), I do other
> query(ies) which will (in their own code block) find all rows of the
> date we are iterating.. so I can, for example, count  number of records
> for each unique date, do math/statistics, etc.

I had to do something similar in code of my own a little while ago, and got
some very good guidance on Stack Overflow. Here's the thread, you might find it

The user whose answer is marked as the correct one ("Quassnoi") also writes a
helpful blog on SQL. You should be able to find the blog by clicking on the


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Re: [PHP-DB] newbie: how to return one iteration *per unique date (DAY!)* in a timestamp column?

2009-08-03 Thread Ben Dunlap
 > ...which will echo:
>  "#records in 't7solar_landing' matching the given (iterating)
> date  (in the 'solarLandingDateTime' column)#records in
> 'aw_7solar_confirm' matching the given (iterating) date (in the
> 'solarAwConfDateTime' column)#records in 'aw_7solar_aw'
> matching the given (iterating) date  (in the 'solarAWDateTime'
> column)"...

If you just need to count the records with a particular date you should be able
to use this construction:

SELECT COUNT(*) AS `record_count`,
   DATE() AS `date_field`
GROUP BY `date_field`

You could probably write a generalized PHP function (called 'build_query()' or
something) that would construct this query given a table name and a date-column
name, and call it once for each table/column pair.

Then you could stitch the three query strings together, in PHP, into one large
query using SQL's "UNION ALL", which concatenates the results of multiple
queries into one large result-set:


And then pass that one large query to the database.

> So I need to read/learn more MySQL.  Can you guys point me to where in the
> mysql docs I should be burying myself?

In my experience the MySQL manual isn't a great resource for learning SQL, at
the level you're looking for. It's a fine reference if you already have a solid
understanding of the basics. But to get that understanding, you might try the
O'Reilly book called "Learning SQL":

Someone else here might know of some good online resources. I've not seen any,
but then I haven't spent a whole lot of time looking. The parts of "Learning
SQL" that I've seen are excellent.


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Re: [PHP-DB] newbie: how to return one iteration *per unique date (DAY!)* in a timestamp column?

2009-08-04 Thread Ben Dunlap
> Can someone point me to understand why?  I thought that:
> SELECT COUNT(*) AS landing_count, date(solarLandingDateTime) AS
> solarLandingDate, 't7solar_landingALIAS' AS t7solar_landing FROM
> t7solar_landing GROUP BY DATE(solarLandingDateTime)
> would, among other thing, assign the number of records counted in that
> first table to the alias 'landing_count'.  No?

Yes, but when you UNION that query with others it gets a bit more complicated.
The UNION keyword adds more rows to the result-set, not more columns.

So, when you join queries with a UNION, corresponding columns in each of those
queries should all have the same aliases.

So you probably don't want to say:

SELECT nameABC AS `name1` FROM table1
SELECT nameDEF AS `name2` FROM table2

Here you're asking the DBMS to give you a result-set with just one column, in
which the column is called `name1` some of the time, and `name2` the rest of
the time. Doesn't make much sense, and MySQL will silently ignore one or the
other of these aliases.

Instead, say:

SELECT nameABC AS `name` FROM table1
SELECT nameDEF AS `name` FROM table2

This will produce a result-set with just one column, called `name`. The number
of rows in the result-set will equal the number of rows produced by the first
SELECT, plus the number of rows produced by the second SELECT.

Does that help make sense of why you need to add a second column to each query,
with the name of the table? Like so:

SELECT nameABC AS `name`, 'table1' AS `table_name` FROM table1
SELECT nameDEF AS `name`, 'table2' AS `table_name` FROM table2

This query will produce a result-set with two columns. The first column will be
called `name` and the second will be called `table_name`; for example,
supposing that table1 contains only boys' names and table2 contains only girls'
names, you might get a result-set that includes these rows:

name| table_name

Robert  | table1
James   | table1
Lucy| table2
Teresa  | table2

Then for each row, you would need to examine the value of the `table_name`
column in PHP, to figure out which table the name is from. It looks like your
current code is operating as though each row contains results from all three of
your tables, which it doesn't. Each row only contains a result from one table.

BTW, mysql_fetch_assoc() returns an array, not an object, so you'd need to use
this syntax:


As opposed to:


If you prefer the latter syntax, you can use mysql_fetch_object().


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Re: [PHP-DB] newbie: how to return one iteration *per unique date (DAY!)* in a timestamp column?

2009-08-05 Thread Ben Dunlap
> except that I just added the ORDER BY clause onto each SELECT segment,
> and now I get this error:
> query failed: Incorrect usage of UNION and ORDER BY
> How can I order the results while still doing the UNION ALLs?

You should only need one ORDER BY clause at the end of the whole query:


I'm not sure if this syntax is portable to other SQL-based DBMSes, though. I'm
certain that one system we use at work doesn't support it, but it's kind of a
dinosaur so I don't like to draw too many conclusions from what it doesn't 


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Re: [PHP-DB] newbie: how to return one iteration *per unique date(DAY!)* in a timestamp column?

2009-08-05 Thread Ben Dunlap
>> Just one other tiny point of style here: having given the expression
>> date(solarAWDateTime) the alias uniqueDate, you should probably use
>> that alias to refer to the same thing elsewhere in your query, such as
>> in the GROUP BY column.  So:
> That's a mysqlism :( It's not portable to other db's (apparently it's
> not part of the sql-spec).

I think I've even seen MySQL reject it in some cases.


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[PHP-DB] Re: "COUNT() returns 0 if there were no matching rows." .... really?!

2009-08-06 Thread Ben Dunlap
> Here's an example (snip) from a var_dump of that $BuildPerUniqueDateArray:
> (note that the 'aweber_7solar_aw' table does NOT have a record for the
> date '2009-07-28', so I would expect to see that "1" to be a "0" there.)

If a table doesn't have a record for a given date, I wouldn't expect to see "1"
or "0" -- I would expect not to see any row at all for that date/table
combination. You're not looping through all possible dates, you're looping
through the result-set of your query.

Are you sure that the table in question doesn't have any 2009-07-28 records?

You could add the following column to each SELECT to help troubleshoot:

   GROUP_CONCAT() AS `all_timestamps_for_date`

This will give your result-set an additional column, which will contain a
comma-separated list of all the records that GROUP BY is gathering together in
each row (and therefore all the records that COUNT() is counting).

I'm wondering if some sort of timezone discrepancy is maybe causing a timestamp
record to be attributed to 2009-07-28 unexpectedly.


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