Re: [PHP-DB] PHP with Javascript tutorials?

2004-06-25 Thread Ben Riddell
Hi Chris,
Sorry I can't give you a more full response right now (or the actual code..).
View source from this little form that I built:
It's just a proof of concept, but uses javascript arrays.  A friend of mine 
said he turned the above simple script into modules for both Perl and 
PHP.  I'll check with him to see if they are done and available.

I've been working on a more complicated set of dropdowns that is very 
similar to the sample you described.  I decided against preloading all of 
the arrays, because each one has to be generated by a db call (it's a 
college alumni database, and it only pulls states/counties/provinces where 
alumni actually reside).  So instead of all the db calls and the huge array 
of arrays, I added a javascript onSelect() call to the country drop down 
which actually submits the form, but changes the action of the form to the 
form itself and then adds a new dropdown for state/country/province (and 
preserves anything entered in the other form field elements).

Let me know if you think you need the second option or more Javascript 
details for the first option.

-Ben Riddell
At 11:33 AM 6/25/2004, Chris Payne wrote:
Hi there everyone,

I've been looking on Google for PHP Javascript tutorials but I can't find
any.  I'm new to Javascript but can use PHP for what I need.  I was hoping
someone would know of a tutorial that would show how to use PHP to get 2-3
datasets which javascript can then use in forms.  For example, say I have 3
pulldown boxes, one would have countries - such as UK, USA etc .. If you
selected the UK it would bring up countries in the UK, and if you select a
country the third pulldown would show the cities in that country (This is
just an example to hopefully explain what I need) but I don't want the page
to refresh everytime I select an option which it does if you just use PHP.

Any help would be EXTREMELY greatly received :-)



--- Ben Riddell 
-- Freelance Web Developer -
--- ---
--- 510/332.2979 ---

Re: [PHP-DB] is currently protecting themselves from receiving junk mail using Spamcease Just this once, click the link below so I can receive your emails.

2004-08-05 Thread Ben Riddell
Spamcease is whitelist software for controlling Spam.  It maintains a list 
of people from whom the recipient wishes to receive email.  If you're not 
on the list, your email won't get through.

It's called a "challenge/response" system.
For each email sent to someone running spamcease, the server automatically 
issues a "challenge" email back to the sender to prove that s/he is a 
person and not a spambot.  The original sender clicks on the link in 
"response" (something a spambot can't do), and your email address is added 
to the list of people whose email gets through.

They are a pain in the tuchus for listservs and the like, unless the person 
running the program sets the parameters correctly to allow email addressed 
to the list to get through, otherwise, each person on the list has to go 
through the challenge and response procedure.

At 02:13 PM 8/5/2004, Mark wrote:
It is bogus. If you notice, your emails still go to the list. Someone
did this to php-general a bit ago. You can ignore it. There was
speculation that it was an email harvester, checking to verify that
return addresses are valid.
--- Colin Kettenacker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I got this for the PHP-General list. I think it's bogus but it
> would be nice
> to get a confirmation from the list admin.
> ck
> --
> Cheap Domain Registration | Web Hosting | Email Packages | + more
> Fantastic prices -- Even better service.
> Pablo M. Rivas [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 8/4/04 9:57 AM wrote:
> > Hello Josh,
> >
> > JAM> What is this?
> >
> > JAM> I received this E-Mail, and the link goes to something other
> than
> >
> > JAM> [EMAIL PROTECTED] is currently protecting themselves from
> receiving
> > junk
> > JAM> mail using Spamcease Just this once, click the link below so
> I can
> > receive
> > JAM> your emails.
> > JAM> You won't have to do this again.
> >
> >
> > CLICK THE LINK SO HE CAN RECEIVE YOUR MAIL, and you won't have to
> > do this again ;)
 Ben Riddell --
--- Freelance Web Developer ---
- ben at thewhitebear dot com - -
 510/332.2979 -

Re: [PHP-DB] is currently protecting themselves from receiving junk mail using Spamcease Just this once, click the link below so I can receive your emails.

2004-08-05 Thread Ben Riddell
I'm going to revise this, because I just got the confirmation 
email.  People should not click on the link.

The link that it wants me to click on is 

A quick check of the domain - - leads me to 
believe something else is happening that ain't so legit.

This should be forwarded to the list admin...
At 02:39 PM 8/5/2004, Ben Riddell wrote:
Spamcease is whitelist software for controlling Spam.  It maintains a list 
of people from whom the recipient wishes to receive email.  If you're not 
on the list, your email won't get through.

It's called a "challenge/response" system.
For each email sent to someone running spamcease, the server automatically 
issues a "challenge" email back to the sender to prove that s/he is a 
person and not a spambot.  The original sender clicks on the link in 
"response" (something a spambot can't do), and your email address is added 
to the list of people whose email gets through.

They are a pain in the tuchus for listservs and the like, unless the 
person running the program sets the parameters correctly to allow email 
addressed to the list to get through, otherwise, each person on the list 
has to go through the challenge and response procedure.

At 02:13 PM 8/5/2004, Mark wrote:
It is bogus. If you notice, your emails still go to the list. Someone
did this to php-general a bit ago. You can ignore it. There was
speculation that it was an email harvester, checking to verify that
return addresses are valid.
--- Colin Kettenacker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I got this for the PHP-General list. I think it's bogus but it
> would be nice
> to get a confirmation from the list admin.
> ck
> --
> Cheap Domain Registration | Web Hosting | Email Packages | + more
> Fantastic prices -- Even better service.
> Pablo M. Rivas [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 8/4/04 9:57 AM wrote:
> > Hello Josh,
> >
> > JAM> What is this?
> >
> > JAM> I received this E-Mail, and the link goes to something other
> than
> >
> > JAM> [EMAIL PROTECTED] is currently protecting themselves from
> receiving
> > junk
> > JAM> mail using Spamcease Just this once, click the link below so
> I can
> > receive
> > JAM> your emails.
> > JAM> You won't have to do this again.
> >
> >
> > CLICK THE LINK SO HE CAN RECEIVE YOUR MAIL, and you won't have to
> > do this again ;)
 Ben Riddell --
--- Freelance Web Developer ---
- ben at thewhitebear dot com - -
 510/332.2979 -
 Ben Riddell --
--- Freelance Web Developer ---
- ben at thewhitebear dot com - -
 510/332.2979 -