[PHP-DB] consistently format large amounts of content

2003-02-17 Thread Brendon
I'm looking for an easy and efficient way to format lots of similar content 
in a database for easy retrieval and possible ways to alter formatting of 
all the content in the future using a template.

Basically, the content is knowledgebase type information like articles on a 
topic, etc.  The content (each row of the database) is all formatted 

Some ideas I have.
-Use common tages, H1, H2, P, UL, etc. and use CSS against these.
-XML? - don't know anything about this.
-Invent my own tagging system and preprocess the data before it's 

Anyone have experience doing something like this? Should I look into other 


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Re: WG: [PHP-DB] Confirmation e-mail

2003-02-17 Thread Brendon
On Mon, 17 Feb 2003 13:57:35 -0800, Leo G. Divingracia III 

you dont.  your confirmation email will tell them once they are logged in 
with a random password your script made, then they can go into the 
profiles section and change the password.

just have a boolean column that is set once they are confirmed.  you can 
check that against another column that holds the value when they first 
signed up.

Davy Obdam wrote:
Hi Andreas,

Thanks for you responce. I am also wondering how you would do that in 
the database, i have a table users in my MySQL database containing the 
users information that submitted when they registerd. Now i want to 
activate thier account only after they have clicked on the confirmation 
link... if possible without any additional tables in my db. I users do 
not confirm thier account i wanna remove thier data from the database 
after 48hours. Thanks for your time..

Best regards,

Davy Obdam

info@phpken wrote:

hi, too

please don't send password over the internet.
better you ask the user if they click the link
below your email. then the user get a formular
and there you can ask him for his password.
then you can make sure the emails wasn't read
by other user. this is a secure method.

Just create a hash, insert it into the users table. (update users set 
'confirmhash' = '$confirmhash' where xyz)

Create an email to the user with the hash in the link.
e.g. http://site.com/verify.php?ch=823jfs98d283r92h

Do a update/select for the hash, and activate the account.


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[PHP-DB] processing status page help

2003-02-15 Thread Brendon

How can I create a page that notifies the user their request is being 
processed after they click a submit button?

For example, they type in some information, the page then says Your 
request is processing...

Maybe a few animated ... 's for eyecandy, and then once the process is 
completed, they get directed to a desired page.


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