Re: [PHP-DB] multiple queries in the same "request"

2005-06-20 Thread Bruno Ferreira

Gabriel B. wrote:

   You can't send multiple queries in an SQL statement. You can just
split that in two separates queries. It's not really slower by any

I'm not really concerned about performance. i'm *really* concerned
about race conditions.

I have more than 3mi hits per day. the chance that two pairs of
queries will run consecutively is imense.

   Then you need to use transactions, which fill your purpose :) I 
presume you're using MySQL or Postgres, google for START TRANSACTION and 

   -- Bruno Ferreira

Re: [PHP-DB] multiple queries in the same "request"

2005-06-20 Thread Bruno Ferreira

Gabriel B. wrote:

SELECT (@category_id:=id) FROM categories WHERE description = "cat1";
REPLACE INTO data VALUES( 10, @category_id);

i send this as a single query in PHP and it returns an error quoting
everything after the first ";"

anyidea if i can't send several queries at once? any workaround?

   You can't send multiple queries in an SQL statement. You can just 
split that in two separates queries. It's not really slower by any 
practical means because the DB system would have to execute them both 

   -- Bruno Ferreira
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Re: [PHP-DB] Issue with date() function...

2005-06-10 Thread Bruno Ferreira

Chase wrote:

I have a variable:
   $rec2day = date("Y-m-d");
that displays correctly when echoed to the screen, but when I write it to my 
DB, I get the mathmatical answer to the equasion (1989 (2005-06-10)).

What do I need to do to correct this??

   Just use $rec2day= date("Y/m/d");

   You database system doesn't like using "-" as a separator in dates, 
thus thinking it's a minus sign and doing the appropriate math. Just use 
slashes and you'll probably be OK.

   -- Bruno Ferreira
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Re: [PHP-DB] Ora 10g, PHP 4 and Apache 2

2004-12-29 Thread Bruno Ferreira
Now, the script may be a bit off since I was not using my oracle classes and
was just writing straight OCI functions, but still this fails at the
connection level.

   Though I've never used Oracle myself, I've read in the manual that 
the old Oracle extension is deprecated, and that php_oci8.dll (or .so, 
in your case) should be used. See, that's were I looked.

   -- Bruno Ferreira
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Re: [PHP-DB] undefined function

2004-05-21 Thread Bruno Ferreira
Miguel Guirao wrote:
First, I do not have that line in my php.ini file. In what section
should I add it?

   Anywhere, but best place as long as organization is concerned would 
be under the "Dynamic extensions" label.

   Bruno Ferreira
   PS - You should check the default php.ini that comes with your PHP 
distribution and customize from there.
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Re: [PHP-DB] undefined function

2004-05-21 Thread Bruno Ferreira
Miguel Guirao wrote:
I'm receiving this error:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: mssql_connect() in 
e:\inetpub\wwwroot\sitio\TMP5w3gxy2pnf.php on line 9

This is line 9:if (!( $con = mssql_connect($maquina, $usuario,
$maquina = "SERVIDOR";
   $usuario = "sa";
   $password = "";
   $BDnombre = "ProyectoRMA";
So, basically, any ideas of the source of this error?

   Probably the mssql extension isn't loaded. Open the php.ini file and 
see that the line reading "extension=php_mssql.dll" isn't commented out. 
Things should go back to normal.

   Bruno Ferreira
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Re: [PHP-DB] date and time problem

2004-05-15 Thread Bruno Ferreira
Kim Jacobs - MWEB wrote:
I have a script which pulls a date(date default NULL) and a time (time default NULL) 
from a MySQL database, now I would like to display that date and time in a 'pretty' 
I've been able to show the date nicely with the help of this:
$ntime=strtotime($row['date'] $row['time']);
$ndate=date('D d F Y H:i',$ntime);
This shows the date in a 'nice' format (2004-05-10 20:40:00 is shown as Mon 10 May 
2004 00:00), however, it shows the time as 00:00 for all of the games no matter what 
the time is. How do I get it to show the date as 20:40 or 20h40 or 8:40 PM?
If I change the lines to this:
$ntime=strtotime("$row[date] $row[time] GMT");
$ndate=date('D d F Y H:i',$ntime);
the only difference is that it now shows Mon 10 May 2004 02:00 (probably because we 
are 2 hours ahead of GMT)
Any ideas please?

   Well, a solution could easily be arranged to use both fields, but 
really, the best thing to do is to just use a DATETIME field in MySQL 
instead of using both DATE and TIME fields. That will save you a lot of 
headaches now and in the future.

Bruno Ferreira
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Re: [PHP-DB] Linux/PHP/Access Database - oh boy :(

2004-05-12 Thread Bruno Ferreira
Alex Gemmell wrote:

Yep - I could do that...

Or I could use this:

I haven't tried "exportsql" yet, it probably will fall over or be a
nightmare to get going knowing my current run of luck!
Let's all put our hands together and pray that it works (and for world peace
or something).
|:| Reply-to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |:|

   May I suggest you look at the Firebird DBMS as well? Doesn't require 
drivers and is self-contained.

   Check it out at

   The latest versions of PHP have a built-in extension for it, so it 
should be relatively smooth sailing, as long as you don't have much 
trouble converting the DB. For the task of converting the database, I 
suggest you write a script that you will run on your local machine, 
which reads all the records in the Access db and then inserts them in 
the Firebird db (SELECT from one side, INSERT into the other). Should be 
pretty painless to do this every once in a while.

   Bruno Ferreira
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Re: [PHP-DB] looking for a variable

2004-05-06 Thread Bruno Ferreira
Robbie Staufer wrote:
In a statement like:
$result = mysql_query ("SELECT * FROM testdb WHERE Code_Name IN ('CLM',
'CAM', 'CSIM', 'cpl5', 'POP')",$connection)
is there a php variable that holds the number of elements in the () 
after IN?

   No :\
   What did you want to do with that number? Maybe there is some other 
way around

   Bruno Ferreira
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Re: [PHP-DB] Image / file uploader

2004-04-29 Thread Bruno Ferreira
Craig Hoffman wrote:

Sorry to be a pest but I tried that.  It giving me the same error.
Change to double quotes for the HTML portion.


   You'll find that the ultimate correct form is echo "etcetc 
action=\"$_SERVER[PHP_SELF]\" etcetc";

   When you're using an associative array inside a string, you don't 
need to put quotes refer to its textual index.

   Bruno Ferreira
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Re: [PHP-DB] Multiple work mySql database search.

2004-04-21 Thread Bruno Ferreira
Martin E. Koss wrote:

I have a product database which can be searched for a keyword in up to 3
fields; using this select query:
$sql_select = "SELECT * from productlist WHERE (Name LIKE
'%$SearchText%') OR (Description LIKE '%$SearchText%') OR (Keywords LIKE
'%$SearchText%') ORDER BY Name";
What I really want to achieve is if someone enters more than one work in
the search for, how can I get the select query to search for one, the
other, or both?

   WHERE (field LIKE '%word1%' OR field LIKE '%word2%' [etc etc])

I've thought of putting an option on the search for the user to select
'All Words' or 'Any Word' so that the select query could deal with the
search based on the full phrase they entered or any of the words.
My problem is how to build the query.


   Join them either with ANDs or ORs like this:

   Searching for all words in a field:  WHERE (field LIKE '%something% 
AND field LIKE '%other_thing')
   Searching for any of the words in a field: [read above in the 
previous question]

   Bruno Ferreira
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Re: [PHP-DB] using a define value

2004-04-20 Thread Bruno Ferreira
J. Alejandro Ceballos Z. wrote:

But while trying to be called based on parameter, is not possible to 
call them via:

$myerror = "ERROR1";

   That would be $myerror= ERROR1;

echo "ERROR"._$myerror."";

   ... and that would be echo "".ERROR."._$myerror."";

It not works.

   Does now ;)

   Bruno Ferreira

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Re: [PHP-DB] mysql multi-row insert limitations?

2004-04-16 Thread Bruno Ferreira
Tom Reed wrote:

I have a lost of 25,000 unique words and I'd like to insert them into my
database.  Does anyone know if there is a limit to the number of rows you
can insert in one statement?
example insert: INSERT INTO table (word) VALUES ('tree'),('book'),
'apple')  --> Enter's three rows in the database?

   The limit is probably set somewhere else, like the size of the 
string that you can pass to mysql_query() or something similar. Even 
then, why don't you just split the records in blocks of X and insert 
them one block at a time?

   Bruno Ferreira
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Re: [PHP-DB] get rid of the HTML tags

2004-04-12 Thread Bruno Ferreira
Bruno Braga wrote:

Is there any function that retrieves only the string without the html tags?!
--> Hello world this is a test link with a image

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Re: [PHP-DB] Large Arrays in a batch procedure

2004-04-08 Thread Bruno Ferreira
antonio bernabei wrote:

The work is to apply a formula to some fields of each record and
update another field of the same table.

   If this is the case, why don't you simple use an UPDATE query?

   Example: [ UPDATE table SET some_field= 
100*0.1/other_field+yet_another_field ]

   No PHP involved here, you just use some SQL interface to your server...

   Bruno Ferreira

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Re: [PHP-DB] PHP Arrays

2004-04-04 Thread Bruno Ferreira
Martin Oettinger wrote:

Does anyone know up to which level arrays in variables are possible? Is
there a limit?
$foo[1][2][3][4][5][6] ... ?

   I feel the right answer is "why do you ask"? It's either some very 
complex thing you're doing there, or you're doing it the wrong way :)

   Bruno Ferreira
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Re: [PHP-DB] v4.2.3 compliant sybase_set_message_handler

2004-03-24 Thread Bruno Ferreira
Nils Kehrein wrote:

php_sybase_ct.c:1729: structure has no member named `callback_name'
php_sybase_ct.c:1730: structure has no member named `callback_name'
What have i done wrong?
Thanks for reading this message :-)
   Well, you didn't do anything wrong, but just pasting the function 
doesn't seem to work because some other data definition is 
missing/outdated as well. Look in those lines in the php_sybase_ct.c 
file and see what structure it's talking about. Then you have to search 
for the recent version of the file where it is defined and copy-paste 
that as well into your PHP 4.2 sources. Anyway, I should mention that 
you're treading on very thin ground there... there's a lot that can go 
wrong :)

   Bruno Ferreira

   PS - I am not a PHP-source programmer, so someone here might have 
better advice than mine.
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Re: [PHP-DB] An if-statement in a "while(list("

2004-03-21 Thread Bruno Ferreira
Henning Olsen wrote:

I have a search on my page, which presents all the adresses one after all.
I would like to present a graphic icon representing the mailaddress, but
only when ther IS a mailaddress. Not everyone has a mail address.
But I cant put an if-statement in the "while(list(..."
Any suggestione to me on showing a graphic with a link when $mail is
different from null?

Build the inside of your loop like this...

   if ( $mail!='' ) then
   [print the icon here]
   echo "$mail";
   Bruno Ferreira
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Re: [PHP-DB] Processing a fetched external page

2004-03-18 Thread Bruno Ferreira
Donovan Hutchinson wrote:

I'm working on a project that takes the content of a URL and does stuff with the content. I've managed to extract the target url's html, and am using str_replace to fix links, stylesheets etc. However, i'm stumped when it comes to processing the text content.

Would anyone know how to isolate displayed text (anything in the body, paragraph text, headings etc) and then manipulate this text on a word by word basis?

   Sure... use strip_tags()/fgetss() and then some regexps 
(preg_replace()) to clear up any remaining cruft. If you want, I can 
post you my own brute-force "get all text from a webpage" script :)

   Bruno Ferreira
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Re: [PHP-DB] OK, ahí voy...

2004-03-18 Thread Bruno Ferreira
Felipe Eduardo Ortiz López wrote:

My first question: Has PHP some editor or IDE kinda HTML has? I'll be clear:
for instance i can work with FrontPage, or text edito to generate the HTML
files, it does exist something similar for PHP?

   Look, I'll be straight and blunt here... If you're asking that 
question, then you haven't understood what PHP is. PHP is a programming 
language that _creates_ documents, it's not a document itself. I suggest 
that you look up some basic tutorials on the web first and then come 
back when you have gathered some orientation as to what you'll do next. 
Spamming the same questions to several lists doesn't help the matter, 

   Bruno Ferreira
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Re: [PHP-DB] MySql query

2004-03-17 Thread Bruno Ferreira
Matt Matijevich wrote:

This is probably a question for for a mysql list but I figured someone
out here knows the answer.
SELECT * FROM sometable WHERE 1

SELECT * FROM sometable

Just that :) (do I hear you slapping your forehead? :)

Bruno Ferreira.

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Re: [PHP-DB] SQL Server Query Failed

2004-03-17 Thread Bruno Ferreira
david wrote:

Hello there!

I have just about driven myself crazy with an odd intermittent problem.

   I'd first start by turning on all logging I could in the SQL server 
so that I could see what's happening straight from the horse's mouth...

   Bruno Ferreira
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Re: [PHP-DB] How to redirect after a valid login

2004-03-15 Thread Bruno Ferreira
Larry Sandwick wrote:

Here is the error I get when I use the include below:

include "MainMenu.php";

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class db in
/tmp/disk/home/webmaster/Files/WWW/pearDB/DB.php on line 211
// Larry

   Seems that MainMenu.php (or a file included by it) re-includes the 
DB.php file. Look into that, and replace require() and include() with 
require_once() and include_once() to avoid this kind of conflict.

   Bruno Ferreira
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Re: [PHP-DB] Sending a hashed password on mysql_connect

2004-03-14 Thread Bruno Ferreira
Andre Matos wrote:

Is it possible to send a already hashed password on mysql_connect? Usually
when I use mysql_connect (host, user, password), for example
mysql_connect("myhostaddres", "userabc", "12345"), I use a text password. I
tried to hash a password and then sent it but my connection failed.
Is this possible? Any Ideas?

   You don't really need to have an encrypted connection to MySQL 
unless your webserver and MySQL server are on different machines *and* 
those machines are not behind the same switch/firewall/router/etc. 
Otherwise, I guess you could create an IPSec (or maybe an SSH) tunnel to 
the other machine and redirect it to a local port.
   As far as I can tell, there's no way to create a secure MySQL 
connection via PHP...

   Bruno Ferreira
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Re: [PHP-DB] Re: Sort Order Description

2004-03-11 Thread Bruno Ferreira


The following is at the beginning of the script:

# get sort order (if any) passed to script
$sort_field = $_REQUEST['sort_field'];
if (! $sort_field) {$sort_field = "(*100";}
$sort_order = $_REQUEST['sort_order'];
if (! $sort_order) {$sort_order = "desc";}

   First things first. That code (it seems to me) is vulnerable to SQL 
injection. Better fix that first...

   Bruno Ferreira
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Re: [PHP-DB] ODBC support

2004-03-11 Thread Bruno Ferreira
Galbreath, Mark A wrote:

Yes, I'm a newbie to PHP, but I got a phpBB2 BBS online in a day and I'm
My problem is, the PHP docs and API mention that ODBC is built into PHP 4.x
but I can't figure out how to use it.  I would like to access the M$ Access
JET engine directly from a PHP page.  Any clues?

   ODBC function reference is present at (you can choose a closer mirror 
if you want). Scroll down to the bottom of the page to look at the 
functions list and some immediate examples. Re-post if you need further 

   Bruno Ferreira
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