Re: [PHP-DB] mysql query

2013-08-21 Thread Daniel Krook

It's hard to tell from the code formatting in your email what the exact 
problem might be, but a few reasons that this might fail in PHP rather 
than when sent to MySQL with hardcoded values:

1.  var_dump/print_r $_POST to see what you're getting as input is what 
you expect (and sanitize!).

2.  Check that the SQL statement concatenation in PHP is building the 
string you're expecting. It looks like you're joining 2 strings when 
defining $sql2 that doesn't leave a space between the close parentheses 
and values. Compare this against what you're sending on the command 

3.  Get rid of all single quotes... escape your double quotes where 
needed. This will avoid any variable-in-string interpolation errors and 
may help you find the issue with input data. Same with your echo $sql2 
statement... that's not going to give you the same thing as the print_r 
below it.


Daniel Krook
Software Engineer, Advanced Cloud Solutions, GTS

IBM Senior Certified IT Specialist - L3 Thought Leader
The Open Group Certified IT Specialist - L3 Distinguished
Cloud, Java, PHP, BlackBerry, DB2  Solaris Certified

Ethan Rosenberg wrote on 08/21/2013 
07:48:12 PM:

 From: Ethan Rosenberg
 To: PHP Database List
 Date: 08/21/2013 07:48 PM
 Subject: [PHP-DB] mysql query
 Dear List -
 I can't figure this out
 mysql describe Inventory;
 | Field   | Type| Null | Key | Default | Extra |
 | UPC | varchar(14) | YES  | | NULL |   |
 | quant   | int(5)  | NO   | | NULL |   |
 | manuf   | varchar(20) | YES  | | NULL |   |
 | item| varchar(50) | YES  | | NULL |   |
 | orderpt | tinyint(4)  | NO   | | NULL |   |
 | ordrpt_flag | tinyint(3)  | YES  | | NULL |   |
 | stock   | int(3)  | YES  | | NULL |   |
 Here are code snippets -
$upc   = $_SESSION['UPC'];
$qnt   = $_POST['quant'];
$mnf   = $_POST['manuf'];
$itm   = $_POST['item'];
$odrpt = $_POST['oderpt'];
$opf   = $_POST['ordrpt_flag'];
$stk= $_POST['stock'];
$sql2 = insert into Inventory (UPC, quant, 
 manuf, item, orderpt, ordrpt_flag, stock)
  .values ('$upc', $qnt,'$mnf','$itm', 
 odrpt, 0, $stk);
$result2 = mysqli_query(cxn, $sql2);
echo '$sql2br /';
echo br /$upc $qnt $mnf $itm $odrpt $opf 
 $stkkbr /;
if (!$result2)
  die('Could not enter data: ' . 
 The mysql query fails.  I cannot figure out why.  It works from the 
 command line.
 PHP Database Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP-DB] mysql query

2013-08-21 Thread Daniel Krook

What about:

$result2 = mysqli_query(cxn, $sql2);

Doesn't look like you're sending it a connection link as a variable ($cxn) 
and that's passed through as a literal?


Daniel Krook
Software Engineer, Advanced Cloud Solutions, GTS

IBM Senior Certified IT Specialist - L3 Thought Leader
The Open Group Certified IT Specialist - L3 Distinguished
Cloud, Java, PHP, BlackBerry, DB2  Solaris Certified

Ethan Rosenberg wrote on 08/21/2013 
11:59:19 PM:

 From: Ethan Rosenberg
 To: Daniel Krook/White Plains/IBM@IBMUS
 Cc: PHP Database List
 Date: 08/21/2013 11:59 PM
 Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] mysql query
 On 08/21/2013 11:30 PM, Daniel Krook wrote:
 It's hard to tell from the code formatting in your email what the 
 exact problem might be, but a few reasons that this might fail in 
 PHP rather than when sent to MySQL with hardcoded values: 
 1.  var_dump/print_r $_POST to see what you're getting as input is 
 what you expect (and sanitize!).
 2.  Check that the SQL statement concatenation in PHP is building 
 the string you're expecting. It looks like you're joining 2 strings 
 when defining $sql2 that doesn't leave a space between the close 
 parentheses and values. Compare this against what you're sending 
 on the command line.
 3.  Get rid of all single quotes... escape your double quotes where 
 needed. This will avoid any variable-in-string interpolation errors 
 and may help you find the issue with input data. Same with your echo
 $sql2 statement... that's not going to give you the same thing as 
 the print_r below it.
 Daniel Krook
 Software Engineer, Advanced Cloud Solutions, GTS
 IBM Senior Certified IT Specialist - L3 Thought Leader
 The Open Group Certified IT Specialist - L3 Distinguished
 Cloud, Java, PHP, BlackBerry, DB2  Solaris Certified 
 Ethan Rosenberg wrote on 08/21/
 2013 07:48:12 PM:
  From: Ethan Rosenberg 
  To: PHP Database List 
  Date: 08/21/2013 07:48 PM 
  Subject: [PHP-DB] mysql query 
  Dear List -
  I can't figure this out
  mysql describe Inventory;
  | Field   | Type| Null | Key | Default | Extra |
  | UPC | varchar(14) | YES  | | NULL |   |
  | quant   | int(5)  | NO   | | NULL |   |
  | manuf   | varchar(20) | YES  | | NULL |   |
  | item| varchar(50) | YES  | | NULL |   |
  | orderpt | tinyint(4)  | NO   | | NULL |   |
  | ordrpt_flag | tinyint(3)  | YES  | | NULL |   |
  | stock   | int(3)  | YES  | | NULL |   |
  Here are code snippets -
 $upc   = $_SESSION['UPC'];
 $qnt   = $_POST['quant'];
 $mnf   = $_POST['manuf'];
 $itm   = $_POST['item'];
 $odrpt = $_POST['oderpt'];
 $opf   = $_POST['ordrpt_flag'];
 $stk= $_POST['stock'];
 $sql2 = insert into Inventory (UPC, quant, 

  manuf, item, orderpt, ordrpt_flag, stock)
   .values ('$upc', $qnt,'$mnf','$itm', 

  odrpt, 0, $stk);
 $result2 = mysqli_query(cxn, $sql2);
 echo '$sql2br /';
 echo br /$upc $qnt $mnf $itm $odrpt $opf 

  $stkkbr /;
 if (!$result2)
   die('Could not enter data: ' . 
  The mysql query fails.  I cannot figure out why.  It works from the 
  command line.
 Daniel -
 Tried all  your suggestions.
 Sorry, no luck.

Re: [PHP-DB] Installing IBM DB2 drivers onto an Apache Server under Fedora 16 x64 to access IBM POWER7 DB2 via PHP....

2012-05-11 Thread Daniel Krook
Hi Charles,

So you just need to get the Apache on Fedora configured to connect to the 
DB2 servers on AIX?  This is a good a list to ask as any :)

Here are the steps I would take (some of which you might have already 
done... so it's up to you whether you want to start fresh or tweak my 

This is based on RHEL / CentOS using DB2 v9.7, so it might be slightly 
different for you.

(Sorry for the top post, it's easier to write this all up front.)

1. Download the DB2 Runtime Client. Based on the specs you mention, it 
would be:

   IBM Data Server Runtime Client (Linux AMD64 and Intel EM64T)
   ibm_data_server_runtime_client_linuxx64_v10.1.tar.gz  (613 MB)

2. Install and configure the DB2 RC (I use 9.7, so modify this for 10.1):

   tar -xzvf ibm_data_server_runtime_client_linuxx64_v9.7.tar.gz
   cd rtcl
   echo no  rsp.txt
   ./db2_install  rsp.txt
   groupadd db2iadm1
   useradd db2inst1 -g db2iadm1
   /opt/ibm/db2/V9.7/instance/db2icrt -s client db2inst1
   echo '. /home/db2inst1/sqllib/db2profile'  /etc/sysconfig/httpd # 
Assuming yum install of httpd... otherwise put it in apachectl

2. Then either download the PHP and IBM DB2 extension source (instructions 
here:, or use Zend 
Server (which I recommend if you want to manage everything with yum, 
including the DB2 drivers).
   Install, then add the php-5.3-ibmdb2-zend-server extra package (you 
could also install the PDO one).

3. Catalog the remote system (optional... you'd just use a lengthier 
connection string in step 4)

   . /home/db2inst1/sqllib/db2profile
   db2 catalog tcpip node aixbox1 remote server 5 
remote_instance db2inst1 ostype aix
   db2 catalog database sample as sample at node aixbox1 

4. Test your connection from /var/www/html/index.php.

   $conn_resource = db2_connect($db2_name, $db2_user, $db2_pass);
   if ($conn_resource) {
   echo 'Connection to database succeeded.';
   } else {
   echo 'Connection to database /';
   echo 'SQLSTATE: ' . db2_conn_error() . 'br /';
   echo 'Message: ' . db2_conn_errormsg(). 'br /';

Hope that gets you on the right track.


Daniel Krook, IBM L2 Certified IT Specialist
Software Engineer, Advanced Cloud Technology, GTS, IBM
Cloud Architecture, Java EE, PHP, BlackBerry, DB2  Solaris Certified

Charles W Buege wrote on 05/11/2012 09:48:08 AM:

 From: Charles W Buege
 Date: 05/11/2012 09:52 AM
 Subject: [PHP-DB] Installing IBM DB2 drivers onto an Apache Server 
 under Fedora 16 x64 to access IBM POWER7 DB2 via PHP
 All - 
 I know that this topic only vaguely relates to this mailing list, 
 but I thought I'd start here.  If anyone has a better location for 
 me to look at for this information, please feel free to tell me. 
 Okay, here's my scenario.  We are an IBM POWER7 shop and have 
 several instances of Apache running on our POWER7 for customer 
 information lookup, part ordering, etc.  What I am attempting to do 
 is setup a web server as a virtual machine in Fedora 16 as a front-
 end to all of these servers to perform the following tasks: 
 - centralized access to all of the sites - a table of contents/central 
 - a server that, when the POWER7 is down for backup and/or 
 maintenance, it can provide a 'Temporarily Out Of Service' message 
 to any users attempting to access these sites with a message of 'The
 system is down for (whatever the reason).  It will be back up by 
 - Another development/deployment platform other than our POWER7 for 
 testing/learning/etc. since setting up a virtual host on Apache 
 under Linux means that it is something that I can do instead of 
 involving our POWER7 administrator since he is as busy as I am 
 Here is what I have done so far.  I've got the Apache running on the
 Fedora 16 box no problem.  I'm getting good phpinfo() results, so 
 all good there.  I'm trying to follow IBM's instructions for getting
 DB2 drivers using the following sites: 
 Setting up the PHP environment on Linux or UNIX - http:// 
 which lead me to this page to get the IBM Data Server Driver Package
 mentioned in bullet point three 
 Download initial Version 10.1 clients and drivers - http:// 
 which I did download and that page sent me to here: 
 Installing IBM Data Server Driver Package (Linux and UNIX) - http:// 
 where, after reading this page, I attempted to run the 
 installDSDriver which apparently requires ksh to be installed to run
 so I downloaded

Re: [PHP-DB] PHP with a XML database

2007-01-26 Thread Daniel Krook
Hello Ritesh,

Ritesh Nadhani [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 01/26/2007 05:48:27 PM:

 Writing our own parsing thing is out of question. The group has
 finalised to use a proper DB rather then writing our own code.
 Moreover, we believe that the code written by a good DB engine would
 be much more efficient then writing our own module and we are no
 database experts :)
 So now its a question of which XML DB to use. After 
 Christophers mail,
 we would give Oracle a run in next weeks.
 Lets see

pureXML in DB2 v9 may be an option to explore. It treats XML as a native 
data type.  You could load in the benchmark data XML
and query it with SQL to get your reports.

Look for the free Express-C edition and use the new PECL extension ibm_db2 
(not the odbc_* functions).

DB2 9: pureXML Guide

DB2 XML (pureXML) wiki

DB2 Express-C

Daniel Krook
Content Tools Developer - SCSA, SCJP, SCWCD, ZCE
Global Production Services - Tools,

PHP Database Mailing List (
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[PHP-DB] PDO prepared statement placeholders oddness (DB2)

2006-02-16 Thread Daniel Krook
Hello folks,

I'm trying to pass an array of parameters to a statement I've prepared 
with '?' placeholders.  For example (all columns are varchar 50):

  $sql = 'INSERT INTO SOME_TABLE (COL1, COL2, COL3) VALUES (?, ?, ?)'
  $params = array('val1', 'val2', 'val3');

I've achieved the results I want with other interfaces using the following 

Unified ODBC:
  $stmt = odbc_prepare($this-db, $sql);
  $result = odbc_execute($stmt, $params);
The ibm_db2 extension:
  $stmt = db2_prepare($this-db, $sql);
  $result = db2_execute($stmt, $params);
But I can't get either of the following to do the same with PDO:

This fills all columns with 'val3':
  $stmt = $this-db-prepare($sql);
  $result = $stmt-execute($params);
This fails with a segfault at bindValue (I can't be sure of the number of 
placeholders in $sql or how many values to manually bind from $params, so 
I do it in a loop (I've also tried a foreach)):
  $stmt = $this-db-prepare($sql);
  $size = count($params);
  for ($i = 0; $i  $size; $i++) {
echo $params[$i];
$stmt-bindValue($i + 1, $params[$i]);
  $result = $stmt-execute();
This is PHP 5.1.2 on SLES 9.   I don't see anything related in

Configure was
./configure --with-IBM_DB2 --with-pdo-odbc=ibm-db2,/home/db2inst1/sqllib 
--with-ibm-db2 --with-apxs2=/opt/IBMIHS/bin/apxs --enable-maintainer-zts

Any thoughts?


Daniel Krook, Content Tools Developer
Global Production Services - Tools,

PHP Database Mailing List (
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