[PHP-DB] Form-element for selecting data

2009-07-11 Thread Erik Pasman


I am looking for a Form-element for selecting data from one collection to
another. You can see it as 2 multi-select boxes where you can move selected
items from left to right or vice versa (Select 1 item select all, unselect 1
item, unselect all).


Does anyone know some scripts that can do this for me?


Kind regards,


[PHP-DB] ODBC - PHP - Unicode problem

2006-02-07 Thread Erik .

Hi all,
I have an elusive problem with PHP and ODBC.
I want to use ODBC to contact a MSSQL server on an NT box, from a linux 

FreeTDS driver, no problem
unixODBC, no problem
I can contact the correct database on the NT box through isql and tsql, no 

I can make a command-line PHP script that queries the database, no problem

BUT when I try to run the exact same script over a webserver (apache 1.3.34) 
I get the error Can't initiate unicode conversion and the db connection 
never gets made.

Now I have no idea where to look.
Any pointers?


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[PHP-DB] Struggling

2004-05-04 Thread Erik Meyer
Hope someone can help me.

I have two tables:


The structure is as follows:

evt_details evt_sponsors

evt_detail_id   (INT)(PK)   evt_sponsor_id (INT)(PK)
evt_detail_title(CHAR)  evt_sponsor_name (CHAR)
evt_sponsor_id1 (INT) NON-NULL
evt_detail_date (date)
evt_sponsor_id2 (INT) NULL
evt_sponsor_id3 (INT) NULL
evt_sponsor_id4 (INT) NULL

Now, the event can have either 1 sponsor, 2 sponsors, 3 sponsors, or 4

Is there a way where I can return a result whether it has 1, 2, 3, or 4
since some of the events will  not have a 2d,3d, or 4th sponsor, a
combination of 1  2, 1,2,3, or all 4 depending on the values in the table?

Here is the query I have:

SELECT e.evt_detail_title, a.evt_sponsor_name, b.evt_sponsor_name,
FROM evt_sponsors a, evt_sponsors b, evt_sponsors c, evt_sponsors d,
evt_details e
WHERE e.evt_detail_date = DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 DAY) AND
e.evt_sponsor_id1=a.evt_sponsor_id AND
  (e.evt_sponsor_id2=b.evt_sponsor_id OR e.evt_sponsor_id2=0) AND
   =c.evt_sponsor_id OR e.evt_sponsor_id3=0) AND
(e.evt_sponsor_id4=d.evt_sponsor_id OR e.evt_sponsor_id4 =0)

Thanks for the help,
Erik W. Meyer

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RE: [PHP-DB] headers and if statements

2004-04-30 Thread Erik Meyer
Have you tried:
?php if (!$login=1) {header(Location: loginerror.php);)?

-Original Message-
From: Daniel Clark [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, April 30, 2004 4:19 PM
To: matthew perry
Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] headers and if statements

Hum.  Is $logIn null at times?!?!

 ?if($logIn != 1) {header(Location: loginError.php);}?

 Why does this direct me to loginError.php even when $logIn = 1?

 - Matt

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RE: [PHP-DB] headers and if statements

2004-04-30 Thread Erik Meyer
I am testing now testing it with the ==, silly mistake

-Original Message-
From: John W. Holmes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, April 30, 2004 4:38 PM
To: Erik Meyer; PHP-DB
Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] headers and if statements

From: Erik Meyer [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Have you tried:
 ?php if (!$login=1) {header(Location: loginerror.php);)?

Uhmm... Have _YOU_ tried that???

= vs == ?


---John Holmes...

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[PHP-DB] RE: [PHP] Adding a log file

2003-11-07 Thread Erik Osterman
Consider using this

// STDERR logging function
function warn( $msg, $die = 0 )
$fp = fopen(php://stderr, 'w') or die(Failed to open STDERR);
fwrite($fp, [.strftime(%Y-%m-%d %T).] $msg\n) 
or die(Failed to write to stderr);

This function will log all output to your Apache BASE error log. It's kind
of like Perl's warn function for PHP.

Also, it's good practice to use assertions... look into assert at

Here is some sample usage...

assert_options (ASSERT_ACTIVE, 1);
assert_options (ASSERT_WARNING, 0);
assert_options (ASSERT_QUIET_EVAL, 1);
assert_options (ASSERT_BAIL, 1);
// Create a handler function
function assert_callback ($file, $line, $code) {
$body = file($file);
$code = trim($body[$line-1]);
print hrfont color=redAssertion Failed:/fontbrul
File '$file'br
Line '$line'br
Code '$code'br/ul;
warn(Assertion failed ($code) in $file on line $line '$code');
print hr;
// Set up the callback
assert_options (ASSERT_CALLBACK, 'assert_callback');


Erik Osterman


-Original Message-
From: Robert Sossomon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, November 05, 2003 7:38 AM
Subject: [PHP] Adding a log file

I am seeing some errors with a program I wrote and I need to write
everything to a log file that the program is doing.

The following syntax I KNOW is wrong, but not sure they are important to
put here correctly yet.
//script addtocart
$Addcart (info1, info2)

I am seeing random items NOT being added to my shopping cart.  The
reason, I have no clue. I can pull another catgory of items and the
first 20 will do fine, I go back to the first category I have and the
script seems to work correctly but the data is not written to the
shopping cart.  Problem with the shopping cart???  I wouldn't think so.
Problem with the add page, I don't see how.  So where is the error
coming from?  No clue, which is why I want to log everything.  I use 3
different add pages so that each form uses a different way to add.  This
works for me, and seems to work rather well.  But I need to log
everything on the 3 forms to see where the errors are coming from.


To rest is to rust. 

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[PHP-DB] Retreive data from multiple columns by ['tablename.colname']

2003-10-16 Thread Erik Björling

I use a query with multiple tables:
SELECT * FROM cases,status,prio  where cases.statusid=status.id  .
I retreive the data into my variable $line like this.
while ($line = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {.
How can I retreive data from $line without using the index value as 
integers for example $line[13]
I would like to write $line['cases.id'] to retreive 'id' data from the 
table 'cases' in a SQL-manner. But I get an error message regarding unknown 
index 'cases.id'.

Is there an easy solution to this? Is there another sign then '.' or should 
I use other names for my 'id'-columns such as c_id, s_id etc.?


Erik Björling

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[PHP-DB] Re: [PHP] Difficulty on how to extract data out of a text with string functions.

2002-03-06 Thread Erik Price

On Wednesday, March 6, 2002, at 01:49  PM, Andy wrote:

 I want to include some data into my website which covers malaria and 
 feewer related to each country.

To each his own, I suppose...

 Now I have a table in a MySQL db naming all those countries. The goal 
 is to
 extract the Yellow fever and Malaria line and put it into a mysql table
 related to the countries.

 I saw that PHP has some good functions on text, but do u guys think this
 could be done??? Doing it by hand could take alng loong 

You've got the right idea to write a script that can enter the data into 
the database, but PHP may not be the best language to do it.  PHP is 
especially good at extracting data from text files or a database and 
then displaying it as HTML or any other format.  If you want to enter 
the data into the database, take a look at the mysqlimport utility 
(which comes with most MySQL distributions).
What I would do is write a Perl script that runs through the text file 
you made, and rearranges the data to be more acceptable to mysqlimport 
(I think mysqlimport requires its input in tab-delimited format).  You 
could either write this rearranged data to a new file and run 
mysqlimport on that, or in Unix you can pipe the output from the Perl 
script directly to mysqlimport.

The hard part is really going to be writing the Perl script, but I bet 
it won't be very hard.  It really depends on how the data in your text 
file is arranged -- i.e., is it consistent, or random?  I'm hoping that 
the actual file is a little more consistent than the examples you 
provided (i.e., not every entry has a malaria line or yellow fever 
line, and some entries have altitudes and capitals while others 

If it's consistent, a Perl guru could probably help you with little 
trouble -- check out www.perlmonks.org.  (Sorry, but I am far from a 
Perl guru.)


Erik Price
Web Developer Temp
Media Lab, H.H. Brown

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[PHP-DB] Re: [PHP] if variable is equal to 2 through 4

2002-02-06 Thread Erik Price

On Wednesday, February 6, 2002, at 04:10  PM, Jay Fitzgerald wrote:

 i am currently using this code:

 if ($variable == 2) || ($variable == 3) || ($variable == 4)
 echo hello;

 how would I write it if I wanted to say this:

 if $variable == 2 through 4 ???

if ($variable = 2)  ($variable = 4)

Erik Price
Web Developer Temp
Media Lab, H.H. Brown

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2001-12-07 Thread Erik Price

I thought that short tags were illegal in XHTML and XML.
But I could be wrong.

On Friday, December 7, 2001, at 01:53  PM, Steve Haemelinck wrote:

 Hi Guys

 I am developing with PHP and XML. Now I experience some problem with the
 processing instructions of xml (?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?)
 which causes PHP to return a parsing error.
 This is logical because ? is also the short-tag processing instruction 
 PHP.  Does anybody got an idea how to solve this problem without 
 the short-tags in the php.ini fiel ?


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SV: [PHP-DB] mssql_connect() commandline problem

2001-08-14 Thread Erik

I wrote a script (? phpinfo(); ?) and executed it from the commandline
(php script.php  test.txt)
turns out text.txt doesnt have sybase support listed at all - which the
apache version of phpinfo has.
could this be the problem? and if so, how do i enable sybase support for the
commandline php?
or can i setup so i run the apache configured php from the commandline also?

thank you for your previous answer!

 Sounds like you might be working with 2 different versions of php:
 Mod-php for Apache in the web environment, stand-alone php operating in
 the shell. You might want to start by ensuring that the stand alone
 version is compiled -with mssql. Try running phpinfo() in the shell?

 Erik wrote:

  When running a (php 4.0.6) script (on redhat 6.1) using mssql_connect()
  directly on the shell with php -q script.php i get a fatal error:
  Call to undefined function:  mssql_connect()
  But this error does not occur when running the script through a browser
  (apache webserver)
  What's the deal here?
  Erik Kaber

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