Re: [PHP-DB] Accessing my variables

2004-02-11 Thread Fedde van Feggelen

My problem is:

I have an include file:
Inside that file I have:
$myVariable = xankjndckjnskncd;

now I have a index.php that has:

Print $myVariable;
Anyone got a clue on this one?

Depends on what your problem is, not really a clear problem description here ;)

and it has to be
include (; instead of include (';


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Re: [PHP-DB] Question

2004-02-09 Thread Fedde van Feggelen

You've got some unclosed statements. Try using tabs for each statement to 
make it easier on yourself
if ($iusetabs == true){
echo  like this ;

And in your code.. things go wrong here:
echo /table;
echo input type='submit' value='See how you did' name='submit';
echo /form;
} elseif ($submit) {
$score = 0;
$total = mysql_num_rows($result);

good luck to you



~= The sum of the intelligence on the planet is a constant; the population 
is growing. =~

Re: [PHP-DB] SMTP authentication

2004-02-09 Thread Fedde van Feggelen

I want to ask you, how I must setup my PHP.INI file, to send e-mail from my
Web Site if my SMTP server requires authentication. Otherwise, I want to
know if exits some kind of public SMTP sever that I could use.

I think you don't need to adjust your php.ini for that, just use the right 
params for sending the mails.
Isn't somthing like this is what you need? (got it from: Or did i get your question wrong?

$recipients = [EMAIL PROTECTED];

$headers[From]= [EMAIL PROTECTED];
$headers[To]  = [EMAIL PROTECTED];
$headers[Subject] = Test message;
$body = TEST MESSAGE!!!;

$params[host] = smtp.server;
$params[port] = 25;
$params[auth] = true;
$params[username] = user;
$params[password] = password;
// Create the mail object using the Mail::factory method
$mail_object = Mail::factory(smtp, $params);
$mail_object-send($recipients, $headers, $body);



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Re: [PHP-DB] How to do freeform text search across multiple fields ??

2004-01-25 Thread Fedde van Feggelen

What I wanna do is make it possible to search for partial content in
model,variant, and type fields, all 3 at the same time, or each individually
as the user insentive too ...
//assuming you got a POST from the form :)
reset ($_POST);
while (list ($key, $val) = each ($_POST)) {
$$key = $val;
if(!(empty($model))) {
$searchstring .=  AND model LIKE '$model';
if(!(empty($variant))) {
$searchstring .=  AND variant LIKE '$variant';
if(!(empty($fields))) {
$searchstring .=  AND fields LIKE '$fields';
$query = SELECT * FROM cpu WHERE cpuID  '0' $searchstring ORDER BY 
$connection = mysql_connect($HOST, $USERNAME, $PASSWORD);
$SelectedDB = mysql_select_db($DBNAME);
$result = mysql_query($query);

It's a bit quick and dirty, because you need something like the cpuID  
'0' to make this to work. But its a start right ;)



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Re: [PHP-DB] viewing search result

2004-01-05 Thread Fedde van Feggelen

str_replace(' ','%',$searchwords);

$query=select * from table where colom like '%$searchwords%'  order by id
desc ;

Use limit in your select statement.



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Re: [PHP-DB] Skipping a row

2003-12-18 Thread Fedde van Feggelen

I have a select statement that goes to my mySQL db and selects some data
from there. I thought it was working great BUT it is skipping the first row.
Any ideas? I know it has to be somehting simple I am missing.
What is the SQL statement you're currently using?


~=There's a fine line between genius and insanity. I have erased this line=~

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Re: [PHP-DB] pathinformation from file-field

2003-10-06 Thread Fedde van Feggelen

how can I get the pathinformation you can see in the file-field if you
chose one file within a formular for transfer. ?



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Re: [PHP-DB] MYSQL Query problem...

2003-09-21 Thread Fedde van Feggelen

is there something wrong with my SQL Query? I didnt get any results 
neither errors..

$link = mysql_connect('localhost', 'username') or die('Cannot connect to 
the database.');
$SQLQuery = INSERT INTO profyles (username, fname, mname, lname, address, 
country, gender, sexuality, status, bday, race, yahoo, msn, icq, email, 
webpage, hair, bodytype, eye, height, weight, facialhair, hobbies, 
interests, aboutme, profession, food, music, tvshows, authors, movies, 
rolemodel, place, visit, online, picture) VALUES ('$user', '$firstname', 
'$middlename', '$lastname ', '$address, '$country', '$gender', 
'$sexuality', '$status', '$birthday', '$race', '$yahoo', '$msn', '$icq', 
'$email'. '$webpage', 'haircolour', '$bodytype', '$eyecolour', '$height', 
'$weight', '$facialhair', '$hobbies', '$interest', '$aboutme', 
'$profession', '$food', '$music', '$tvshows', '$authors', '$movies', 
'$rolemodel', '$place', 0, 'y' , 'y');
'$email'. '$webpage'  -- shouldn't this be:'$email', (comma 



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Re: [PHP-DB] Unique user ID?

2003-09-06 Thread Fedde van Feggelen

Ow, but is there not a way to recognize a user the next time he logs in?
Ehm, you could use the user's ip address, and hope it isn't a dynamic one. 
Or you'll just have to use a cookie.


Fedde van Feggelen

~= Even a broken clock is right at least twice a day =~

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