Re: [PHP-DB] retaining and displaying line returns in a text field

2006-01-06 Thread Jordan Miller

The function you need is called nl2br:


On Jan 6, 2006, at 5:34 AM, swoll2 wrote:

Good morning -

I'm trying to get a text field with line returns in it to be stored,
retrieved, and displayed the way it gets entered.

Specifically, my users use a form field (html textarea) to enter some
remarksas they enter their remarks, they can hit Enter to  
insert a hard

return, which is reflected in the textarea on their screen.

Example entry:
this is line1.
this is line2.
this is line3.

Those remarks get uploaded into a mysql db, into a field defined as  
a text

field named rmks.

If I use PhpMyAdmin to browse the table, it shows the entry with  
the lines

separated, but there are no /n's or other control characters visible.

Later, the field is retrieved from the db using a php script and  
assigned to
a variable $rmkswhen I echo $rmks, it displays on a single line  

the line returns, like this:

this is line1.this is line2.this is line3.

I have tried to work with addslashes and stripslashes, but neither has
worked.  I think I'm just missing something basic

Appreciate any help or points to previous  

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Re: [PHP-DB] var_dump and sizeof database entry?

2006-01-05 Thread Jordan Miller

whoa, that was EXACTLY what I needed. Thanks!!

On Jan 5, 2006, at 6:14 PM, Bastien Koert wrote:

select *, (length(image_fiedl)/1024) as Kb from table [where  
clause] to get the size


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[PHP-DB] var_dump and sizeof database entry?

2006-01-05 Thread Jordan Miller


This is stumping me something awful. I have searched the archive of  
this mailing list and google and the php and mysql websites with  
everything i can think of.

I have a simple mysql table with some basic columns and a blob column  
that holds an image file. What I need to get is the size of this  
image file for use with an rss feed (the enclosure "length" parameter).

In the simplest case, I thought I would just read the entire blob  
into a variable, and then I would be able to get the size of this  
variable. However, php does not seem to have a function to do this.  
Inexplicably, the "var_dump" command will actually dump the  
information I want, but it is very memory inefficient, because I get  
something like:

["preview"]=> string(17888) "ENTIRE CONTENTS OF BLOB HERE"

where all I really want is the 17888 value (for a 17.5 KB file).

What I was wondering is if there is a simple way to get this  
information from mysql directly without having to 1) select the blob  
column and 2) do a var_dump with output buffering and parsing for the  
parenthetical file size, which seems very inefficient to me.

any insight is greatly appreciated.


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Re: [PHP-DB] Getting Started..

2005-09-19 Thread Jordan Miller
Man, he was just asking a simple question, no need to criticize every  
little aspect of etiquette. Please allow me to be a hypocrite and  
critique your criticism:

1) If his question gets buried in Yui's thread, no big deal, no one  
will answer and he will ask it again in a few days. If someone does  
answer, no second email needed. No harm, no foul.

2) No, the confidentiality notice is not *necessary* according to a  
strict definition. However, many people that work in the 'real world'  
actually have *no* control over this as it is automagically added to  
the end of every email leaving their email servers, **regardless** of  
user-settings. This is server-side code, not client-side. No harm, no  

And yes, as you can probably tell by now, I don't have a problem with  
top posting either. I apologize if I have offended someone.  
Nevertheless, no need to point me to the Usenet diatribes... you  
won't sway me.


On Sep 19, 2005, at 7:26 PM, Miles Thompson wrote:

People don't like top posting, but I'm doing it for a reason. See  
what's at the end 

1. Clint - Don't hijack threads. Some people use threaded mail  
clients, and your "getting started" will end up under Yui's thread.
2. Is it *necessary* to have a confidentiality notice that's just  
about equal in bulk to your message? If it's part of a canned sig,  
why not create a little simple one for this list.

On to your question. Since you don't have all the code posted here,  
I suspect something is going on earlier in the file. Maybe you have  
an opening PHP tag, and a line without a semi-colon to terminate it.

Why not try again, with just a single line file:

Once that works, then expand it.

Regards - Miles Thompson

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Re: [PHP-DB] Question on CURDATE()

2005-09-13 Thread Jordan Miller

Oh, my bad. I was trying to remember how I did something like this  
before, stringing together a lot of "WHERE"s. You're right, though,  
it wasn't "WHERE", it was "OR".

I think you need "OR" instead of "AND", OR else I'm just totally out  
to lunch tonight:


The syntax error is that something cannot be >= AND <= the same thing  
at the same time!

I have had this problem before in the past. You say to yourself,  
well, I need all of the records, so that intuitively makes you choose  
"AND" when in SQL it should technically be "OR"  (you want the  
records that are true for each of these operators separately, NOT at  
the same time, which for most records is impossible).

Also, you may want to take away one of the "=" signs, or you may get  
something "=" to CURDATE() twice (not sure how SQL handles this).

Maybe try (taking out one of the "="):

Maybe it's just late over here. Has anyone else run into this same  


On Sep 13, 2005, at 10:36 PM, Micah Stevens wrote:

You can't do that in SQL, that would give you a big fat syntax error.

On Tuesday 13 September 2005 7:45 pm, Jordan Miller wrote:


Did you try putting "WHERE" twice?



On Sep 13, 2005, at 9:08 PM, reclmaples wrote:

I am trying to write a statement that will basically do this:


But for some reason I can only use one CURDATE() reference in my sql
statement, does anyone know why?  Is there a way I can get around

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Re: [PHP-DB] Question on CURDATE()

2005-09-13 Thread Jordan Miller


Did you try putting "WHERE" twice?



On Sep 13, 2005, at 9:08 PM, reclmaples wrote:

I am trying to write a statement that will basically do this:


But for some reason I can only use one CURDATE() reference in my sql
statement, does anyone know why?  Is there a way I can get around  

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Re: [PHP-DB] DATE(r)

2005-09-09 Thread Jordan Miller

You need to use:
date('Y-m-d H:i:s');

It's in the comments at:


On Sep 9, 2005, at 12:52 PM, Ron Piggott wrote:


I am trying to for the first time create a table with a column that is
defined as datetime

I wanted to populate that column with the date(r) command.

date(r) on my web site gives this response:

Fri, 9 Sep 2005 13:32:19 -0400

How may I manipulate date(r) to give a format which is compatable  
to the

column type

-00-00 00:00:00
-MM-DD 24:59:59


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[PHP-DB] Re: [PHP] Help: Get the value of pi up to 200+ digits?

2005-09-01 Thread Jordan Miller

strange, with your code, mine cuts out at 49 significant digits:

it must be a system-specific limitation.

we need more information on what you are trying to do, *exactly*. be  
as detailed and specific as possible.

On Sep 1, 2005, at 10:57 AM, Wong HoWang wrote:

Dear Jordan,

I know what you mean. But you may try this one and you will know:

the result is the same as 16!!!

So that's why I ask this question! I am not stupid like that!

Please help, thx!

"Jordan Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

precision sets the number of significant digits, *NOT* the number of
digits displayed after the decimal point.

If you want to get pi out to 16 decimal places you need a  
precision  of

*17* because the beginning 3 is a significant digit.

Your code does exactly this, displaying pi with 15 decimal places.


On Sep 1, 2005, at 8:06 AM, Wong HoWang wrote:

Dear all,

I'm trying to do like this but failed:

How can I get more digits after . ?

Can anyone help? Thx!

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Re: [PHP-DB] Storing an array on a table?

2005-09-01 Thread Jordan Miller
Yes, this has been mentioned in this thread. But with serialize/ 
unserialize, you can run into other problems that may be more  
confusing/difficult to troubleshoot. e.g.:

>As you can see, the original array :
>$arr["20041001103319"] = "test"
>after serialize/unserialize is:
>$arr[683700183] = "test"

yepp, and i can explain it.

the internal compiler of php does not hit anys rule wich foces him  
to make that number a string during serialisation. since it becomes  
an integer and php supports 32bit interger not arbitary bitwidth  
this is what happens:

equals hexadecimal:


if you cut away the frontpart cutting down to 32bis,
you get:


wich equals 683700183.

For simple arrays, I prefer storing everything as a simple imploded  
string. YMMV.


On Sep 1, 2005, at 10:18 AM, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Sorry, didn't catch this thread from the beginning, but did anyone  
recommend trying the serialize() and unserialize() commands?   
They'll convert the array to a block of text that can be stored,  
retrieved and unserialized.

My gut instinct is that if you're trying to store any array in a  
database, you may not have thought through your design very well.
BUT.. I also know that there are cases where you might want to  
(I've actually done it before... being lazy in that case..hah) so  
dont take that as criticism, just wondering if there's a "more  
right" way to do it.

If that's what you need to do though, definitely check out  
serialize (unless someone knows something I don't).

Serialize() should do essentially what's being proposed below, just  
without having to figure out what string may not be in your array.

good luck!


= = = Original message = = =

if you just have a simple array with automatic numeric keys and text
you could just implode the data to a string with a separator not
found in your data:
$dataArray = array("hello", "goodbye", "etc.");
$storable = implode("", $dataArray);
// $storable becomes "hellogoodbyeetc."

//then, use explode to get the original array back again
$dataArray = explode("", $storable);

you could use a similar technique if you want to put the keys in as
well, albeit slightly more complicated (e.g. use "" to separate
each element in the array and "||" to separate each key from its
value). Just find a divider you know your data will not contain, such
as a pipe: "|".

This has worked well for me.


On Sep 1, 2005, at 8:55 AM, Miguel Guirao wrote:

I want to store an array into a field on a MySQL table, Is it
posible to
save it? Maybe into a string field?

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Re: [PHP-DB] Storing an array on a table?

2005-09-01 Thread Jordan Miller
if you just have a simple array with automatic numeric keys and text  
you could just implode the data to a string with a separator not  
found in your data:

$dataArray = array("hello", "goodbye", "etc.");
$storable = implode("", $dataArray);
// $storable becomes "hellogoodbyeetc."

//then, use explode to get the original array back again
$dataArray = explode("", $storable);

you could use a similar technique if you want to put the keys in as  
well, albeit slightly more complicated (e.g. use "" to separate  
each element in the array and "||" to separate each key from its  
value). Just find a divider you know your data will not contain, such  
as a pipe: "|".

This has worked well for me.


On Sep 1, 2005, at 8:55 AM, Miguel Guirao wrote:

I want to store an array into a field on a MySQL table, Is it  
posible to

save it? Maybe into a string field?

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Re: [PHP-DB] Brain not working, help needed :-)

2005-08-29 Thread Jordan Miller

you can also do this to save room without having to create $varname:

${"id".$num} = "some text";


On Aug 29, 2005, at 12:10 AM, Micah Stevens wrote:

Hi Chris,

You can use variable variables.. like this:

$num = 2
$varname = "id".$num;
$$varname = "id2 is stored here!";

It's in the docs in the variables section..


On Sunday 28 August 2005 11:45 pm, Chris Payne wrote:

Hi there everyone,

I have the following code:

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql_result)) {

   $id = $row["id"];

   $video_link = $row["video_link"];

   $video_thumbnail = $row["video_thumbname"];

   $video_title = $row["video_title"];

   $video_description = $row["video_description"];


Now I’ll be shifting through my MySQL array 6 items at a time,  
what I’d
LIKE to be able to do is store each item in a number string on  
each pass.
In other words, the first loop would see $id being called  
something like

$id1, the second pass in the loop it would be $id2 and so on.

I THOUGHT I could do this by putting a $count ++ in the loop and  
then doing
something like $id$count or something like $id.$count but neither  
this may sound odd but I REALLY need to be able to do this so how  
can I
name a string that has to contain the data from a row successively  

on each loop so that it doesn’t overwrite the data on the previous

I have 6 items on the page so I can hardcode  for item 1 and
 for item 2 etc …. But with the layout of the page being
able to
do it THIS way would be MUCH better than having to set the table  
itself up

to handle it.

Any help on this (Probably very easy) but annoying problem would  

appreciated ;-)


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Re: [PHP-DB] Re: maximum number of records in a db?

2005-08-26 Thread Jordan Miller


Wow, thank you very much for an actual answer. It is much appreciated.

I am sorry that people like to ridicule noobs on this list. It was a  
simple question with a simple answer. Thank you!!


On Aug 26, 2005, at 10:45 AM, Dan Baker wrote:

"Jordan Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message

I was just wondering what is the maximum number of records that  
can  be
successfully handled with a db. any db will do. it doesn't have  
to  be the
fastest or best, just one that can hold the maximum number of   
records and

still be able to interact well with php. any ideas?

Using MySQL with PHP:
I believe that a MyISAM table has a maximum row count of 2^32
(4,294,967,296) rows.
I believe that an InnoDB table *may* not have this limit.

There is no limit on the # of rows in a table, see:

Remember that there are other limits (like diskspace, and the time  
it takes

to perform a query on the data, indexing the data ...)
If you are concerning about the row limit, you may need to re-think  



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Re: [PHP-DB] maximum number of records in a db?

2005-08-26 Thread Jordan Miller
i am talking about individual records, not putting all records into a  
very long string, if that's what you are saying. i know people  
routinely use millions of records... but how about billions or more?


On Aug 26, 2005, at 10:29 AM, Miles Thompson wrote:

At 12:11 PM 8/26/2005, Jordan Miller wrote:

I was just wondering what is the maximum number of records that can
be successfully handled with a db. any db will do. it doesn't have to
be the fastest or best, just one that can hold the maximum number of
records and still be able to interact well with php. any ideas?


This is a useless question. Here's the matching answer: The number  
of records any database can hold matches the length of a piece of  

Seriously - do some homework, visit the host sites and read the  
specs. A lot depends on what you intend to store.

As for "interacting well" - push the string.


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[PHP-DB] maximum number of records in a db?

2005-08-26 Thread Jordan Miller
I was just wondering what is the maximum number of records that can  
be successfully handled with a db. any db will do. it doesn't have to  
be the fastest or best, just one that can hold the maximum number of  
records and still be able to interact well with php. any ideas?


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Re: [PHP-DB] SQL Injection attack

2005-08-25 Thread Jordan Miller

"Version: 4.3.0
Description: This function became deprecated, do not use this  
function. Instead, use mysql_real_escape_string()."


On Aug 25, 2005, at 2:15 PM, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Using mysql_escape_string should be good enough by itself.

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