Re: [PHP-DB] short text strings with apostrophes and forms

2006-04-20 Thread Luis Morales

I suggest use htmlentities/html_entity_decode functions. For example to
update the db with values use:

$myCol = htmlentities($mycol_value);

Ej: query

$query = update my_table set myCol='{$myCol}' where id = 'id_val';

Now when your application restore the data from the db you can use:

$mycol_value = html_entity_decode ($myCol);

$mycol_value: is the value from html form
$myCol: is the name of your colum's table to update in your query.

Good luck,


Luis Morales 

On Thu, 2006-04-20 at 17:56 +0200, Jeffrey wrote:
 I have an application which calls up some data from a MySQL table and 
 puts it into a web form for users to modify.
 One of the cells holds a text string which is put into a text input 
 field. However, if that text string includes an apostrophe, all text 
 after the apostrophe disappears.
 For example, if the test string from a database cell reads...
 Fix the managers' cars by Tuesday
 and that is saved in the variable $some_text, which is called up in a 
 input type='text' name='some_variable' value='$some_text'
 The text field on the web page will only contain...
 Fix the managers
 How can I get the text field to show the entire string?
 Many thanks,
Luis Morales 
Consultor de Tecnologia
Cel: +(58)416-4242091
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Re: [PHP-DB] Retricting Access to Menu Items

2006-03-07 Thread Luis Morales

Take this tips:

Before load your html main tags put:

$person = array ();

$_SESSION['person'] = $person;



Then try get the person array from another php page, using the same
schema for that.


Luis Morales 

On Mon, 2006-03-06 at 21:32 -0800, MIGUEL ANTONIO GUIRAO AGUILAR wrote:
 Now that you mention it!!
 I tried to use sessions but without success, i did:
 but after log in as a different user, it keeps taking the data of the 
 previous user. If I close the browser window and reload the page and log in, 
 then it takes de current user
 Maybe I'm not killing the previous session! session_unset();
 Do I need to propagate the Session ID on every page that use session_start()??
 Can I use session_id();?
 Best Regards,
 Miguel Guirao
 - Mensaje original -
 Fecha: Lunes, Marzo 6, 2006 7:37 ombr
 Asunto: Re: [PHP-DB] Retricting Access to Menu Items
  I've done this kind of thing with a number of web apps.
  What I usually do is create a user table in MySQL with a user-name, 
  password and access level, which has an integer value.
  When a user logs in successfully, a session is created (see 
  session_start() in php documentation), the access level is pulled 
  the user table and saved as a session variable. Then it is a simple 
  matter of using bits of code like...
  if ($_SESSION['access_level']  7){
  echo some stuff;
  In your example, you will also want to check the user's access 
  level on 
  each restricted page - it is not enough to hide menu options. Users 
  could simply type the URL in.
  I hope that's clear.
  Good luck,
  Jeff Broomall wrote:
   Good morning everyone.
   I'm building a very simple content management site that tracks 
   The options available are:
1. Add Task
2. Edit Task
3. View Task
4. Print Task
   I need to restrict some users to only View and Print and I'm 
  trying to find a way to tell the page not to load the menu options 
  (the text) for those not having access to the Add and Edit functions.
   IOW, they would only see View and Print.
   I have three basic users:
1. System Admin
2. Subject Matter Expert (SME)
3. Viewers
   Obviously the System Admin and SME will have full access so it's 
  the Viewers that are to have access to only View and Print.
   I have a users table but haven't set it up for the distinction.  
  What I was thinking was creating a field labeled users_group and 
  assign a numeric value for each user using the numbering system above.
   I have my page load the menu options:
   Homebr /
   View Tasksbr /
   Edit Taskbr /
   Add Taskbr /
   into here...
   table width=90% border=1 cellspacing=10 cellpadding=0 
trtd colspan=2h1 id=mainheadICAO Tasks #8212; 
   td align= center valign=top nowrap=nowrap width=10%
Menubr /
?php include ('./includes/menu.html'); ? --The menu above 
  inserted here.

   td valign=top class=content 
   How can I tell the system not to load the last two lines unless 
  they are a System Admin or SME?
   I read a chapter on Cookies/Sessions...but it wasn't that helpful 
  for this case.
   Can I setcookie('user_group', '3') and use that somehow???
   Am I in the ballpark with this solution?
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Re: [PHP-DB] PHP, MySQL and Apache

2006-02-27 Thread Luis Morales
Hi kinfe,

To connect to myql from php you only need build your php with mysql

Now, for render vxml documents you are using apache o IIS ? 

I recommend LAMP (Linux+Apache+Myql+Php)


Luis Morales 

On Mon, 2006-02-27 at 16:07 +0100, Kinfe Tadesse wrote:
 Hi all,
 I intend to create a database to be accessed from a voice application. I 
 plan to use MySQL as a database engine and PHP as a scripting language to 
 generate dynamic VoiceXML documents. However, I have two questions I could 
 not get answers to:
  1. Do I need to install Apache to work with MySQL and PHP? In other words, 
 can MySQL and PHP work together without Apache. Note: The database and the 
 application are on the same machine for the timebeing.
 2. What database API should be used? I recently read about MyODBC. But many 
 standard books skip this part as if PHP and MySQL have something natural to 
 talk to eachother without requiring anything like ODBC, etc.
 Your answers to these questions are highly appreciated!
 Best regards,
 Kinfe T. 
Luis Morales 
Consultor de Tecnologia
Cel: +(58)416-4242091
Empieza por hacer lo necesario, luego lo que es posible... y de pronto
estarás haciendo lo imposible

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Re: [PHP-DB] Tracking Site Version

2006-02-23 Thread Luis Morales

Subversion it's the best...

On Thu, 2006-02-23 at 13:05 -0800, Micah Stevens wrote:
 On Thursday 23 February 2006 12:44 pm, Alex Major wrote:
  Hi there,
  I'm currently working on my website which is now live, and was wondering
  how some of you more experienced web developers record site developments if
  you do.
  I'm thinking of perhaps creating a page on the site where I record the site
  version, and changes made during the update. Just wondering if any of you
  had a similar system, or if you had any suggestions for recording site
  changes etc..
  Many thanks,
Luis Morales 
Consultor de Tecnologia
Cel: +(58)416-4242091
Empieza por hacer lo necesario, luego lo que es posible... y de pronto
estarás haciendo lo imposible

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Re: [PHP-DB] Generate Report

2006-02-22 Thread Luis Morales

Let's go here..! 

--- generate_report.php --
// this script only build query

switch ($_REQUEST['submit']){
  case Generate:
// first extract group
$query = ;
if(count($_REQUEST['sel_group'])  0){
  $wval = array ();
  foreach($_REQUEST['sel_group'] as $k = $v){
$wval[] = groups_id='{$v}';
  //extract the columns 
  $scols = array ();
  if(count($_REQUEST['sel_cols]')  0){
foreach($_REQUEST['sel_group'] as $k = $v){
  $scols[] = {$v};
//building query
$where = join(' AND ', $wval);
$sel_cols = join(',', $scols);
$query = SELECT {$sel_cols} FROM tasks WHERE {$where};


//if $query is empty you can catch this case as an error because
there is not any group or selected columns


//reset your form


fieldsetlegendGenerate Report/legend

form action=generate_report.php method=post
TABLE BORDER=1 cellpadding=5 cellspacing=5
TD rowspan=2 valign=bottomstrongSelect
TD colspan=2strongSelect Columns/strong/TD
TDstrongCategory One/strong/TD
TDstrongCategory Two/strong/TD

TD align=left valign=top
input name=sel_group[] type=checkbox value=1Group ABR
input name=sel_group[] type=checkbox value=2Group BBR
input name=sel_group[] type=checkbox value=3Group CBR
input name=sel_group[] type=checkbox value=4Group DBR

TD align=left
input name=sel_cols[] type=checkbox value=Column
input name=sel_cols[] type=checkbox value=Column
input name=sel_cols[] type=checkbox value=Column
input name=sel_cols[] type=checkbox value=Column
input name=sel_cols[] type=checkbox value=Column
input name=sel_cols[] type=checkbox value=Column
TD align=left
input name=sel_cols[] type=checkbox value=Column
input name=sel_cols[] type=checkbox value=Column
input name=sel_cols[] type=checkbox value=Column
input name=sel_cols[] type=checkbox value=Column
input name=sel_cols[] type=checkbox value=Column
input name=sel_cols[] type=checkbox value=Column


input name=submit type=submit value=Generate


-- end generate_report.php --

Good Luck Buddy!!


Luis Morales 

On Tue, 2006-02-21 at 23:06 -0500, Jeff Broomall wrote: 
 I thank those who promptly responded to my first inquiry on the list.
 This second request is, I assume, a tad more challanging.
 I need a Generate Report function that'll allow the user to select one or 
 more groups and what columns he would like to view.
 For instance,
 fieldsetlegendGenerate Report/legend
 form action=generate_report.php method=post
 TABLE BORDER=1 cellpadding=5 cellspacing=5
 TD rowspan=2 valign=bottomstrongSelect Group(s)/strong/TD
 TD colspan=2strongSelect Columns/strong/TD
 TDstrongCategory One/strong/TD
 TDstrongCategory Two/strong/TD
 TD align=left valign=top
 input name=sel_group[] type=checkbox value=1Group ABR
 input name=sel_group[] type=checkbox value=2Group BBR
 input name=sel_group[] type=checkbox value=3Group CBR
 input name=sel_group[] type=checkbox value=4Group DBR
 TD align=left
 input name=sel_cols[] type=checkbox value=Column AColumn 
 input name=sel_cols[] type=checkbox value=Column BColumn 
 input name=sel_cols[] type=checkbox value=Column CColumn 
 input name=sel_cols[] type=checkbox value=Column DColumn 
 input name=sel_cols[] type=checkbox value=Column EColumn 
 input name=sel_cols[] type=checkbox value=Column FColumn 
 TD align=left
 input name=sel_cols[] type=checkbox value=Column GColumn 
 input name=sel_cols[] type=checkbox value=Column HColumn 
 input name=sel_cols[] type=checkbox value=Column IColumn 
 input name=sel_cols[] type=checkbox value=Column JColumn 
 input name=sel_cols[] type=checkbox value=Column KColumn 
 input name=sel_cols[] type=checkbox value=Column LColumn 
 input name=submit type=button value=Generate
 Let's say the user wants to view Group A and Group B AND view content from 
 the Coulmn A, Column B, Column D, and Column K.
 So a checkmark would be placed within each box and the Generate Report 
 button would be hit to generate a report with titles situated 
 I'm assuming I'll need to create an array for both sel_group

Re: [PHP-DB] Creating checkbox list.

2006-02-21 Thread Luis Morales

first you need connect to the database y attach on this example a litle
extension class of Pear DB class. I suppose that your case use mysql

this is an example: 


require_once db.clas.php

$DB = array ();
$DB['type'] = 'mysql';
$DB['host'] = '';
$DB['user'] = 'youruser';
$DB['password'] = 'yourpassword';
$DB['dbname'] = 'yourdb';

function myCheck($op){
 global $DB;
 $mdb = new mdb;
 $out = ;
 $q = select * from checkbox_table order by groups_name;
 if($db-db_dbArray($DB, $q)){
 $checked = ($db-_db['data'][$i]['groups_id'] == $i) ? checked :
 $out .= input name='sel_group[]' type='checkbox'
 return $out;

form name=checkbox method=post action=?= $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']?
?= myCheck($_REQUEST['sel_group']) ?

On Tue, 2006-02-21 at 20:52 -0500, Jeff Broomall wrote:
 Good evening.
 I'm sure this is something easy so I'm hoping you can simply steer me to a 
 good source.
 I simply need to create a Checkbox list using data from my groups table.
 I have a table with two fields:
  1)  groups_id
  2)  groups_name
 The data contained is simple:
  groups_id groups_name
  1Group A
  2Group B
  3Group C
  4Group D
 I would like to dynamically create a checkbox selection similar to:
 input name=sel_group[] type=checkbox value=1Group ABR
 input name=sel_group[] type=checkbox value=2Group BBR
 input name=sel_group[] type=checkbox value=3Group CBR
 input name=sel_group[] type=checkbox value=4Group DBR
 So I need a script that'll take this information from the groups table
 and create the above.  Can you help?
 As I look at this, I believe I'm going to need to create an array for my 
 final report.  So I just added the [] after sel_group.
Luis Morales 
Consultor de Tecnologia
Cel: +(58)416-4242091
Empieza por hacer lo necesario, luego lo que es posible... y de pronto
estarás haciendo lo imposible

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Re: [PHP-DB] Issues with Oracle

2006-02-20 Thread Luis Morales
Creo q tu problema esta con la forma de conexion contra oracle, trata de
usar contexiones persistentes contra la base de datos. 

Te anexo una clase que desarrolle y estoy usando desde hace mas de 4
años, quizas te ayude. 

En tu servidor local instala el soporte a pear y luego ejecutas:

pear install DB

Con esto ya estaras listo para usar la clase. Te anexo un instructivo de
como usarla:

crear un pagina php:

--- index.php --


require_once db.class.php;

$DB = array ();
$DB['type'] = 'oci8';
$DB['host'] = '';
$DB['server'] = '';
$DB['user'] = 'scott';
$DB['password'] = 'tiger';
$DB['dbname'] = 'demo';

$db = new mdb;
$q = select (1+1) from dual;

if($db-db_dbArray($MDB, $q)){
  echo hr;
  echo $db-_db['debug'];
  echo hr;



Luis Morales

On Mon, 2006-02-20 at 15:22 -0400, ERNESTO PENALOZA wrote:
Luis Morales 
Consultor de Tecnologia
Cel: +(58)416-4242091
Empieza por hacer lo necesario, luego lo que es posible... y de pronto
estarás haciendo lo imposible

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Re: [PHP-DB] handling of checkboxvalues

2006-02-13 Thread Luis Morales

ok... if you put your using echo: 

echo input type='checkbox' name='aus_id[]'

Or over html :

input type='checkbox' name='aus_id[]' value='?=
$aus_konto['konto'] ?'

On this way both samples must be ok.

Good luck

Luis Morales 

On Sun, 2006-02-12 at 10:33 +0100, Ruprecht Helms wrote:
 Luis Morales wrote:
  you can do this...
  form name='my_form' method='post' action='form.php'
  input type='checkbox' name='user_loeschen[] value=?= $id ? id=?=
  input type=submit name=submit value=send form

 Actually I have written this script to check the checkbox. This bring me 
 an error telling me that I have
 forgot to set a ; but I think I ve coded something wrong with simple and 
 dopple quots.
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Luis Morales 
Consultor de Tecnologia
Cel: +(58)416-4242091
Empieza por hacer lo necesario, luego lo que es posible... y de pronto
estarás haciendo lo imposible

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Re: [PHP-DB] handling of checkboxvalues

2006-02-11 Thread Luis Morales

you can do this...



if($_POST['submit'] == 'send form'){
--- put here your sql statement to delete user ---
ej... delete from users where id = '{$_POST['user_loeschen'][$i]}'


form name='my_form' method='post' action='form.php'
input type='checkbox' name='user_loeschen[] value=?= $id ? id=?=
input type=submit name=submit value=send form

On Sat, 2006-02-11 at 17:48 +0100, Ruprecht Helms wrote:
 I want to have a function that delete some customers. The customers will 
 be selected by cklicking on in checkboxes.  This is the line I codes the 
 input type='checkbox' name='user_loeschen[] value=id id=.[User-ID].
 How can I use the checkboxvariable within another script and handle the 
 id-value?  I little codescripplet will help me.
Luis Morales 
Consultor de Tecnologia
Cel: +(58)416-4242091
Empieza por hacer lo necesario, luego lo que es posible... y de pronto
estarás haciendo lo imposible

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Re: [PHP-DB] screen resolution!

2006-02-06 Thread Luis Morales

you can do use auto resize if you use 0% over height and width table's
html tags.


table allign=center height=0% width=0%
  put your table content ---


Luis Morales 

On Mon, 2006-02-06 at 09:28 -0800, Micah Stevens wrote:
 Yes, there is. It's called HTML.
 You might think me daft, but HTML was actually created to allow the page to 
 adapt to screen size. The oldest technology on the block is actually the 
 thing to use in this situation, otherwise you're just creating extra work for 
 A simple example:
 table width=800px - This works great, looks great, until you have a 
 640x480 screen. Instead, try this:
 table width=80%  (this scales according to screen size)
 table (this scales according to content size + screen size)
 It really sounds like this is a problem with your web page design, not php or 
 However, you could indeed do as others suggested and create multiple pages.. 
 That really sounds like more work than it's worth though. 
 On Monday 06 February 2006 1:38 am, JeRRy wrote:
  Yes I know this but there is no script that can re-write webpages on the
  fly for certain resolutions?
Instead of re-doing each page for each res.?
With the technology these days I thought someone would of created
  something like this, so you create a website than you put it through a
  program that re-does the HTML for the resolutions you set and bingo the
  results are spat out and you add it to the site and use a little script to
  redirect depending on their set resolution.
  PHP Superman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Or you can have a page which detects resolution by javascript and
  redirects to another PHP page with the resolution data
On 2/4/06, Bastien Koert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  As the other poster mentioned you need JS to detect the screen widththe
  usual approach is to use js to detect the screen res and the include the
  appropriate CSS file to match the screen res.
  Subject: [PHP-DB] screen resolution!
  Date: Sun, 5 Feb 2006 02:44:19 +1100 (EST)
 I have written a website in PHP using MYSQL.  But I have come accross
   an un-common problem.  Normally when I create a website it's done on a
   desktop PC.  But this time for the first time I did it on laptop meaning
   the screen resolution is different.
 Is there any sort of script/code I can use to create another section of
  my site in a desired screen resolution without me having to do it all
 I know of many scripts online that I can DETERMINE visitors screen
  resolutions and recommend the correct one but don't know one that will
  adjust the website to suit that visitors screen resolution.  Am aware of
  scripts that redirect to another web page but that requires you to write
  the website again to cater for that.
 Is there a quicker way/solution?
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Luis Morales 
Consultor de Tecnologia
Cel: +(58)416-4242091
Empieza por hacer lo necesario, luego lo que es posible... y de pronto
estarás haciendo lo imposible

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Re: [PHP-DB] PostgreSQL 7.2 - 8.0 replication issue

2005-06-27 Thread Luis Morales

I write an litle procedure about migration from postgres 7x to 8x. 

this is the link:

In Resume you must be do:

On current DB Server:
su - postgres
pg_dumpall  /tmp/db.out

On remote DB Server:
copy db.out to new location on new server
su - postgres 
psql -f db.out template1

Good Luck! 


Luis Morales

On Mon, 2005-06-27 at 15:46 -0300, Martín Marqués wrote:
 El Lun 27 Jun 2005 15:31, Mark Galbreath escribió:
  I have to upgrade a web app from PHP 4.3.11 with PostgreSQL 7.2 to PHP 
 with PostgreSQL 8.0.3.
  Currently I have PHP4 (as Apache 2.54 mod on port 80) and PHP5 (default CGI 
 mode on port 8181) running concurrently on my DEV box.  I installed 
 PostgreSQL 8.0.3 on the DEV box as well.
  On the PostgreSQL 7.2 server, I did a pg_dumpall  db.out and ftp'd db.out 
 to the PostgreSQL 8.0.3 (DEV) server.  When I attempt to pg_restore db.out, 
 the PostgreSQL archiver aborts with the error: input file does not appear to 
 be a valid archive
 Never used pg_restore. I just do this:
 $ psql -f db.out
 Always worked for me.
 select 'mmarques' || '@' || '' AS email;
 Martín Marqués  |   Programador, DBA
 Centro de Telemática  | Administrador
Universidad Nacional
 del Litoral

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Re: [PHP-DB] connection from Linux/Apache/PHP/Freetds to MSSQL

2005-06-15 Thread Luis Morales

I have some experience with odbtp project. This project offer an better
api to connect MSSQL databases than freetds. 

Take an look on :  you can also verify the
examples on this page:

It's very easy to use.

Have a nice day,


Luis Morales 

On Wed, 2005-06-15 at 23:02 +0200, Flp Tams wrote:

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Re: [PHP-DB] Moving data from one MySQL table to another

2005-05-19 Thread Luis Morales
Try do that whit phpmyadmin.


Luis Morales

Bastien Koert wrote:

 if the archive tables structures are identical and no processing needs
 to be done, why not use a 'select into table where ' and use the ids
 of the records to choose the ones that move?


 From: Jeffrey [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [PHP-DB] Moving data from one MySQL table to another
 Date: Thu, 19 May 2005 15:19:48 +0200

 I'm working on a web application and one of the things I am doing is
 creating an archiving function that would move older data to archive
 tables in order to minimise the amount of data in the  active tables.
 This so that the data that is being used more frequently can be
 accessed faster by the users.

 My approach in building the archive function is:

 1) SELECT query on the data
 2) mysql_fetch_array to put the data into an array
 3) INSERT subqueries to put the data into the archive tables.

 My concern is that in some cases, hundreds of rows of data would need
 to be moved  - which could lead to awfully big arrays. However, the
 archiving function is likely to be used infrequently - not more than
 1 or 2 times per week.

 This leads to two questions:

 1) Could such a big array cause performance problems or worse?
 2) Is there a better way?

 Many thanks,


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Re: [PHP-DB] Connecting to MS Access DB in PHP, on Linux, Apache

2005-05-14 Thread Luis Morales

Take a look on:

My personal suggest is to use odbtp whith pear DB interface.


Luis Morales

rob wrote:

 Anyone got any good websites or resources on how to connect to an
 access database and perform sql querrys etc, in Linux running apache?

 or if anyone has the connection strings required

 thanks in advance !!

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Re: [PHP-DB] Need some help

2005-05-12 Thread Luis Morales
Why not use a sessions ?

once posted your process form, you can store the final results on
session vars and passing the results to other pages.

Take a look on on session topic.


Luis Morales

Murray @ PlanetThoughtful wrote:

Sorry but this isn't working.  The variable $ttl_price is a calculation in
my first script.  It stores the value of $Total_Price for all items.  I am
trying to pass that to a new page.  It isn't a form that I'm working with,
do I need to make it a form?  I would greatly appreciate any help you

The $_POST[] superglobal is only available to a page directly following a
page with a form on it, when the form's method set to 'POST'.

Id $ttl_price a single value or an array?

If you are not using a form, you could possibly pass the value on the query
string, then use $_GET[] in your target page to retrieve the value from the
query string. This doesn't require the presence of a form on your
originating page.

Otherwise, you could also use sessions to put the value into a session
cookie and then retrieve it from the target page, using the $_SESSION

How are you moving from the page in which the calculation is done to the
page in which you need the calculation? Ie, do you click on a button, a
link, do you redirect to the page etc?

Much warmth,



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Re: [PHP-DB] Where are my form variables?

2005-05-04 Thread Luis Morales

The best way is made an var_dump of $_POST array vars:

? var_dump($_POST) ?


Luis Morales

Juffermans, Jos wrote:


If you expect your variables to be generated automatically, you may find
that newer versions of PHP have that disabled by default - because it's less

Try to read $_POST{formfieldname} to get your data...

To quickly find out all the post data that you received:
   print pre; print_r($_POST); print /pre;


-Original Message-
Sent: 03 May 2005 07:41
Subject: [PHP-DB] Where are my form variables?


I created a form with five text boxes, method=post and action=myscript.php;
but I can't see the variables at the target script, why?

Do I need a special sintaxis for accesing the POST array?



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Re: [PHP-DB] dbase and Debian

2005-03-23 Thread Luis Morales
Leo G. Divinagracia III wrote:

Ricardo Markiewicz wrote:

Unfortunately, I can't convert the dbf files to SQL tables, so, i need
dbase support in PHP :(
connect via ODBC, perhaps?  then ADOdb or PEAR it?
you can do that. why not try with an class from I 
use dbf to mysql or symilar to export dbf data base to mysql or any RDBM.

Luis Morales
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[PHP-DB] Concurrent rutines

2004-07-20 Thread Luis Morales
Does any know how run many procedures concurrently over php. For example:
$init = current_time;
While (($t  $timeout ) and ($allresult == 0 ) ){
   $t = current_time - $init;
   $r[1] = app1;
   $r[2] = app2;  
   $r[n] = appn;
   $allresult = $r[1]  $r[2]  ...  $r[n];

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