Re: [PHP-DB] use php variable within postgresql query

2023-06-12 Thread Michael Oki
Meanwhile, you should probably use prepared statements to avoid SQL

On Mon, 12 Jun 2023 at 16:03, e-letter  wrote:

> First, sorry for the mistake to type a sanitised version of code.
> Should have been:
> "$query=$_GET['databasecolumn'];"
> After some rtfm, confused as a non-computer-programmer why it is
> necessary to set the $_GET parameter.
> The overall simple scenario is to view a postgresql database in a
> series of html web pages of more details of data ("drill down"?).
> php code within html file 1:
> "
> $databasequery=pg_query($databaseconnection,'SELECT
> databasecolumn1,
> databasecolumn2 FROM databasetable');
> if (!$databasequery) {
> echo 'rubbish code';
> exit;
> }
> while
> ($databasequery1=pg_fetch_assoc($databasequery)) {
> echo '
>  href="localfile.php?databasecolumn1='.$databasequery1['databasecolumn1'].'">'.$databasequery1['databasecolumn1'].'';
> echo ' '
> .$databasequery1['databasecolumn2'].'';
> ';
> }
> "
> The first html file shows successfully the a list of hyperlinks from
> the database, for tuples in 'databasecolumn1'. The desired behaviour
> is that the second html file shows another database query result for
> each tuple in the first html file, i.e. more detail from the database
> for each tuple in 'databasecolumn1'.
> php code within html file 2:
> "
> $databasequery2=pg_query($databasequery1);
> $databasequery3=pg_query("SELECT * FROM databasetable WHERE
> databasecolumn1='{$databasequery2['databasecolumn']}'");
> echo $databasequery3
> "
> The html file 2 shows:
> "
> resource id#3
> "
> The expected result was to show all columns for the row constraint
> (...WHERE ...)
> It seems that the use of a php variable within a postgresql query is
> not understood. What relevant terminology to read next please?
> --
> PHP Database Mailing List (
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*Thanks In Advance,*

*Michael OKI*

*"Impossible Is Nothing"*

*Scan and share QR codes on the mycodescanner

BTA Certified Blockchain Solution Architect & IEEE member

Re: [PHP-DB] Bluefish for PHP

2013-08-23 Thread Michael Oki
Simply install wamp server and save yourself from separate installation of
MySQL,PHP,Apache server,phpMyAdmin and sqlite.
Check the link below.

On 23 August 2013 01:29, Ethan Rosenberg erosenb...@hygeiabiomedical.comwrote:

 Dear List -

 How do I configure Bluefish for PHP?  I am running version 2.2.4 of



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Re: [PHP-DB] Bluefish for PHP

2013-08-23 Thread Michael Oki
Install Komodo IDE or Adobe Dreamweaver. They'll highlight errors and

On 23 August 2013 08:20, Lester Caine wrote:

 Ethan Rosenberg wrote:

 Dear List -

 How do I configure Bluefish for PHP?  I am running version 2.2.4 of

 I'd forgotten about bluefish. You should not need to do anything. PHP
 files are just processed as PHP? But it's more an HTML editor and geared to
 producing and verifying HTML so not as good when editing code. My Eclipse
 setup does a very similar job on the html/js and css so I've not used it in
 many years. I don't think the colour selections were very good if memory

 Lester Caine - G8HFL
 Contact -**contact
 L.S.Caine Electronic Services -
 EnquirySolve -
 Model Engineers Digital Workshop -
 Rainbow Digital Media -**uk

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Re: [PHP-DB] mysql query

2013-08-22 Thread Michael Oki
Try the insertion like this:
$sql2 = mysql_query(insert into Inventory (`UPC`
, `quant`, `manuf`, `item`, `orderpt`, `ordrpt_flag`, `stock`)
.values ('$upc', $qnt,'$mnf','$itm',
'$odrpt', '0', '$stk')  ) or die(mysql_error());

On 22 August 2013 05:10, Daniel Krook wrote:


 What about:

 $result2 = mysqli_query(cxn, $sql2);

 Doesn't look like you're sending it a connection link as a variable ($cxn)
 and that's passed through as a literal?


 Daniel Krook
 Software Engineer, Advanced Cloud Solutions, GTS

 IBM Senior Certified IT Specialist - L3 Thought Leader
 The Open Group Certified IT Specialist - L3 Distinguished
 Cloud, Java, PHP, BlackBerry, DB2  Solaris Certified

 Ethan Rosenberg wrote on 08/21/2013
 11:59:19 PM:

  From: Ethan Rosenberg
  To: Daniel Krook/White Plains/IBM@IBMUS
  Cc: PHP Database List
  Date: 08/21/2013 11:59 PM
  Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] mysql query
  On 08/21/2013 11:30 PM, Daniel Krook wrote:
  It's hard to tell from the code formatting in your email what the
  exact problem might be, but a few reasons that this might fail in
  PHP rather than when sent to MySQL with hardcoded values:
  1.  var_dump/print_r $_POST to see what you're getting as input is
  what you expect (and sanitize!).
  2.  Check that the SQL statement concatenation in PHP is building
  the string you're expecting. It looks like you're joining 2 strings
  when defining $sql2 that doesn't leave a space between the close
  parentheses and values. Compare this against what you're sending
  on the command line.
  3.  Get rid of all single quotes... escape your double quotes where
  needed. This will avoid any variable-in-string interpolation errors
  and may help you find the issue with input data. Same with your echo
  $sql2 statement... that's not going to give you the same thing as
  the print_r below it.
  Daniel Krook
  Software Engineer, Advanced Cloud Solutions, GTS
  IBM Senior Certified IT Specialist - L3 Thought Leader
  The Open Group Certified IT Specialist - L3 Distinguished
  Cloud, Java, PHP, BlackBerry, DB2  Solaris Certified
  Ethan Rosenberg wrote on 08/21/
  2013 07:48:12 PM:
   From: Ethan Rosenberg
   To: PHP Database List
   Date: 08/21/2013 07:48 PM
   Subject: [PHP-DB] mysql query
   Dear List -
   I can't figure this out
   mysql describe Inventory;
   | Field   | Type| Null | Key | Default | Extra |
   | UPC | varchar(14) | YES  | | NULL |   |
   | quant   | int(5)  | NO   | | NULL |   |
   | manuf   | varchar(20) | YES  | | NULL |   |
   | item| varchar(50) | YES  | | NULL |   |
   | orderpt | tinyint(4)  | NO   | | NULL |   |
   | ordrpt_flag | tinyint(3)  | YES  | | NULL |   |
   | stock   | int(3)  | YES  | | NULL |   |
   Here are code snippets -
  $upc   = $_SESSION['UPC'];
  $qnt   = $_POST['quant'];
  $mnf   = $_POST['manuf'];
  $itm   = $_POST['item'];
  $odrpt = $_POST['oderpt'];
  $opf   = $_POST['ordrpt_flag'];
  $stk= $_POST['stock'];
  $sql2 = insert into Inventory (UPC, quant,

   manuf, item, orderpt, ordrpt_flag, stock)
.values ('$upc', $qnt,'$mnf','$itm',

   odrpt, 0, $stk);
  $result2 = mysqli_query(cxn, $sql2);
  echo '$sql2br /';
  echo br /$upc $qnt $mnf $itm $odrpt $opf

   $stkkbr /;
  if (!$result2)
die('Could not enter data: ' .
   The mysql query fails.  I cannot figure out why.  It works from the
   command line.
  Daniel -
  Tried all  your suggestions.
  Sorry, no luck.

Re: [PHP-DB] Re: Problem with query

2013-06-25 Thread Michael Oki
I'm sorry I've not been following the last three responses. In a nutshell,
what EXACTLY does the poster of this issue want?

On 25 June 2013 11:06, Toby Hart Dyke wrote:

 What Jim means is here in the manual:**language.types.array.php#**

 In a nutshell:

 Always use quotes around a string literal array index. For example,
 /$foo['bar']/ is correct, while /$foo[bar]/ is not.

 The reason is that without the quotes, you are generating an undefined
 constant (bar) rather than using a string index ('bar'). It works, but
 could have side effects in the future, so it's bad form to do it.

 As for general politeness, you seem to be unaware of recent history in
 this (an associated) groups. The OP has often committed the ultimate sine.
 Not posting slightly wild code (we've all been/are there!) He doesn't seem
 to listen or learn too well. Many posters (including Jim) have offered a
 lot of of extremely good (and detailed) advice which seems to be rarely


 On 6/25/2013 7:32 AM, OJFR wrote:

 Yeah, Jim, please explain what u mean by Per the manual, associative
 using string indices should always use ' ' around them.  They work (as
 mentioned in the manual) but are wrong. As long as I remember  I could
 associative arrays in that way (ex. $_SESSION['Cust_Num']). There's
 way to do that using string indices? Why do you say it's wrong? It's

 I would like to make a call to all the members of this mailing list:
 knowledge is a wonderful gift so, why we don't share it politely and
 efficiency. Jim, I will take you as an example. You start saying  Against
 my better judgement, here I go again.

Re: [PHP-DB] Re: AJAX/Javascript??

2013-02-11 Thread Michael Oki
Create a form and add a submit button that will run a php file.
The SQL query in the php file will have something like
SELECT custName FROM table WHERE lname='$lname';
This will come after you have retrieved the data from a form like this
$lname = $_POST['lname'];

On 10 February 2013 15:45, Jim Giner wrote:

 On 2/9/2013 10:51 PM, Ethan Rosenberg, PhD wrote:

 I know that this might be an Ajax/Javascript question.  Hopefully you
 can help.  I do not know of any other source for good info.

 I would like to be able to click on one field in a table, and retrieve
 the data in another field.  Here is the information:

 The table is:

 | Field| Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
 | Cust_Num | smallint(5) unsigned | NO   | PRI | NULL|   |
 | Fname| varchar(25)  | NO   | | NULL|   |
 | Lname| varchar(25)  | NO   | | NULL|   |
 | Street   | varchar(25)  | NO   | | NULL|   |
 | City | varchar(25)  | NO   | | NULL|   |
 | State| varchar(2)   | NO   | | NULL|   |
 | Zip  | mediumint(9) | NO   | | NULL|   |
 | Phone| int(10)  | NO   | | NULL|   |
 | Date | date | NO   | | NULL|   |
 | Notes| text | YES  | | NULL|   |
 | P1   | int(3)   | YES  | | NULL|   |
 | P2   | int(3)   | YES  | | NULL|   |
 | P3   | int(4)   | YES  | | NULL|   |

 Click on Lname and retrieve the Cust_Num.

 Here is the sql query that will be used:

 $sql12 = 'SELECT Cust_Num, Fname, Lname, Street, City, State, Zip,
 Phone, Notes FROM Customers WHERE Cust_Num = $_POST['Cust_Num'];

 [I'm actually doing this w/ prepared statements]

  $i = 0;

  $vara2 = array(array($Cust_Num, $Fname,
 $Lname, $Street, $City, $State, $Zip, $Phone, $Notes));
  $vara2[$i][0]= $Cust_Num;
  $vara2[$i][1]= $Fname;
  $vara2[$i][2]= $Lname;
  $vara2[$i][3]= $Street;
  $vara2[$i][4]= $City;
  $vara2[$i][5]= $State;
  $vara2[$i][6]= $Zip;
  $vara2[$i][7]= $Phone;
  $vara2[$i][8]= $Notes;

  $_SESSION['exe'] = 2;

 td class=cn ?php echo $vara2[$i][0]? /td
 td ?php echo $vara2[$i][1]? /td
 tdclass=ln ?php echo $vara2[$i][2]? /td
 td ?php echo $vara2[$i][3]? /td
 td ?php echo $vara2[$i][4]? /td
 td ?php echo $vara2[$i][5]? /td
 td ?php echo $vara2[$i][6]? /td
 td ?php echo $vara2[$i][7]? /td
 td class=first-col?php echo $vara2[$i][8] ?/td
  echo /tr\n;
  $i = $i + 1;
  } while (mysqli_stmt_fetch($stmt)); //end
  $imax = $i;
  echo /table;
  echo /center;

  }//end count($errors_array)

 Any ideas?


  I'm not sure what you are going to do with the customer number when you
 get it since you are outside of php but here's one way of getting it on the

 As you build your html table wtih php, assign an id to the name fields and
 the custno fields, such as 'id=name1' id='name2', etc. and 'id=cust1',
 'it=cust2' and so on.

 On the name field also add an onclick=getCustNo($i) where $i has the value
 of the id value.  Then write a javascript function like:

 function getCustNo(id)
 var cno = cust+id;
 var cname = name+id;
 namefld = document.getElementById(cname)**.value;
 custno = document.getElementById(cno).**value;
 alert(Customer +namefld+ has customer number +custno);

 As I said - I don't know what you think you are going to do now but you
 got it.

 PS - I might have used .value when it should be .innerHTML in the js
 code.  You'll have to experiment.

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