
You are trying to perform an SQL*PLUS command.  I think
you can only perform SQL commands with OCI.  You can
print a ref cursor in SQL*PLUS but you have to handle it
differently with OCI.  Look at the PHP reference manual for

Good Luck,


> Hi again.
> now I´m writing to solve another puzzle of my script...
> on the SQL*Plus I type the following code to get x value:
> print x;
> I trying to do it with PHP this way:
> <?
> $conn = OCILogon ("SYSTEM","manager");
> $cursor = OCIParse ($conn, "print x;end;");
> OCIBindByName ($cursor, ":x", $x, 10);
> $result = OCIExecute ($cursor);
> echo $result;
> ?>
> and this is my error message:
> Warning: OCIBindByName: ORA-01036:not valid name/number  in c:\program
> files\apache group\apache\htdocs\apostila\testes\procedure01f.php on line 7
> Warning: OCIStmtExecute: ORA-06550: line 1, row 14: PLS-00103: Found "X"
> when one of the followed were espected: := . ( @ % ; O símbolo ":="  in c:
> \program files\apache group\apache\htdocs\apostila\testes\procedure01f.php
> on line 9
> any sugestions???
> thanks for all the help I having from you!!!
> Bona
> __________________________
> Visite

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